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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Did these yesterday (no shortage of free timeπŸ˜…), but was too tired to post them late at night.


I could move on to the Lab battles, and completing 2/3 of a country's starting missions unlocks the second set of three. But, it didn't feel right moving on without doing the first missions with the two of the three added-in-AW2 heroic COs.😝 Thus, Blue Moon moves north to secure its border province with Orange Star.



Nice nose on the trooper.


Honestly no idea if this seems like a plausible strategy. I'm doubting it, because don't you usually don't waste time conquering places without inherent value.


...And Colin. He did show up in Blue Moon intro and other battles too, but I intentionally left out of showing prior to this, knowing it'd be some time until I got to using him.


I trimmed out the "Grit lectures Colin to be calm, but not lackadaisical" bit, and the "don't waste your soldiers' lives" part, the latter being ironic for Colin.


"When he's older" and Olaf or maybe Grit? Lash seems to like her opponents well-seasoned, or bigger if scarecrow is to insult Grit's thinness. Strange tastes indeed.




that ain't happening.


Colin's first battle. A small, near-symmetrical, no pre-deployment map. Rather bland and easy as you'd expect from a 2-star difficulty fight. Befitting a new recruit fighting in the boondocks.


The game is questioning how Colin got to be a CO? Him, and not Andy?🀨

The opposite of Kanbei here, quantity over quality. Only a 10 Firepower penalty, which pales in comparison to 20% cheaper units.

Colin is one of the most broken COs in both Black Hole Rising and Dual Strike. If a map isn't purely pre-deployment -which in the War Room and Versus Mode they won't be- Colin's 80% unit costs let him swarm the map with more and or higher quality units faster than anyone else.

Yes he looks bland, with an entirely straight-laced personality, and a kinda generic-sounding theme with a few brushstrokes of zest, but looks are deceiving with this lad.😈


The CO Powers don't get any use on this map, not enough expensive enemies to destroy to build them up in time. But, stopping/reducing spending for several turns -if possible- then popping a Gold Rush lets Colin amass crazy funds. Letting his CO Gauge max out permits the "Double Gold Rush" strat where you use Gold Rush on two consecutive turns for even more mondo money. Or, if unit quantity isn't a problem, if you can conserve a few turns' income, Power of Money has no limit on its madness.


Ah, the simple pleasure of cheaper Tanks and B Copters. I need nothing else for this little map.


Day 6.


Day 14 win. Breezy and easy.

As a factoid, Colin is obviously inspired by Super Famicom Wars' second "freelancer" CO with an actual day-to-day unlike the four nation-affiliated COs.


Billy Gates. (SFW was released in 1998, Mr. Microsoft Windows was an icon of the decade.) Billy had +10000 funds per turn. Closer to Dual Strike's Sasha's day-to-day than Colin's, but even stronger than his on a small map.


Now from the cradle...


to the grave.

Gold Comet opts to hop to an island before continuing the mainland reconquest.


How do you destroy the sea?πŸ€” Fill it oil, fertilizer runoff, other chemicals, plastics? CO2 which acidifies the ocean, warm it up, and throw in a good dose of overfi- ...I see.πŸ™„


"Adder time"?


Enter Sensei, who like Colin I've been intentionally trimming out.


An insult of the highest order.


This is actually great advice from Sensei. Not for this map in particular, but it's one way to use his CO Power, or better his SCOP. Combine two of his free Airborne Assault 9HP Mechs, and you get 2400 funds. Repeat three or four times for a nice bit of extra money, plus a few possibly useful bazookas.


Let it begin.


The map is narrow, and forested. FoW, but no starting units on either side. The player gets a monopoly on air units if they can take the Italy-ish peninsula. Not a bad design for Sensei.

Priority 1- get a T-Copter to the base and then airport to seize the center of the map. Inching along the south and western edge... I'll see about that.

I know this map can be quickly won via a capture, but I'm not good enough to do that without a guide.πŸ˜…


Sensei is a weird CO. Loses 10 Firepower on everything except Infantry, Mechs, Fighters, Bombers, and Battle Copters. His Infantry and Mechs are stronger than Sami's, but don't get a capture rate bonus, nor any CO Power boosts.


