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Posts posted by DLNarshen

  1. The Limited Hero Battles accomplish what they set out to do by providing an additional layer of challenge on otherwise non-challenging content.  Go into any of the GHB/BHB threads and you'll have more than half the posters exclaiming how easy it was.  Little wonder when the best strategy for PvE is to invest in a small handful of units at the expense of everything else.  The Limited Hero Battle have their flaws for sure, but I appreciate that it encourages a diverse barracks and forces players to rethink their usual strategies. 

    I expect Resonant Hero Battles to go the same way of Aether Raids where it's easy to score and rank well in the beginning, but as time goes on the top level rewards will become increasingly out of reach to those without merged Harmonic Heroes.  At the end of the day it will be a handful of divine codes and dragon flowers.  Probably not worth getting bent out of shape over. 

  2. @SatsumaFSoysoy It looks like the Isolation barely phased you here - good thing considering the map gave you some trouble otherwise (even if it doesn't look it!).  Why worry about Isolation when you can just Galeforce it away?  I hope you're able to pull a spare Leila for Kagero at some point. Or she gets a resplendent version

    @Landmaster Lol at Sophia clogging up the hallway with her tankiness - glad she's working out for you!  I didn't even realize what weapon S!Elise was using until like halfway through the video...amazing that she can still perform well even with such a silly weapon.  Damn that fridge and Mila for being more tanky than they have any right being.

    @mcsilas You can still tag me if you want - I'll still pop in to watch occasionally. =P

    I actually do have Mystic Boost on Narcian, and I wanted to use it here but QR is just so much better since I need Narcian's seal slot for other things.  Maybe another time.

    Mila's Ignis is just silly-strong.  I almost wasn't expecting those procs to actually kill the way they did.  That firesweep bow flier can be a real pain, but you did good to turn it against the map by activating Celica's Brazen! 

    Ayyy someone using L!Robin in a clear.  Compared to her teammates, I'm sure it was a challenge to get to stand out in any meaningful way lol.  Especially Duma - that man's a champ at tanking and being able to inflict huge damage in return.

    Speaking of underappreciated units, very cool Gray showcase!  While there's certainly no shortage of one unit + three support type clears around, I think this is the first one I've seen that used Gray.

  3. First off, apologizes to anyone who tagged me in the last few weeks with their clears.  Haven't been busier than usual or anything, but due to lack of challenge and interest I don't think I can muster the energy to participate in GHB/BHB threads anymore.  Anyway...

    Narcian finally received his new refine, and what better way to show it off than a new Abyssal map?  His contributions have been somewhat lukewarm in the past, let's see if that changes.

    Isolation is a super annoying effect, but IS had some mercy and made the reinforcements fairly tame.  One of the reasons I brought Nanna along was to try and Restore the effect away.  That, uh...didn't work out.  Atk Ploy on Julius is not really optimal since it can't even affect Mila, but for reasons unknown to me it was necessary to make the red dagger move in a favorable way.

  4. Time for another one of my contributions: Spring Narcian:


    I actually did this the day the banner was released, but I had no interest in sharing until I was able to max out his dragon flower count.  I'm still not satisfied with the build, but it'll have to do until I pull better fodder I'm willing to give him.  Like I said in the Edelgard LHB thread...it feels nice to use a Narcian that can actually double things reliability without the need of QR.

    While I'm here, I might as well take a moment to update my OG Narcian now that he has his refine:


    It doesn't fundamentally change how I use him, but I'm happy that he at least has something unique to call his own.  With a more dedicated healing build, he has the potential to be a real cockroach.

  5. @Zeo Hah, I knew Ross was going to have duel Edelgard eventually, but wasn't expecting you to just throw Ross right in front of Edelgard like that from the get-go.  He's taking a page out of Matthew's book with all the mid-battle recovery keeping him sustained all throughout.  I'll keep rooting for you to pull more copies of him whenever you tag me in the pull thread.  I don't always respond but I'm always checking. ; )

    It's been a while since I've seen Morgan's squad duke it out in one of these.  Hopefully Morgan can get kitted out with dragonflowers at some point for those much needed stats!

    I can see how that dagger would pose a problem for your counter team - WoM is very frustrating to deal with in this sort of content with sub-optimal teams.  Best strategy is to take them out immediately, but taking out a 50+ Spd Infernal/Abyssal enemy is a tall order for most CC/DC tanks.

