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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. And the person, who if they didn't first show me the word, certainly is responsible for its integration into my normal vocabulary, is this guy: Colbert said it explains a few Beatles song titles, like "I Get a Little Help from My Friends" .
  2. Not sure actually. But looking at Wikipedia, there are 11,384 Lawson stores in total around the world. 7-Eleven has 20392 stores in Japan alone. There is another chain called FamilyMart with 17409 stores in Japan. 7-Eleven also DLC in Japan for Shadows of Valentia just to toss this is in, food plus a sword and shield. And more importanty, all of these are what Pokemart and TMS's Hee-Ho Mart (just to throw in a mention of TMS) are referencing, not America's retail giants.
  3. Well I have a few family members. And I was diagnosed with Asperger's back in the 2nd Grade I believe. I can socialize, as I presently am, but I've just never put in that effort to move beyond acquaintance to actual friend. I've always been fine with it. Albeit it would help ward off some of my more melancholic periods when I'm not busied and life is ennui. And this is reminding me of a brain bleach-demanding story Paul McCartney said within the past week I heard last night concerning his youth in the Beatles. I wish I hadn't heard it, and I ain't going to look for a link to it. Look for it as your own mercy. But if you watch late night TV, Colbert brought it up.
  4. Given Japan, I'd say Lawson's actually would be that. An extremely well-known convenience store chain in Japan. I don't remember Emerald that well, but I do recall kinda liking Wally. And didn't he in a manga get asthma? If he did, I kinda like it that they gave him a little medical condition.
  5. I actually felt the same way for a long time. But eventually I got over it and grabbed DQV. The franchise has its strengths in how much it clings to tradition, but at the same time, that is arguably its downfall. I like it overall though. Just to fill you in on the two "doesn't exist" here. V is often forgotten because it never left Japan in the SNES era, it only came later on the PS1, and hence isn't as memorable to the international audience. It didn't do a great plot like IV or VI either. Yet by series standards, the gameplay is considered quite good. Makes me rank V rather highly. FFIX was an attempt to return to the high fantasy old days after VII and VIII went more modern. Typically praised within the fandom, but more of a sleeper hit. And VIII isn't exactly loved or hated because of following VII, it's the gameplay I think that does that. Autoleveling enemies and Junctions are the divisive aspects of the gameplay that get people a lot. Squall and Rinoa as the leads are also a mixed bag, but this isn't quite the big divider. I don't think I'd ever recommend MM as a first time Zelda game. The timer is divisive, and the game just isn't quite so newbie friendly. One can certainly said it was made back in the day for someone who had already played through OoT. OoT is more plain, but I have to admit it to be better here. I'd say A Link Between Worlds is a great starter, but I'm biased towards it, and being top-down and portable, it isn't like the "big" console Zelda titles of the 3D sort. Not to be negative or anything, but I'd chalk it up to an inherited reputation. It was the first JRPG franchise to hit it big everywhere, and this repute has stuck ever since. SE constantly tries to live up to this reputation, but the weight on their shoulders is a heavy one, and big ambition = big chance for big failure.
  6. Invented to be a friendly face for FE7's dedicated tutorial for international newbies. Possibly inspired by Advance Wars' Nell and Sami. Outside of Lyn Mode, she just exists, and the Laus attack on Caelin to get her involved in H&E's journey is forced, albeit it doesn't feel terribly forced. Her personality isn't particularly great or anything, but I do like her with Eliwood over his other options. As a unit, Swordlock is bad, gaining Bows on promotion doesn't help much, and she gets neither Guy's Crit, nor Rath's horse. She is fragile and needs time to develop her dodgetanking potential, but isn't a bad unit when she can dodgetank.
  7. Fair enough. I can certainly say I wish Golden Sun: Dark Dawn didn't exist, it's killed GS and the only thing that could redeem it is if we got a sequel that addressed everything it brought up and did it well. ...Except DD killed the series, so there will never be this redemption sequel. I could have also said Suikoden, except that series has been long dead and nobody really cares about it and it isn't "popular" anymore. I let myself get burned really bad with the whole "this is an all time classic!" praise with Suikoden II. Nothing is sacred, fact. No "classic" is inherently a legendary thing that everyone will love. FACT! Maybe if I hadn't gone in with such expectations, it wouldn't have been so bad, but I did.
