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Everything posted by SuperNova125

  1. Voted Tellius for both as I believe it must receive a banner as sa8d continent deserves one. Last Tellius banner I think was the Gallian Beasts and I am not a big fan of these beast banners. Also there are many characters left to put in the game from RD especially.
  2. I just hate this map. The first two difficulties were not that easy but they were managable. Infernal was insane however. At the end I adapted PM1s infernal solution to my units. I used Fallen berkut, Rinea, Legendary Celica and a remaining Valentine's Silque.
  3. Have you tried reporting it to IS? I think they respond in such things. Other than your guess is as good as mine, sorry.
  4. I actually wouldn't be against it is, if they decided to make Mythic Rhea in July she would be with Edelgard and I wouldn't be able to keep saving for Brave which I am excited about. Honestly, they put all desirable banners right now, Edelgard, then Julia, then Luls. I just hope the Mythic is Hel so I can skip and July something like Medeus or Gotoh as I don't care about them. My plans are to do the 40 summons in the fallen banner for Julia (21 left to go), pray that I can freepull Lul Atk/Spd (no Lul for me essentially) and if the mythic isn't Rhea or Anankos then I will start saving up until CYL. I doubt the new heroes banner will be something I will be that interested in and I don't pull in Summer and Bridal banners.
  5. Edelgard's legendary banner left me completely unprepared for Julia. Right now I am at 18 summons (22 more to go). The reason for for these 3 random were my boredom. Instead of using the last two tickets for cheaper sessions I used them both immediately along with 4 extra orbs I had. By the looks of it the bridal banner will most likely begin in a week or something so it will be a long time waiting for the orbs to appear. Hopefully by the end of the month saving mode for CYL4 will have already started.
  6. There is only one weapon refine I want and that's Fae, I technically have a DC ready for action as well if the weapon doesn't have in built DC (which it won't). Though I doubt she is coming anytime soon.
  7. I hope something like that is the case. Book 3 wasn't so much about twists but about the aesthetic and the characters (Alfonse, Veronica and their counterparts and Eir). Book 4 however brings fairies into the mix something not many people were intovand so far is pretty tame and a bit boring. We don't even see the Villian (Freya) and we are a bit above the middle. It is really slow paced compared to 3.
  8. Yeah, Lords are bound to have 3 alts at least by the end of the year (normal, Legendary, Brave) and the Dimitri's childhood friends will most likely appear in the next TH banner (at least one of them). Rhea due to her position in the story can be quite weird.
  9. Since there are 2 open slots why not. Unless someone else has better candidates.
  10. Rhea perhaps. She isn't in the game yet and I like her as a character a lot, also I would love for her to be in the game as she has many different potential forms.
  11. I agree with this so much. The only demote that actually has some use is Forrest as the A slot can be used to help stuff like Temari or to help with Atk opening and similar skills and the C slot is something decent that can be used for high res mages when left with no other option. The rest are mostly bad units or that become irrelevant due to their competition and Marth doesn't fully count as the banner he appeared was a "special" thing for the anniversary and being a seasonal he doesn't matter that much in the long run I believe. Making demotions that can compete with the rest banner units should be what happens (Marth for example for me at least could be called the winner from that banner). Also as you said making the 4*s good doesn't mean people won't pull for the 5*s in fact it gives an incentive to do so as they can get easier +10 units, they can even summon in the future to get said unit. I wasn't expecting a domote here as fallen banners never get one however if they wanted they could give one. For example Corrin with no trainee BST, Savage Breath, Glimmer, Atk/Spd solo, and Rouse Spd/Def could be a demote. I simply took Null follow up, exchanged his new weapon for an already existing one and kept his A and C slots, just at tier 3 (also the C slot already exists on Ferdinand so it wouldn't matter having it in a powecreep banner at 4* to keep the real prize at 5*) . He would be a really good unit and many more people would pull in blue to grab as many copies of him as he could get to +10 way more easily. Now about CYL, it's better that way as this year's banner will most likely give us 2 free 5* units and it would also be kind of unfair to give to any of these units greater availability or/and worse skills and less optimised statlines because of the demotion especially when all were chosen by the players to receive a fairly similar treatment on that banner.
  12. Congratulations, she looks really good. I mainly use her every now and then for support but seeing her go into the offensive side is honestly great. I can compete in the weapon category as NY laevatein has 7 (Kumade, Melancholy, Flash, Absorb, Pain, Valentine's Silques, panic. She can equip only 3 because qrinding SP is a huge pain) you still win regardless I guess haha.
