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Everything posted by BBM

  1. So BUMP I'm going to restart this some time in the next few weeks (it should probably be moved to the LP section btw). This run fizzled out last time because I got busy with school and then my hard drive crashed right around my Christmas break. Then I was going to start it up again in the summer but Lich posting his 0% LTC thread made me think there was no point. However he never really followed up so we're back here! A question to all my faithful followers- would you prefer it to be text-only, screenshot + text, or video? When I did the first few chapters the last time, it was text-only but looking back at it, it seemed pretty lacking and not very interesting. I normally prefer screenshot/text LPs, but I feel like most of the fun there is in looking at level-ups and funny animation stuff, neither of which will be the case here because 0% growths and because since there's no fast-forward option on PSXFin I'm going to have animations off. I also don't want to make fun of the translation because I feel that disregards the fact that the translator was the only person willing to do it, after the project had stalled for years. The problem with a video LP is that it would be a lot more time investment, in terms of editing the video and providing commentary (though Elie said he'd help with that), and I'm really lazy and also pretty busy. Also, the couple people I asked, seemed more enthusiastic about screenshots (although they also said I should just do what I want; thanks for all the help).
  2. out of curiosity, was Douglas actually the best candidate to take out that Hero (and who didn't have anything else to do) or did you pick Douglas over other candidates just for the novelty?
  3. Most FE8 drafts allow people to choose which route they want to go to, which generally means that the first three people (Vanessa, Franz, Tana) go to Eirika route because it's normally faster and the fourth person is screwed unless they get Cormag, Duessel, and a good warper and then do Ephraim route, and even then they'll probably lose unless they play better than the people ahead of them. That's kind of just how it is, and the fact that there are only so many different teams with which you can viably win assuming a relatively equal skill level is why drafting kind of died out over the last year. If you look at draft choices in the very first few drafts (in the second ever FE7 draft I first-picked Priscilla) and then draft choices a year later, they'd evolved and improved greatly, as people became more experienced and realized which characters were more useful, and also just became better at playing. Then if you look at them a year after that, they were more or less the same. People played through mostly all the choices and got bored.
  4. They could have someone die in the story and then be replaced by an identical unit afterwards ala Ninian/Nils and Paul Walker. But I think that's kind of lame. For all that Aerith dying in FE7 shocked and devastated people, it's still hailed as one of the greatest video-game plot-twists of all time, and Sephiroth accordingly as one of the greatest villains of all time. Can you really say that Sephiroth would be as successful without that moment? The BK is also arguably the greatest FE antagonist for a similar reason (now imagine if Greil was the Jeigan and not Titania).
  5. but 15 mov cap? Also Dondon I think you messed up one of the annotations- for Douglas finishing off the Hero, you said he had a 77.9% chance to hit for a 22.1% CoS but that would be the CoF. Not sure if you made the same mistake in other places but I noticed it there.
  6. I think it's probably because he's been the mount with the least use, other than Beo. Alec at least was a good RNG abuser, Midir was cool with Charge, and Finn was cool with Prayer and also everyone loves Finn. EDIT: Also does Fury do nothing in the desert? I would think she'd be able to increase reliability in some places, unless she just gets in Levin's way or something, and flying healing could be useful too if you can get her to promotion. And I guess if Fury isn't useful, Physic!Fee won't be in use either?
  7. BBM

    The Well

    changing vote to Prims, Juliette, Elie so that we can get Juliette to answer embarrassing questions about Rein
  8. BBM