    Nino...like Reinhardt, I don't think she'll ever not be useful.  Nuke + two refreshers + B!Eliwood will always be a timeless strategy, and watching this it occurs to me that there are no enemies with Lull or even Dull skills. If there was ever a map to dominate with a blade mage, this is the one for sure. 

    The Hector clear was my favorite. Not only for the character choices, but also the way you handled Duo Hector.  A clutch use of the Duo skill saves the day on the right-side of the map, and then that Firesweep flier shoving him right into Edelgard's range...perfect. 

  6. 41 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    Who says the games have to cut corners and can't be a complete experience? If we're limiting the series to a handheld perhaps, but Radiant Dawn was comprised of 43 chapters. As far as I recall, FE6 and FE7 both had around 20-24 chapters each. I don't see why we couldn't make a 45-50 chapter full FE game with both generations spanning around 23+ chapters. In fact that would be a dream. It's pretty reminiscent of FE4 and it's two generations actually, and that idea appeals to me quite a bit.

    To me if we separated the games into their own remakes, they'd feel short unless we stuck to handhelds or added padding which would be incredibly unnecessary. FE6 could make an argument for new characters and fleshing out FE7 characters not present in the original FE6, but FE7 as it is was a complete game.

    Once you take into account side quests and split routes, both FE6 and 7 have over 40 unique chapters with their own stories and characters.  Combined you're looking at more than twice as many maps as Radiant Dawn, and that's assuming that nothing new is added.  Three Houses, the most recent console title and a huge game by any estimation, doesn't have anywhere near that many.  Expecting no cuts to be made in this scenario is...optimistic.  

    Beyond that, neither game's story was crafted with a generational/inheritance system in mind, and differ in the style of narrative they present so as to be jarring to me if played as one continuous story.  FE7 is a group of close-knit friends and allies fighting street brawls and local conflicts with assassins and morphs on a scale so small that most of Elibe was blissfully unaware that anything significant even happened.  FE6 is army on army, continental warfare.  This is reflected in the game's map design as well.  FE4's generational system works because each generation is only half a game, and both generations are similar in scale and tone so as to feel continuous.  Separated, FE4's two generations cannot stand on their own legs, nor were they meant to - FE6 and 7 can.

    As for length, both Elibe titles in their current form are roughly 25-30 hour games for a blind, first playthrough.  The addition of full voice acting and cut scenes will add quite a bit to that, in addition to whatever other content is added.  Personally I think that's very respectable for FE games that tend to have high replay value, and the only title to really deviate from that rough completion time is Three Houses, which has its own unique reasons for being as long as it is.

  7. Not a fan at all of combined remakes, and I'm not sure why the idea is so popular.  It would be one thing if the Elibe and Jugdral games were short and lent themselves well to being combined with their respective partners, but...they're not, and they don't.  Each game is just as long as any other, and have more than enough content to provide a complete experience on their own.  Maybe with the Elibe games have a transfer system similar to PoR/RD to exchange certain data between them, but there's no reason for them to be on the same card and risk the need for development to cut corners trying to squeeze it all in.

    Combining the Jugdral games is a meme.  Their mechanics and narratives are so far apart both games would suffer greatly in the attempt.     

  8. 49 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    Saddest thing about that is that even with all those boosts his stats aren't very impressive. Say he gets a much needed resplendent boost (for his art more than anything...)

    At the very highest peak without field buffs he's sitting at 58/55/38/42/35. Mindboggling that +0 units today can rival a spread like that.

    Still, healing for 13 per hit sounds incredibly fun and I hope to see that in action as well.

    For now at least it's unique and gives him some sort of niche, which is certainly better than he had before.  In full agreement they could have gone a bit further without making people start to feel buyer's remorse with their grails.  I feel like +0 new units outperforming older +10s has become the new normal I'm afraid, and isn't just a problem for Narcian.  If tomorrow I were to pull the new fallen Julia, I could expect comparable or better performance in the same roles I use my +10 Julius for when unique weapons and skills are factored in.  In other words, they need to hurry up and get through the Gen I grail units already. 

    45 minutes ago, Hilda said:

    I think they should have included Iotes Shield into his Refine too, would have made him excellent

    They're saving that for when they start giving older units unique skills once weapon refines inevitably slow down.  Delphi Shield - exclusive A passive that combines Iote's and DC.  Skillcreep will probably be in full force by then, so throw in Dull Range as well.  Let me believe.

  9. A little disappointed they didn't go all the way with Narcian's and just give it the same +10 heal that Sol Lance has, but I can live with this.  Conditional spectrum stat buff is up there with the Wo Dao as the most boring stat refine out there, but it may work out given that Narcian uses all of his stats.  Hard to say whether or not it will be more consistent than the usual Slaying Hammer I typically run for Colosseum modes.

