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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Also one of Team Bad died offscreen? I think?

See, the problem with having enemy characters retreat a hundred times is that, when the plot says "our allies defeated Bossman! We're doing so good!" my reaction is nothing more than confusion, because I've already cut all of these idiots down to size four or five times and every time they've just ran off to boast some more about how invincible they are.

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Chapter 25 was a better map than the last two. There was a river that displaced my units, and a bit of green-on-red action which is always fun.

...It's really bugging me that nobody's talking about the dead character, though. The other two are still being brought up now, their deaths were so impactful, but this one almost feels like they just wanted to get another kill in. I just had a mandatory camp objective to talk to the one who was leading the battle where they fell, and yet the only thing Eden could think to say was "gee we sure are close to winning huh."

Also they ran. Again. This has to be the third time Eden tells the big bad "your time is running out man, we're so gonna kill you this time" and then we just retreat and reset our healthbars. It's starting to get annoying, I really hope there's going to be some kind of curveball and that the last couple of battles won't just be more head-on fights with Team Bad until the game decides this time, unlike the other times, we killed him hard enough for him to die.

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Oh, okay. I finally found someone acknowledging that person's death.

...In an optional conversation that was overridden by the main quest conversation. All right, then. I'm just glad someone's talking about that.














He literally just died. Last chapter.

...What the heck?

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49 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Official 🙂


34 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Oh, so it's Seliph. For a moment I thought you were posting some rando medieval possibly yuri.

And what's with his right hand?

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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41 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ah yes, Kaga shipping (it's Alabama).

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, okay. I finally found someone acknowledging that person's death.

...In an optional conversation that was overridden by the main quest conversation. All right, then. I'm just glad someone's talking about that.














He literally just died. Last chapter.

...What the heck?

I feel like this implies you could've saved them.

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So uh

We rescued him in a sidequest.

I did a bit of research on the studio's discord, because this was super weird and at this point there isn't much in the way of spoilers I can eat. As it turns out...

It was a Kaze situation. He survived because I had max rapport with him. If I didn't, he would have perished. That's why this death was so weirdly late and low-impact on the plot. It's entirely avoidable.

Holy shit. The luck. Still pretty wonky implementation imma be honest, but I'm just happy to have him back.

33 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

RIP Sir Spoiler.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I feel like this implies you could've saved them.

I understand the way I showed it could lead to confusion, but no. He died first, in the story, then one chapter later I stumbled my way into a hidden sidequest to save him. And then saved him.

...All my life I've been gravitating towards the characters that die. A few years ago I even played a game where literally all the deaths were neatly in order from most to least liked by me. I don't remember many games where I lucked out as much as this one, like holy shit. The one dead guy I actually really liked got Kaze'd! Fucking incredible!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I understand the way I showed it could lead to confusion, but no. He died first, in the story, then one chapter later I stumbled my way into a hidden sidequest to save him. And then saved him.

Since the dead message was that, a message, no? So a fake-out if you fulfill the requirement?

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, so it's Seliph. For a moment I thought you were posting some rando medieval possibly yuri.

And what's with his right hand?

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah yes, Kaga shipping (it's Alabama).


Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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Being too heartbroken for anything hack-related and too tired for more Eidoloning, I have turned to an old friend to bring me comfort before sleep overtakes me.


Still fucking amazes me how utterly perfect this game is. And I don't say this lightly, I wouldn't call even some of my favoritest games ever perfect. This, though? This might be it. Or as close as it gets, at least.

...Except story mode. Story mode is Chinese torture.

I made an attempt at F-Zero X, but N64 emulation blows and it just wasn't working well enough to my liking. Ahhh, if only F-Zero wasn't cursed with being a Nintendo production. These games may have found a timeless home on the alcoves of Steam. Alas, Nintendo only cares to preserve you if they feel they can make easy nostalgia money out of you. Otherwise they leave you on stand-by until "they have good ideas" for you. Some cultists even believe that pitiful excuse!

