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18 hours ago, Armagon said:

Tip: the big sun attack in the third phase is neutralized by Power Bombs.

The funny thing about phase three- you don't need to worry about it if you can't make it past phase one.

I might just watch the ending now. 

I could give it a few more tries, but I'll assume the same that I did of the Metroid Prime. Even if I survived the first part, and the game provided me with 2-3 tanks of health afterwards, I doubt I'd have enough life left to win. I'd die, have to repeat the entire initial phase, and die again on the next portion -assuming I was lucky enough to survive long enough to reach it on the next attempt.

Maybe I'm too readily demoralized, but Rookie Mode looks to have failed me in the final moment.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The funny thing about phase three- you don't need to worry about it if you can't make it past phase one.

What parts are causing you issues?

I could talk about each part if need be. Like for a bit the dive attacks tore me to bits, or not understanding the big pulse attack he gets when you shoot him enough while you can't deal damage to him, just for some examples.

I muscled through it and the (frankly I found impossible) running sections of the Experiment fight, so can you!

Just now, Shrimpy said:

Squeenix redemption finally getting good arc?

On the one hand, some great titles the last while.

On the other hand, SellIP ENFTx

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1 hour ago, Awoken Dayni said:

What parts are causing you issues?

No point in going into specifics. I've yanked the game out of my Switch and thrown it back in storage.

Everything about this boss has enough predictability and telegraphing to it that I should in hypothesis have no difficulty dodging all of it all the time. And yet, I just don't. My reflexes are dead. This is frustrating, realizing the game is being entirely fair to you, and yet you're unable to show any real improvement as you try and try again.😔 That the boss shows absolutely no signs whatsoever of taking damage when you're shooting it adds insult to this feeling of being crushed, as it feels like I'm truly accomplishing nothing. They're invincible, this has to be a battle I'm forced to lose, which will trigger a cutscene that does the thing that strips them of their invulnerability, except all I get is a Game Over when I die.

It's childish to be so frustrated with a video game. I'm nearly thirty, I should have bigger problems (which I do), and I should keep things in perspective. Despite knowing such, here I am on the verge of crying over a tough final boss.😞 Metroid and I are truly cursed in our relationship. I thought Rookie Mode would change things for the better, and I did take out the Experiment, if barely. It wasn't enough however, right at the very end; that's three Metroids I leave unfinished.

Metroid Dread is a fine game, I don't dislike it. Do I regret buying it? I think I had no choice, it would've annoyed me too much if I didn't purchase it. I knew well this could happen, it did, and I accept the unpleasant outcome. I couldn't have known for certain this would be the case unless I played it myself. Whenever they announce it, the next 2D Metroid is going to elicit very mixed feelings from me.😒

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Had a bit of a rough day at work. At least I've got Karajan Saga to keep me going. I continue to be ever so thankful I happened to enter the discord server when I did.

...Also, I've been in the mood for writing supports for Garonquest again, since the latest update put the hack in my mind again. I don't know if the creator will put them in the game, they haven't spoken yet, but if nothing else, it's fun writing dialogue for cackling villains and generic bosses.

It got me thinking how dumb Zola's hat is. Seriously, why does he go out to battle dressed for bedtime?

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Everything about this boss has enough predictability and telegraphing to it that I should in hypothesis have no difficulty dodging all of it all the time. And yet, I just don't. My reflexes are dead. This is frustrating, realizing the game is being entirely fair to you, and yet you're unable to show any real improvement as you try and try again.😔 That the boss shows absolutely no signs whatsoever of taking damage when you're shooting it adds insult to this feeling of being crushed, as it feels like I'm truly accomplishing nothing. They're invincible, this has to be a battle I'm forced to lose, which will trigger a cutscene that does the thing that strips them of their invulnerability, except all I get is a Game Over when I die.

Yeah, I felt like I was bashing my head against the game at points. But this boss isn't one where you get forced to lose, there are some trigger scenes, where you proceed to take advantage and fire constantly (I recommend with missiles).

I'll pop a general guide in here, describing all the moves he has:


Phase 1: From experience you can get enough HP back in this phase that with practice you should still be healthy enough for the harder parts. He has around 5 or so attacks in this one. The first I'll mention is him firing a black void ball which if you hit 4 times with rockets (more with blasts) you get health and ammo, so this is a good one to get and is worth aiming the rockets to shoot with accuracy. He has a screen attack where he fires two beams that proceed to take up the screen and when you're in the AoE you take damage, just get into the area near him to avoid. He does have that annoying melee attack where if you get caught in it he can combo you for three strikes, which is rough. jumping away is your only bet. He can also do a a dash attack where he glows red initially and you have to jump over to avoid, but if you get a melee counter on him (Forward + X) you can trigger a scene scene where you can spam attacks to damage him. The last one is when he stands still and taunts, egging you on. NOW is when you want him because it triggers a melee counter which if you succeed both hits enters the same scene as the one if you successfully counter the dash (which I never did).