  10. 22 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Ok, I lucked out on the legendary banner today.So here is my first legendary +10 (and second 5* exclusive +10 overall):

    Woah, she looks incredible!  I figured you had some merges on her already from her first appearance, but how many orbs in total do you think you spent for her?  Nice Reyson and grail projects too!

  11. @Landmaster I am indeed excited for the Narcian refine!  Lord knows I've waited long enough for it.  I worry it's going to be something gimmicky that'll make me go back to armor smashers before long, but hey more options.

    Damn, that carrot dagger is better than I thought it was.  I knew it had an armor slaying effect, but also one that ignores potential Wary Fighter skills these maps love to throw at us.  Normally your clears are the Elises stomping everything in sight, but if it's one thing they struggle with it's tanking.  Ithink Nowi deserves a lot of the credit for this one for keeping things from going out of control too fast. 

    @SatsumaFSoysoy Narcian will need something really powerful to even stand out among the other Gen I axe fliers, let alone anything newer.  I believe, but as he is a grail unit I have keep my expectations tempered.

    Thicc or not, the enemies crumble all the same to L!Celica's true damage.  Her power with hardly any investment is unbelievable lol.  It is also nice to be reminded now and again that B!Celica can be super threatening and doesn't always have to be overshadowed by her fellow CYL2 winners.  I personally doubt they will give refines to the CYL2 winners like they did for CYL1 this year, but when they do I suspect she will be given new life similar to B!Ike or B!Roy. 

    @Sasori Congrats on clearing Abyssal!  NY!Lethe has power to spare for sure, even during the times she couldn't take advantage of her solo skill.  Nice use of Reciprocal Aid to keep Seliph topped off and keep his refine effect going!

    @mcsilas First off, nice vid thumbnails!  I never liked the generic ones YT suggests either, even if they feature one of my own characters.  Aside from the clever Escape Route maneuvers with Arvis, I like how this is basically Intermediate Tactic Drills showing off L!Edelgard's power lol.

    And oof, it looks like Mercedes could really use some extra attack power.  Thankfully Annie provides quite a bit, and even then it's a long battle of attrition.  Thankfully teach is able to move in and finish the job.

  12. @Zeo As someone with zero experience using Nah and after briefly reviewing her stats, weapon, and kit, my gut tells me to stick with +Atk.  Unless you are really invested in her character and intend to pull for merge copies later (which is not the impression I'm getting), she will not likely see use in any competitive mode that depends on high scoring potential, nor will she be a worthwhile AR unit.  That leaves PvE content and Arena Assault.  Both boon/bane combos will work just fine for the overwhelming majority of PvE content, and frankly I don't see a base kit Nah being used for much of that outside a novelty/themed map clear every now and then.  As a potential Arena Assault counter unit however, you can't go wrong with +Atk.  Her base kit is well suited for the mode, and since she will only be expected to handle matchups she has the advantage, the -Res isn't going to matter much especially since most of her opponents won't be able to override her weapon effect.  With how bulky units can get nowadays, you need every point of Atk you can get.  

  13. @Sasori Never thought I'd see anyone using a team of the original Askr squatters...maybe next time Virion can participate too. x)  Just as in the last clear of yours I watched, Raigh is a surprisingly potent unit here despite his statline and lack of a lot of merges.  Good idea taking advantage of WoM and Escape Route to get around the numerous obstacles, and nice job having Sharena finish off Edelgard with her own special!

    In previous posts of mine I alluded to bringing back Julia, as well as deputing Narcian's new spring form.  The time has now come to fulfill those words.

    In a way this team is the opposite of what I normally run.  Instead of the scion of darkness, the scion of light Seliph takes his place.  It's the first time I've used him in a clear, and he debuts as Julia's new support partner.  Nanna returns and does what she does best with her healing and providing crucial Gravity support.  It may be a new Jugdral team, but Narcian refuses to be left out and so will be intruding here too.  I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to use a Narcian with functional offensive stats. 

  14. @Zeo Don't worry about the late response/clear!  We all appreciate your comments and with the maps constantly being rerun it can be a nice blast from the past. x)  Ross and Lute are such a strong duo, I wouldn't be surprised if they could take on some of these maps themselves.  If only Lute was easier to get more copies of...  That's not to discredit Silque and Mia of course.  It's rare they get to see any action, and they played their back-up roles nicely. 