As for Battle Copters.

An extra 50 Firepower with these aren't so bad. Yes, Anti-Airs demolish them, and they need to look out for Fighters too, but otherwise they are fairly strong, durable, not expensive, decent Vision, and very versatile. They can hit many things for so much damage and take minimal harm in return. And then Sensei can give them a little 1-turn boost with either of COPs as well. As a singular non-foot soldier unit to give a 50 Firepower boost to, Sensei chose well.πŸ˜€ DoR would nerf B Copters, too fragile and weak there, which I'd say they didn't need.

Sensei tends to be considered a good CO. Particularly in Dual Strike, where Sami lost her +1 Movement for transports yet Sensei kept it, and his Firepower penalty was reduced to apply only to naval units, which might as well be no flaw at all on a lot of maps.

...Oh yes, Sensei's theme. It was snazzy jazzy goodness in GBA, one of the best character themes around. Re-Boot's remix ...slows it down. Not bad, but the old man deserves more bang in his tune.


A nice smile & laugh from Sensei when dealing a lot of damage.πŸ˜„ Actually destroying an enemy isn't so excellent, his head tilts down and you can see a small snooze bubble emerge.



I forgot to screenshot it, but things got very bad on the peninsula. Adder managed to land an Infantry on the airport destroyed pretty much all my forces there except the tank holding onto the base. The AI can now how to invade with sufficient might.


I managed to reverse things though with some B Copters from the south.Β 

And see the western edge of the map?

The AW AI struggles with multi-front battles. It can only allocate adequate forces to one front at any time. Since Adder was hammering me on the peninsula. He sent only three Infantry along the southern edge, a few Infantry of my own and a single Tank resolve this, and I'm allowed to move on to that line of three cities Adder owns unopposed. It didn't negate my failures elsewhere, but it helped.


This was unexpected, but befitting. Cool.😎

I win on Day 18.


I didn't learn of it until recently, but Sensei actually has a name, not a title, in Japan. It's Yamamoto, the same as


this CO from Super Famicom Wars. The third and final freelancer CO with special day-to-day abilities. He starts with two levels of veterancy (a mechanic it'd take DoR to bring back), for +40 Firepower to all units for free, no drawbacks. The smartest and strongest CO, play as him to break the game, play against him to be broken.

So yeah, legendary CO indeed.

Super Famicom Wars was released digitally-only in Japan in 1998. Not 1999 Thracia 776 late, but still three years into the N64's Japanese release. More importantly '98 is only three years before 2001, when AW1 release. Feels a little surreal that.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:



Unfamiliar with the Pokemon, too young Gen-wise for me. But I like Miku's wild design here.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's probably a universe where those can be called shoes, yes.

They did have premodern elevator shoes back in late 1500s-early 1600s Venice.


Called chopines, the tallest known example is ~60 centimeters tall. Others are much shorter, like 14 cm or 30 cm.

They weren't worn as a fashion statement, to be seen. Rather, women would wear long dresses, taller shoes let the women wear longer dresses without them dragging along the ground. Longer dresses = more expensive fabric with intricate designs and perhaps jewel embroidery could be shown off = more flaunting of wealth.

Shorter chopines required visiting a ballet master to learn how to walk, taller ones called for attendants on either side for balance support.

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  • Codename Shrimp


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12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Hey! Happy Birthday!

11 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh. Happy Birthday!

11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh happy (late) birthday!

9 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Happy (belated) B-day!

13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Retroactive happy birthday!πŸŽ‚

I hope it was joyous.πŸ˜ƒ

Thank You



12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Near the end of Tsar Nickolas's reign, many army regiments within the Russian Empire mutinied against their commanding officers and created solder cooperates in where soldiers would vote and decide collectively on action as opposed to being told what to do by a superior.

...Just throwing that out there, Zelgius

Sadly Zelgius doesn't have the guts to start a communist revolution.


12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I get less and less on board with the animal people race allegory when they start introducing actual animal instincts in said races.

Its an issue with using fantasy species as a race allegory, as the differences in species muddles the whole thing, and feeds into the lie that there are fundamental differences between the races to justify racism.


12 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



This is poetic justice in that Haar achieved this promotion by dodging and then killing a guy with a Wrymslayer

The king of Radiant Dawn on his rise to prominence...