The thing is, outside the scenes I mentioned he doesn't take damage. You can still hit him, but it won't result in pain: it instead eventually triggers a screen attack that you avoid with Morph Ball. Also for the scene, you can keep the scene going by jumping to avoid the first swipe of the laser, then moving to the side to dodge the second attempt from him, all the while holding R to keep rockets and still spamming it otherwise. I was also bad with using the phase shift, which might have helped prevent me from taking more damage in my failed attempts, but this was the phase I was best able to handle. You get a bit of health at the end of the phase, but now he's angry.


Phase 2: This phase was the one that messed with me the most. He flies around now, which makes aiming harder and of course mobility is a bitch if you want to use the L aim for obvious reasons. Thankfully he takes damage all the time. His melee attacks are the ones that got me the most, he does both charges across the hall and down on the ground. You can phase shift to avoid, but I never really did and you can slide under the side ones too, though if they're low enough jumping may be your only choice. He has an attack where he shoots beams in a circle which you can do a circular jump around him to avoid and maybe get some hits on him too. He has a big cannon blast which takes a few secs to aim and hurts a fair bit if it connects. How it differs from the circle shots are that he keeps the gun at a downward angle.

This one really is the "git gud" phase to me. Less variety in attacks but he's just plain better with these. It's hard enough trying to deal damage because it's hard to get a good break, but the dashes in particular are hard to get used to the timing of. Patience to get hits in is useful here, but you don't want to be waiting forever to hurt him and of course there's no easy healing options like in the first phase. But when you reach the end of the phase he's grounded, but not giving up either.


Phase 3: He uses the Phase 1 void ball, laser AoE, melee and dashes again, but he also has other moves. Like the big sun ball Armagon mentioned, which if you leave up does wave attacks that cross the stage and hurt you. It can be power bombed to get health and ammo. I did not know this when I fought him. He also uses a move where he charges up a laser like in phase 2 but he actually follows Samus with it this time. He also has a Shinespark attack which is like the dashes from phase 2 and a weird dash where he goes sideways, up and down again too, but outside that and maybe the melee dashes he looks like he doesn't have the purple aura that prevents him from taking damage like the first phase, so attacking is more available.

He also has melee counters as part of finishing this phase and the boss off, but it's two to get right in a row at the end, which isn't far from demands you've been asked of in this game.


I'll admit I failed the QTE after the third phase the first time because I froze up for a sec, but the attack here is like the Omega Cannon. Just hammer away with it, then do the escape (which I also failed first time). You should be reloaded to the part you were on if you die/run out of time.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's childish to be so frustrated with a video game. I'm nearly thirty, I should have bigger problems (which I do), and I should keep things in perspective. Despite knowing such, here I am on the verge of crying over a tough final boss.😞 Metroid and I are truly cursed in our relationship. I thought Rookie Mode would change things for the better, and I did take out the Experiment, if barely. It wasn't enough however, right at the very end; that's three Metroids I leave unfinished.

Super feels like the baby game in comparison.

Then again I found the two bosses similar in difficulty for me.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It got me thinking how dumb Zola's hat is. Seriously, why does he go out to battle dressed for bedtime?

I thought he was a clown.

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3 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

Squeenix redemption finally getting good arc?

Now now, let's not give them too much credit. I'm buying one, potential two Square Enix games this year but this is also the same year where they are putting out a Xenoblade knockoff in the same year that an actual Xenoblade game is coming out.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That the boss shows absolutely no signs whatsoever of taking damage when you're shooting it adds insult to this feeling of being crushed, as it feels like I'm truly accomplishing nothing. They're invincible, this has to be a battle I'm forced to lose, which will trigger a cutscene that does the thing that strips them of their invulnerability, except all I get is a Game Over when I die.

The thing with the first phase is that it's basically a waiting game. You need three counters followed by missile spam to move into phase 2 (you can trigger one of them by changing Raven Beak's shield to orange).

If you really don't want to back, I won't force you, I'll just say that the second and third phases go by way quicker. Third phase in particular drops a lot of pickups.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's childish to be so frustrated with a video game. I'm nearly thirty, I should have bigger problems (which I do), and I should keep things in perspective. Despite knowing such, here I am on the verge of crying over a tough final boss.😞 Metroid and I are truly cursed in our relationship. I thought Rookie Mode would change things for the better, and I did take out the Experiment, if barely. It wasn't enough however, right at the very end; that's three Metroids I leave unfinished.

