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Posts posted by DLNarshen

  1. @Vicious Sal Lol, normally I restart if a character gets too many of the same special lines, but Ishtar gets so many and just loves making things difficult in that regard. x)

    Catria is so cool - I haven't built her up like her sisters yet, but she's on my list.  That Repel Axe Fighter is a pain in the ass, but seeing that 90-damage Glimmer from +0 SoV!Catria was quite satisfying.

    @mcsilas I have a team in mind for S!Narcian... ; )

    Guidance-aided Idunn really proved her worth in this one!  Same with Bernie - I was wondering how all ranged + Idunn was going to handle Bramimond, but I underestimated her firepower. 

    Looks like you had the same idea I had for baiting both the red mage and blue ninja on the same turn, then stalling out Bramimond for as long as possible using the AI against itself.  Hector is the man blocking that chokepoint!  The ending was the best part with everyone moving in to mop things up in one clean go, and with fitting special lines to boot!

  2. 13 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Great video! This was a great selection of heroes!

    Likewise!  I actually peeked at yours beforehand to see how others were handling this guy.  I use them for Rokkr Sieges so I should know this by now, but I'm still always impressed by how strong the Whitewing Prfs are.

    12 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    That looked really rough, but really nice job! Kempf's chip damage was a big help, and the Flash effect came in clutch this time! That dragonslaying dagger is annoying, huh?

    We don't talk about inheritable dragon slayer weapons. x_x

    Damn, look at Tiamo go!  The more I see these Galeforce clears the more I think I should invest in my own.  The Hilda placement towards the end looked scary - it's a good thing the AI prioritizes short-term damage at the cost of everything else, otherwise I figured the blue armor would attack first to let Bramimond get in range.

    9 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    Brammi certainly lives up to his reputation, but still nothing a bunch of Lolis couldn’t handle

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    @Some Jerk - Lots like we had many of the same things giving us grief and a similar approach for the early half of the battle. Vantage Delthea was pretty cool, especially taking no damage from the Red mage. Silvia always impresses with her Galeforcing and Klein was a really champ hanging on in his fights and getting the quad on Blamimond. Well done!

    @LordFrigid - Aha, so we both used Sophia strats. And yours was a little cooler than mine, I’m jealous~ This one had 3 kills on enemy phase, really nice!

    @Diovani Bressan - How dare Est not be 5*. Clearing this with Flier Emblem was a good idea with the water being a pretty big obstacle. Reinhardt was a pretty good team player here getting those quads. Eat and Palla were really impressive, good job!

    @Maaka - The return of Galeforce singers! Lilina being the one to beat Bramimond while getting the Hector voice was both cool and horrible, how could you do dis. 
    And stop bullying Sophia!

    @DLNarshen - Kempf was really impressive here! This map really calls for a lot of aggressive plays against a lot of these annoying units and Kemph and Ishtar are an impressive nuking duo. Narcian may have had smaller numbers but his tankiness was really good against these blue and armored threats. Julius was a champ for tanking Bramimond and Ishtar getting revenge for him was a great finisher. Great teamwork from this unique squad of yours~

    @SatsumaFSoysoy - Hilda, Hilda! Galeforcing the hell out of this map is pretty much the way to go. There’s so many annoying units on here and you just had them dropping like flies. Really awesome having the ladies spread  out all over the map to get it done and retreat to take down the final bosses~ Also nice music!

    @Alexmender - Jebaited by Officer Hilda only to get Spy Tsubasa. She was great, this map is begging to be Galeforced. Eirika returns to her horse for some nuking against some of these tanker units. Officer Hilda didn’t let herself get outshone, either. The wombo combo finish against Bramimond was great!


    Wow, nice Sophia!  I knew what was coming when I saw Pulse Smoke on S!Elise, but combined with Sophia's Guard effect made for an impressive stall battle versus Bramimond.  Sucks to have to use an Ylgr manual for Chill Spd of all things, but it was probably the right call.  Those Grails don't come cheap!

