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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. Barely out and I'm already annoyed by Aversa in GC (She would be fine in TT and the like, just annoying), as if I needed another reason to be frustrated with the game at the moment. Having reached max rank, I already pretty much stopped caring to increase my score in the final round, and the first match I kinda wanted to play out I got her in the back of all the enemies, not even moving after the first turn, wasting my time behind a 2HP breakable wall, making it impossible to reach her and basically turning my team into a handicap parade. Yeah, I'll totally continue playing this round. At least Aversa is a good unit and would make a fine member of Flier Emblem team #3.

    Also, good to know how IS has another notification about faulty descriptions to skills and STILL hasn't fixed Ares Dark Mystletainn's description in German. I've told them on release per Feedback and another time per inquiry. And yet, it still says that its effect triggers before or AFTER combat, when it clearly works for before and DURING combat. At least it's clear they don't care about what I have to say.

    Book 3, save me and reinvigorate my passion for this game a bit, please?

  2. @Usana You got a -Att/+Def, too? Leveling was indeed quite annoying, especially her support with my Claire afterwards. She did pitiful damage against lowest-res units, really sad and annoying. Anything not -Att/Spd would have been great. Shame I won't be able to get another unit to patch it up. Although I am happy to get her at all, this was still like her kicking me in the groin while greeting me on the summoning screen.... it hurt.

  3. Darn, after being weak-willed, once again, to get at least one seasonal unit I'd like (Mia for uniqueness, Myrrh because I like her) I finally get Waluigi Mia to end my suffering of wasting orbs .... and she is -Att/+Def.

    Serves me right for not saving, but I'm so bored of this game atm, i just don't have anything fun to do.... Still, a flying healer spot is now filled with a very unique niche. Could have a been a bad pitybreaker. Also, where the Sakura copies at, IS?

  4. Hmm, I wonder how much is needed for this inflated week to go back into T21. I'm not too confident this week since L!Tiki teams will have no issue getting all the kills and points (my god that unit is stupid, almost killed my TA +RES Sheena in AA in a buffed state, that was hilarious). My Alfonse got most kills, but he just doesn't score as high, might have to fish a bit harder during the weekend, but lets see if 5730 will suffice. Still surprised at how buff Alfonse is with cheerleaders, even though I know how it's possible to turn almost any unit into a killing machine with them.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Even without the double points, I think just posting the mid-term progress would have been enough to prompt players to try a bit harder.

    But I guess this is one way to pull off looking like a tsundere.

    Wait, do you mean I act like a Tsundere towards FEH? Cause I'm not sure how adding the multiplier makes them look like a Tsundere. Must be missing something.

    Mid-term announcements like these do always have quite an impact, I agree. Still, I can't imagine them letting us fail this if our participation was poor enough to miss the mark. It wouldn't be hard to do so without anyone knowing any better.

  6. I contributed 5x to that number today (Tower, 2x Arena, 2x F!Robin), I did my part. /s

    I wouldn't be surprised if they just made it miraculously happen in the end, whether we actually reached the goal or not.

  7. The sad day has come, where I benched my favorite gal, my first 5*+10, Olivia in favor of comfortable scoring. Maybe she will be back with Red Duel Infantry, but I doubt it. Finally, I can just finish any run without deaths and I'll just stay in 20,5, or Top 3K, all thanks to the "wonderful" Green Duel Infantry and my excessive green pulling Soren. I can still slap three more merges onto my team and some more expensive skills if I so wish, but last week was a really easy climb and I didn't have to worry about the threshold at all. Soren is definitely some effective support. At least some benefits came out of this.

    Still, I hate these Duel skills, and the worst part, they can't just get rid of them anymore, they are now in the pool. The scoring system cannot be changed as easily anymore. Farewell, Olivia, you shall be missed.

  8. Goddammit IS, stop it with the banners that force me to pull on them. Another OG Myyrh banner so quickly after the last one and after you stole all my orbs for stupid Bunny Sharena/noHector? Also, I'll probably end up with another Dorcas....

    Just let me save up orbs for once, grumblegrumble....

    As for the TT itself: Seals are OK (triple Brazen Alfonse, maybe) - nothing I really want; Bonus is taken care of; Henry is kinda annoying, but manageable; Yeah, nothing too special about it - same old, same old.

  9. 1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

    What exactly do you define as "meaningful content" in a thread that is about the Voting Gauntlet?

    That part was less about the thread and its content, but more of an explanation for my rather negative attitude towards the event and its irrelevant outcome, and that I would wish FEH to offer something different these days.

  10. Can this mode just die already? I don't want to look at score predictions anymore, barely gave a damn for this particular VG as it bores me out of my mind, though I mostly want to see it die because the last hours are obnoxiously placed in the early morning hours. The fact that the "winners" are completely irrelevant don't help either, same goes for the "Same Hell" we have right now.

    Guess, I'm in a foul mood again for the lack of meaningful content..., sorry about that.

  11. 7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    I'd just run healers, honestly---the only risk of healers is being out-maneuvered. If you get out-maneuvered by an armor you deserve to lose.


    If you hated the idea of running healers at all then a combination of TA 3 units and regular, strong greens are more than enough. TA3 ruins the Bold Fighter set by attacking into Tiki, and regular strong greens cover the (very rare) CA sets, which don't have Bold Fighter.