Nah, being cockblocked by a boss is understandable frustration. I gave up two Atelier games because of it. I understand your pain.

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32 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Is it too much to ask for some Shion love in XC3? C'mon, Monolith! Show Shion some love! ❤️

Shion DLC and you get access to her class.

I'd imagine she'd be a Healer class but one probably focusing on buffs and debuffs rather than straight healing.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The thing with the first phase is that it's basically a waiting game. You need three counters followed by missile spam to move into phase 2 (you can trigger one of them by changing Raven Beak's shield to orange).

I saw the counter opportunities, but I didn't realize I needed them to progress the fight. I either dodged or got slammed on all of them b/c I decided trying to counter wasn't worth the risk of failing to do so.

I could try again knowing this, three successful counters isn't out of the realm of possibility for me. But it wouldn't change the fact the end to Dread has been marred by dissatisfaction. I'm not quite sure at this point if I would feel a sense of triumph or if the primary feeling would be "I'm done with this, good riddance!". I mean I'd like to finish it, but the easier thing would be to drop it -except that doesn't feel right for Samus. I can't decide.🤨

Dropping Dread could mean I get to Kirby tomorrow, but I don't think I would love starting it with a bad aftertaste lingering in my mouth. And with Kirby at least, I have no qualms leaving it unfinished. I know I bested the True Arena in Super Star Ultra and maybe Return to Dream Land, but I gave up on Triple Deluxe's and Planet Robobot's.


4 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

The first I'll mention is him firing a black void ball which if you hit 4 times with rockets (more with blasts) you get health and ammo, so this is a good one to get and is worth aiming the rockets to shoot with accuracy.

I noticed the Storm Missiles locking onto the dark sphere, but I never destroyed them, I only made one or two locks.

It's feeling like my brain went into partial shutdown for the battle if I didn't notice this. And I'm not sure why.

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Me like final dungeon themes that progressively get more intense as you progress through the final dungeon (this upload has all versions).

Also TIL the song itself, when played in reverse, is actually the Hyrule Castle theme which.....yeah that makes sense.

Wind Waker is next on the Zeldathon. I'll order a copy in a few weeks, probably around August. Won't actually play it then tho because guess why.

I also gotta throw in some eShop funds at the last minute next month to get Minish Cap I care not for Four Swords stuff or the DS Zelda games.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I could try again knowing this, three successful counters isn't out of the realm of possibility for me. But it wouldn't change the fact the end to Dread has been marred by dissatisfaction. I'm not quite sure at this point if I would feel a sense of triumph or if the primary feeling would be "I'm done with this, good riddance!". I mean I'd like to finish it, but the easier thing would be to drop it -except that doesn't feel right for Samus. I can't decide.🤨

The part following the final battle is very satisfying imo but i'm also assuming you haven't already seen the ending yet.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Shion DLC and you get access to her class.

I'd imagine she'd be a Healer class but one probably focusing on buffs and debuffs rather than straight healing.

That would be perfectly fine with me! That sounds awesome anyways! Please do this, Monolith!

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A Link Between Worlds review:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is a very good game. It's been literal years since i've played this game and i wanted to take this time to revisit it again now that i'm an adult who is actually good at video games. A Link Between Worlds is a simple yet very effective game, like everything just clicks. The wall merge mechanic is one of the greatest mechanics ever because it completely changes how you approach exploration and dungeon completion. Walls are no longer obstacles, they are tools. What also changes how you approach exploration is the rental system, allowing you to get most of the items at once and allowing you to complete the dungeons in almost any order. As such, the dungeons are designed with you already having the item in mind, which probably does explain how short they are (idk if this is a 2D Zelda thing or if the dungeons in this game are that short cause like, you can do Turtle Rock in like two seconds) but it's fine because this was neat if simple puzzle solving. And some of the boss battles went kinda hard too (but not in the challenging way) And because the game wants you to rent, and later buy, items, the economy in this game just kinda throws rupees at you. Interestingly enough tho, while you do get a lot of rupees, the purchase price of the items actually is balanced somewhat. I do think you'll have to grind a bit if you wanted to buy all the items, what with them costing 800 a piece unless it's an elemental rod in which case it's 1200.

I don't have too much negative things to say about this game. It's a very good game with great mechanics and a neat spin on the traditional Zelda plot of good vs bad (i feel like there isn't much to say about Zelda plots that aren't Majora's Mask and maybe Breath of the Wild but i'll reserve judgement on that front until i refamiliarize myself with this series).


