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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I hope this isn't considered necroposting, but it isn't often I beat a Abysal GHB. I don't think it happened at all before this actually. This is the Royboys, Cecilia and Bunny Alfonse vs Lloyd's team. It was a bit tricky for my all out offense team to deal with these super beefed up enemies. Even the mighty reinhard started underperforming. A few breakers, horse buffs and a bow did wonders though.
  2. This BHB was tricky for me. Guidance galls are always annoying and giving this one a blade tome with super speed wasn't making things better. I had to try a few different things, but eventually ended up with a victory.
  3. The story starts out pretty strong and judging from the trailer they at least have a interesting direction to go on. I'm still a bit cautious with too much praise though. Part 2 started promising as well and that turned out to be an extremely boring slog. I do really like how the king and queen look. Especially Henriette who looks like a lady that can have a lot of fun.
  4. The final map of Conquest. It looks great on paper, but its a bit too challenging in my opinion. That hexing rod jerk that is unreachable also did not make the chapter any more entertaining.
  5. That was actually my motivation for posting the video. I thought my team was a bit unconventional so I decided to try my hand at posting something. Thank you. I know Seliph and Merric had a bad reputation, which is one of the reasons I tried building them. NYCorrin is someone I also don't see a lot, but he does a good job at being a low investment, defensive buffbot.
  6. Time for my very first video...Or at least I hope its time for my very first video since this is pretty new for me. I thought it'd be just downloading the video from my phone and opening it here. Instead I had to make a youtube acount because of the 10 gb limit? But anyway here is Seliph, Merric, New year Corrin and Bridal Ninian vs Seliph and Jullia
  7. I mained Young Link in Melee and Zelda in Smash Wii U. So i'll be maining the two of them for ultimate.
  8. There are a lot of things i'd do differently. I would't do a combo of Shadow dragon/Awakening/Fates for starters. I'm not designing a whole new game from scratch though so I think i'll keep that combo for this post. 1. Go all out with clones or just don't bother at all. I'm not opposed to clones on principle. In fact I think that might work better in a FE warriors games. Movesets based on classes, rather then characters means its very easy to get a lot of the non lord characters in. However Fe warriors has both a relatively small roster and one that is filled with clones. I don't see any reason why Navarre, Owain and Tharja would be dlc when you can just copy and paste their moveset in. I don't see why shadow dragon got more characters in, in general if cloning is that easy. I'm not asking for Dynasty Warriors 7: attack of the clones, but at least a couple more characters would not have hurt. 2. Make cloned movesets more unique. Once again i'm not asking for much here. Even Dynasty warrior 7 with its 1000 clones gave each character their own unique special extender. Sima Zhao could follow one of its generic moves up by literally surfing on the enemy, Guan Pink could create a big tornada and there are many more examples of those moves. I know fe Warriors has stats, but fighting wise they only have their musou and magic attacks to seperate them. Those moves look different, but they still feel the same. 3. A bit more of an even representation I grumbled about it a bit in my part 1, but i'll say it again here. Shadow Dragon really felt like an afterthought in this crossover. Dlc fixed this a little bit, but in the base game they had no presence at all. They took the only 3 characters that where mandatory and left it at that. The shadow dragon dlc characters in the main game would have put it at the same level of characters as Awekening if I recall correctly. So i'd do that and pick out 3 new candidates for dlc. 4. Bring back classic map narration A more minor point, but still one that I would like. The tellius games have pretty good map narration where they give a brief description of the area, why they go their, how the armies move and such. Dynasty/samurai warriors does the same. So I'd like to see it in a crossover too.
  9. I would like to say that i'd be a cool cape wearing sage, but me being a villager would be more likely.
  10. I can see why Camilla would get a little bit of censorship, but i'm confused why Mythra got some extra leggings as well. Mythra's outfit is certainly on the skimpy side, but I'd still say its relatively tame. You can't see any pantyshots from a static image so she will just be showing some leg. Other characters such as zero suit Samus and Shulk can show plenty of leg already so i'm not seeing the point of this change. I can understand Camilla's design changes a lot more. It looks better too in my eyes so I don't really mind this change.
  11. I think i'll go with the +defense build yeah. Roy's base defense isn't that amazing, but his sword,close defense and steady breath seem to be doing a very good job patching it up.
  12. I'm currently keeping myself busy with one of my two merging projects. In this case its Roy who I have on +5 with 2 more Roys ready to be merged. However I only recently started using him again so his skills and nature might be a bit outdated. He now has Nature:+Hp/-res weapon: refined Binding blade Skill: Reposition Special: Ignis A: Steady Breath B: Swordbreaker 3 C: Spur speed S: Close def 3 I'm happy with how steady breath, close def and Ignis works, but spur speed and swordbreaker are probably in need of some replacement. Any optimal skills for him to use? I'm also not sure what his final nature should be. I have a +speed/-Hp and a +Speed/-Res Roy around in my barracks, but I don't know if speed is helpful on someone with build in quick reposte.
  13. I think I would have taken another fateswakening banner over this. I'm not opposed to OC's on principle, but there are only two of them and neither Sutr, nor Ylgr ever showed the slightest hint of being interesting. The equally boring Hdrid now being a lock in for a legendary is also not good news for me.
