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Killer Poleax

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Everything posted by Killer Poleax

  1. Dude, that is insane! I could never pull off something like that. Must've taken a lot of planning cause that was perfect.
  2. I don't think you failed. I understood what you were saying.
  3. I do but I still find him useful when he needs to be. The only reason I hate him is cause of his horrible strength cap and cause he uses knives. I haven't been taking full advantage of his thieving abilities so I gotta do that next time. Your story inspired me to use Sothe better.

  4. I joined last month and I've been posting on the general FE, PoR and RD boards but I forgot to introduce myself. My user name is KSFF2150 and its not just a bunch of random letters and numbers. If you really want to know what it means, just ask. So, hey FE fans.
  5. Some of the worst VAs were in the memory scenes. I always skip through them cause they sound so bad. Especially Zelgius', that voice doesn't fit him at all. Altina's is a little boring and serious for her. Why is Yune a little girl? Is it just cause little kids are chaotic? Those villagers talking to Lehran in his memory scene were pretty aweful too. Dheginsea's is laughable.
  6. Hey, that was an awesome story you posted in the debate.

  7. I might use him to bait a few archers in ch.4 (only if I'm impatient) but I usually let everyone else handle the enemies. There's also a small chance that he'll critical with the iron bow. I don't play as prepromotes in early game unless I absolutely have to. It's just my playstyle.
  8. Yeah, I only use her for healing. I do hate Sothe for most of the same reasons you do. I'm just gonna say that Sothe doesn't fit my playstyle and leave it at that.
  9. In general, swords>daggers but Vague Katti is only 2 more Mt than Baselard. In Mist's case she's still doing ~1 less damage per hit and she's not killing anything either. Sol and Bane are both (Skill/2)% and since Sothe has a higher skill cap, he's more likely to activate it than Mist is even though the chances of either happening are pretty low. Mist fails more as a fighter than Sothe does.
  10. Mist actually has the worst strength cap (25) of all the beorc units (excluding magic users). At least she's an awesome healer.
  11. Except he's (unfortunately) forced onto every map in part 1 so you might as well use him to open the chests instead of wasting another character's turn. I agree with the rest of your post except that he's not necessary for part 1 (except in hard mode). Besides opening chests, I don't use Sothe in part 1 except in 1-8.
  12. I said that he's useful in part 1. I still think Volke's better than Sothe. And don't get me started with Heather. I hate her more than Sothe. And don't worry, I still hate Sothe and I don't use him much. That was just me trying to be as unbiased as possible.
  13. Dude, you are SO biased against Sothe, it's ridiculous. I hate Sothe too but I can respect his usefulness in at least part 1. There aren't enough chest keys to open all the chests in part 1 so that's something he can do. I personally don't use him to steal (I don't steal when I play) but I can respect his utility. Yeah, Volke destroys Sothe when it comes to battling enemies but Sothe is useful to weaken enemies for the DB to kill. He's not entirely useless.
  14. You know what I don't get? Why does Levail have 2 authority stars while the BK has 0 and he's the commander too? Also, why is Levail shown as the sentinel (called lancer) in the unit profiles instead of Aran, Nephenee, or even Danved? The rest of the 3rd tier classes show playable characters so why is he on there again? I share Lyle's opinion on Sothe but I don't hate him nearly as much as he does. Sothe's good for opening chests and stealing but that's mostly in part 1. He's not that useful in part 3 compared to well trained DB members cause there's nothing to steal and no chests to open. Part 4 comes along and he's good for finding treasure in 4-3 and you can sell some of those things for A LOT of money. He's kinda useless in endgame cause there's only one chest and most enemies only carry one weapon. As a combat unit, he sucks hard but he's got his uses. Still, if I had the choice, I'd bench Sothe (especially in endgame) cause I don't use him.
