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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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7 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Now we just need a tropical kingdom, jungle kingdom, sky kingdom, and lava kingdom, and then we'll have a full New Super Mario Bros. game.

With Bowser as the final final boss of that expansion. Your Emblem Ring (the Emblem of Wahooo) is at another castle.

...I'm game.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

That still doesn't answer why Griss is Di-

Griss actual best minor villain of FE



now this... THIS is blatant proof devs just giving middle finger to player. there are exactly 2 spot left that can be filled away from the wall so that archer bow range cant attack them.

but no, they just have to run around in that cramped space  that at least 2 are beside the wall within archer range...


Edited by joevar
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8 hours ago, joevar said:

ok so how many more attempt i got? 

im curious now, that i might even attempt to retry chapter 8 if the save games still available

i actually like having oddball and hhidden trivia like this. a bit more than having to babysit Sherlock and Adel with their love who keep getting into trouble.

Basically ever main mission where you fight the Empire instead of Bornia. So there are a decent number of tries left.

8 hours ago, joevar said:

Berwick Saga Chapter 6, 7, 8: Run for your lives

2 identical story mission with 1 kinda different but ultimately same mission between it. Is this how story mission going to be moving forward? cant say i hate it, but i dont like it either if nothing changes. 

I really wouldn't cram chapter 7 alongside 6 and 8. Considering it forces you entirely on the offensive. Seize the fortress, secure the road. Good stuff.
But yeah, 6 and 8 are pretty lame. Wish they were more involved.

8 hours ago, joevar said:

huh.. so @Saint Rubeniothis Enid is the one where she need Mag stat to promote right? i guess its fitting and rather obvious if we pay attention to her dialogue with perceval

She needs 3 points of magic. Due to bracketing she can get her 2nd point at level 6 at the earliest and 16 at the latest.
The 3rd can be gotten from the magic potion that the Alchemist can make.

8 hours ago, joevar said:

i actually retry the whole map back into city preparation because i just failed. second try i just dont care about those 2 sidequest. czene too unreliable compared to Thaddy somehow. and sherlock skill one-two and double skill wont mean a damn thing if he keep missing

Well, the important quest is the costume one anyway, since that's part of the Bazelphon arc.

It's best to leave clearing out houses to Axel. Though if you end up using Czene or Thaddy for it anyway, it might be best to equip them with a Miracle Charm. Miracle Charms are guaranteed to keep you alive for the whole battle, no matter how long it takes. So you definitely end up with the reward.
Really not a fan of Search battles. The odds are in your favor, but 2 out of 3 searchers can instantly die to a critical hit from a dagger or 2 hits with a fork or axe. Axel is a very save bet here, but even he can potentially die to 2 dagger crits.

8 hours ago, joevar said:

also almost lost ward.. the enemy lieutenant with Levin is Ward bane somehow. Daoud almost OHKO enemy armor boss lmao. His skillset is very good.

Love that guy. Talks a big game about his Thunder Sword but is actually a total chump. Even has the Weakness skill.

8 hours ago, joevar said:


on the other side of party, we got Sherlock and Adel who keeps chasing some skirt. Then we got chad Brick Guy Marcel whos like this.

basically "reject frail girls Love, embrace Love for the Motherland"

The Chad chapter 5 "I will protect the civilians even if I get executed for insubordination afterwards" Marcel vs the Virgin chapter 8 "But I don't want to stop the human trafficker. It's cold outside" Marcel.


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13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

 I figured I would warn people if they are trying to find me that I will probably not be back on here until late Monday.

Well, if you're reading this, I imagine you're back, so... welcome back!

13 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Honestly, she handles herself well during that captivity too.
The only reason the Red Hands got her to do anything was because they threatened a convenient handmaiden that exists just for this one scene. Because coercing Arielle directly could not possibly have worked.
Even when the leader goes berserk and attacks her, she is not impressed. Barely takes any damage from him either.

Ehh I think you're right. Honestly, it's probably just the one scene that really made me think less of her. Otherwise she's definitely one of Kaga's better female characters. Not that the competition is exactly stellar, but hey.

12 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:



12 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Sure, someone at IS is probably into that sort of thing. ...That still doesn't explain why they made Panette's slightly larger than average, however.

