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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes! Ward! You put Ward there for me! I mean, obviously not for me, but... And I mean, it's not Derrick, but... The Endgame Beard! I'm glad you happened to pick him!

Ah, so it was Ward! Glad I didn't pick the wrong one, then!
Thanks! ^^

Also, I very much picked the Berwick characters for you, and every fan of that game here! I'm just happy it happened to be one that people here actually like!

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the poor guy stands out like a sore thumb among all the anime teenagers.

If it's any consolation, at least one of them is an 800 year-old half-demon, another is an ancient Japanese fox spirit and one of them is a living super weapon also a few hundred years of age. So he's not even the oldest one in there. XD

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... If he so wants to become strong, that can certainly be arranged!

Xbhcbgtp o

Not gonna lie, Yubello of all people being the team's best tank makes me way happier than it by all means should. 9 levels for capped defense. Let's go!

What the actual heck? XD

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Knowing me, I'd probably get a game over in Chapter 1.


3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Yeah, FE discord has a lot of condescending dipsticks. I left because of that.

That's actually not the FE Discord. Everyone there is pretty chill.

I was also joking about me being the worst Berwick player but it is really funny that one of the game's best units got screwed over.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahaha... Oh, don't feel too bad about it. Dean's absolutely amazing, you just got a little unlucky is all. Live and learn.

As long as he doesn't turn out like Hector, I'm good.

I love telling this story, my first playthrough of FE7 had Hector constantly missing everything and he didn't get enough EXP to even promote. Come Endgame, he was a measly Lv.7 Lord and it gave me such an awful impression of his viability. Endgame FE7 on my first run was literally me just babying Hector cause everything would kill him.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

It's somewhat good if you want to use her-For some reason, it gives her happiness

Ah, she's a masochist.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh. Right. I forgot about that.

Also appearently I'm the worst Berwick player two chapters in, that's awesome:

It's fairly easy for Dean to get crippled. He's very much a glass cannon, so most attacks take out decent chunks out of his health.
But still not as likely as Faye, seeing how she generally loses like 70-90% from one hit. You really got to watch out for her.

Anyway, the worst Berwick player is very much me, since I couldn't beat chapter 9 and ended up restarting the whole game.

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:


Wow! This is awesome! Thanks!


3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On my FE12 Lunatic run: I have beaten Anri's Way, the Flame Barrel and the Frozen Land. I... I'm surprised to say this, but... The game's actually gotten a little bit easier. Yeah. It's still tough as nails, don't get me wrong... maybe "easier" isn't the right word, but I am definitely resetting far less than I was before. Either I'm getting better, or my team is just that good. Or, y'know, both!

Nice! In my H4 SD run, (It was supposed to be H2, I could have sworn that I clicked H2...) I have the world's most blessed Castor-Strength and speed every level so far except for one, (not strength) and he has gotten defense three times. Vyland's off to a nice start as well, speed, luck, defense. Matthis has been a bit of an uphill battle, Merric doesn't want to be used, and Swordmaster Jagen is...Well, only very slightly better than Myrmidon Wrys. Wendell has found his calling as a sniper/Dracoknight, I am not sure if I will use Wolfgar, Daros has been mediocre. I don't regret giving Wrys a +10 mt sword called Wrysgusting. And he got defense! DEFENSE! I should have gone with  +30 crit as well... I should really save for forged Wing spear, though.

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Just now, Benice said:

Wow! This is awesome! Thanks!


No problem at all!

Sorry! Sorry!
As I said, I don't know Berwick's characters enough to specifically look up art for them, so I just picked these kind of at random. Ward is one, and I think the other is Faye, I believe.

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2 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Anyway, the worst Berwick player is very much me, since I couldn't beat chapter 9 and ended up restarting the whole game.

How dare you, I did that too! And you didn't kill 54 of your units in ch. 6! So there! Hmph!

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, she's a masochist.

Even more perfect~

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9 minutes ago, Benice said:

How dare you, I did that too! And you didn't kill 54 of your units in ch. 6! So there! Hmph!