  15. Of course Titania can one-round but are you really going to use her to kill enemies? She gains very little exp which is better used to level other characters. I know she's good for a tier list but who actually plays by tiers? Oh yeah, Shinon can also one-round early game, something that Rolf won't be able to do for a long time. Rolf takes way too much time to get up to par. Shinon sucks when he returns to the team but at least he has four chapters where he's actually good. I wouldn't use him at all in early game since other characters need the exp more but at least he has those few chapters where he's better than Rolf will be for a long time. It's gonna take Rolf a while to match what Shinon is capable of in those few chapters and he's outclassed by almost everyone on the team when he joins.
  16. That was awesome. I'm definitely trying that next time.
  17. They do have a paired ending but it only affects Lucia's. "First among the ministers to support her queen, Lucia never married. However, her affair with Count Bastian continues." She doesn't marry him but continues to fool around with him.
  18. Does it matter which of Rolf or Shinon is better? They both suck in this game. Shinon at least has that part in the beginning of the game where he's actually good but its not like he's actually going to be used much cause he gains very little exp. Rolf takes a long time to catch up with everyone else and it depends on the player if he's worth it or not. I'd put them both in low tier, maybe bottom, but I don't really care for tiers.
  19. I could never do something like this. I barely have the patience to raise a few of them. Raising all of them would be hell (for me). Good job with that though. Did you use Meg, Aran, Zihark, Jill or Tauroneo?
  20. Damn, that sucks. Now I have to make sure she's strong enough to survive that chapter. I usually get her to 20 in part 1 then use her as a healer for the rest of the game. Why does she have to be so slow (35 speed growth)? She's supposed to be leading her team to victory.
  21. Why Black Knight is the commander of 4-E-2 and has no authority stars while Levail has 2 Why the senators have no authority stars and Sanaki has 4 despite never being the commander Besides story purposes, what's the point of some characters having authority stars if those stars never affect the gameplay (Nailah, Naesala, Sanaki, Pelleas, Skrimir's probably helps the other units in part 3 so I could understand him having stars) Why there are so many forced characters in FE10 compared to other FEs
  22. I don't have the patience to do that. I just take whatever bonus (if any) that comes up. Even if I get the vine, its like "oh well, at least I got a stronger weapon, even if it could be better". To me, it's not worth restarting over and over again just to get a good bonus.
  23. I gotta stop doing this too. But she has to be good enough to survive 1-9. I guess the BK could rescue her then I wouldn't need to train her. I avoid using laguz royals as much as possible since they're broken and don't gain much exp. Don't use laguz cause they gain little to no exp, have transformation issues, and can't counter ranged attacks (howl, quickclaw, and maelstrom don't activate enough, shriek sucks) Don't use any of the forced characters except Ike, Elincia, Geoffrey and Micaiah ONLY for healing, Reyson in endgame Only train a few DB members cause I don't care about them much as characters On defeat boss chapters, I don't kill the boss until all other enemies have been killed (Dheginsea, Sephiran, and the boss of 3-2 are exceptions) I send the allies in 3-13 down to battle the GMs and watch their asses get kicked Never send the DB to battle the GMs cause I don't have the patience to make them as high and I like the GMs more Sell all skills and weapons that I won't be using in endgame Max out my characters' inventories Avoid forging until endgame Avoid bexp until part 4
  24. Soren is Ashnard's son and the true prince of Daein. I don't think he ever found out. Soren is branded, I think that's why he's such a good tactician. Ena was pregnant. She doesn't look like she is. Ike leaves and NEVER returns. I could understand him leaving for a few months but to never go back and visit his friends and family, seriously WTF is wrong with him? Double bow allows marksmen to counter direct attacks and is totally broken. Lucia ending up with Bastian. I thought she didn't like him like that. Maybe she finally fell for him.
  25. Damn, that's gonna be really hard. If you're not lucky, Reyson will die before counter even activates. Doesn't he get one-rounded by almost everything? He'll need a lot of bexp just to survive and a healer right beside him. That's definitely one of the hardest challenges you could do in this game.
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