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GGEZ Garon

BotW Fin

Well, that was fun. Fast thoughts and facts from my playthrough:

  • As i mentioned here before - Too empty. Especially at the beginning and before reaching the first domain it was just endless walking with some shrines here and there. After reaching the first domain it gets quite better, but the problem still presists the whole game. Even if it makes narrative sense, it's not that fun
  • Running should cost much less Stamina - it eating Stamina so fast exasperates the Empty problem i mentioned above. Many exploration thingies cost too much Stamina in general
  • Except Gliding. That one cost appropiate Stamina...or maybe too low even considering how much i fly skipped lol. Especially after getting birb.
  • Beast dungeons were really really cool. Shrines were fine. Would've prefered more Beasts and less shrines tbh.
  • Combat...hmmm...when there was a gimmick or playing with the environment it was really fun, when it went to "direct combat" it was ok. Bosses we more on the cool to really good side.
  • Biggest complaint: the damn camera. Why do i have to keep pressing ZR for the camera to lock into the enemy. Why can't i just press a button once to tell the camera to lock into a certain enemy?
  • Durability was meh. Most of the time endless chore with how fast they break and how fast i find replacement.
  • I feel like Memories should've been compulsory but easier to find, as they add a bit of needed characterization/narrative.
  • The Garon fight was kinda eh...especially 2nd Phase was lol
  • I played the whole game with total of 15 total Def max., down to 9 total Def when wearing weather appropriate armor :sip:. My brother was like "Dafuq you doing i was running at 60 Def!" lol. Got exactly 13 hearts by the end for Master Sword. 1.66 Stamina
  • Liked the slate abilities quite a bit.
  • Fuck Mages. All my homies hate Mages.

7.5-8/10, me thinks.

Also took a sneak at TotK and i think i am hooked more already lol

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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After fighting the Wind Fish from Link's Awakening at the end of the fourth stratum, Trails into Reverie's secret ending is unlocked. It should be pretty interesting, given the Wind Fish had over a million health.


It only took over 75 hours for the character on the boxart to appear, with the Grandmaster giving a cryptic prophecy that will probably make sense in a few years. The Grandmaster is pretty cute now that we've seen her eyes. I was expecting McBurn's meeting with the Grandmaster to be the secret ending of the previous game rather than this one (but this meeting occurs after Reverie's main plot is over, since McBurn doesn't appreciate Novartis making a copy of him).

McBurn and the Grandmaster talk about some cryptic stuff as Ouroboros members are wont to do, McBurn specifically appears to be important to Ouroboros's plans going forward. It's left ambiguous if a new Seventh Anguis has been recruited at the moment; apparently the Grandmaster has a candidate in mind, but they haven't decided whether or not to join yet (or that's the impression I got from what she said, at least).

It looks like Swin and Nadia's old assassination organization (the Garden, as Other Rean called it) will be important in the future. It might have something to do with the Order of the Moonlight Horse, since the Emperor was familiar with Sharon before.

Lastly, it turns out Calvard's new president is probably evil. I've said it before and I'll say it again, democracy simply doesn't work. Is Liberl the only country to have an arc but not an evil head-of-government? I look forward to ruining his day three or four games from now.


Hopefully I'll obtain the remaining five characters while exploring the rest of the Reverie Corridor... whenever the gold summoning stones actually show up, that is.

22 hours ago, Armagon said:

How'd you like the actual best character (glory to Master Kohga)?

Same voice actor


"Now I will kill you all... to death!" -Sombron when his children disappoint him

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I just recently remembered I forgot to check on the next Miku picture... only to find there's none. I guess the remaining pictures will be spread out instead of daily, then.

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Xenoblade composer says "it's time for a fresh start" (nintendoeverything.com)

Hmm... does ACE+ want to leave Xeno? Or maybe take an intermission while Sawano returns?


42 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Biggest complaint: the damn camera. Why do i have to keep pressing ZR for the camera to lock into the enemy. Why can't i just press a button once to tell the camera to lock into a certain enemy?

Was there an option in the menu? I never used it, but back in Wind Waker at least, you could go into the options and "lock" Z-Targeting (well, R-targeting, but I began on 64 OoT so it'll forever be Z-Targeting to me) with one press of the button, and unlock it with another.

42 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fuck Mages. All my homies hate Mages.

Wizzrobes are rarely fun opponents. They've always been that way.

