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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Played a little more Ys Seven. Uh, interesting direction for Tia, not the usual for a flower girl from the slums.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I mean each game in the trilogy literally is named after the works of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Nietzsche himself was a sickly individual from what I'm aware. His health was never good, and then he had a complete mental breakdown at the age of 45. Nietzsche spent the last decade of his life clinically insane and paralyzed and never recovered.


2 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



Why does it matter if the steed is muscular? Does this guy ride a mule or a farm horse something? Because that's an odd thing to mention.

3 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I even bought SRPG studio...

Did nothing with it lmao

Me with too many of my video games in general. And I know to stay the hell away from any maker-type games, as I don't have the creativity and devotion for that. -Although I did like Advance Wars's design room, that was a nice freebie in the packages.


3 hours ago, Punished06 said:

Apparently the game drops the ball in the last 2 chapters. Like, hard. Looks like that guy I posted here changed his mind about 2 after playing 3.

Thanks for very lightly spoilering my expectations for the game.

Eh, gymnasts who medal in the highest of competitions often have a little bounce when they land when a firm landing is the ideal. Doesn't ruin the overall performance.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The main problem is the length if you just gun for the story but it doesn't really drop imo. It's just kinda rushed.

Not the first time Xeno has had this problem.😛

Although playing XS Ep 1 and watching Ep 2... it's not that they feel the opposite of rushed, but the episodic experience left me wanting for more. I don't know if I want to say they're slow, but it's like you know things are being built up and there will be more, so even when the two games each try to end with a bang, there is a feeling of incompleteness. -But I don't have this problem with XCX. Would I feel this way with Trails?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I can't say that about, say, Tales villains lmao.

You haven't played most of the franchise.

Although of the games I have played that you have not... ToV, ToG, and ToAb don't have great villains, rather bad actually. Xillia has an alright final villain. Symphonia's true villain is an interesting mess IMO, not a train wreck in the sense of being awfully written, but I can't explain it without going into spoilers.

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In Xenoblade 3 I am finally on the final boss's doorstep, which is also a phrase I used when I got to the end of Torna four years ago. I will try to finish the game tomorrow. Are there any particularly useful classes/heroes that I should use against the final boss?

3 hours ago, Punished06 said:

Apparently the game drops the ball in the last 2 chapters. Like, hard. Looks like that guy I posted here changed his mind about 2 after playing 3.

The last two chapters are fine... one of the bosses in the final dungeon made me lose the will to live after I lost at the last minute twice, but I eventually won after getting everyone to level 75. As of now I like Xenoblade 2's plot more however.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Interesting new direction for Ys 10.

Is it next to a Trails restaurant? Then we could try the famous Estelle's Egg-Splosion Over Rice. Or maybe there's a Trails physical therapist instead...

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Three Houses wants me to pick a student to turn into a dancer but alas does not let me myself become the dancer even though I've been wearing the clothing as soon as I learned it existed.


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3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Are there any particularly useful classes/heroes that I should use against the final boss?

1. Have a Healer for both factions. You're probably doing this already but just to make sure.

2. Fiona MVP.

4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

As of now I like Xenoblade 2's plot more however.

I keep flipping back and forth because Xenoblade 2's third act goes crazy and has much better villains but Xenoblade 3 is probably the most character-centric game I've ever played and I really, really value characters.


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48 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I do like Pyra dw xD

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I am firmly in team coffee with milk tho xD



Too bad XC2 did that whole schebang dirty. (Gameplay wise)

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44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Symphonia's true villain is an interesting mess IMO, not a train wreck in the sense of being awfully written, but I can't explain it without going into spoilers

You mean


Mythos? I got very confused amidst Symphonia's story, sans Colette's magical tripping and Lloyd being a moron.


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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why does it matter if the steed is muscular? Does this guy ride a mule or a farm horse something? Because that's an odd thing to mention.

Its like talking about the quality of a rival's expensive car...


20 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Three Houses wants me to pick a student to turn into a dancer but alas does not let me myself become the dancer even though I've been wearing the clothing as soon as I learned it existed.


Thanks for reminding me of another minor thing that annoys me about Three Houses. At least you can make your other lord (is that Claudy boy in your case?) a dancer. Admittedly I remember going with Raphael as my Golden Deer dancer,  because having that big muscly goofball as my dancer was funny, but I digress.

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Ya know

I won't write a big review as i usually do



This should fully explain my thoughts about the game xD

  • While the game never hit VS1's lows, it also never hit it's highs imo. On average i would say VS2 is much better than 1, but there wasn't really a map that wow'd me like many of VS1's did (I especially loved the late game Cyltan ones there)...but also unlike VS1 the game has like only, 4-5 bad maps, wherein VS1 i hated half of em xD. 
  • The game really is a gaiden. From the maps, to it's feeling, to the cast, etc.
  • Cast wise...i think i liked VS1's more...mainly because Cyltan's gang and Hoelun were cool.
  • Athol the most useless FE heroine


Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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58 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

You mean

Yes... (HUGE Tales of Symphonia spoilers just to throw this out there.)


I meant MIthos. The young man spent the past 4000 years forming pacts with all the Summon Spirits, splitting the world in two to sustain it in the long term, establishing a church designed to breed an ideal body for his sister, formed an evil front organization, and created a city of emotionless angels he thought a world free from discrimination. All for the sake reviving of his big sister and creating the world he thought she desired.