  13. Recently I started using original Edelgard in coliseum, quests and different events. I have to say that I underestimated her quite a lot. She currently is at +6 which is quite good and I recently started working on her flowers. I also have a +Spd -Res Duo Ephraim that I never use and has some interesting skills. I have been thinking of giving Edelgard his A and B slot as she doesn't have any tier 4 skills and needs some new skills as her base kit is not as functional for consistent use, also Heavy blade SS is really popular and her not needing it is also nice. The last reason I was into foddering him is because due to his weird status we don't know when he will next appear while Eddie can appear in skill banners and even pity break me. I want an opinion whether I should go for it or there is some utility in keeping him (especially when I have +1 Iddun, Marth and Hector as other duos)?
  14. 2 sessions, 10 total pulls. I got a +Atk - Def Ike. It's fine I guess but I am more interested in Julia and Lyon ti he honest. Will go for the 40 summon to be able to get Julia for sure (or merge her) and then pray that no mythics can stop me from saving until August.
  15. I don't really care for these comics except when there are funny and interesting interactions (the Alm and Duma one was great). However, I think that many people give these comics more attention than IS themselves give them. I get that the issue is not about the comics themselves but the BE favoritism (not going to talk about Edelgard as I partially enjoy seeing her there). My personal problem is not how they show favoritism for BE but the fact that Dimitri is nowhere to be seen, the anniversary thing mentioned about how he was really interested in Askr and wanted to explore it so I wanted to see him in interact with other characters and some OCs.
  16. Yeah Ike is pretty good however I avoid using him as much now as he doesn't kill a lot and requires Lucina to work properly. In light seasons I mostly use either Larcei with Quickend Pulse to kill stuff with Regnal Astra and take some hits when needed or Fallen Corrin to tank with some Peony help, then I have Eir, Peony, Brave Michy and bonus. Thing is that Azura, Alm, Bramimond, Leif, Ophelia (the typical AR threats) are hard to counter with my current setup. While most of these guys die to Spring Iddun and Altina (if only Sothis was viable in AR offence and could get blessed all my AR related problems would be gone).
  17. Already Tier 23. Honestly, Astra seasons have to be the easiest thing in AR. My team is Altina, Naga, Aversa, Rinea, Spring Iddun. So far only one death for Naga but that's fine. If this keeps up I can see going in 26 or something. If only Light was that great.
  18. Oh, is that how the rankings are? Well the GHB is up to the air then knowing IS they never would make a dragon free (I certainly hope they do but that's another thing).
  19. Please, also remakes so far come in the order they released originally if you think about it. First were the Marth games for the DS and then Echoes. So with that logic should be Jugdral next.
  20. The ones that I could see next year are. Valite King Gunter, Risen King Chrom, Hagemon Edelgard, Berserk Rhea, Medalion Greil. The GHB would be the least popular in the next CYL male because this is IS.
  21. The positive is that cavalry units won't be so screwed because of their lower BST meaning that an eventual Legendary Seliph or other cavaliers will go into the defensive side without losing too much. Also fliers are going to reach the current infantries. Now armors and the newer infantries will be a bit broken sompared to the other two because of their stats, especially infantries as armors have limited mobility. Also the extra BST some dragons get is not because of their weapon but because of trainee boost (poor Nagi has to be one of the few that didn't receive it). Regardless all this means to me currently is that Brave Edelgard is going to worth the wait. Thanks, so +2 with his weapon's full effect (including the - 5 on foe's Atk and def) he technically gets 45 hp, 60 Atk, 21 Spd 45 Def and 37 res (43 with warding stance seal). I am definitely building him up.
  22. They are all really good. Corrin as I said did get the boosted BST, however his res is way too bad for a defensive unit that does not get ally support so unless I get a +res I won't he investing on him regardless. Lyon is very min-maxed and that's a good thing I just don't like how he is another unit that demands QR to work efficiently as I already have too many of those however he could easily clear some AR defense teams that depend on ranged guys only. Julia is fantastic with an excellent Atk and Res stat a Spd stat she doesn't care about due to her weapon and her defense is pretty similar to her normal self but she still will receive close foil. Ike is fine, a defensive version of Mareeta. My goal is Julia and maybe Lyon, maybe then Ike as he comes with Julia and I don't care about Corrin. Ashnard looks amazing however I have Altina and Young Caeda so a third sword flier might be useless but I'll see. What stats does the 1st merge give?
  23. If I understood things properly, bonus doubler is inactive if unit is panicked (I am just asking myself why I didn't know that despite uning said skill since September). In Ike's case bonus doubler doesn't do anything but all the penalties become buffs.
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