    The Well

    Prims, Psych, Elie
  9. Why not Levin * Fury? Sety can use Rescue even with Levin as his dad can't he?
  10. I think this should still be in the FE4 forum according to the rules thread?
  11. It's true that even earlier games with limited supports had subpar conversations, but at least they weren't as repetitive as the ones in FE13? Many of them involved us learning different parts of the character's backstory (eg Renault), and the ones which were very repetitive were mostly just the womanizer ones anyways. Whereas many of the supports in FE13 kind of just go along the same line. As for the second problem, they kind of have to do that because of the fact that you can get A supports with everyone, but only one S support. This is actually one of the reasons I would prefer limited the number of supports a game. I mean, yes in the GBA games you would have had to play through the game 20 times to get to all the supports but you have to do that in FE13 too, to see all the S supports. I mean, on one hand you could say that if you're only concerned about the main supports rather than the declaration of love that is the S support, FE13 is way better in that aspect, but if you do care about seeing all the S supports, then can you imagine playing through the game 20 more times just to see a few more S supports each time? At least in the GBA games you'd see a lot more content every playthrough. I also liked that you had to choose between supports for strategy, although definitely the FE9/13 method of building supports is much better than the GBA one. I do like the idea of S-supports that are something other than just romance, but if you can have multiple of them, as was suggested, then couldn't that conflict, say if you got two romantic ones? You could step around that by blocking off certain S supports after you get one but still allowing others though, I suppose. @NinjaMonkey- but FE13 only limited supports in a few instances?
  12. I like how there was so little to talk about in this map that Mekkah spoke about FE9 instead
  13. @Ownage- I don't think you understand how to prove the effect of one variable. You vary only that variable, not three other things simultaneously. You could make the argument that CON is irrelevant because it doesn't counterbalance all the other advantages Isadora has, but I would argue that if CON was so important as to outweigh 3 other advantages all by itself, it would be those advantages that were irrelevant. Nobody's arguing that CON is so gamebreaking that it's the only thing that matters. @Eclipse- well, Wyvern Rider has mostly always been a better class than Pegasus Knight. The trade-off has been that PKs almost always have more availability than WRs. Sometimes this availability is enough to make that unit better (eg Vanessa vs Cormag, Florina vs Heath) and sometimes it isn't (Shanna vs Miledy). The only real exception is FE10, which was probably more for plot reasons than anything else (they already introduced a bunch of peg knights in FE9 and didn't have room to add more to the DB, plus IIRC Daein doesn't have pegasi?).
  14. Comparing Isadora to Bartre and saying that female units aren't hampered by lower CON is an epic strawman because Isadora is mounted and has + 2 movement, comes prepromoted (albeit with far less availability) and has complete WTC in addition to being female. There are better ways to make that argument, such as that in return for having 2 less CON than male Paladins, female Paladins have 4 higher base SPD, which is better in all scenarios. This is generally true for most female units; their lower CON comes with the benefit of higher SPD. Of course, in the Paladin case the speed increase is higher than the CON decrease for other classes such as Myrmidon, it's the other way around and therefore it really does suck. That being said, there are also better ways to fix that than by completely removing the CON mechanic, such as... removing male/female differences? There are many instances of male and female units being imbalanced and CON isn't responsible for all of them.
  15. I also liked weapon weight and con. It was a little bad for SMs, but on the whole they'd prefer using Killing Edges over Steel Blades anyways, and for classes like Pegasus Knights I thought it was a decent balance check. Making Javelins and Hand Axes a little heavier also made it (slightly) harder to just wreck everything with them (could have been done better though by maybe reducing accuracy levels or increasing weight more). Weapon weight and strength made it so that weapon weight didn't even matter past a certain point in the game, and not having weapon weight at all (plus infinite money) in FE13 made it so that there was no reason to ever not use the best weapons. I agree with the magic triangle being useless though. Everyone talks about how they want it back but like... in how many instances in the games where it existed did it actually make any difference at all? It's almost never a good idea to use magical units to kill other magical units because they'll have high RES and you won't do much damage regardless of whether or not you have WTA. It makes much more sense to use them to attack low RES/high DEF enemies like Knights and other physical units. The exception is Luna but that's pretty much it.
  16. But Gonzales only needs 2 numbers to go in his favour most of the time; if he has 4 numbers to work with rather than 3, that gives him more of a chance to get it to work? Also cavs have a lot of HP so they're not that easy to ORKO without effective weaponry, but I think you're forgetting a very important lance-using enemy- wyverns? As someone (Horace?) said earlier, Gonzales is one of the best options for taking on large numbers of them on EP. He gets WTA, can go on mountains and stuff for extra terrain avoid, and is pretty bulky to boot, giving him great survivability to go with his great combat. Bow users can't EP and other than a trained Nosferatu user I wouldn't trust a magical unit to survive. And the fact that you're dismissing Gonzales without having ever used him or any axe-users at all is pretty silly tbh. If you're using Gonzales, giving him Secret Books is a good investment, but tbf in FE6 because hit rates are shaky, pretty much anyone who's not a myrm or merc would want one. Percival's skill is probably his worst stat for example.
  17. The reason Gonzales generally just uses Killer Axes is because his very high STR ensures that he can pretty much OHKO most generic enemies with a crit, and his good speed means he's getting two shots at it most of the time. But there are some enemies he doesn't double naturally and although I haven't done the math, attacking something twice at 30 crit is probably going to do more damage than attacking someone once with 60 crit (and 10 more hit). Also your hit argument doesn't even take into account that if Gonzales is using a Killer or Brave and not a Swordreaver, he's probably fighting a lance enemy and he doesn't really have trouble hitting those at all after promotion bonuses and WTA. Axe enemies in number are pretty rare after the Western Isles (just the random Brigand here and there mostly). I don't think anybody will argue that the Killer Axe is better more than 90% of the time and can be bought in bulk for fairly cheap, whereas the Brave Axe only has 30 uses unless you Hammerne it (lol). But neither it nor Gonzales are as useless as you make them out to be. Have you actually ever used Gonzales? His combat parameters are monstrous when you play at a pace where he can keep up.
  18. It's useless to most units because of it's extremely high 16 Wt. Gonzales can wield it without AS loss after promotion and with only -1 AS before promotion. Its accuracy is low, but relative to other axes it's average. He makes better use of it than pretty much anyone else and considering he's axe-locked there's no harm in him having it... He'd probably prefer a Killer Axe in most scenarios but eh.
  19. BBM