  8. I try not to dislike things, and especially not hate them. I try to go no further than disinterest/"this just isn't for me- but it might be for someone else and that is fine".
  9. Can't say I've ever actually had a friend, not that I'd be against having one. I just have never put in the effort to make any. Probably would be better if I did, but I'm just introverted. I too put the term "friend" in a rarefied realm apart from "acquaintance".
  10. It isn't necessarily visuals that draw me to them. Tibarn is a double-edged sword looking like a Pirates of the Caribbean knockoff, it's good, and a slight way to sorta allude to historical Phoenicia being the world's first maritime trading empire. Yet at the same time, the PotC knockoff thing can be kinda eh. Naesala also has a double-edged issue, he looks good, but is anachronistic to FE with his late 1940s-1960s(?) Americana outlaw stylings- hair grease didn't exist in the Middle Ages. Ranulf's hat is love it or hate it, and blue-orange are generally speaking a bad combo, even if he puts his best spin on it. Rafiel looks a little too elvish too. Kyza/Kysha is drab and looks too Beorc. And I can't say they're all AMAZING either in character. But it is certainly more the characters, for some depth, for others charm, which draws me to them. Personality is also independent in many ways of their race. Ranulf would be great to me regardless of whether he had a tail or not, as would Dheginsea. And it wouldn't be hard to write either's personality while dropping the shapeshifter aspect. I'm not inherently into them for the fur, feathers, or scales. I'm not trying to proselytize, only state my personal case. And I'll only do this this one time so as to not ever annoy thee or anyone else. And with this I'll admit that the Laguz in neither PoR nor RD were handled perfectly. A combination of nonexistent 1-2 range in games with loads of enemy phase, not being at the top of their game all the time and yet not statistically that much better than Beorc (which they kinda need if they lack 1-2 range), and slow EXP gain in RD with poor growths. I'd give IS another chance to set things right though with Laguz-like beasts though. Or they could take the Beastrune and Beaststone of Fates and expand these further- weapons radically altering the combat abilities of their users.
  11. 30 Mt being so incredibly massive, and given it's name, my thoughts are it would have been a super Upheaval, but that is coded as a Combat Art, so there goes this idea. I'm probably being influenced by TearRing's Black Rain, and which lead me to guess the 0 range is supposed to indicate it was to cover the entire map, but they of course didn't finish coding that right. Yet given the next strongest spell is Ragnarok, a particular apocalypse, it could have been a dark and stronger version of that in a way.
  12. I don't get how they even let that happen. I've heard eh things about his personality and gimmick, a serious turnoff, but I do like him visually, if a little skunk-esque. More a Tinder no-words-exchanged fling than a long-term relationship. I'm never going to try to never look at BSTs once I truly start. As FtP, I'm a beggar, and beggars can't be choosers, so if I get stuck with an awful nature, well that is it, because I'm not going to intentionally expend precious Orbs for another copy. Not knowing BSTs means I can't discern natures, which is thus a boon for me, ignorance will be bliss.
  13. If Angelo has learned Multiheal, then you're set. Although I've heard some people get through the battle without it, I do recommend having it. An alternative is to load up on Yggdrasil Dew, which is fairly easy in DQVIII 3DS. Obtain a lot of Magic Water, I believe the Pickham Casino sells them, then park yourself in front of that tree that only appears at certain hours of the day. Take the Yggdrasil Leaf, mix with a Magic Water, take the new Leaf that appears and repeat until you run out of water or the tree goes away. This is possible thanks to the instantaneous Alchemy Pot of this version, in the original DQVIII, it wasn't possible because the Pot took time to finishing making something until the postgame.
  14. Notice the 0 Hit and 0 Weight? It's unused I believe. Although normally SF says that in the Effect box when this is the case.
  15. Stay safe and I hope things don't go too badly for you!
  16. I saw a good bit of the game in ye olde Nintendoe Powere back en the daye, but I never actually played this game. I'm not an online multiplayer person, so I'm probably going to skip this game again. I've also heard mixed thing about it. Nonetheless, I for some reason have something of a desire to play it. If I were to play, I thought I heard something about having a character for each background or something was a good idea. But if I had to pick one playable character, me being my indecisive self, I'm not sure. Lility: I don't like them visually at all, but they are the strongest melee, which is always easy good. Clavats: The most boring visually being just ordinary humans, but they've their charm. Balanced is boring too, but not bad at all. Selkies: A slight human variation, nothing much. Being the fast character does sound fun. Yukes: They look real weird, but I did back in the same day as them come to really like Guillo in BKO, and he like them is magic-oriented too. Certainly an option. I'm thinking Yuke > Selkie >= Clavat >> Lility for my preferences.