  3. @Zeo Nooo, the stash. =( Can't blame you for wanting to try going for Bramimond though.  He's stupid good, like many of the legendaries/mythics are nowadays.  At least the weekly revivals seem to be a regular thing now, so I'm sure you'll get more chances at Lyn banners in the future. 

  4. @LordFrigid @Maaka When I saw the map this morning I had my doubts it could be one turn cleared.  The enemy locations + Bramimond's bulk I figured would be too much for the usual set-ups.  Never thought I would see TA+Raven tomes in Abyssal clears.  Well done!

    This map was complete and utter bollocks.  Tried for hours this morning, gave up, came back this afternoon and finally cracked it.  Sometimes I'm not sure what compels me to try to clear these maps with my pack of misfits I call a team.  It's not for those golden accessories, that's for sure.  Anyway, here's a video for those wanting to see how a team without healers or dancers struggle their way through this.

    Bramimond's auto-double effect was so oppressive to the point where I actually took off Julius's summoner support to get around it.  With SS, he hits 35 speed exactly - and consequently gets killed.  He didn't need the extra stats elsewhere, thankfully.  I think if it had occurred to me to try the TA-Raven set up on Julius I may have saved myself a headache or two...

  5. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    No, penalties only include effects that result in an icon appearing on the unit's map sprite. Are you sure there's nothing on the map boosting his Spd or lowering yours?

    Thanks, that's reassuring.  It turns out the 33 Spd unit had a Spd Tactic buff active while also getting debuffed by 7.  Moving the unit cancelled that debuff, putting him within the threshold Brammimond needs to double.  Reworking where I put my Tactic buffs fixed this.

  6. No Narcian refine this month either, but that's okay.  The lack of his long awaited refine was more than made up with his new spring alt, whom I wasted no time getting to +10.  (I plan to add it to the compendium once his dragon flowers are maxed out)  That alone would be more than enough to tide me over, but this of course just means I will be giving the original a new weapon and build:



    Guard Axe, courtesy of our latest GHB unit.  Frankly I'm amazed I didn't try a similar build sooner with Hack o' Lantern (maybe that one can get the Res refine).  The goal of this build is to plop him on a choke point and stall for as long as possible.  Mystic Boost would be preferable as a B skill I think, but that fodder is a bit too rich for me now.  On maps without archers, the Iote's Shield seal can be replaced with one granting more defenses, or even something like Atk Feint alongside a rally if he can expect support.


  7. First the FE4 Gen II banner, then Annette, and now a goddamn Narcian alt?  I've been eating like a king this year.  Between Shanna, Altena, and my planned Valter grail project, another lance flier project is one of the last things I need but you bet I'm going to try and get as many copies as I can.  Aside from the weapon his kit will have to be overhauled and I have low expectations for his stats, but wow I never expected to be excited for a spring seasonal.  

  8. 30 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    My thoughts are:

    Since IntSys is giving us Divine Codes Log-In Bonuses, maybe they decided to not make a Mjolnir's Strike these last days. I believe they moved the codes that would be the rewards for this week and placed them in the log-in bonus, so they look good in giving us these codes as free daily gifts.

    A cynical take for sure, but in light of recent events I suppose that can't be helped.  I hope they are also using the delay to work out a consistent schedule.

  9. So what happened to this mode?  I cannot even begin to make sense of why Mjölnir Strike is run the way it is.  An inconsistent schedule from day 1 leading a lot of players to miss out entirely, all for a currency that would remain useless for months.  And now that the currency is in high demand a new strike is nowhere on the horizon.  

  10. 33 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    Hm... I was thinking about it, and I don't see myself buying Forma Souls at all.

    It's cool to get a unit with these skills, but... I don't see it that worthy. For example, if someday Laevatein appears in a Hall of Forms I can get her with a lot of premium skills, but I will not remove the DC Vantage build. I can get her to have a +6 Laevatein, but then I will be missing the good boon I have on her. Basically, I will pay to get one merge (and orbs, of course).

    I would not buy a Forma Sould to have a +0 unit. I would do it to get units I would invest, but the heroes I want to invest I don't see appearing in Hall of Forms which are Legendary, Mythis and Duo Heroes. Outside Brave Alt last year, all Hall of Forms heroes were Book 1 and 2, and none of them would be worthy for me... even Celica who is a incredible mage.