    The Well

    How did you meet your wife, and was there a specific reason for getting married at such a young age? How long are you going to stay around and play mafia? On a permanent basis or just until you start school again? It would suck if you have to go back to school by the time the community is interested in actively playing mafia again. OC or NOC? Favourite novel and favourite movie?
  20. I think you're massively over-exaggerating. People disagree about whether or not they like the game, sure, but I don't know anyone who dislikes someone BECAUSE they have a differing opinion on Awakening. More likely they have an argument with the person about Awakening and then realize that the person is a douche. I don't think Max is the Camus or the Jeigan. I think if anything he'd be the Lorenz or Percival archetype, who starts with the enemy and then defects. He looks to be on the West side of the battle, and most of the battle shots show naginatas and katanas and whatnot, indicating that you're part of the East side of the battle. So unless it's a thing where you're controlling both sides, he's definitely not a Jeigan. He seems to be getting too much screentime for an initial trailer to be an NPC, so I don't think he's a Camus.
  21. Not only did Awakening do extremely well both commercially and critically (it appealed to the masses way more than it appealed to people who'd been playing FE for years, which was a good strategy), FE received 4 character slots in SSB4. That's like... one less than Zelda received. The fact that Nintendo decided it was popular enough to give it that many slots when even hardcore FE fans thought it would receive 3 if it was lucky suggests they have faith in it now. I highly doubt FE14 is the last. Hell, even if it tanks I think there'll still be a FE15. If that tanks... who knows, but I doubt FE14 will tank. FE has a lot of momentum right now.
  22. I have small dreams; pay off my student loans, my sister's student loans, my parents' mortgage, buy some consoles and games, buy a decent apartment, and then probably just hire some people to invest the ~500k that's left over. But honestly a million is not that hard to blow at all if you buy a bunch of expensive shit; athletes blow way more pretty easily.
  23. Pretty sure this is a main series title; I was actually thinking just a few days ago that this was the longest it's ever been between new FE releases. There were around 2 years and 7 months between FE5 and FE6, and FE13 came out in Japan 2 years and 9 months ago. We were more or less due for an announcement.
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