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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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Honestly, Strawman, I'm not satisfied with your justification of your Makaze vote, so I'm going to keep my vote on you.

You say my vote on you is a misrep, but why is that scummy? Did I have a better read on someone else that I should've pursued? Also Shinori has a vote on FK, so you're not reading the thread properly.

You acknowledge that two out of the three posts by Makaze about his townread on you are responses to other players. Which means you're making a big deal out of only one post by Makaze! Why is this the only reason for you to vote him at that time? This is suspicious! Honestly sounds like scum exaggerating small things!

Also don't really like the OMGUS vote. I mean if its misrep ok but what does scum!me get from doing this?

tl;dr: Your only scumhunting content is related to Makaze. Your Makaze case is graspy AF. Your case on me is a defensive reaction to my vote on you. This is scummy.

SB is also a lynch I'm down with. He's not as bad as Strawman but on top of his ED1 stuff, his stance on me is waffly. Statements like " I think Marth's vote is weird at a glance but don't have time to look at it properly." show that he's not willing to commit to a read on me just yet. There's also that one point where he mentions how he feels I had more on him than Strawman but didn't vote him but then he votes Strawman for the same reasons. Ofc he acknowledges it then that those were probably what I was pointing towards.

Faerie Knight is one of those people I'd be down to turbolynch if we somehow don't agree to lynch anyone else today. Throwing dirt at the double voter SOLELY BECAUSE OF THE ROLE but not voting him is sketchy.

Clarinets is not at the top of my lynch priority atm. I agree with Prims' points against him though. Speaking of which, @Prims: Yeah, me saying "We should not give Clarinets a pass" is a response to people saying that scum!Clarinets wouldn't be able to pull of that kind of stuff ED1. It doesn't mean that he is the strongest scumread at that time, and as you can see in this post, he isn't my strongest scumread even now.

The double voter claim is null, anyway. It seems very silly to get some kind of read based on the claim, lol.

Shinori's FK vote makes me feel better about him, I agree with that logic and its definitely sound. Him being emotional about Quote's claim was scummy but Emonori can be of any alignment. Usually when he's scum and gets mad, he tries to take control of the discussion, which I didn't see him do then, so not a scumread atm.


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@Junko: I just super haven't been able to get reads on Clarinets, also SB, and others. I do this thing where what other people say about heavily talked about players makes it hard for me to really form my own opinions because I just keep thinking about what others said, and then I instinctively want to go against those opinions (see my common defense of people who get early wagons on them). Clarinets has also been in some disputes and when things get more emotional like that I lose all track of being able to read someone. I've iso'd both of them, and still can't take them out of the neutral zone, especially with the easily sheepable opinions and wagons on them early on and that continue.

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Right, @Yolo: Why are you suspecting me again? I don't know your reasons at all. You say one of Strawman/Junko is scum but you don't vote them. What do you think of my Strawman case?

@Makaze: I feel your reasons to scumread me are unfounded. You have never played with town!me before(in fact, our only game together was AMPM2, and I was scum in that game), so what makes you think my tone is not town? Why does someone being Manic make them scum? Town can be Manic too, especially when they're excited about actually finding scum!

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Honestly, Strawman, I'm not satisfied with your justification of your Makaze vote, so I'm going to keep my vote on you.

You say my vote on you is a misrep, but why is that scummy?

A misrep is scummy because if you read something as scummy you shouldn't need to exaggerate it to the point you did with that paraphrase quotation that is so far off from what I actually said.

Scum wants to look like they're hunting other scum. Scum wants a mislynch to occur. Scum knows who the other scum is. Scum is going to try really hard to push cases on people they know(pretty much know since third parties are things but w/e) are not actually mafia. Misrepping a post or a point that someone makes is imo a deliberate and strong scumtell to jump on something a town player did to wave it in people's face and make it look as bad as you safely can to draw attention to it. Of course that is scummy!

I'm sure there's other stuff to address in that post but it is bedtime and that just really stuck out to me.

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marth why is strawman being grapsy bigger than SB's waffling?

Also asking why misrepping is scummy seems to be a bit farfetched especially with the follow up question since you seem to imply that strawman should explain your reads???

Finally what makes SB's waflling worse than mine?

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Strawman hasn't really had any content that is not-Makaze related. Which means he hasn't bothered actually looking into other players as well, whereas SB has actually looked into other players and not wearing tunnel goggle on Manix or anything Manix related.

When you waffled, it was more along the lines of "This looks bad but Idk why scum would want to do that so I'm unsure of this" while SB's was "This is obviously scummy but I don't want to commit to this because ???"

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I appreciate SB's clarification - I think I was derping with my reading comprehension. His content afterwards makes me feel better.

@Marth: Your posts have a lot more theater in them than necessary imo. There's lots of exclamations, italics, bolding. Pair that with the misrep you haven't really denied (isn't it self-explanatory why it's bad?) and it looks deliberate and not a case of misreading or misunderstanding. It looks like you're playing too hard to the crowd to me, going overboard with trying to look proactively scum-hunting. Is this how you usually play?

Also it's D1. Do you think Manix is scummy for having mostly Clarinets-related content? I feel this may be making a huge deal out of something small, too.