Now I kinda want the PS2 emulator to work so I can prove my point about getting a game over in Chapter 1. XD

9 minutes ago, Benice said:

Even more perfect~

🎶 Benice and Faye, sitting in a tree... 🎶

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I made a little something for all of us:

Hope I didn't miss out on any favs.
And since I don't know any Berwick or SRW characters, I just picked them at random.

If you're curious: The program is called simply "PhotoCollage".

Nice. Well, can't go wrong using a Mazinger to represent SRW. Not counting the OG games, Mazinger is the only anime franchise with 100% participation in SRW. Well, Gundam too, if I recall correctly. But the SR does stand for Super Robot, so...

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for Yubello...

War... war never changes...

You monster...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Sorry! Sorry!
As I said, I don't know Berwick's characters enough to specifically look up art for them, so I just picked these kind of at random. Ward is one, and I think the other is Faye, I believe.

Ahaha, I jest, I jest. I love Faye as well!

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Now I kinda want the PS2 emulator to work so I can prove my point about getting a game over in Chapter 1. XD

Tbf, Berwick's first map isn't a freebee. Maybe a game over wouldn't be so easy because your lord units are quite strong, (One of them is even the Jagen) but losing a unit or two wouldn't be unthinkable. (Izerna starts in a pickle, and I've had Dean flirt with death a few times...) Ch. 1 is probably harder than Ch. 6.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

🎶 Benice and Faye, sitting in a tree... 🎶

P-R-O-C-C-I-N-G  A-D-E-P-T

Dang, that doesn't work with the rhythm.

Edited by Benice
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15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

If it's any consolation, at least one of them is an 800 year-old half-demon, another is an ancient Japanese fox spirit and one of them is a living super weapon also a few hundred years of age. So he's not even the oldest one in there. XD

- Centuries old half-demon.

- Ancient fox spirit.

- Living super weapon.

- The legendary Hero-King.


- Bearded guy with a horse.

...Yeah, he still sticks out like a sore thumb, I'm afraid... And being surrounded by so many anime teens and teen lookalikes must be a bit of a personal hell for him. He spends half of Berwick Saga getting mildly grumpy at young guys and gals. Oh, well...

15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

What the actual heck? XD

Give Yubello an axe and the growth drop literal friggin' steroids, and that's what you get. Absolute madness.

This has to be one of the most bonkers teams I've ever had in FE12, and it's my first Lunatic run. No Palla, no Catria, no Sirius, no Malliesia... Screw the tier lists. Matthis, Yubello, Yumina, Maris, Leiden... They are the ones that will save the world.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I love telling this story, my first playthrough of FE7 had Hector constantly missing everything and he didn't get enough EXP to even promote. Come Endgame, he was a measly Lv.7 Lord and it gave me such an awful impression of his viability. Endgame FE7 on my first run was literally me just babying Hector cause everything would kill him.

I distinctly remember in one of my first FE6 runs, I beat the whole game with Roy at level 1. Pretty similar experience, I imagine. Though, in Roy's case, it's kinda impossible not to get an awful impression on his viability.

13 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

the worst Berwick player is very much me


Wait a second... Are my glasses dirty or somethin'? Doesn't look like it... Did I just imagine that? Let me read that again...

...You!? I... I cannot believe it! That's just... that ain't right! I refuse to accept it! How can you be the worst Berwick player when you're better than ME!?

10 minutes ago, Benice said:

How dare you, I did that too! And you didn't kill 54 of your units in ch. 6! So there! Hmph!

Is this a competition now? Because if it is, must I remind all of you who it is that got motherfuckin' CLIFFORD killed?! I think that automatically gives me the victory!

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

War... war never changes...

You monster...

I am sorry, I truly am, that I am physically incapable of feeling the slightest bit sorry about my actions. Yubello is too much fun to use. I regret nothing! Hahah, ahahahahahaha...!

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait a second... Are my glasses dirty or somethin'? Doesn't look like it... Did I just imagine that? Let me read that again...

...You!? I... I cannot believe it! That's just... that ain't right! I refuse to accept it! How can you be the worst Berwick player when you're better than ME!?

I mean, I basically did play nothing but Vestaria Saga and Berwick Saga this year. So I learned a lot of things about Berwick. Usually by failing very hard.