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Only 15 more days until the relationship of Theodel and Emilia gets ruined. Woho! 😭
Well, technically it's been ruined for years, but now it will finally get ruined in English.

Sucks, but certain things are just inevitable. Might as well get it over with.

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Okay, with Vilkas also cured of lycanthropy and finding the three Totems of Hircine for Aela, I'm finally done with The Companions stuff. Well, there's the repeatable radiants, but anything unique is finally done with. Also took this chance to finally join The Dark Brotherhood. I'd say, unless I finally get sent to The Reach, I'll end up finishing most of the non main questline stuff (that's not on The Reach) at this rate, pft.

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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Had a bit of a rough day at work. At least I've got Karajan Saga to keep me going. I continue to be ever so thankful I happened to enter the discord server when I did.

...Also, I've been in the mood for writing supports for Garonquest again, since the latest update put the hack in my mind again. I don't know if the creator will put them in the game, they haven't spoken yet, but if nothing else, it's fun writing dialogue for cackling villains and generic bosses.

It got me thinking how dumb Zola's hat is. Seriously, why does he go out to battle dressed for bedtime?

Personally, it always reminded me of Link's hat when he wears the Zora Armor in Twilight Princess. Though that could be because Zora and Zola are a Japanese L/R swap away from being the same word. To the point the North American Manual for the Original Legend of Zelda translated Zora as Zola.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

(i feel like there isn't much to say about Zelda plots that aren't Majora's Mask and maybe Breath of the Wild but i'll reserve judgement on that front until i refamiliarize myself with this series).

I mean hey, Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks felt pretty unique in their stories with Wind Waker being the only Zelda game that made Ganon into a somewhat sympathetic villain which is something I'm worried will never return given how it's now official that Ganon is a literal reincarnation of the hatred of Zelda and Link.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I saw the counter opportunities, but I didn't realize I needed them to progress the fight. I either dodged or got slammed on all of them b/c I decided trying to counter wasn't worth the risk of failing to do so.

I could try again knowing this, three successful counters isn't out of the realm of possibility for me. But it wouldn't change the fact the end to Dread has been marred by dissatisfaction. I'm not quite sure at this point if I would feel a sense of triumph or if the primary feeling would be "I'm done with this, good riddance!". I mean I'd like to finish it, but the easier thing would be to drop it -except that doesn't feel right for Samus. I can't decide.🤨

I noticed the Storm Missiles locking onto the dark sphere, but I never destroyed them, I only made one or two locks.

It's feeling like my brain went into partial shutdown for the battle if I didn't notice this. And I'm not sure why.

Yeah, that's the thing about the melee counter if you don't get used to it. I tended to trigger it with the taunt instead of the dash because I didn't realise it was a running melee I needed.

For me it was satisfying to say I had finally ended the game, even for how slow it was for me. Don't know if you'd share my opinion, but you can't know until you try?

As for me, I didn't really use Storm Missles out of habit myself. Never felt I could use it fast enough to get all the missiles ready.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I care not for Four Swords stuff or the DS Zelda games.

Play PH you coward

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

A Link Between Worlds review:

Review with comments I don't have anything to add on without going into specifics



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5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Well that really was quick.

I don't think 2D Zelda games are particularly long tbh.

But I also wasn't going for the 100%, though I do remember doing that years ago.

3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I mean hey, Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks felt pretty unique in their stories with Wind Waker being the only Zelda game that made Ganon into a somewhat sympathetic villain which is something I'm worried will never return given how it's now official that Ganon is a literal reincarnation of the hatred of Zelda and Link.

I've always felt that Ganon as a person still had agency, which is why the Wind Waker angle still works (also it's the same Ganon from Ocarina of Time).

Not sure exactly how Spirit Tracks does things (I know Zelda is way more involved in the plot than most of the games) but I will never find out because I refuse to play with that control scheme. A long wish for Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks remakes so that they can have actual controls.

3 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

because I didn't realise it was a running melee I needed.

You don't.

3 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Play PH you coward

When they remake it with actual controls.

Edited by Armagon
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...I didn't think about it until now but while each Link and Zelda are different people, Ganondorf.....has always been the same guy. Regardless of the timeline, it's always been the same Ganon..... except for Breath of the Wild, where at that point the malevolent spirit has reincarnated so many times and failed so many times that it just became a force of nature.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

the purchase price of the items actually is balanced somewhat. I do think you'll have to grind a bit if you wanted to buy all the items, what with them costing 800 a piece unless it's an elemental rod in which case it's 1200.

I grind all the rupies at Hyrule Castle as soon as every item is available to buy, and get them in one sitting and have rupies left over. XD

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