A countdown has begun for that other thing. Counting down to the day that three months afterwards the translation into English begins. DON'T GET HYPED!😝


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I made an attempt at F-Zero X, but N64 emulation blows and it just wasn't working well enough to my liking.

I did read that the 64 was difficult to program for. Emulation must be likewise somewhat tricky, despite what I imagine to be many Super Mario 64 hacks.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh, if only F-Zero wasn't cursed

Speaking of F-Zero, the choice to 99 the original, while understandable, does have the issue of only four different racers, not much visual variety. Then I remembered that there was a Broadcast Satellaview F-Zero:


which featured four new vehicles (Blue Thunder, Luna Bomber, Green Amazone, Fire Scorpion (racers within them were never named)) that have never returned. Why didn't Nintendo include these in the new-old game?

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What kind of error warning is that? It's asking me the solution to a potential problem. Could you imagine if a cop asked "Do you have a bullet proof vest?" if you tried to storm the capitol?

In any case I don't know what to do now, I was going to play Radiant Dawn but sir Dolphin over here doesn't even know what his error is about yet apparently.

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did read that the 64 was difficult to program for. Emulation must be likewise somewhat tricky, despite what I imagine to be many Super Mario 64 hacks.

Kind of interesting to think about considering the few N64 games that have been made to run natively on PC hardware.


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Running should cost much less Stamina - it eating Stamina so fast exasperates the Empty problem i mentioned above. Many exploration thingies cost too much Stamina in general

It's a balancing act. Otherwise what's to stop you from just scaling every mountain frame 1?

Course in Tears you get vehicles and whatnot. But that's because the point there isn't to explore in a different way.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Beast dungeons were really really cool.

So as someone who does like them, this is an interesting point. Just to give some perspective, the Divine Beasts are rather uh, mixed-negative reception for Zelda fans who've been since before BotW. Main points being:

  • Samey aesthetic
  • Low enemy variety
  • Same bosses (aesthetically)
  • Forgettable music it's more memorable than most Zelda dungeon themes tbh.

Now i like the Divine Beasts myself because mechanics. But i get some of the points of contention.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Biggest complaint: the damn camera. Why do i have to keep pressing ZR for the camera to lock into the enemy. Why can't i just press a button once to tell the camera to lock into a certain enemy?

Always has been.

Nah like fr, Ocarina of Time invented the lock-on as it's used today, holding Z (or or L or ZR or whatever) was how it always worked.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I feel like Memories should've been compulsory but easier to find, as they add a bit of needed characterization/narrative.

I mean tbf, it is a main quest. Chances are the average player is gonna do them all. The whole "you can go straight to Ganon after the tutorial" is really just for those who want an extra challenge.

It's an interesting insight into the game philosophy because Aonuma and a lot of the younger staff feel the traditional Zelda progression was restrictive. Not that it's a bad thing but so many of the dev interviews before BotW were "yeah we're making a Zelda game" and then you read the BotW interviews and the team is like "HELL YEAH WE'RE MAKING A ZELDA GAME".

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

especially 2nd Phase was lol

Yes but the music went hard


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fuck Mages. All my homies hate Mages.

This game (and TotK) is when Wizzorbes are at their least annoying if you can believe that.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also took a sneak at TotK and i think i am hooked more already lol

TotK makes BotW look like the trial run lmao.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Same voice actor


Sombron's lost friend was actually a banana.

45 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Was there an option in the menu?

Checked on TotK, doesn't seem to be.

46 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of F-Zero, the choice to 99 the original, while understandable, does have the issue of only four different racers, not much visual variety.

More vehicles and tracks have been seen in the files. Wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo keeps updating this.

It really is fun. I know Ruben's gonna be a bit cynical about it but it genuinely captures the F-Zero spirit.


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A puppet Empress, suppose that's what you get for inheriting the throne as a child.

...You think she would've done something about that considering the previous game.


Oh yay, does that mean we'll get into part 4 soon?




You're telling me, the guy who double-double crossed us last game has just double-crossed us?!


I hope someday someone loves me as much as Radiant Dawn loves fog of war maps


The voice actors for these cutscenes sound so bored, it's great


Oooh a sacking mission, that's new


Appreciate the game showing the struggle of the horses as well, goddess bless




I also appreciate the less than a second long cutscene that occurred just before this to show that Tibarn attacked.