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have memories of playing Paper Mario in my childhood with the world flickering in and out. Somehow I accepted this as fact lol

Funny as that was one of the games I was most thinking of when I wrote that.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:



One of the first I predicted, Toxtricity, which has such a rocker vibe, and with like half its dex entries talking about it sounding like a guitar.


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21 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its an issue with using fantasy species as a race allegory, as the differences in species muddles the whole thing, and feeds into the lie that there are fundamental differences between the races to justify racism.

This is how some Europeans (especially Eastern) tend to justify their racism of the Romani. That there's fundamental differences in their culture and thus, it's ok to hate them (see: Italian Supreme Court). Fantasy species as a race allegory is just taking those traits and making them physical.

19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Rip Ys X before 2025

NISA having to make a Switch 2/PS6 port for Ys X cause they took to long moment.

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19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Rip Ys X before 2025

...How does Daybreak 2 factor into the equation? B/c that did release first.🀨

At least after that, nothing else lay on the Trails horizon for now. Is there a civil war within Falcom after sagging Trails sales, Daybreak 2's issues, franchise burnout, and Western fans' disgust with NISA?

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5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

..How does Daybreak 2 factor into the equation? B/c that did release first.🀨

If i have to guess: Kuro 2 2025, Ys X 2026.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

nothing else lay on the Trails horizon for now.

eh. New Trails is 100% in next year

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

. Is there a civil war within Falcom after sagging Trails sales, Daybreak 2's issues, franchise burnout, and Western fans' disgust with NISA?

haven't been keeping tabs much, but from what i see, yes.

Some, like me, gave up after CS5. Others, were only fans of CS and not interested in anything else. Some others got done in by the wait times, some hated Kuro 2, then there's the whole Nisa fiasco, etc.

Then again, as i said, i haven't been keeping tabs and these are the impressions i get as an outsider and talking with peeps who are still active in the fandom

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At least after that, nothing else lay on the Trails horizon for now.

There's supposed to be one more Daybreak game, which is absolutely being announced soon.Β BeyondΒ that however, who knows.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The Romani situation is more complex than americans make it out to be.

There are one million Romani in the United States and there aren't any issues (relative) to the point where "gypsy" isn't a slur so clearlyΒ something's going on the other side of the Atlantic.

Honestly from my Americanbrained perspective, too much of it just looks like a rebranded "despite only making up 13% of the population, black people commit 50% of the crime" talking points.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There are one million Romani in the United States and there aren't any issues (relative) to the point where "gypsy" isn't a slur so clearlyΒ something's going on the other side of the Atlantic.

Do they live a nomad lifestyle in the US and refuse all possible host country's laws and help offers?

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"gypsy" isn't a slur

It's a slur outside Europe as well fyi, so it isn't a unique European problem.


Although i won't deny there's a racism problem, it's more a cultural problem

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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If i have to guess: Kuro 2 2025, Ys X 2026.

But this year they did both halves of Cro -oh wait those were fan translations.πŸ˜‘

22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

haven't been keeping tabs much, but from what i see, yes.

  1. Some, like me, gave up after CS5.
  2. Others, were only fans of CS and not interested in anything else.
  3. Some others got done in by the wait times, then there's the whole Nisa fiasco.
  4. Some hated Kuro 2.

Then again, as i said, i haven't been keeping tabs and these are the impressions i get as an outsider and talking with peeps who are still active in the fandom

Slightly edited, four different factions of discontent/departure. How to bring most/all of them back into the fold. Particularly when groups 1 and 2 can be at fundamental odds with each other.

Would it be fair to say FE had it relatively easy, with just a traditionalist-modernist divide, which has given way to a story/3H-gameplay/Engage divide? Only two factions to try appeasing.

This is amusing for an outsider to casually witness.πŸ”­Β Though it must be agonizing for actual fans.

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I see Kuro fans and CS fans already slinging shit at each other in some places.

Feels good to be an outsider to this

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But this year they did both halves of Cro -oh wait those were fan translations.