Edited by BrightBow
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2 minutes ago, Benice said:

P-R-O-C-C-I-N-G  A-D-E-P-T

Dang, that doesn't work with the rhythm.

Is that what they're calling it these days...?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am sorry, I truly am, that I am physically incapable of feeling the slightest bit sorry about my actions. Yubello is too much fun to use. I regret nothing! Hahah, ahahahahahaha...!

I suppose it could be worse. Could've been a Berserker... or is that not available in his reclass list? Since I know Males classes are divided into two sets.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is this a competition now? Because if it is, must I remind all of you who it is that got motherfuckin' CLIFFORD killed?! I think that automatically gives me the victory!

Then I must remind YOU that I killed Ward in chapter 2! And it wasn't even from a crit! That gives me the victory!

And I cleared ch. 9 in...What, 184 turns? And that was me not turtling to grind up skill points!

And I killed Milady who capped strength, speed and defense!

And I killed Shin, who capped everything but luck, defense and res!

And I killed the world's most blessed Lilina!

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Is that what they're calling it these days...?

If so, I certainly wouldn't mind Faye proccing adept 65% of the time she does anything... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Edited by Benice
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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Now I kinda want the PS2 emulator to work so I can prove my point about getting a game over in Chapter 1. XD

Alternatively, download a PS1 emulator and play TearRing Saga instead. Everyone here be playing Berwick so play the distant prequel instead.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

.Yeah, he still sticks out like a sore thumb, I'm afraid... And being surrounded by so many anime teens and teen lookalikes must be a bit of a personal hell for him. He spends half of Berwick Saga getting mildly grumpy at young guys and gals. Oh, well...

You say that but he's still fitting in more in that picture than the actual mecha.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Though, in Roy's case, it's kinda impossible not to get an awful impression on his viability.

Yeah, saying Roy sucks is a common thing. But if you say Hector sucks, you'll have a few eyebrows raised.

1 minute ago, Benice said:

If so, I certainly wouldn't mind Faye proccing adept 65% of the time she does anything... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nice. Well, can't go wrong using a Mazinger to represent SRW. Not counting the OG games, Mazinger is the only anime franchise with 100% participation in SRW. Well, Gundam too, if I recall correctly. But the SR does stand for Super Robot, so...

Oh nice! Glad to know I picked the right one, then!
I do recall reading about Mazinger in your post, so I looked specifically for that one.

And during my search, I learned where Digimon got the inspiration for some of its own creature designs. XD

1 minute ago, Benice said:

Ahaha, I jest, I jest. I love Faye as well!

Haha, it's okay! I didn't take offense to it!

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Tbf, Berwick's first map isn't a freebee. Maybe a game over wouldn't be so easy because your lord units are quite strong, (One of them is even the Jagen) but losing a unit or two wouldn't be unthinkable. (Izerna starts in a pickle, and I've had Dean flirt with death a few times...) Ch. 1 is probably harder than Ch. 6.

Ah-ha! I knew it! XD

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

P-R-O-C-C-I-N-G  A-D-E-P-T

Dang, that doesn't work with the rhythm.

Sadly not. XD

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

- Centuries old half-demon.

- Ancient fox spirit.

- Living super weapon.

- The legendary Hero-King.


- Bearded guy with a horse.

...Yeah, he still sticks out like a sore thumb, I'm afraid... And being surrounded by so many anime teens and teen lookalikes must be a bit of a personal hell for him. He spends half of Berwick Saga getting mildly grumpy at young guys and gals. Oh, well...

Well, maybe these guys and gals won't make him grumpy (I know for a fact that the half-demon won't, because she very much acts like an adult... and can be rather cranky herself).
Also, there is the giant robot, too. He could try to make friends with him.
And a bearded guy with a horse is needed to balance out the craziness of the others, because there are some crazy characters in there just going by what they can do.

Because I haven't even gotten into the advanced AI that is actually the feelings another advanced AI developed... or the guy who can create swords out of nothing... or the girl who is a literal goddess with her counterpart from a different dimension who looks like an older version of her, but said older version is not a goddess at all... or the alchemist girl that can travel through timelines at will and influnece every timeline all at once (although this only happens at the end of her game)... Fire Emblem's characters look downright normal next to some of the others there.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Give Yubello an axe and the growth drop literal friggin' steroids, and that's what you get. Absolute madness.

