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19 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:


Hopefully this very handsome Minun proves, uh...helpful, I guess. Why do you have so many of these things?

I have handled the major battles well (considering how often my plans go wrong), and have been (somewhat) careful and lucky through the rest of the game, so I have only lost 6 pokemon/encounters so far. Bit of a spoiler for what is to come, but definitely the  most useful pokemon this fight

Speaking of which


The Winona battle. I actually forget to turn on animations for this...


I open by having @AnonymousSpeed crippling the Swablu, while it goes for a Perish Song, Next I lock it into the Perish Song using Encore , while Winona


Wastes her first potion on this weakling. This was all part of the plan (including intentionally not killing the Swablu), as I switch into


@Interdimensional Observer to setup some screens for prote-


...Uh oh. I was not expecting this, but I probably should have. The AI is willing to switch due to Swablu's Perish Song counting getting her close to death. I was thinking I would have the full Encore time to setup. I got the Reflect off, but


Seeing the Tropius come in makes me go for the Light Screen as well.


The Reflect is doing its job, but I need to switch out quick, as this thing can


setup Sunny Day, with Chlorophyll it can outspeed all of my pokemon and spam one turn Solar Beams, but @Julizan should be able to one-shot it with Overh-


GAHHH...With the Badge Boost he always lives the crit, but that was a particularly low damage roll...and then Overheat missed. This is what I get for relying on a 90 hit move...This could get a little dicey


I switch into @WraithReborn to try and stall out the Sun


Which also lets my own screens run out...


But thanks to Fake Out and Protect, the sun is gone before she has to take a hit, but now it is time to


switch into @Armagon as the sun return. This is going to hurt, but


he lives the Solar Beam, and kills with doubly super effective Ice Beam


Thankfully I gave Armagon a Sitrus Berry, as I am going to NEED him for the Altaria, but I want a little insurance first


Getting confused on the switch is unfortunate, but Anon Speed trivializes this Pelipper


I don't want to kill this yet, but the confusion hurts. It keeps trying to use Protect, but


That just lets me Encore it into Protect for


IO to get up a Reflect, before Anon Speed comes back in


to one-shot it with doubly super effective Spark. Anon Speed baits the AI into switching into Altaria, so I switch into


Armagon to go for the kill. If this beast can setup it will wipe my entire team, but


The greedy fool does nothing to stop Armagon from


using that Ice Beam to one-shot it. Admittedly it would need the crit to kill Armagon, but it didn't even try.


With STAB super effective Steel Wing, this is a threat Armagon can not deal with, but


Anon Speed is a much better matchup, resisting its hit, and two-shotting it


And now


we have come full circle, and


Anon Speed is done playing around.


That Tropius tripped me up for a little bit, but otherwise I agree, a gracefully done pokemon battle. Next time we do a little cleanup with Fly, and take down Brendan for the last time. Although I am not sure if I will have the time to get another update before Monday... we will see.


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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


GAHHH...With the Badge Boost he always lives the crit, but that was a particularly low damage roll...and then Overheat missed. This is what I get for relying on a 90 hit move...This could get a little dicey

That's a real bad turn for you.

Not like it led to a disaster, but the fact it nearly went wrong off Tropius should be saying something.

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7 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:


At this point the only thing keeping me from playing this game is that "22/32 chapters" sign.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:


You would expect me to complain or something.

But no. Moeka still best.

5 hours ago, Sooks said:


...Also I don't know why but the face Okarin is making here is hilarious to me. Probably because Okarin is just generally hilarious to me. He's such a weird-looking protagonist. I love him so much.

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Some hopes for the time (if) we get a XCX port:

Balance out the skills. Some are outright broken (CC comes to mind, obv) and some are utterly useless. 

Balance out the elemental resistances. I never feel like there is a good reason to run an all electric setup, it hardly ever beats anything from what i can remember. 

Nerf Blossom Dance. Simply put, remove the ignores elemental resistance portion of the skill. 

Nerf Offensive Stance and honestly Defensive Stance a bit. They flourish way to much from early game to endgame, any other Aura of their type doesn't compare at all.

Some changes to the weapon types

Beam Saber's need a better way to gain TP for earlygame players, in a bind, the weapon type just lacks in damage without Starfall Rondo as it's only hard hitting art. Their TP gain art is only from front hits and gains like, 50? TP and from memory has around 40 sec cooldown.

I don't have much experience from the Knife weapon type, sadly.

Shield's simply don't focus on Defense like you would think, maybe starting there?