Even if by some Miracle they only release Kuro 2 6 months after Kuro 1, that will be early 2025, leaving Ys X to late 2025

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Would it be fair to say FE had it relatively easy, with just a traditionalist-modernist divide, which has given way to a story/3H-gameplay/Engage divide? Only two factions to try appeasing.

And also 3H already kinda bridged the divide. Sure, 3H hate exists in amounts, but feels less than the hate and divide during the Fates era.

Although Engage kinda brought a divide between gameplay peeps and story peeps - and the answer to solve that should be a game that excels at both....which with FE is a hard ask lol

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This is amusing for an outsider to casually witness.


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

hough it must be agonizing for actual fans.

been there, done that lol.

Honestly if i was still into Trails i would've played Kuro Fantl already and not wait the years

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13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Do they live a nomad lifestyle in the US and refuse all possible host country's laws and help offers?

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

"Romani Americans are concentrated in large cities suchΒ ChicagoΒ andΒ Los AngelesΒ and states such asΒ New York,Β Virginia,Β Illinois,Β TexasΒ andΒ Massachusetts.[38]

Romani Americans live mainly in major urban areas such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Seattle, and Portland. Romani Americans today still migrate across the United States from the Midwest toΒ Nevada,Β California, Texas, and elsewhere to live close to family and friends or for jobs. Some of the Roma who had once lived in Delay and then in the Dearborn area in Michigan moved toΒ Las Vegas ValleyΒ to work or retire...

...The Rom (group): They number around 20,000. The Rom have spread across North America in large family groups and tend to stay together. The Rom have tried to continue in fortune telling, but they soon have moved on to roofing and car sales, traveling in trailers and mobile homes. Metal work is one of the preferred activities of the Rom men in car body repairs, scrap collecting, car sales and occasional coppersmithing, but more often do roofing, paving and home improvements. The women do fortune telling and sell cheap goods around the houses...

...Hungarian-Slovak Romani: The Romani of Northern Hungary largely settled in industrial cities of the Northern United States near the turn of the century. Among Romani from these areas were Olah, Romungre, and Bashalde immigrants. They were noted for their musical traditions and popularized Romani music in the United States by performing in cafes, night clubs and restaurants. Their prevalence in show business made Hungarian-Slovak Romani the most visible of the Romani groups arriving in America at the turn of the century and helped to shape the modern American idea of a Romani.[54]Β The Bashalde reside principally inΒ Pennsylvania,Β Ohio,Β ChicagoΒ andΒ Las Vegas"

Those seem to be the two most predominant groups though there are more.

There's none of this "disregard for laws and help" stuff but that seems to be as a whole. From what I've read, the anti-immigration talking points of the Right in Europe is "they don't want to work" which seems to be true to an extent but there's underlying issues that aren't being addressed, such as the why. In America, the anti-immigration talking points of the Right is "they want to work too much" even though they are working jobs that the average American doesn't want to do.

It's something I want to look at more, why do immigrants find it way easier to integrate in America than anywhere else, to the point where the most patriotic Americans are immigrants. I mean, I know why, but I don't knowΒ why.

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Also ngl hate the Daybreak thing because it loses the Kuro no (Chrono) worldplay.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

the anti-immigration talking points of the Right in Europe is "they don't want to work"


That's what the right here says about every migrant group lol

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

why do immigrants find it way easier to integrate in America than anywhere else, to the point where the most patriotic Americans are immigrants

America is a melting pot. You can still have a big part of your culture and identity while still being american - most of the old world doesn't work like that

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They did have premodern elevator shoes back in late 1500s-early 1600s Venice.


Called chopines, the tallest known example is ~60 centimeters tall. Others are much shorter, like 14 cm or 30 cm.

They weren't worn as a fashion statement, to be seen. Rather, women would wear long dresses, taller shoes let the women wear longer dresses without them dragging along the ground. Longer dresses = more expensive fabric with intricate designs and perhaps jewel embroidery could be shown off = more flaunting of wealth.

Shorter chopines required visiting a ballet master to learn how to walk, taller ones called for attendants on either side for balance support.

That... looks like a torture device. All for stupid fashion, too. Poor, poor women...

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I still can't believe they made her so based.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Honestly from my Americanbrained perspective, too much of it just looks like a rebranded "despite only making up 13% of the population, black people commit 50% of the crime" talking points.