They make mention of her "big spiky boots" in Amber's support. Probably a couple other places. And I guess "delicate dainty girl is actually tough brawler with big feet" is a joke.

12 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

He has a pretty cool theme, too.


Is... Wait, are the lyrics of his theme song just his name over and over?

AHAHAHAHAH oh that's amazing. He's so evil and evil that his theme's lyrics are just his name! Oh, I love it.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio I did the thing.

Uh… well, he was better than Hikari.

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Getting to escape a prison was cool. Especially with the whole “the escape is hopeless” vibe. Mugging people also seems like the first actually fun nighttime path action, I spent too much time and too many items making sure I mugged everyone on Frigit Isle just before leaving… just for the heck of it, really.

It’s kind of lame that scholar doesn’t get the funny two hit magic skills again, tho. The new skills… are kind of underwhelming. Osvald’s latent power seems cool tho.

Emerald leaving Osvald doesn’t make much sense. I mean I guess he’s just an idiot, but why does he talk about how Osvald is “different” before randomly leaving? I guess it could’ve been a bad thing, but since he questions whether Osvald committed the crime he was sentenced for and says he’s different from the other prisoners, it really sounds like he means different in a good way. Then he completely changes his tune and decides to go commit suicide via inspectors for no reason, I mean he already rode the ice boat and saw that it worked. Sure freezing to death could happen, but it seems like a much better chance than… that.

I liked the whole motif of every night him hearing the whole “Osvald, did you find an answer?” thing or whatever the question was for multiple reasons. And I like how open ended the end of his chapter 2 was, he knows nothing about what to do other than who he’s after.

But I mean, the whole two chapters were okay. Everything other than that stuff was eh. I’m a little confused what was so great about it. It’s not bad or anything tho, it really is better than Hikari.



I thought the new skills are more fun. Old scholar was just, upgraded spells and then the funny buff. The job was powerful, but super one-dimensional. New scholar is probably a bit less powerful - which is fair since old scholar was borderline insane - but more interesting to use. If you ask me, that's an excellent change!

Emerald leaving seemed super forced to me too at first... until I scrutinized him. You can do that if, after the cutscene where he leaves, instead of taking to the seas, you run back. He's just standing on the other side of the island. It is then revealed that he got with a bad crowd, leading to his inprisonment... and his entire family's death.

The game never spells it out, but I think it could be two things: Either he sympathized with Osvald's plight and decided to sacrifice himself to ensure everyone would assume Osvald is dead as well, by either baiting them into chasing him alone or assuming they both perished (don't forget, Osvald brings up the concern that they will be pursued in the mainland and it is not resolved until Emerald dies)... Or he began to harbor doubts about Osvald's innocence, and refused to escape if it meant being in the company of a man who did to his own family what had been done to Emerald's, instead deciding to go all or nothing on a desperate gambit.


Now, I mentioned "interesting implications" before, and now I can discuss them openly. Some of this flew over my head, but then I saw people discussing the chapter online and thought "oh yeah, that's a good point". It's that kind of story haha. See, on the surface, they play it as a straight introduction to a revenge quest, but there are a few strange oddities that set it apart from Primrose's far more straightforward beginning.

First off, Osvald never denies killing his family. In his inner monologue he's very adamant about Harvey's guilt, but when he's talking to someone else, he never points the finger at him, which is odd considering how much he clearly hates the man. Not to the court, not to Emerald, not to the guards arresting him, he always maintains an awkward silence when the question comes up. You could say he believes he's doomed either way or that it doesn't matter what others think, but there's some food for thought there.

Also, the only time Harvey is ever seen is in Osvald's fantasies. The court doesn't mention him, he's not present at Osvald's trial despite being seen at the scene of the crime and nobody else ever mentions him in the first two chapters. He's only ever a thing in Osvald's memories.

For that matter, Osvald's memories are... weird, to say the least. So Harvey just stuck around after murdering Osvald's family, gloated about it in front of him, and when the guards came and arrested Osvald, they didn't even acknowledge the cackling madman standing right there? Not to mention the dream he has about his wife telling him to avenge her. That's pretty strange too, it almost feels like Osvald's mind is trying to rationalize this revenge quest of his.