  15. @mcsilas It's nice to see the non-royal get some more attention!  I especially like Oboro, but it's too bad she's somewhat lacking as a unit.  That being said, it certainly doesn't stop her from dealing with Ryoma's Astra.  I liked your use of Smite for positioning and taking advantage of Kaden's skill and weapon effect!  By the way, I think you used the description from your Iago clear. x)

    More double Brazen Silas is nice to see!  Is that the build you normally use, or was it just well suited for these last few maps where's he had to tank mages?

    That Shiro quote at the beginning...lol.  Nice tactical retreat after Shiro (effortlessly) picks off his father.  If only he was smart enough to do that in his own paralogue map. >=(

    Poor Takumi gets left out lol.  Maybe next time.  The Kitty Paddle is one of those weapons I always forget even exists.  It's unfortunate that Sakura Atk is too low to make proper use of it, but foddering her would make me feel bad. =(  I always watch your videos before reading the description so I didn't quite catch why she was suddenly able to kill the Blarowl mage at the end.  Well done on that!

  16. @mcsilas

    Lol, nice flex with the double-Brazen Silas!  He hits what, 48 Res with that build?  Wild.

    Saizo is clearly the star of the second clear, but I'm partial to my personal fave Hinoka's performance in this one.  I sometimes lament the lack of good combat skills available to fliers, but their movement is really fun if you can pull it off, especially with tools like Drag Back.

    The Fates kids one was my favorite because of all the fancy movement and Galeforce tricks you were able to squeeze into it.  Especially at the end with dragging the blue flier into Selkie's range!

  17. As much as I like the FE1 aesthetic, the theme is spoiled for me by the fact that they're children.  What's the point if, like @eclipse mentioned, they're still uttering the same lines they're remembered for in their adult forms?  Or as multiple folks have pointed out, why is Minerva still riding a Wyvern?  I wasn't a fan of non-canon child Azura either, but at least they took the opportunity to do something different with and ultimately flesh out her character.  This appears to just be the same Marth, Caeda, Merric, and Whitewings we knew and loved from before...except smaller.  I cannot begin to imagine the thought process down at IS that led to this banner being made.     

  18. @Landmaster Either one of the final two enemies would have been bad news for horse Elise, so that second Miracle charge was quite timely!  Not sure if it would have mattered, but thing the green mage attacked first so that the blue flier went from summer Elise instead.  I'm guessing you inherited Atk/Spd Solo from Lethe and the Lull was just leftover? =P

    @Diovani Bressan What, we don't get to hear Odin's hammy special lines?  Poor Azura taking abuse from the Pain staff while Odin goes on his rampage...at least she got to take part in the final dance chain that ended the map.

    @SatsumaFSoysoy My original plan was to shift between the two versions with each combat like in the actual game, but I couldn't get the transitions quite, and was proving a bit tedious to say the least. x)  

    It's not often one sees Clarisse in a clear!  I wasn't sure if she would be able to contribute much without a lot of investment, but those fears were laid to rest.  HP-stacked Azura was also interesting to see - I didn't even realize she could get that high without full merges + dragon flowers.  As for Lute, well...優秀ですから indeed.   

    @Maaka Not just one, but two Bartres in a one-turn clear?  Now that's quite the flex, literally.  Looking forward to seeing spring Bartre at his true power later.

    @Sasori I understand that struggle all too well...there are so many grail projects I want to work on, I can't keep up.  

  19. @Sasori Now that's what I like to see!  Zooming around the map bailing out his allies just like in FE4.  I was pleasantly surprised to see you gave him DD4 - do you plan on merging him up?  Nice use of Vantage to clear out the bow cav too, he was by far the biggest threat on the map for me.

    It initially looked like it was going to be really to do my usual duo clear if only due to the awkward starting positions making it tricky to keep the Lv. 1s out of harm's way, but an aggressive turn 1 solved that.  As I said, the bow cav is a huge pain the neck, and it took quite a few tries to get him to move in such a way where he couldn't take advantage of Pass picking off a weakened Ishtar/Julius or the Lv. 1s.  Julius also gets to show off his new toy courtesy of Midori.  How funny that the last few times IS introduces a "must have" skill for Julius, it requires sacrificing a kid...


  20. Personally I'm a little disappointed they made Iago a mage.  For me he was much more memorable as a staff-wielder, and provided he still got a Prf could have made for a more unique unit in Heroes.

    Never thought I'd be pulling on this banner, but I really want Close Foil for Julius. 

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