I'm unsure if it's wise to throw my two cents. I don't really want to get into this topic too much. I'm a pretty ignorant guy. I didn't even know there was a word for them other than "gipsy" until very recently. I had a literal Ike moment, nobody ever told me, if you'll believe it. I thought their name was gipsies, and that's that. There's a chance all I believe I know of their culture is nothing more than biases being perpetuated, and I wouldn't know it. I don't know any Romani more than as passing acquaintances.

As I understand it, mostly from being told by people who are not Romani, they treat their women like livestock. Pull them out of school the moment it's legal to do so, shove them into forced marriages, make them give birth as quickly as possible, then spend the rest of their lives raising children, zero freedom, no voice in the matter. I had Romani classmates in high school, and I can say in my very limited experience, at least the first part added up. The boys stayed in school as long as they wanted, the girls all disappeared after 2nd year. My father even told me, not long ago, he witnessed one of my old classmates getting the tar beaten out of her by a Romani dude in broad daylight. It sounds downright deplorable.

But then, I don't know how much of this is a true part of their culture, and how much is specific cases and prejudice filling the blanks for the outsiders. There's certainly a lot of fearmongering with them, whispers of "the gipsies" coming in packs to beat the crap out of those who slight them, warnings to stay far away from all of them on principle. Stuff that really does sound like the example you bring up.

I don't know how to react to this uncertainty. Do I denounce an entire culture potentially based on baseless prejudice, or do I support a culture where potentially people are still, in the current day, being assigned the role of "cattle" based on what's between their legs? It's a difficult thing. I fear getting burned.

...Besides, the Romani situation in Spain is a bit different just in general. What Shrimpy says does not apply here. They've become more sedentary than other Romani peoples. It seems every settlement has a Romani community somewhere, sometimes not even separate from the general community or anything like that.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And also 3H already kinda bridged the divide. Sure, 3H hate exists in amounts, but feels less than the hate and divide during the Fates era.

Although Engage kinda brought a divide between gameplay peeps and story peeps - and the answer to solve that should be a game that excels at both....which with FE is a hard ask lol

3H brought a divide between people who want Three Houses: The Series, and people who don't lol

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

From what I've read, the anti-immigration talking points of the Right in Europe is "they don't want to work" which seems to be true to an extent but there's underlying issues that aren't being addressed, such as the why. In America, the anti-immigration talking points of the Right is "they want to work too much" even though they are working jobs that the average American doesn't want to do.

Well, that may be in "Europe", but here in Spain, the "they steal our jobs" thing is very much the common talking point when it comes to African escapees. Alongside the classic crime rate argument.

The laziness argument is aimed at leftists instead. They wax poetic about lazy people fanatically voting left so they can preserve their government-afforded "paguitas" ("lil' wages" would be an English equivalent) and keep living the good life.

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11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

because you are a god damn sicko that's why.

Stay away from me. Even I, ME, find your behaviour absolutely disgraceful.

Yeah no kinkshaming and all, but didn't expect you to be a furry, Wraith.

*Wraith sighs heavily*

It’s just not working like it was last night, thanks to a certain someone. You can turn down the righteous indignation and vitriol Shrimp-kun, Emperor knows I currently am. I’m not a furry and neither are you.

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Also, it's not just a european thing, even outside europe travelling around and/or talking with other peeps, the word "gypsie" (or it's translation) is used as a slur.

1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

It’s just not working like it was last night, thanks to a certain someone

you drank too much, old chap?


4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

3H brought a divide between people who want Three Houses: The Series, and people who don't lol

true lol

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that may be in "Europe", but here in Spain, the "they steal our jobs" thing is very much the common talking point when it comes to African escapees. Alongside the classic crime rate argument.

has it been also exploding in spain lately?

News and rise of the Nazis here has me feeling like we are in refugee crisis 2.0, but i don't feel anything like that in reality

Maybe i am living too much in the techies bubble

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Oh Wraith's a furry. Well, whatever rocks your boat, matey.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I can't tell if it's a bit honestly.

Ah, the joys of reading text on a screen without fully comprehend the hands that type it or the mind that formulates the words.

