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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. I think Greil could tell that BK was challenging him to a duel later on. Maybe he just had a gut feeling and went searching for the BK.
  2. Soren cause eventually Micaiah would grow tired and start "losing" her powers. Soren's plans have never failed and Micaiah's fail several times in the game.
  3. No problem. I guess previous falconknight bosses weren't as bad. I agree that enemies with bows are some of the worst bosses. There's nothing worse than a boss that can't counterattack.
  4. The boss of 4-1 (a falcon knight) in FE10. She doesn't move unless she's attacked which makes her easy to kill even without bows or wind magic cause of her low defense and hp. I always find Lloyd hard to kill in FE7, especially in the final chapter when he's supported with Linus.
  5. Mist and the ally valkyrie from PoR ch. 24 are the only valkyries on the whole continent of Tellius (at least on the battlefield). There aren't any enemy valkyries and Mist is the only playable valkyrie. Elincia's kinda like one except she's on a pegasus so if you count her that's 3 valkyrie type characters in the two Tellius games. Women can use axes while riding horses and wyverns but not while unmounted. There hasn't been a flying archer or a flying magic user yet (I've only played FEs 7-10 so correct me if I'm wrong).
  6. Crimea cause its a peaceful country and its where most of my fave characters are from.
  7. I like Eliwood. I guess a lot of people get RNG screwed with him or can't stand his balanced stats but he's always been good in my game. He usually turns out better than Lyn for me.
  8. Killer Poleax


    I don't really use her. I can usually get by without her.
  9. I'm fire since my b-day's in September.
  10. Mist for more availability and helping Ike in the BK fight. Elincia comes too late in the game and she's too underleveled.
  11. I didn't know either. I just looked in the instruction manual.
  12. I just started my first HM playthrough and I really want to continue training Edward for a little but its so hard. Part 1 is so rigged when a myrmidon can't dodge axes even without WTA and he gets 2-rounded by everything. I gave him a level in the prologue and unfortunately, he didn't level up speed so he couldn't double anything in chapter 1. I'm gonna continue to use him for a little while cause he is one of my fave DB members.
  13. What controller do you use to play this game? I use the wiimote on its side cause I got used to it after playing Super Paper Mario and it felt really easy to use. I haven't tried any of the others yet but I assume gamecube is similar to PoR. I'm not gonna buy a classic controller and wiimote (vertical) seems too weird.
  14. Geitz cause he's easier to recruit, is a better unit, and his map is so much better than Wallace's.
  15. Harken cause I like heroes more than swordmasters. Harken comes with a Brave Sword and he can use axes. Karel comes with a Wo Dao but Killing Edges are just as good.
  16. I'd choose Sain and Kent. I'm not a big fan of archers/snipers. If I had to choose one of each, I'd go with Sain and Rebecca.
  17. The characters I use usually depends on the character and not what type they are but if I had to pick a type, it'd be all around. Anyone who isn't too fast or too slow. Luigi, Samus, Zelda, a few others. I still use Link, Ike and Snake even though they're slow and Yoshi's always been one of my faves.
  18. How come this game doesn't show you how close a weapon is to leveling up like in the other games? It's really hard to tell how many more times you have to use a certain weapon before you can use stronger ones.
  19. If Greil never died, Ike would still be as good as he is now. Greil would've let Ike lead so he could gain some experience and maybe Ike would be an even better swordsman cause Greil would be around to train him. I think Ike would still be the main character. Greil would've taken a minor role kinda like Titania. Everything that happened in PoR and RD would still happen except Greil would be alive and Ike wouldn't be searching for revenge against the BK.
  20. I usually block the right entrance and the middle ledge. The allies on the left side usually die so I just let the enemies come to the person blocking the left square in the middle ledge. Anyone I'm not using blocks the rest of the ledges. Towards the end of the chapter, I send the allies down to get their asses kicked by the Greil Mercenaries. It's a fun chapter.
  21. It happened on normal. I know her speed is crap but there is a very small possibility that she can double a few enemies in part 1 by being speed blessed. It only happened once so I don't count on it happening again. I think she can double a few soldiers in her joining chapter but that's it.
  22. She can double a few soldiers, fighters and mounted knights if she's been speed blessed. I know it's highly unlikely but it's possible. It happened to me once and it hasn't happened again.
  23. This^. You guys take tier lists way too seriously. They're more like guidelines for people who are too lazy to experiment characters for themselves. It's not like its the only way to play.
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