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38 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


You're telling me, the guy who double-double crossed us last game has just double-crossed us?!

For all that it matters. You'll see what I mean. Or rather, you won't see.

38 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oooh a sacking mission, that's new

Part 3 certainly opens up with an inversion of the FE army formula. You're not commanding the army, you work for it. Thus you do the small-jobs, like create a distraction (3-P), sneak in and cause a diversion (3-1), and now, you're hindering the supply depots (3-3).

37 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


A puppet Empress, suppose that's what you get for inheriting the throne as a child.

...You think she would've done something about that considering the previous game.

Ah, right, forgot to mention. The funny thing here is that, she's not just the Empress, but also the Apostle. The religious leader of Begnion. So naturally, it means jack as well if she says stuff the others don't like to hear...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Another night of staying up late. Not because I want to, but b/c irrational desire to stay awake when 😧.

Well, some gaming music ought to help, like Farinelli for Philip V. Maybe F-Zero b/c it's my head now.

And on the positive side, I did see that an R-rated Metroidvania with serviceable gameplay recently released. Seems overpriced for its short length, but I think I'll have to get it on sale eventually. Though maybe it's sign Metroidvanias have become too prolific if they're coming in smut-flavor now.😆


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nah like fr, Ocarina of Time invented the lock-on as it's used today, holding Z (or or L or ZR or whatever) was how it always worked.

How'd I forget it was L in WW?


After completing the 999-hit challenge.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's an interesting insight into the game philosophy because Aonuma and a lot of the younger staff feel the traditional Zelda progression was restrictive.

Became restrictive is how I'd personally phrase it. ALttP, OoT, they're linear sure, but they don't feel stiflingly restrictive IMO. And you still remember how WW-TP-SS increasingly shackled the experience.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It really is fun. I know Ruben's gonna be a bit cynical about it but it genuinely captures the F-Zero spirit.

Good to hear it. Admittedly, having played a little GX and Maximum Velocity, I'm not very good at F-Zero. Though I still like it.

I don't have NSO, but maybe I could use a free trial and try it I've been saving any free trials for X2, but by then I should qualify for another. 98 other players gives me a chance of finishing above last.


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Kind of interesting to think about considering the few N64 games that have been made to run natively on PC hardware.

Seems like "challenges regarding programming" were one of things that sank the N64. That plus the infamous decision to stick with cartridges instead of evolving to CDs sent a lot of third-parties to Sony's new Playstation. The N64's superior technical prowess in a bunch of ways couldn't compensate for being tricker to code for and much less data storage.

15 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

A puppet Empress, suppose that's what you get for inheriting the throne as a child.

...You think she would've done something about that considering the previous game.

Despite her acknowledgement that the Senate have defied orders to emancipate for two decades, and the recent Daein issue, Sanaki didn't realize just how big the gulf between her and the Senate actually was. It would seem she remained convinced real cooperation was possible. The veneer could've endured longer, were it not for the immediate urgency created by war.

42 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



It's actually Worms, turns out Luther was caught and burnt to death in Tellius, his movement never caught on and he endured in the societal consciousness as little more than the Heretic Decreed At Worms.

The thing about Veyona, is that I mistook him for being a woman for like a decade and a half.😅 The name ends in "a", and their haircut looks like a grandmother might have it.

Radiant Dawn's choice to bring back dark magic doesn't mean much for gameplay. But I still like for bringing FE magical completeness back. -Worm in other FEs is translated as "Swarm" btw.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Oooh a sacking mission, that's new

This is actually one of my favorite battles in all of FE.😄 

The atmosphere, the presentation, the planning, the slightly novel map objective, the two Senators you shouldn't kill, the horses you can unleash. Radiant Dawn does a good job of -if not of presenting CHALLENGE! and always avoiding tedium I readily concede- interweaving map and narrative together, and River Crossing is a masterpiece of a set piece.😁

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

The voice actors for these cutscenes sound so bored, it's great

"Soren, always lost in your books."

Not sure if you already had the wonderful "Hoooooold! Hold I say!" cutscene.

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