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I remember thinking for a time that Gypsy simply referred to the fortune telling. As in, just another word for Fortune Teller. Only later on I learned it referred to an actual ethnicity, and then even later that it was a slur.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also ngl hate the Daybreak thing because it loses the Kuro no (Chrono) worldplay.

There's an alternative timeline where they called it "Trails in the Dark".

5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

America is a melting pot. You can still have a big part of your culture and identity while still being american - most of the old world doesn't work like that

And in Central and South America, there is still a large percentage of indigenous people, moreso than in the North (I know Mexico is North, I'm just speaking in human geography terms). My great great grandmother was an indigenous woman (idk what tribe). So there still a degree of melting there, even if they are getting less immigrants over all (most are usually retirees). Idk about Australian/Aboriginal relations.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But then, I don't know how much of this is a true part of their culture, and how much is specific cases and prejudice filling the blanks for the outsiders. There's certainly a lot of fearmongering with them, whispers of "the gipsies" coming in packs to beat the crap out of those who slight them, warnings to stay far away from all of them on principle. Stuff that really does sound like the example you bring up.

Even if there's some degree of truth to it, assumingΒ everybodyΒ does it just because the negative instances are obviously brought into the headlines is the issue. Every time a cop kills a black person, the racists justify it because "but he was a criminal" even if there actually was no criminal history. Hell, maybe there was a crime but whatever it was hardly justified the use of deadly force. Or how Donald Trump wanted Mexico to pay for the wall (lmao) because Mexicans are "rapists". Yes the cartel is largely based in Mexico I think but imagine assuming the worst out of every Mexican you see.

Oh hey, speaking of Trump, that time he tried to ban predominantly Muslim countries from flying in cause "terrorism". The courts told him to shut the fuck up and sit down.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that may be in "Europe", but here in Spain, the "they steal our jobs" thing is very much the common talking point when it comes to African escapees. Alongside the classic crime rate argument.

I feel like Spain and the UK are usually the outliers. In a broad sense.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also, it's not just a european thing, even outside europe travelling around and/or talking with other peeps, the word "gypsie" (or it's translation) is used as a slur.

Maybe it really is an old world/new world thing.

I mean over here we named a mech out of it


11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

has it been also exploding in spain lately?

Spain beat the fuck out of their rising alt-right party, in seemingly stark contrast to everyone else in the EU.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Even if there's some degree of truth to it, assumingΒ everybodyΒ does it just because the negative instances are obviously brought into the headlines is the issue.


I agree with that.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Every time a cop kills a black person, the racists justify it because "but he was a criminal" even if there actually was no criminal history. Hell, maybe there was a crime but whatever it was hardly justified the use of deadly force.

call it discriminatory, but i assume every copper is a bad person.

Something that i observed across all cultures - Coppers and Soldiers are the trash of society, the worst of the worst. Just people who want an excuse to use force and show their racism under a legal angle

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Apparently this is supposed to be 2023 release ... but no date and the year is almost over. Probably delayed. Not like I should complain b/c backlog.


[NSW]Β Baten Kaitos I & II HD RemasterΒ (Bandai Namco, 09/14/23) – 7,975Β (New)

Less than 10k in physical sales in Japan. Namco I read put zero marketing effort into this, so perhaps not surprising. Me not happy.


8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There's an alternative timeline where they called it "Trails in the Dark".

...Are you trying to allude to PMD EoD/T?

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Something that i observed across all cultures - Coppers and Soldiers are the trash of society, the worst of the worst. Just people who want an excuse to use force and show their racism under a legal angle

Idk about soldiers since they're often under heavy regulation at least over here (not that there aren't problems of course but they're at least making an effort) but cops definitely get away with too much.

Like we need reform cause we can't just not have some protective force. I think a little bit too many online activists want anarchy. But cops having qualified immunity is some genuine bullshit. If a firefighter or medic causes the death of someone, their career is over and they are blacklisted, and this isn't counting any criminal charges. A cop? "We've investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of any wrongdoing". Once in a blue moon, they'll throw one out to the wolves.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Less than 10k in physical sales in Japan. Namco I read put zero marketing effort into this, so perhaps not surprising. Me not happy.

Not even review codes were sent out. Feels like they were just meeting a quota.

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