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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. "Much appreciated" Emmet told the healer. "Come on, let's catch up with the others." Emmet to (13,16)
  2. Give Lyn Murgleis at the end of FE7 instead of having Athos pull another legendary weapon out of his ass. It's from her home land, she had a bow rank, there's no reason not to let her have it aside from Lords Use Swords. Weapon rank isn't even a good excuse since prf weapons don't use ranks. (Though admitedly it could be somewhat frustrating to train her up to A rank in Bows only to be given a bow that's just as good as any other and can be used with D rank)
  3. In that case it automatically self-destructs and destroys your entire console.
  4. I feel like something along these lines might have worked well in Radiant Dawn Part 1. Granted the Begnion occupation forces were such colossal dicks that if they did attempt something like that there people might still get annoyed at the Camus for cooperation. Then again it could have been a good way of presenting a chicken and egg scenario by suggesting Begnion were so brutal because there was open rebellion against them.
  5. Zero Time Dilemma is finally here. Time to witness the conclusion of super psychic cult leader and super psychic time travelling genius.

  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been a while, but I don't think there's even a way in universe to determine if someone has minor blood. Major blood manifests as a mark on the body but I think minor holy blood is pretty much invisible. So wether Cyas has minor lopt or not is a bit of a moot point since Manfroy can't know if he has it (once again, correct me if I'm wrong). We also don't hear any reference to Manfroy wanting to kill Ishtar or Burian or Areone. In fact Julius even saves Areone. Granted Julius might have a different agenda to Manfroy and it is possible Manfroy does want to kill all these incredibly useful underlings, we just never hear about it. But it still is certainly strange in Cyas' case.
  7. 1.Greatest achievement in life thus far? 2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of? 3.Do you like the sound of your own voice? 4.Furthest you've ever been from home? 5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?
  8. Illia vs Sacae at least makes a certain degree of sense. If those units are fighting then they're a more active member of the army and can give advice about their country. Wheres if they're an untrained 1/1 unit not used passed recruitment they're that one guy at the back that Roy hasn't any reason to listen too. Requirements in FE7 are just stupid though. Granted FE6 could probably have implemented a better solution but I can at least commend it for having working with the narrative.
  9. For Sacred Stones, have it so you play both routes in one save file. You can choose what order to play them simply by selecting them from the world map. This would necessitate an army split like in Radiant Dawn. Characters recruited in both routes would not be recruitable in just one. New characters would be added to cover the loss of those recruits on the path where they're not gained. Not sure how to handle the twin characterisation of Lyon, maybe try and have a subtle version of both or perhaps just have it depending on whichever twin you're currently using as your lord on the world map. Even if the dual characterisation has to be cut, I'd rather have a game of proper length and scope.
  10. Not really a returning feature but something new I'd like to see that I reckon they should have put in ten games ago. The ability to see growth rates on the character's bio. It really wouldn't break anything when it comes to balance, I know I at least habitually use the internet to check growth rates when it comes to anything but the newest games. Giving an approximate expectation for you character's strengths and potential is pretty important when selecting what sort of army you want to have.
  11. Nitpick but I believe that idea was first introduced in FE3 with the Star Sphere Shards. For some reason in the remake they changed it so they just give stat boosts and I'm not entirely sure why. I like the idea of being able to control my units growths some what. And it's not like it's a broken idea (by mere concept) since it usually reduces growths in one stat as much as it increases them in another. So it all comes down to picking how you want your unit to turn out.
  12. Most of FE5's Gaidens weren't turn based. They were based on capturing the right enemy or visiting the right location. Or in other cases having the right unit recruited (which incidentally is the way I think Shadow Dragon should have handled it. Given his importance in the sequel, Hardan definitely deserved to get some development in Shadow Dragon).
  13. I suspected the Wo Dao would be an Online Shop item but I never was fortunate enough to be able to access the Online Shop in Shadow Dragon. Shame they never put Elysian Whips in any of the Gaidens. It's impossible to legitimately get Falcon Knights in that game now.
  14. Yeah you can even get really good weapons there. Unless there's a secret shop I'm forgetting about, the Gaidens are the only way to get a Long Bow or Wao Dao.
  15. Given that it was also the game that introduced playable generics if your army got to small, I assume it was a feature they wanted to add so struggling players good gain more units if their old ones kept dying off. Given they introduced classic directly after this game supports that theory. Still they underestimated the fact that players would view that as extra content they were missing out on. Which is strange since they give you the event theatre which practically points out the fact that you're missing content.
  16. 6.Favorite Bond movie? 7.Favorite Disney movie? 8.Favorite Shakespeare play? 9.Favorite Queen song? 10.Favorite Harry Potter Character?
  17. I'd love to see a version where Gaidens are accessible without slaughtering 70% of your arm.
  18. Can't personally speak for the first two but I think Shadow Dragon has plenty to praise about it. Solid level design, great difficulty scaling, actual multiplayer and the first game in the series to have a UI so beautiful I'd legally marry it.
  19. Things seemed dangerous on the north bank but the battle was going far better on Emmet's side than he dared to have hoped. Only two swordsman remained in the immediate area. Easily taken care of. Emmet to (16,15), Pinaka!Magic on Myrm#10
  20. That's one way of looking at it. Another is that it promotes caution, preparation for the unknown and the ability to improvise.
  21. I have but I don't recall what you're talking about. Most of the conversation so far has been about what one considers a Classic Fire Emblem.
  22. I guess we're on break at the moment. Prompt is sitll open if you want to write something though.
  23. This will almost definitely encourage me to finally play Gaiden.
  24. I actively use Heather so usually steal for maximum gains. Though if they're escaping and Heather is nowhere nearby for whatever reason I don't hesitate to give them an axe in the face for their loot.
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