So yeah, that got very long, but this is what I find so good about Osvald's start. On the surface, it's the start of another straight revenge story, like Primrose's. But if you read between lines and think about it, there's so much about it that just doesn't add up. And like you said, it's left super open. Whether it ends up being about Osvald turning a new leaf, confronting his inner demons or truly just a revenge story, I'm looking forward to seeing more out of this tale.

As for what happens next... did you notice that one of the guardsmen who arrested Osvald had a really fancy design? I expect we'll be going after him first, or at some point at least.


11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Castti drawing when

It was already out there lolololololol

ngl I hate how partitio turned out, that stupid coat cape is too annoying WAIT I JUST REALIZED IT'S THE BYLETH STYLE PARTITIO WORST CHARACTER CONFIRMED

9 hours ago, joevar said:

2 identical story mission with 1 kinda different but ultimately same mission between it. Is this how story mission going to be moving forward? cant say i hate it, but i dont like it either if nothing changes. 

It's over now, actually. Chapter 9-main is vastly different from the ones preceeding it.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

The story still consistently good. unless theres major slip up, i think its safe to say at this point, i will put it among the likes of PS1 Suikoden. basically my favorites in terms of war story.

Yeah, Berwick achieves something FE has never managed: It has a legitimately good story. Imagine that!

9 hours ago, joevar said:

And Volcen just had to be a dick again huh. its frustrating, but considering some nation history in the world did actually going through exactly like that make the story still believable. (incompetent Leader with crooked advisor)

Classic Volcyboy. There are only two constants among players of Berwick Saga: Everyone loves Sylvis, and everyone hates Volcens.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

Gameplay.. has settled for me. Misses still happen in the most inooportune moment, not as much tho. And some unreliable looking class if they were in older FE actually reliable amuses me somewhat. I really dont know whether im Bad, Good, or its just well crafted/designed map, but in these 3 story mission i keep finishing exactly 24 turn where its also the final turn, with barely enough Movement point for withdraw/retreat. Maybe a little mix of those 3.

I'm happy it's getting better for you.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

Ward loses his horse when its time to retreat, such drama. Also Enid... lvl 1 ?! oh cmon not growth type unit again in this kind of game. at least she got decent stat with good Prf weapon. still not gonna use her though

If you're curious about her--

9 hours ago, joevar said:

huh.. so @Saint Rubeniothis Enid is the one where she need Mag stat to promote right? i guess its fitting and rather obvious if we pay attention to her dialogue with perceval

Yeah, exactly! You get her to 5 mag and you are greatly rewarded. And I do mean greatly.

9 hours ago, joevar said:


Wow the most Russian name serving a Prince with the most Arabic name. diversity

I had no idea Faisal was an Arabic name. The more you know. Hey at least he's not named after a nazi

...Incidentally, I love how just from this one screenshot you can tell exactly the kind of man Faisal is. It's a great use of visual storytelling.

9 hours ago, joevar said:


see.. finishing at 24 turn yet again. damn you Dutch sounding name Boss! i failed to kill you

Von Beck is a dutch name? The only Von Beck I know is this German gentleman.

9 hours ago, joevar said:

on the other side of party, we got Sherlock and Adel who keeps chasing some skirt. Then we got chad Brick Guy Marcel whos like this.

basically "reject frail girls Love, embrace Love for the Motherland"

And then there's Leon, who is still mute.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Which actually, the ring titles are more accurate. Ring of the 

  • Hero King
  • Caring Princess
  • Holy Knight
  • Sage Lord
  • Young Lion
  • Lady of the Plains
  • Azure Twins (lol)
  • Radiant Hero
  • Dawn Maiden
  • Exalted Princess
  • Crux of Fate
  • Instructor

So yeah while @ping and Ruben's points do stand, at least the ring titles themselves are more accurate. My guess is that "Emblem of *meta title* rolled off the tongue better or something idk.

Oh right, I forgot the Emblems got two names lol. These ones are used to rarely that it's easy to forget they exist.

2 hours ago, joevar said:


now this... THIS is blatant proof devs just giving middle finger to player. there are exactly 2 spot left that can be filled away from the wall so that archer bow range cant attack them.

but no, they just have to run around in that cramped space  that at least 2 are beside the wall within archer range...

Yeah the engineers are really dumb lol

Still, as far as time limits go, this is super generous. The archer is hilariously weak.

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

The Chad chapter 5 "I will protect the civilians even if I get executed for insubordination afterwards" Marcel vs the Virgin chapter 8 "But I don't want to stop the human trafficker. It's cold outside" Marcel.