This has to be one of the most bonkers teams I've ever had in FE12, and it's my first Lunatic run. No Palla, no Catria, no Sirius, no Malliesia... Screw the tier lists. Matthis, Yubello, Yumina, Maris, Leiden... They are the ones that will save the world.

You're proving that you don't need to use the top tier units/characters to beat a game on its (second) highest difficulty setting.
That's awesome, I'd say!

6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Is that what they're calling it these days...?

Haha~ nice! XD


Also, yep, this has very much become a competition about who is worse in Berwick.
And I love it! XD

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alternatively, download a PS1 emulator and play TearRing Saga instead. Everyone here be playing Berwick so play the distant prequel instead.

Not a bad idea.
... If I do find a PS1 emulator, I could also finally play Digimon World 3, which I heard is really, really good.

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Or alternatively, play SRW games instead instead of the Sagas.

Are there SRW games on the PS1?

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Are there SRW games on the PS1?

Sure. Though only one has an English fan translation fully done. But it's a sequel work, so I wouldn't recommend starting with that one.

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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Sure. Though only one has an English fan translation fully done. But it's a sequel work, so I wouldn't recommend starting with that one.

Ah, I see!
Say I did start with that one... how much of the story would I not understand?

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

You're proving that you don't need to use the top tier units/characters to beat a game on its (second) highest difficulty setting.
That's awesome, I'd say!

H-hey, what about me?! I'm not using Wolf, Ogma, Jagen, Barst or Sedgar on H4 and am instead using Vyland and Wrys! And Daros! And Gordin And Matthis and Cord and

Bah...But I'm using Wendell....Curses!

(Only joking about being mad, of course!)

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Haha, it's okay! I didn't take offense to it!

Oh, good!

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Ah, I see!
Say I did start with that one... how much of the story would I not understand?

Well, it's regarded as a Gaiden game. It's literally called Alpha Gaiden. Its story is mostly self contained (though there are things that would require stuff from Alpha 1 to fully understand) so that won't be a problem. But most of everything else will be. Unless you're familiar with the anime series.

As it is, there are better ways to start with SRW. Most games are self contained, and some do have fan translations or official English ones. Just, not for the PS1 as it is.

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

H-hey, what about me?! I'm not using Wolf, Ogma, Jagen, Barst or Sedgar on H4 and am instead using Vyland and Wrys! And Daros! And Gordin And Matthis and Cord and

Equally awesome, of course!

The mere fact that you're playing on H4 and Saint Rubenio is playing on Lunatic is awesome to me, because I never played the games on anything higher than Normal. XD

3 minutes ago, Benice said:

Oh, good!

I figured you were joking, no worries!~

1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, it's regarded as a Gaiden game. It's literally called Alpha Gaiden. Its story is mostly self contained (though there are things that would require stuff from Alpha 1 to fully understand) so that won't be a problem. But most of everything else will be. Unless you're familiar with the anime series.

I watched, like, three episodes of Evangelion, if that counts. XD
But it's good to know that the games are mostly self-contained.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

As it is, there are better ways to start with SRW. Most games are self contained, and some do have fan translations or official English ones. Just, not for the PS1 as it is.

Got it!

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Speaking of mecha game, @DragonFlames if you do get a PS1 emulator working, I recommend



Honestly, for the people who have working PS2 emulators, I would recommend the Xenosaga trilogy but just because your PC can run Berwick doesn't mean it can run Xenosaga. But Xenogears can be run on a potato laptop (I speak of experience) so yeah, I'm gonna shill.

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4 minutes ago, Benice said:

H-hey, what about me?! I'm not using Wolf, Ogma, Jagen, Barst or Sedgar on H4 and am instead using Vyland and Wrys! And Daros! And Gordin And Matthis and Cord and

Banned! Banned for using bad units! xD


1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

because I never played the games on anything higher than Normal. XD

Same. And that wasn't even playing the game normally. I have yet to do that with a standard team.

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