  14. Peri is the obvious pick, but thats beating a dead horse at this point. He might not be my absolute favourite, but Rudolf slowly made his way to the bottom of the barrel for me. There are some faults in Rufolf's plan, but I can accept that. He's a nes villain so they did't have much to go on. I don't think they had to make him do his plan in the cruelest, mean spirited and cowardly way possible though. Giving him an adopted son just made some of his actions look very bad. Dangling a prize infront of Berkut all his life only to yank it away at the last second is already kinda nasty, but that has a plot reason. Not telling Berkut the truth in his last moments had no reason. He had the time to explain everything to his guard captain, but he did't care enough to tell his adopted son? Maybe Berkut would't have gone completely insane if his uncle actually took the time to tell stuff. Because now Berkut heard that his uncle died followed by a random stranger telling him that that same uncle also lied to him all his life. To me it felt like Rudolf just did't have the guts to own up to his own actions. Not telling Berkut when he had the chance was a very cowardly move on Rudolfs part. His treatment of Berkut other then that also leaves something to desire. Rufolf is cold at best to him and he doesn't really seem to give much of an effort in making sure Berkut doesn't grow up to be a total jerk.
  15. I think OOT ganon has a lot of things that do look good. He has that very nice looking red cape and his face is fine. Its the weird brown outfit that bring the design down for me. I find the team magma/Aqua redesigns to be much better then their original counterparts. They all looked so generic in Ruby/Saphire, but in the remakes I felt like they got a lot more character. Aqua expends a bit on the pirate theme and the scientist theme works well for Maxie. The same can be said for the team rocket admins in Heartgold/Soul silver, but thats not entirely fair. The admins where just generic grunts in the original so that probably doesn't count.
  16. I think this one is very common. I had my own game erased my a cousin as well and I vaguely remember it happening to another cousin years earlier. Thats probably why erasing your save file is such a hassle nowadays. I remember my older brother borrowing my game boy colour with Pokemon gold and it getting stolen. I wasn't very happy with that news. I was happy to upgrade to Pokemon crystal later though.
  17. This banner is certainly something. I'm not feeling angry, but I am feeling underwhelmed and a little bit confused too. The Corrin's are fine in my eyes. They look good and they only had one alt each before this. its fine. Not exiting and certainly not fate units that i'd add on a banner, but its fine. I don't find Mikoto to be very interesting. She's a new character, but she's also one of the most boring characters Fate has to offer. Not the worst, but there's really not much to her. Camilla is the worst problem on this banner and the character that confuses me the most. I wasn't a fan of all of her alts, but I at least thought she always had a reason to be there. A foreigner celebrating a exotic holiday is a good reason for her new year alt and she has her place on the fanservice banners. Here she just feels tacked on.
  18. Poor Piranha. A great 'wtf' character thats getting crucified online for not being Isaac/Geno/Skull kid/other frequently asked character. I'd like any of those characters in, but I don't think Piranha Plant was a factor in them not getting in.
  19. the first 30 minutes where a bit of a letdown. Inciniroar is fine, but not the Pokemon representative that I would have picked. Ken is inoffensive, but not someone who I care about. After that it was a long drag through all the different menu's and options. That part could have been twice as short and we would not have missed all that much. On the other hand Piranha plant is completely amazing and they did show a neat last little story trainer. So in the last 10 minutes the direct got back to hype for me.
  20. I can't say i'm super happy with this news. Fe6 really needs a banner and march is still pretty far away. On the other hand I do like at least knowing that it will take long. It started to get a little annoying to expect fe6 banners and then getting other banners instead. Fe10 is an a weirder spot. It needs a banner too and the dawn brigade still needs to get in, but fe9 might get a rep in the meantime. So waiting on fe10 is not as problematic. Its probably not the case, but I hope the waiting game for fe6 banners is a sign of a remake being in the work. like how they can't add many people yet because designs are being updated and voice actors are already being contacted for the remake. They wait so you don't have heroes and fe6remake characters looking very different from each other.
  21. I went in for Kliff and ended up getting Owain. A -speed/+ resistance Owain to be exact. Oh and a Faye. A fire sweep bow -attack/+speed Faye to be exact. The neutral Ephraim was nice though.
  22. I used to expect snake tomes, but its been so long that i'm not holding my breath anymore. I thought Azel would come with it since he had no prf tome in his game, but he did't appear on the Fe4 banner. Its a good tome choice for any of the more plain mages. The main problem is that many of the candidates just aren't likely to appear in the game. Why would they include a standard mage like Orochi, Hayato, Miriel, or other mages without much to draw from when they can just add a new mage with a much flashier tome?
  23. I don't really like how Hinata looks in this game. He looks pretty close to his fates counterpart, but something about him looks a little off. I think he looks a bit too small and for some reason Hinata looks nervous when attacking. I don't think that expression suits him. I'm also not really fond of Cordelia and Female Robin who where done by the same author. I think his Oboro is good though. There's also normal Shigure. His attacking and damaged art looks fine, but I just don't like his face in his normal art. Other then that the only ones I have to add are Rebecca with her creepy eyes and Lloyd.
  24. A lot of the day 1 characters could probably use a refine right about now. But there are still a lot of units to cover there, so i'm not going to get into that. One not day 1 character that could use a refine is probably Mmorgan. Morgan himself is still fine, but Grima's truth keeps looking less impressive. First Sothe buffed/debuffed every stat and now Veronica has that alongside not being able get counterattacked. Julia is another character whose weapon might need an upgrade. Naga's little buff is very outdated and the changes to dragon made both her and her mom a lot worse as dragon killers. Maybe her refine could draw inspiration from Flora's weapon and give them extra defense when attacking distant counter units.
  25. I'd much rather have no old characters returning. The Awakening trio already felt like pandering and the bad explanation we got for them only served to make them incompetent. If it isn't in the same world, then they should keep old characters very very far away from the new game. I'd be ok with some non canon downloadable units or spotpass characters, but they should have no presence in the main game.
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