Spear's... Um, i think they rely on Electric a bit too much (Or that could be the SR weapon's, it's been a while haha) And it slows them down alot of the time.

Longsword need's nerfing, yadayadayada.

Dual Swords should focus much more on accuracy and speed with their arts, rather than damage. Overall fair but that's just it: fair.

Psycho Launcher is honestly alright, can't complain too much. Decent support to any weapon type.

Assault Rifle could use some help, maybe deal more damage?

SR needs to break appendages better imo. You're sniping weakpoints, it should hurt.

Gatling Gun has too many loose cannon arts (ha) that just don't support most main weapons at all.

Dual Guns are broken and need nerfing yadayadayada.

Raygun. Ummmm, i think these are pretty good as well. Again, not much experience, haha.



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And yet there's barely any light? I guess it's named after another Cosmo...

Anyway, this is the best racing game I've played in my life. Which isn't saying much, considering the only racing games I've played are various Mario Karts, Diddy Kong Racing and Lego Racers on the N64 like once, but... Yeah. This game is amazing.

I mean, how many racing games are there where you can finish 22nd of 30 and go "no biggie, I'll just murder everyone ahead of me in the next course"? Maybe a lot of them, again, my experience with the genre is limited. But that's just one part of what makes this game so awesome. The controls are buttery smooth, the game feels fast, the courses so far are all super well designed and distinct, it offers a good level of challenge, you can create your own cars, a story mode that plays way differently from the regular racers, 30 characters plus a whole bunch of secret characters I haven't unlocked yet, 5 grand prix cups with 5 courses each... There's so much content here, and it's held up by excellent mechanics and controls.

This franchise's death is a tragedy. Already, I can tell. Mario Kart feels like grannies out for a sunday stroll by comparison.

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These seem to be the final Xenoblade 3 updates for now. First off, we have our Nopon name confirmations


The blue one is Riku while the orange one is Nana. I like how the Twitter account brings attention to Riku's thick eyebrows and not his afro. 


This chart was posted (translation was done a bit fast FYI) and it's mostly things we know but it gives us a bit more on the character dynamics. We also get combat roles and while the Keves side is what i expected, i'm actually more interested in the Agnus side. Mio seems to be a dodge tank, which is a fascinating role for a protagonist. Taion is support but since Eunie's already taken the healer role, my guess is Taion will be more about buffs. Return of Auras, perhaps? Sena is DPS which is great because i was worried she was gonna suffer the same fate as Shield Hammers.

Now the most interesting part here is Totally Not Vandham. XenobladeJP didn't confirm his name like with the Nopon but let's be real, his name is Vandham. Anyways, according to XenobladeJP, in the trailer, Vandham is the one who tells both Noah and Mio (and presumably their respective teams) that they aren't enemies ("you aren't...you're not enemies now"). And looking at it closer, Vandham's clothing doesn't reflect any particular side. Now here's where my theory kicks in: the party is indeed Ouroboros, however, they are only a part of it. Ouroboros as a whole refers to this third group formed of defectors from both sides led by Vandham, as they try to defeat "the real enemy", who or whatever that is. 

Melia's "Ouroboros abhor this world" line also takes on a bit of a different meaning in this context. She's not specifically referring to the party here but rather, the group as a whole.

Anyways i'm looking forward to them. I know i need to put my expectations in check but i do hope they're as good as the Xenoblade 2 cast. The fact that it's so evened out here gives me hope that it does but i mainly just don't want character irrelevancy syndrome like with Xenoblade 1 (and X to an extent).

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How does my brain conceive of this so quickly?

Let the horny flow through you.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:


Okarin looks like The Scream


5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Armagon to go for the kill. If this beast can setup it will wipe my entire team, but


The greedy fool does nothing to stop Armagon from


using that Ice Beam to one-shot it.

Glad to be of service.

I know this is a romhack but uh, i take it Mamoswine isn't in this?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point the only thing keeping me from playing this game is that "22/32 chapters" sign.

That's another thing that keeps me from playing fangames tbh. Every time i see one that interests me, it has a "WIP" sign and i honestly just lose interest. Yes i know games take a while to make and yes i know open/closed betas are a thing but unlike official games, fangames don't have a schedule for anything and whether or not it actually gets finished is up to the life of whoever's making it. So you could play a WIP fangame and then not receive any updates on it for like 5 years and then you forget about it.

Edited by Armagon
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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I know this is a romhack but uh, i take it Mamoswine isn't in this?

None of the Gen 4 evos are.

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Ah, never mind, there's the light.