    For now I think the Forma Souls will be most optimal for free units.  They don't have boon/banes anyway so the inability to choose a boon doesn't matter, and especially for TT units like Finn, that extra copy will save 500 grails. 

  11. Seeing the Hall of Forms notification this morning was a good reminder for me to send feedback again regarding the Forma Soul availability/pricing.  I'm still so flabbergasted I don't even want to accept it.  I know I said earlier in this thread that the monetization wasn't my main issue, but it really is absurd that there is no way to obtain even one without spending money - a troubling first where in-game currency is concerned.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Zeo said:

    Yeah, Altina was one of the worst case scenarios for me unfortunately. Sothis, Alfonse, Leif, W!Sothis, even potentially Edelgard would have been better choices for me. But had I not had her already she'd be far and away the best choice to win and my #1 pick so I understand people's excitement. At the very least I'll have to choose between either merging her (neutral +1 would probably be better than +HP/-SPD +1 I think), keeping the two copies for scoring or giving ATK/DEF Oath to Chrom.

    You'll have tons of fun with her when you get her though. She's absurdly powerful.

    Altina was my third choice, personally; I was gunning for either L!Leif or Duo Alfonse.  Leif because Thracia/Jugdral bias + he seems similarly strong to Altina, and Alfonse because I could really make use of that CC + Special Spiral fodder he has.  Although as someone who currently runs two Naga in Astra season...I welcome the chance to make those weeks just a little less miserable.

    @mcsilas Yeah I've been really enjoying Kempf so far.  He didn't really get to show off his unique properties on this map much, but there will be other opportunities (but if these maps are going to get even harder soon...).

    Sometimes I forget that the PA!Inigo is actually supposed to be, well, Inigo and not Laslow lol.  I did a double-take when I saw Infantry Rush on Brady.  “Waaaait, he doesn’t come with that does he?”  He does apparently, and I recently sacked my summer Noire for that skill.  Not that I’ve ever pulled a Brady anyway, but uh, good to know.  Lucina kinda puts her allies to shame here, but Inigo did well to tank Chrom.  Nice use of splash damage too – something I’d like to start taking advantage of more. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Zeo said:

    What a unique team! Ishtar is a fantastic choice for a +10 project and yours really shines here. FB4 gave her the oomph she needed to one-two punch most of the enemies and both her and Julius sit on opposite sides of the spectrum as far as phases go. Julius is fun to watch as usual, nothing really can scratch him enough to matter. Kempf and Narcian did their jobs exceptionally well also. Shout outs to Narcian softening up Chrom so Ishtar could finish the job, but I'll be honest, I thought Julius was going to deal with him somehow. I hope to see a clear with him, Ishtar and Julia in the future if you can manage it.

    Thanks!  This was Ishtar's map for sure.  So glad I decided to invest in her more.  As I was working the clear out, I tried to have Julius tank a hit from Chrom, but he gets cleanly one-shot unfortunately. =[  As for Julia...I have other ideas in mind for her in the future. ; ) 


    This is historically the easiest Abyssal map I've ever cleared.

    Watching this, I believe it!  Matthew and Leila did what they're built to do of course, but if I'm being honest I was most impressed by Ross's contributions.  One wouldn't think a +1, instant 3-4 unit with no Prf would be able to stand out much on most Abyssal maps, but her comes Ross ready to one-round Chrom and tank red mages of all things.  I could only wish to clear the map without triggering all the reinforcements. x)


    The 2nd clear was a lot more on the spot than the first. Serra and Morgan take a break from their respective teams and come together in a crossover clear. Nils comes along instead of Ninian for freshness and F!Grima rounds out the team in what I'm pretty sure is her debut. I don't think I've ever used her in a clear. It took a try or so but it was relatively straightforward. I'm not sure I had to swap anything out at all. Nils gets a bit more action than you would expect also, so he's the thumbnail for this one.

    Serra and a young male mage huh?  Perhaps we're due for another reunion on the next FE7-themed banner.  Some kind of clever attack + splash damage combo was something I really wanted to do with Kempf in my own clear, but Serra pulls it off really nicely here.  If nothing else it kept the healer distracted. 