When Martel is FINALLY resurrected, after Mithos has been painfully betrayed by his prospective brother-in-law and mentor, she says what he has done is wrong!  And as soon as Martel is done gently scolding her little brother, she chooses to accept her death and lets her soul depart this world. Mithos finally succeeded, but he was doomed from the very start all along! Lloyd and co. didn't have to anything, nobody had to. Martel would never have approved what her brother had done. 4000 years of hard manipulative work all gone to waste.

No wonder Mithos bursts into maniacal laughter, claims his sister's soul is in the Great Seed, and then asserts he know understands his sister's last wish when he still obviously doesn't get her. How else could he be expected to handle this? Denial and delusion are infinitely more tolerable than admitting you've been so very wrong for millennia. You've done stuff that not even your dearest relative, whom Collette claims loved the world so much that it hurt, could accept.

Mithos is a pitiful, messy fool. And it's kinda lovable.


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@Saint Rubenio I recruited Hanneman as you recommended, along with Manuela, affectively making my army a mage hell for my enemies.

45 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Thanks for reminding me of another minor thing that annoys me about Three Houses. At least you can make your other lord (is that Claudy boy in your case?) a dancer. Admittedly I remember going with Raphael as my Golden Deer dancer,  because having that big muscly goofball as my dancer was funny, but I digress.

Ah, that's what I should've done.

Honestly it always bugged me that even in the very customize friendly Awakening and Fates that you still couldn't be a dancer of any kind, even though I understand it was to not overlap with the game's actual dancer unit.

Still, Three Houses had the chance to and just didn't.


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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I watched the anime for these but i don't remember too much.

In fairness, i won't judge based off the anime adaptation.

20 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


What does this mean for me?

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You are armor units, that's an insta bench qualify

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

What does this mean for me?


I think the only thing that might grate you are the ambush spawns and the lack of battle preps in the first half. Game is the least Kaga cryptic game, honestly.

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2 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I think the only thing that might grate you are the ambush spawns

Which never bothered me too much.

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1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:


Kaga is a man of culture?

Not just girls in chains, but imoutos as well?

Game going full incest kek

It's a Wild Ride, this Kaga of fate.

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10 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Oh woe to be so easily forgotten! That my impact was so minimal as to have disappeared from any one's mind! The pain of being seen as so easily tossed aside in the memory like a loose bit of lint from the pocket for one's mind!


Are the temperatures milder now where you are?

Even if it was serious, don't worry about it. It happens with everyone here should they stop posting for days. XD

We still reach +45C temperatures but now only every few days so... yeah, kinda. lol

10 hours ago, Punished06 said:

At least I managed to get together with an old friend to watch DBS: Super Hero (even with context, Gohan Blanco feels tacked on; Piccolo is fine tho)

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I can't believe Gohan Blanco and Ultra Instinct Shaggy are both canon. Now we just need El Hermano...

¡Nos llamarón locos! ¡Locos! ¡Pero tuvimos la ultima risa, jajajajajajajaja!

I kid you not, I feel it was done on purpose as a nod to us. XD Even if not, still is a hilarious coincidence.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, what do you guys think would be a good name for a male valkyrie class? I've been trying to come up with something for a while, but I can't seem to do it.

If you don't mind also renaming Valkyrie, just use Holy Knight.

5 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I even bought SRPG studio...

Did nothing with it lmao

Same here, pft.

... and I still wish to make a game of my own... or at least help make one.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yes... (HUGE Tales of Symphonia spoilers just to throw this out there.)

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I meant MIthos. The young man spent the past 4000 years forming pacts with all the Summon Spirits, splitting the world in two to sustain it in the long term, establishing a church designed to breed an ideal body for his sister, formed an evil front organization, and created a city of emotionless angels he thought a world free from discrimination. All for the sake reviving of his big sister and creating the world he thought she desired.

When Martel is FINALLY resurrected, after Mithos has been painfully betrayed by his prospective brother-in-law and mentor, she says what he has done is wrong!  And as soon as Martel is done gently scolding her little brother, she chooses to accept her death and lets her soul depart this world. Mithos finally succeeded, but he was doomed from the very start all along! Lloyd and co. didn't have to anything, nobody had to. Martel would never have approved what her brother had done. 4000 years of hard manipulative work all gone to waste.

No wonder Mithos bursts into maniacal laughter, claims his sister's soul is in the Great Seed, and then asserts he know understands his sister's last wish when he still obviously doesn't get her. How else could he be expected to handle this? Denial and delusion are infinitely more tolerable than admitting you've been so very wrong for millennia. You've done stuff that not even your dearest relative, whom Collette claims loved the world so much that it hurt, could accept.

Mithos is a pitiful, messy fool. And it's kinda lovable.



Oh yes, his was certainly a fascinating story.

Aselia's history as a whole, in general.


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I don't blame him tho, Bennette best girl

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's a Wild Ride, this Kaga of fates.


3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Same here, pft.

... and I still wish to make a game of my own... or at least help make one.

Same hah!

Or the ideas don't leave my head anyway...

One day i will make my witch hunt FE...one day

with some Xenoblady twists

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