...You know... I had never even realized.

Okay so I guess the intent is that he's so shy that he'd rather let her be forced into prostitution than save her and be forced to confront her feelings?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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@Sooks I'm trying to edit but it's not letting me, so


About Harvey not being arrested or present at court, the argument could be made that he's just super influential and had everyone in his pocket while setting Osvald up. But the way the guards completely ignore him, and the way the court doesn't seem to act the slightest bit shady and instead convicts Osvald on eerily plausible proof, it all just doesn't feel right. Again, it could go both ways, and I look foward to finding out which it is.


3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

I mean, I love Volcens. He's my boy.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I love Volcens too. Everyone always thinks I'm being cheeky when I say he's one of my favorite characters in the game to every newcomer I find, but the man is such a good character.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Basically ever main mission where you fight the Empire instead of Bornia. So there are a decent number of tries left.

I really wouldn't cram chapter 7 alongside 6 and 8. Considering it forces you entirely on the offensive. Seize the fortress, secure the road. Good stuff.
But yeah, 6 and 8 are pretty lame. Wish they were more involved.

She needs 3 points of magic. Due to bracketing she can get her 2nd point at level 6 at the earliest and 16 at the latest.
The 3rd can be gotten from the magic potion that the Alchemist can make.

Well, the important quest is the costume one anyway, since that's part of the Bazelphon arc.


The Chad chapter 5 "I will protect the civilians even if I get executed for insubordination afterwards" Marcel vs the Virgin chapter 8 "But I don't want to stop the human trafficker. It's cold outside" Marcel.


nice knowing theres still chance


alright, you got me. CH.7 indeed a good chapter. its just caught me by surprise since the amount of time needed for retreat is tighter. but considering the backstory it still make sense. its just the combination of low slot, fog, time limit, and constant reinforcement near the end is starting to get too much.


3 or 5? ruben said 5. but is it really worth it? i dont feel like leveling low lvl unit anymore lol


costume form the lower left corner right?


well about that..


he manage to kill Gomez while surrounded by many enemy and also kill most of them. easily become my new favorite since he can use Blade. Blade user is cool, like Sherpa.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's over now, actually. Chapter 9-main is vastly different from the ones preceeding it.

yeah, in middle of it... already retry 2 times (as in gave up trying to fix through load, and restart from scratch)

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, as far as time limits go, this is super generous. The archer is hilariously weak.

the first one already had someone one more hit from dying, and its still 10 turn.. I want perfect victory 😠

ok maybe not this time. i dont want to trigger that nasty reinforcement. i hate bow rider. be it enemies or ally (sherlock)

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I had no idea Faisal was an Arabic name. The more you know. Hey at least he's not named after a nazi

...Incidentally, I love how just from this one screenshot you can tell exactly the kind of man Faisal is. It's a great use of visual storytelling.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Von Beck is a dutch name? The only Von Beck I know is this German gentleman.

yea, arabic anmes. a common/popular name too. also i didnt catch it at first.. now you mention it. i cant unsee it anymore.

i thought Von is dutch... or is it Van? eh the more you know.


43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, exactly! You get her to 5 mag and you are greatly rewarded. And I do mean greatly.

dont tempt me.. its cramped enough already. i only manage to perma recruit Sherpa, Thaddy, and Arthur. using ENid means one less mercenary that get happiness 😞



finally found @BrightBow

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9 minutes ago, joevar said:

alright, you got me. CH.7 indeed a good chapter. its just caught me by surprise since the amount of time needed for retreat is tighter. but considering the backstory it still make sense. its just the combination of low slot, fog, time limit, and constant reinforcement near the end is starting to get too much.

I understand where you're coming from. Still, I agree with Brightbow, it's unfair to lump it with those other two just because the objective seems similar. They don't play nearly the same.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

3 or 5? ruben said 5. but is it really worth it? i dont feel like leveling low lvl unit anymore lol

She needs to reach 5 magic, and she starts at 2. So, three points. Two from levelling, if you give her the liquid magic.

And let's just say, when she promotes, she gains enough power to one-shot gigas knights. I believe you've already seen one in chapter 9? Yeah, those guys.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

well about that..


he manage to kill Gomez while surrounded by many enemy and also kill most of them. easily become my new favorite since he can use Blade. Blade user is cool, like Sherpa.