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actually went to try to find it then went nope after fifteen minutes

that said, i do recall playing the arkham game with you when you were town and i still note a playstyle change i don't really like. i also feel your emphasis on strawman's tunneling isn't genuine because i have a hard time thinking you really think it's unusual at this point in the game.

outside of upping you to a scumread, i don't like faerie because he threw shade on the double-voter straight from the get-go even before clarinets claimed and i don't get why he would insist on a town role to "prove" they're worth living. it's not an integral role for town but it's not pro-town either. sb's went down on my list; re-reading him makes me vaguely think of dbz mafia but frustration is not really alignment-indicative.

and that's it, so far.

a vote is likely coming but chatting comes first.

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i'm like, kind of here now but as last night, i'm hella exhausted, and even more so tonight

may attempt to trawl through again. probably iso's though

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I think Marth went to sleep like a normal person. I have to try myself now because I have class all day tomorrow. And it's now 5 AM.

##Vote: Marth

Not buying what he's trying to sell.

Other thoughts:

I see what Prims means in regards to Clarinets in Clarinets versus Faerie starting in his snarky #256. Thing is everything else he does he has done before as town (namely going with the popular wagons and being reactionary) and I'm still expecting more timidness from newb!scum Clarinets, even so. I may be overemphasizing that but I like Marth and Faerie less.

Faerie, why do you dismiss associative reads/interactions your scumreads have with others? I think you said it was the 'only' way to scum hunt? I really don't get it. Pls clarify. It sounds bad but I don't know if that's really what you're trying to say.

I agree with Strawman in regards to Marth in his last post. Also while his questions list wasn't very good I thought his follow-up answer list was alright and I could see the thought process behind it.

Marth>Faerie>SB>>Clarinets. The latter two aren't strong reads I just find them more worrying than everyone else.

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Votals 1.4 aka Manix complains about people spamposting
Strawman (2): Marth, SB
Clarinets (3): Manix, Ars Nova, Prims
Marth (6): Quote, Strawman, Yolo, Makaze, Junko, Crysta

Yolo/livelystone (1): Faerie Knight

Faerie Knight (3): Shinori, Clarinets

Not Voting: None

With 14 alive it takes 8 to hammer. You have approximately 15 hours until phase end.

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the amount of effort i want to put in right now is so low. maybe like a 3/10

iso'ing 3+ vote wagons:

- faerie knight has some words but basically no content. not lynching here though because of softclaim

- marf's formatting makes me want to gouge my eyes out. pls no

- i don't remember who drew attention to it (crysta i think?) but marf's theatrics don't make me feel comfortable.

- aside from theatrics marf's content is passable i suppose

- even after the large argument and stuff, i don't feel any huge particular way different on clarinets than i did before

- mayor claim is null, i'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist

also going to take a moderate stab based on what i know/what i can infer and say it's probably a rolemad game or close to it. also in spite of apparent belief that you can stop me from hostmeta, it's gaius' first setup and it's likely to be rolemad. pretty much everyone starts with rolemad and slowly converts out of it once they realize they're too swingy

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I unvoted marth @bbm

I just woke up. Sorry about lack of content. The tension in the game got kind of exhausting but I'll catch up today. Did everyone really unvote SB already ?

idk why but I'm not feeling the clarinets lynch but that's PURELY gut and nothing else. I'm thinking about what he did earlier that I said I didn't think was scummy and re-evaluating how I thought about it because now I can see him doing it as possible scum but I still don't know. I suppose I should read his iso. Gonna read Marth's iso too because I don't know how I feel about him anymore. I feel like maybe I'll be less confused after we get flips hopefully

I have class today and also I'm gonna nap so I'll be back later sorry for the shit waffly content BROS I just dk anymore [waves hands around]

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I'm getting scumvibes from ars nova though, will elaborate later. I don't know how much time is left in the phase

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Ok so like, since we have 12 hours to phase end...

I'm a vanilla townie and I'm Joshua. Flavour says I'm a prince who decided to become a nobody mercenary, who loves to gamble and lost all of his good equipment in a gamble.

Fuck you Gaius for doing this to one of my favourite characters. ;-;

I know this probably doesn't change things but I'm town, gdi. Pls don't lynch me.

I'll be back a few hours before phase end, most likely.

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Ok so like, since we have 12 hours to phase end...

I'm a vanilla townie and I'm Joshua. Flavour says I'm a prince who decided to become a nobody mercenary, who loves to gamble and lost all of his good equipment in a gamble.

Fuck you Gaius for doing this to one of my favourite characters. ;-;

I know this probably doesn't change things but I'm town, gdi. Pls don't lynch me.

I'll be back a few hours before phase end, most likely.

Who do you want us to switch to?

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Regarding Clarinets, I can see prims case on him but at the same time it's clarinets.

This keeps buggin' me

May have to revisit based on some flips

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Faerie, why do you dismiss associative reads/interactions your scumreads have with others? I think you said it was the 'only' way to scum hunt? I really don't get it. Pls clarify. It sounds bad but I don't know if that's really what you're trying to say.

...Read my post again 1. Because my scumread had only one serious post, and barely any interactions, that which he had merely consisting of calling people scum without explanation? He's gone a little further since, but there's still not enough for any strong associations. Down that way waits WIFOM. 2. See my correction in the next post.

- faerie knight has some words but basically no content. not lynching here though because of softclaim

I voted a scumread and started talk about an anti-town role, what content and/or positions am I missing? Noted.


>"Has to be Role Madness"

>Someone claims to be vanilla, with his flavor specifically written to fit

Nice Gamespec!)

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