I will fully admit that seeing the guy in third place's face was what singlehandedly convinced me to give this game a shot when I first saw footage of it.

30 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:



7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Okarin looks like The Scream



Oh man it's true! It's so true! Okarin is the best thing to come out of anime. Do I dare to say S;G is not anime? Even I should have my limits... Or wait, have I already done it?

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's another thing that keeps me from playing fangames tbh. Every time i see one that interests me, it has a "WIP" sign and i honestly just lose interest. Yes i know games take a while to make and yes i know open/closed betas are a thing but unlike official games, fangames don't have a schedule for anything and whether or not it actually gets finished is up to the life of whoever's making it. So you could play a WIP fangame and then not receive any updates on it for like 5 years and then you forget about it.

Yeah, I get what you mean. I feel this but not with a FE hack, but rather a game called Your Turn To Die. I got into it based on a friend's recommendation, and I quite enjoyed the story and the characters... But then I got to the end, and I've been waiting for it to be finished for roughly two and a half years. At this point I've kinda lost interest.

In fairness, though, this used to be much worse. For a ton of years, there was pretty much just The Last Promise, Requiem and later Road to Ruin as finished hacks. That's it, everything else was hopes and dreams. Nowadays, however, hacking has become a lot more intuitive and there's a lot more stuff you can do, so hacks are finished much more often than before. I myself still prefer to play complete hacks, but it's a lot safer to play unfinished hacks these days.

Also, not every hack has skills. Lonely Mirror is a good example of a hack that manages to offer a quite unique and imaginative cast without relying on a skill system. I know this has nothing to do with what you said and I already mentioned Lonely Mirror to you, but any time is a good time to gush about Lonely Mirror.

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Are you playing F-Zero GX @Saint Rubenio?

I have a reason to play a FE-romhack again.

touhou emblem 8: the sacred shrines - Fan Projects - Serenes Forest Forums

Actually no, I will never emulate again.

However still nice to see this!


Anyways first week of new work is done, now time for work on my gaming backlog list.

Will start with the DLC of A Hat In Time and continue Danganronpa 1.

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Gahaaaahahahaahahahaaaaah. 18 skulls. 18 racers whose dreams and hopes I've shattered. Alongside every bone in their bodies. Aaahahahaaaah...

How is Falcon not in prison? No wonder they sent him off to Smash. They needed him to find a new hobby so he'd quit terrorizing the racetrack.

...Man. I've been stuck on Cosmo's Terminal for like 45 minutes. The track itself is relatively simple, but I can't count the amount of times I went off road trying to bash someone else to oblivion. I think this may be my new favorite course in the game, so far. With its straight, diverging paths, you can focus on murderizing the entire opposition.

Just now, Julizan said:

Are you playing F-Zero GX @Saint Rubenio?

Indeed I am. This game is incredible.

Just now, Julizan said:

I have a reason to play a FE-romhack again.

touhou emblem 8: the sacred shrines - Fan Projects - Serenes Forest Forums

Actually no, I will never emulate again.

However still nice to see this!

Toohoo, in Fire Emblem? Somehow I'm not surprised. There's Toohoo in everything. There's even Toohoo in Live a Live for some reason!

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Oh wow, good luck with that!

I lent F-Zero GX for a few weeks some years ago, but did not come far in the story mode. Could not beat the mission with the bomb on the car. The game was so goddamn hard, but what I could play was enjoyable.


I know a Touhou fangame with Fire Emblem gameplay was in development. However  I do not know, if it was finished. It has been years when I heared of it, even forgot its name. 


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's even Toohoo in Live a Live for some reason!


7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gahaaaahahahaahahahaaaaah. 18 skulls. 18 racers whose dreams and hopes I've shattered. Alongside every bone in their bodies. Aaahahahaaaah...

How is Falcon not in prison? No wonder they sent him off to Smash. They needed him to find a new hobby so he'd quit terrorizing the racetrack.

F-Zero was cancelled due to the medical expenses confirmed.

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If you kill five people in one race, you're given an extra life.

This game. This game is too much.

5 minutes ago, Julizan said:

Oh wow, good luck with that!

I lent F-Zero GX for a few weeks some years ago, but did not come far in the story mode. Could not beat the mission with the bomb on the car. The game was so goddamn hard, but what I could play was enjoyable.

Oh yeah, the game is quite difficult. Grand prixes and story missions both. I'm not too far into it yet - I haven't even unlocked the entire story! - but this game is such a blast.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:


2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

F-Zero was cancelled due to the medical expenses confirmed.