Ho, not bad! He doesn't usually make it quite that far on that map for me.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

the first one already had someone one more hit from dying, and its still 10 turn.. I want perfect victory 😠

No. Accept failure.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

ok maybe not this time. i dont want to trigger that nasty reinforcement. i hate bow rider. be it enemies or ally (sherlock)

Sherlock gets insanely good when he reaches level 15. Of course, getting him there can be a pain.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

i thought Von is dutch... or is it Van? eh the more you know.

Hey, I don't know. It could be this other game that used it wrong. It's just the only other time I've seen the name, myself.

9 minutes ago, joevar said:

dont tempt me.. its cramped enough already. i only manage to perma recruit Sherpa, Thaddy, and Arthur. using ENid means one less mercenary that get happiness 😞


9 minutes ago, joevar said:


finally found @BrightBow

Ahh, Webber. Kaga's self-insert.

He's so fucking terrible, but the face is so amazing that he never fails to make me smile.

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25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ho, not bad! He doesn't usually make it quite that far on that map for me.

I always just send him South. Seems to do a better job keeping the axe fighters from the road so that the cavalry can pass through.
Not like Marcel wants to brawl with Gomez himself. He does not want to get crit by a Greatsword.

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, Webber. Kaga's self-insert.

He's so fucking terrible, but the face is so amazing that he never fails to make me smile.

The best face.

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32 minutes ago, joevar said:

i thought Von is dutch... or is it Van? eh the more you know.

"von", pronounced fon,  is the classic German nobiliary particle. It actually simply means 'from', as in "Count Whatnot from Somewhere", and in northern Germany in particular, you'll occasionally find families with a "von Hicksville" name with no nobility in their ancestry. But at some point in the history of the German language, the "von" morphed into a nobility indicator, losing the 'from' meaning: Johan Wolfgang Goethe became J.W. von Goethe when he was raised to noble status; the father of Carl Maria von Weber (a composer and Mozart's cousin-in-law) added the "von" by lying about a family connection to a died-out noble family.

Interestingly, Ludwig van Beethoven's "van" comes from the Dutch version (although he's still pronounced with a fan in the middle), which is to say with no such noble connotations, but ol' Ludwig absolutely considered himself nobility and was quite pissed when a lawsuit he was involved in was moved from a noble court to a bourgeois court, even though I believe he won his case there.

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14 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:



4 hours ago, joevar said:

now this... THIS is blatant proof devs just giving middle finger to player. there are exactly 2 spot left that can be filled away from the wall so that archer bow range cant attack them.

but no, they just have to run around in that cramped space  that at least 2 are beside the wall within archer range...

I promise you this isn't the worst of it. There is a very egregious moment in Vestaria Saga where the game straight up lies to you.


See the castle in the middle? See the red chest at the top. On Turn 2, Hilda and some other girl come out of the castle and they have to get and retrive the item in the red chest. Game tells you you have 10 turns to do this. What it actually meant was you have until Turn 10 to do it. They start at Turn 2. You have eight turns to slog through desert and flawlessly kill the enemy units and retrieve the item in the red chest. If you fuck up even once, you've effectively failed. This game once and for all put me on the "Kaga can't make good games" side. Even if i like Old Mystery and TRS. A broken clock is right twice a day i suppose.

Sucks too because i was having somewhat decent amount of fun in this game and then Kaga realized that the player was having fun and decided to throw it all away. Ch.13 is when VS just plummets into shit game territory and never recovers. The route split that punishes you for benching units was the final nail in the coffin (and hearing what came after is just....ugh). Kaga tests his games by ironmaning them and he probably never intended for Hilda and what's her face to actually survive this map.

He also didn't intend for half of TRS' cast to be recruitable. Seriously, losing one guy in that game locks you out of like seven others.


Edited by Armagon
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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:



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I thought the new skills are more fun. Old scholar was just, upgraded spells and then the funny buff. The job was powerful, but super one-dimensional. New scholar is probably a bit less powerful - which is fair since old scholar was borderline insane - but more interesting to use. If you ask me, that's an excellent change!