    TA-3 Anna, for example, should have no problem dumpstering even +10 Tiki. (Although you'll want a speed buff to ORKO.)

    Oh, I don't mind running healers at all, but my worry lies within elemental coverage. Will I have enough counters to fill the week? I need to be sure I have enough bonus units to deal with the annoyance, and while I have healers for all elements, I might not have enough. Who knows how prevalent she will become, but, with the highest BST yet, I have a feeling she will be quite prominent. Also, even with TA, sometimes I worry that slow units will get whooped by doubles and specials, even with advantage, but maybe I'm just paranoid.

    Will be resorting to TA3, I guess. I should inherit some of these, even while wondering if it is the be best pick, also Roys are limited sometimes. Regardless, I should probably prepare some extra units in advance. Guess my pitybreaker Hawkeye is actually going to be used after all, never thought I'd ever build him up.

  12. With the introduction of L!Tiki, who isn't as easily disposed of as M!Grima, I genuinely worry about the amount of actual counterpicks I'll have for AA. I feel like my Julia will get whooped due to her lack of speed, Bartre whooped through low speed and Res, my Fae will probably struggle on my starting team, Falchions will fail to obliterate due to WTD/bulk, and since she will surely attract whales, resulting in many defensive teams with her, I do want to throw out the question "What budget counters are there even?" (besides Healers, since there is no counter to that, lol).

  13. 4 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    That said, it appears that the season just gone seemingly had a cutoff of 3706 and the week before was 3708 with the same bonus units, so it's quite likely the effect is pretty much dead and buried now.

    Hard to say, last week marked also the introduction of Duel skills, and we are talking about the top scorers here, who, most likely, care about them enough to elevate the threshold in the process.

  14. 6 hours ago, Humanoid said:

    Woke up to find I'm in T21, so 3715 was enough this week, guess the concept of the high-week, low-week is pretty much gone now.

    If anything, last season was "low-effort" climb into 21. I've seen you talk about "high-week" before and I assume you mean you'll need a higher score to climb with that term?

    Following the logic of the very first transition into 21 (when T21 was introduced) having the highest scorers going up, leaving the easier climb due to weaker competition on the second week, "hard" and "easy" climbs switched every week (even if it isn't that clear-cut), meaning last season was an easy climb. That's the reason why I deliberately choose that week for 20,5 climbing and every other week for demoting; it saves a lot of nerves.

  15. The more I think about the Duel skills the more I hate them.

    Having a +Spd Helbindi already makes me want to sac him for Soren to build him up as a Support unit for Arena, but so much annoys me about this next to me having to lose the only copy of a unit. I only need a few more copies of Soren, which isn't too hard to achieve, so that's the smallest worry I have, but merging what I have now would already score better than my current core. While having no feather problems right now, it doesn't mean I can just +10 everyone; Eirika, A!Tiki, Leon and Sakura are already patiently waiting in line for their last merges before burning the feathers, so investing in Soren would make them wait a bit longer.

    Then we have the problem of "Duel skills are trash for gameplay. When will the other 14 Duel skills appear? Will I be able to pull them? Do I even want Colorless Duel Infantry/Cavalry to exist? (It would make Arena unbearable)", meaning investing in Soren, when a better support might come along in the near future, would be a regretful investment (I like Soren, which is why he would be a candidate for my Arena core, but that doesn't mean I absolutely need to 5*+10 him.).

    God, Arena sucks so much right now, I don't even know what to do without having massive doubts.

  16. Well, I'm gonna say it, Garon may have been an atrociously written character in Fates, but his FEH Chibi-sprite and animations are dope, making me kinda wanting to 5* as a new AA unit. My water team is kinda lacking, and Garon would just get rid of the greens (and some reds) for me in a match. I don't have any spare Subakis anymore, though, which makes things a bit annoying. I always want the green units while pulling.... grumblegrumble....

  17. 16 minutes ago, mcsilas said:


    @MonkeyCheez3K I might have forgotten to tag you to thank you, since I'm not sure how active you were in the board these days. But yeah I pretty much cleared all the paralogue orbs and have resorted to do some of the shorter CCs but at least it's nice to have him in some form. I mean, it only took to be pitybreaken by another unit for him to show up (4% by Nanna and 5.50% by Ephraim) but at least I can use the free pull on Veronica and avoid colourless. I'll just have to wait on a future banner to fix the -Atk Bector though, but he is still geat- and maybe -Atk will help in securing arena bonus kills anyway (wow that's a weird sentence to type)

    At the very least, I'm always actively lurking, sometimes I just feel I shouldn't post my trivial nonsense or whining, other days I don't really care, it always changes. I'm also pretty sure I'd be one of those fools who announces when they leave (as if anyone would care XD). With that said, my half-year streak of atrocious luck in pulls from end of February to the beginning of CYL2 "might" also have tampered with my activity...

    Good thing you waited on the free pull, which everyone should. at least until they pulled regularly on the banner. No regrets that way.

  18. 9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    @MonkeyCheez3K Oooh congrats on the Myrrh! I tried for her last night but got a 3 star Bartre but oh well haha.

    Thanks for your luck though- I did get Bector in the end at least (+Res/-HP in main and +Spd/-Atk in second) so your good wishes still worked so thanks for that!

    Oh you did? Must have missed it. Neato, that makes me way more satisfied that we got what we wanted, even on the brink of the banner running out. The frustration would have been immense, but the joy is so much better.

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