    For the third clear I wanted to do something interesting that I'm pretty sure I've never done. This one is a "Divine" themed clear. Altina is human but her weapons are blessed by a goddess, Naga is the literal God of the Fire Emblem universe, Fae is a divine dragon and if you played through Book III you know what Eir's roots are.

    Nice to see that one of Serra's partners in crime, Fae, was able to nab a spot on this team!  It's rare to see anyone using Naga outside of AR (and probably won't be used much there once we get the free Altina).  I'm sure you have mixed feelings about the result of the voting gauntlet, especially since you have the ideal bane on your Altina, but if nothing else this makes me excited to try her out once she's distributed. 


    The last one is a tried and true themed special clear. I knew going in I wanted to do an Awakening clear and I haven't done one worth it's salt since the Aversa clear with Lon'Qu. Tagging @Anacybele for this one. You can scroll up for my other clears but I'm tagging you specifically for this one.

    Galeforce Fred looks fun!  A true hit and run star with his Wings of Mercy.  I admit, I was not expecting OG Chrom of all people to not only tank, but one-round bow Chrom in return.  What a powerhouse.  Hopefully he's been doing some good work for you in Rokkr Sieges with his Brave Sword build as well! 

  14. My issue with the new Hall of Forms feature isn't necessarily that it's monetized, but that once again it's paired with orbs - and a lot of them too.  I wouldn't mind putting in a small amount of money to be able to keep a decked-out Forma, especially if it's a rare unit I don't have, or a lower rarity unit I might be interested in merging as discussed above.  But not if I have to pay around $30 for the orbs too.  Similar to the new year's and christmas unit packs they had before, it'll just be another perk for the player base already spending money on orbs.    

  15. @Landmaster Very bold of you to stick Nowi in range of all those enemies at only 4 Hp...not that I believed for even a moment she couldn't do it of course.  I'm so used to seeing a healing special on her I was bit surprised to not see her health go back up after tanking Chrom. =P   Good luck finishing OG Elise's merges when her revival banner comes back around!

    @SatsumaFSoysoy A world warrior just like his fellow Whitewings.  I tried really hard to inflict outside damage + candlelight on Chrom, but I could never get him to move in a way that made that favorable.

    I will always appreciate use of Nanna in a clear.  You had a few close calls at 1 Hp, but as usual Kagero was the most impressive, and this map was a great showcase of her weapon in particular.  Also just wanted to say that accessory is a perfect fit for Kagero - like it doesn't look out of place at all.  Holding the back of the map certainly seems like the easier way to do things, but I guess Celica makes the alternative charge strat more viable.  Well done!    

  16. All right.  So for every month Narcian does not get a weapon refine, I'm going to take matters into my own hands by giving him a new weapon myself.  He already has Slaying Axe, Slaying Hammer, Emerald Axe, and Sack o' Gifts, and so just based on what I have right now I could feasibly keep this up until December...which by my estimation lines up with about how long it will take at the current rate to get the through the rest of the eligible Gen I candidates.  Anyway, first up: Rearguard+



    Sadly I lack a spare Surtr or Shannon to upgrade the A-slot to a tier 4 variant, which would also free up the B-slot for something else.  

  17. @Hilda Your clears always manage to put ours to shame. x)  The TA refine seems to work especially well for Alfonse.  So many recommend a stat boosting refine instead, but I just can't agree.  I know you were talking earlier about how some of these Abyssals have gotten ridiculous thanks Lull and other frustrating skills, but hopefully the triple summoner support has managed to alleviate that somewhat.

    I've been wanting to showcase this team for a while, and I finally found the time and tactical prowess to pull it off in an Abyssal map.  Julius has taken the field with "friends" before, but now he gets to take along some true, no quotations friends.  Also serves as Kempf's first appearance in a clear, and Ishtar's +10 debut!

    (As an addendum, I apologize to those who've tagged me in clears the past couple days - haven't had much of a chance to sit down and watch, let alone comment.  Maybe this weekend.)

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