Emerald leaving seemed super forced to me too at first... until I scrutinized him. You can do that if, after the cutscene where he leaves, instead of taking to the seas, you run back. He's just standing on the other side of the island. It is then revealed that he got with a bad crowd, leading to his inprisonment... and his entire family's death.

The game never spells it out, but I think it could be two things: Either he sympathized with Osvald's plight and decided to sacrifice himself to ensure everyone would assume Osvald is dead as well, by either baiting them into chasing him alone or assuming they both perished (don't forget, Osvald brings up the concern that they will be pursued in the mainland and it is not resolved until Emerald dies)... Or he began to harbor doubts about Osvald's innocence, and refused to escape if it meant being in the company of a man who did to his own family what had been done to Emerald's, instead deciding to go all or nothing on a desperate gambit.


Now, I mentioned "interesting implications" before, and now I can discuss them openly. Some of this flew over my head, but then I saw people discussing the chapter online and thought "oh yeah, that's a good point". It's that kind of story haha. See, on the surface, they play it as a straight introduction to a revenge quest, but there are a few strange oddities that set it apart from Primrose's far more straightforward beginning.

First off, Osvald never denies killing his family. In his inner monologue he's very adamant about Harvey's guilt, but when he's talking to someone else, he never points the finger at him, which is odd considering how much he clearly hates the man. Not to the court, not to Emerald, not to the guards arresting him, he always maintains an awkward silence when the question comes up. You could say he believes he's doomed either way or that it doesn't matter what others think, but there's some food for thought there.

Also, the only time Harvey is ever seen is in Osvald's fantasies. The court doesn't mention him, he's not present at Osvald's trial despite being seen at the scene of the crime and nobody else ever mentions him in the first two chapters. He's only ever a thing in Osvald's memories.

For that matter, Osvald's memories are... weird, to say the least. So Harvey just stuck around after murdering Osvald's family, gloated about it in front of him, and when the guards came and arrested Osvald, they didn't even acknowledge the cackling madman standing right there? Not to mention the dream he has about his wife telling him to avenge her. That's pretty strange too, it almost feels like Osvald's mind is trying to rationalize this revenge quest of his.


So yeah, that got very long, but this is what I find so good about Osvald's start. On the surface, it's the start of another straight revenge story, like Primrose's. But if you read between lines and think about it, there's so much about it that just doesn't add up. And like you said, it's left super open. Whether it ends up being about Osvald turning a new leaf, confronting his inner demons or truly just a revenge story, I'm looking forward to seeing more out of this tale.

As for what happens next... did you notice that one of the guardsmen who arrested Osvald had a really fancy design? I expect we'll be going after him first, or at some point at least.


Well, if Scholar is fun in a more challenging type of way this time around, I’m all for it. But it was fun to use the funny two hit skills.

That Emerald thing is… cool, but pointlessly hidden. I guess it’s a cool use of the scrutinize ability, but it shouldn’t have been optional or really easy to miss at that. Both theories seem cool.

I uh, figured Osvald never said anything about not killing his family just to be edgy and dramatic but… yeah, that works too. On top of your suggestions, it’s implied that Harvey did this because of Osvald’s discovery of the “One True Magic”, which he showed off to Harvey, so he could feel personally responsible for Harvey’s actions. Maybe.

I figured that Osvald was this rich influential guy who simply had the guards in his pocket. Which is why they didn’t say anything about him, why he didn’t go to court, etc. and that him only being in Osvald’s memories was because he’s a little isolated from the rest of the world. BUT if that is true it’s weird that the corrupt guards don’t even acknowledge that he’s standing right there and Osvald doesn’t say anything about his being right there (just cursing him). I guess there might be more to this than meets the eye and I like your ideas more anyway.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It was already out there lolololololol

Well, it required using Reddit, so RIP.

Castti is ready to commit murder.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ngl I hate how partitio turned out, that stupid coat cape is too annoying WAIT I JUST REALIZED IT'S THE BYLETH STYLE PARTITIO WORST CHARACTER CONFIRMED

He can’t be the worst character, he’s ready to eliminate that devil called poverty.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

@Sooks I'm trying to edit but it's not letting me, so

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About Harvey not being arrested or present at court, the argument could be made that he's just super influential and had everyone in his pocket while setting Osvald up. But the way the guards completely ignore him, and the way the court doesn't seem to act the slightest bit shady and instead convicts Osvald on eerily plausible proof, it all just doesn't feel right. Again, it could go both ways, and I look foward to finding out which it is.