Well, to be fair, every dead racer and their machine comes back for the next course, as if nothing happened. Maybe this game just takes place in the far future of the Yakuza universe? Sure, Falcon blows people's machines to bits, but he does so non-lethally. Omg wait that could also mean it takes place in Fateslandia, I can't WAIT to somehow find a way to link this game to Garon.

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15 minutes ago, Julizan said:

If you made it to this song and even beat its mission, then congrats, you are a BADASS racer!

DIZZY (Phantom Road) - F-Zero GX [OST] - YouTube

I've seen it in a grand prix race, but I haven't seen this in the story yet. Only a matter of time, though.


I believe the story has ten chapters.

I believe so, yes. I just unlocked chapter 5. Then, of course, I have to unlock the higher difficulties...

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12 hours ago, Sooks said:

Whew boy this game’s pacing.

yeah S;G0 pacing is something many rightfully complain about

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point the only thing keeping me from playing this game is that "22/32 chapters" sign

I honestly think you'll really really like it.

I like it more than SGW, even

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

i mainly just don't want character irrelevancy syndrome like with Xenoblade 1

yeah. It was really really really bad there, and one of the main reasons i rate XB1 only a 6/10

I only ended up liking Melia and to a lesser extent Dunban for a reason. Unlike 2 where i pretty much like the whole cast.

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1 hour ago, WraithReborn said:

…Are we sure Rubenio hasn’t lost his mind?

Nah, just powertripping is all. Nothing to worry about.

17 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

I honestly think you'll really really like it.

From what you've shown of it, it looks that way. A bit skill bloated, but SGW pulled it off for the most part, no reason this can't.

16 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

I like it more than SGW, even


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38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A bit skill bloated

Honestly, the skill system works really well. 

Usually, every unit has 1 class movement skill (swap, draw back, etc.) 1 personal skill + 1 combat art and sometimes a class skill (but rare, stuff like extra range for Archers and steal for thieves). The rest works in a Radiant Dawn style skill spec system. Each skill comes with a cost and you have capacity depending on class, with fliers having the least capacity and Armors the most.

The good thing is that personal skills and combat arts really really define the units, and not the stats. So for example my Archer was STR screwed until short before promotion (had like 7 str at lvl 15 or so), however thanks to her +1 range archer skill and her Luck based personal skill i kept using her for good chip damage until she got STR unscrewed. My 'Anima' mage also had pretty low Magic, but if he defeats a unit in a chapter he gets +5 ATK against same weapon type, so he works like an in chapter Est. Or my dark Mage with the status reflect skill that i would use for that skill alone, even if she wasn't great otherwise.

Stuff like that makes each unit unique and have a niche and worth using. Also game indirectly nerfed speed by making alot of skills enable/disable doubling upon other criteria, with a skill that even disable said skills and makes doubling work 'normal'. Good to have on your speedy unit.

I will post some personal skill examples when i finish the X chapter i am in since i don't have access to my army now.

And while normal enemies don't have skills, you have boss enemies with skills and dancers with auras more dangerous than many skills. Some bosses have a unique twist to them as well

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10 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Honestly, the skill system works really well. 

Usually, every unit has 1 class movement skill (swap, draw back, etc.) 1 personal skill + 1 combat art and sometimes a class skill (but rare, stuff like extra range for Archers and steal for thieves). The rest works in a Radiant Dawn style skill spec system. Each skill comes with a cost and you have capacity depending on class, with fliers having the least capacity and Armors the most.

The good thing is that personal skills and combat arts really really define the units, and not the stats. So for example my Archer was STR screwed until short before promotion (had like 7 str at lvl 15 or so), however thanks to her +1 range archer skill and her Luck based personal skill i kept using her for good chip damage until she got STR unscrewed. My 'Anima' mage also had pretty low Magic, but if he defeats a unit in a chapter he gets +5 ATK against same weapon type, so he works like an in chapter Est. Or my dark Mage with the status reflect skill that i would use for that skill alone, even if she wasn't great otherwise.

Stuff like that makes each unit unique and have a niche and worth using. Also game indirectly nerfed speed by making alot of skills enable/disable doubling upon other criteria, with a skill that even disable said skills and makes doubling work 'normal'. Good to have on your speedy unit.

I will post some personal skill examples when i finish the X chapter i am in since i don't have access to my army now.

And while normal enemies don't have skills, you have boss enemies with skills and dancers with auras more dangerous than many skills. Some bosses have a unique twist to them as well

Interesting. I'll keep an eye on this one.

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