  17. You CAN have them both you know! In case you didn't see this already:
  18. Well... SPOILERS! More to the point, the anime does not align faithfully with the game itself, with the spoilers bit being a severe case of deviation. I get there will be artistic license, but apparently it goes wayyyy too far. Do not judge the game based on the anime. To bring up one instance that is still spoilers, but less spoilery:
  19. I've only really played the first four gens, and I forget a lot of details having not played in years, but Pokemon characters are largely built on charm anyhow. Kanto: Hmm... Eirika I think I'll go with. Sabrina, Koga, and Giovanni are my followups. Blue if he counts is another. Johto: I'll pick... Morty, or Jasmine. Hoenn: I'm thinking Watson, certainly not Wallace, I liked Juan over him. Sinnoh: Memories here are most recent, but strangely thin. The Fighting type Gym Leader, whatever her name was.
  20. Arrows could either easily knock the rider off the mount, or be shoot into the Pegasus's wings to drop it out of the air. Wind magic creates air turbulence, which interrupts their flight, ideally to the point the Pegasus stops flapping its wings, can't recover mid-fall, and thus splat! it goes. That I think is the "logic". Berwick Saga from what I've heard made flying units a little more realistic. Its Wyvern Knights- the only human fliers around- cannot be hit with melee range attacks from non-fliers, unless on counterattack. Why? Because it is flying and will stay flying away from the earthbound units unless it has to go low- aka when divebombing for an attack. From what I'm aware, this unique advantage of Larentia, the lone playable flier, is pretty darned amazing, kill off the mages and archers, and she is practically invincible. She isn't actually weak to Wind or Arrows I think, but they can normally hit her, and that is enough.
  21. Good question! And unlike Chrom, Marth isn't so insecure that he that has to go totally sleeveless with one arm, he shows what he practically has to show. If you notice, well good for you, if not, well Marth doesn't care about such vain things. I think Marth could use a bit more muscle mass in his future designs, it'd make him a little less soft, whilst still not being RD Ike, nor even Ephraim. You know, you're actually making me think the artwork of FE11 wasn't so bad after all. I've heard people criticize it more than praise it. Apparently, FE11 had two artists- Masamune Shirow and Daisuke Izuka. I think Shirow did this piece of artwork and that of several official artworks: Marth, Caeda, Tiki, Camus, Linde, Minerva, Ogma, Nyna, Navarre, and Merric. The rest of the artwork, as well as portraits, and CG was probably done by Daisuke Izuka, given Izuka returned to FE12 when Shirow didn't, and that FE12's artwork looks much more like Gharnef, the Gaiden chapter characters, the portraits and the CGs. Shirow is probably the person who got the flak for FE11's aesthetics. Although I agree his faces look penciled in and flat, everything else looks fine to me. Fix the faces he'd be great, the colors really stand out in good way for some reason. Although he apparently has some fame for illustrating the Ghost in the Shell manga it seems, so I dunno if that makes him too expensive for IS to rehire.
  22. I don't like Seasonals, but if we must. Camping summer banner. Swimsuits are sexy, but can we have something other than them to rep the summer season? People do more than just go to the beach or pool. It'd be more innocent fun too. Sports banner, one of whom must be Lyn playing International Football/Soccer. Nationalities banner- the various countries/regions of the real world represented by different characters. Not sure who for where. But Arthur with an American flag printed on each buttock (fully clothed mind you) is one possibility. Marth with his cape the Japanese flag sounds okay. But that would not be necessary if in the sports banner Marth played baseball, with a Batchion and Gemstone balls.
  23. It was Hector before, and now it's Olivia right? Thought she'd be too shy to make landfall. My sympathies.
  24. Well this is cute: http://www.siliconera.com/2018/09/10/nintendo-switch-pikachu-and-eevee-edition-console-bundles-announced/ Not as cool as the Pikachu N64, which I once had. And once a Kirby Switch releases it'll have some serious competition for the cute award, but I like it.
  25. I once considered the possibility of an FE4 opera, albeit without anything in song details. Sigurd et Arvis would be its name. Followed possibly by a sequel, Emperor Arvis.
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