Yep, yep, yep.

…I already acknowledged the idea about Harvey being influential, but the court stuff is true too.

30 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

> starts maddening

> gets Boucheron

> misses first attack


Good luck and have fun.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ho, not bad! He doesn't usually make it quite that far on that map for me.

2 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Not like Marcel wants to brawl with Gomez himself. He does not want to get crit by a Greatsword.

Heh, he perform admirably well in my playthru. seriously, he becomes MVP even in Chapter 9. he dual function between the wall that protect and also damage dealer with his zweihander.


ignore christine and larentia, they just got there. while Marcel, ward, adel (near useless), and arthur (sleep for as long as that priest still there, so useless too) been there since turn 19 without extra help

so Marcel and ward babysit those 2 while defending to the point enemy weapon broke!

too bad this game is so stingy with repairstone.


and F*CK this guy and his map. wtf is that magicbane, coutner, redirect damage, shieldfaire,etc all in one package. this is just plain torture. good thing thaddy come in clutch, killed by street kid, no higher shame than that



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

This game once and for all put me on the "Kaga can't make good games" side. Even if i like Old Mystery and TRS. A broken clock is right twice a day i suppose.

thanks for the warning. i really dont understand his "no-fun" philosophy. no wonder nintendo dont want him again

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44 minutes ago, joevar said:

and F*CK this guy and his map. wtf is that magicbane, coutner, redirect damage, shieldfaire,etc all in one package. this is just plain torture. good thing thaddy come in clutch, killed by street kid, no higher shame than that

I usually don't kill the guy. It's not your objective, after all. You just need Reese to talk to the head engineer.
When brawling with him, Daoud is probably the best bet. Daoud is naturally bulky and cannot be crippled. And he can use the Warpick, which ignores shields, so it cannot be reflected.
Since the Partisan has terrible accuracy even with Grauve's amazing Spear rank, he might even be able to safely sneak in a Pulverize strike every now and then.

Worth noting that the damage reflect of the Black Shield only works against 0 range attacks. They also successfully need to block to reflect damage. Which means two things:
1. Weapons that ignore shields like Rapiers or Warpicks do not risk getting reflected, as I said.
2. If it does reflect damage, it likely won't be a lot because of just how strong the Black Shield is. Not a lot of damage goes through it on a successful block, if any.
You basically need something like a Lance charge or Pulverize with something other than a Warpick for the attack to backfire at you.

44 minutes ago, joevar said:

thanks for the warning. i really dont understand his "no-fun" philosophy. no wonder nintendo dont want him again

"No fun philosophy"? In my Vestaria Saga? Does not seem likely.

For example Vestaria Saga's "dancer" is a tiny angry gremlin who gets people to move twice by whipping them.

And don't even get me started on Vestaria Saga II, which starts you out with a character who is actually immortal and another who loses health every turn due to an incurable illness. And that's as mundane as that game gets.
Like, there are also the Pirates who do what Daros never could and become sail, the baker, the farmer girl with the divine hoe, the literal feral wyvern that costs 20 gold per turn to be deployed to compensate for it's breath attacks being unlimited and Karajan.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ok so my Switch is preocupied with Archsage Trials so instead of playing Link to the Past, i will


Ah, the weird low-selling Legend of Zelda that required multiple GBAs & link cables for the titular co-op.

Four Swords Adventure is perhaps the most forgettable not-spinoff LoZ. In part because the original Four Swords was the game that first invented Zelda multiplayer, that claim to fame was already taken. And considering the history of non-portable console Zelda, Nintendo -with the exception of FSA- has always gone in a new grandiose direction with the console entries. OoT invented 3D LoZ, WW, TP, and SS all had strikingly different aesthetics, and BotW overhauled things to open-world format. MM was an oddball gaiden with some unique aspects and TotK... we'll see about it. Visually at least, FSA was far less ambitious, and certainly not hyped up to be the next revolution in video games.

I do own Four Swords Adventure, I cleared it like twice going solo (better than Tri-Force Heroes in this regard). I enjoyed LoZ's second try at a (intended to be) cooperative multiplayer experience. Not a favorite by any means, yet the Zelda formula is fundamentally fun. -If only had I friends to try the shadow battles and minigames with.

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