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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I usually try getting all the characters, but there have been some exceptions. I don't bother restarting when I find the character boring and I forgot to bring the person who was was supposed to recruit them. Garret and fe12 Jake are the only characters who I seem to forget all the time though, meaning those two are out of luck.
  2. I wasn't too fond of this game when it was shown off at e3, but i've sort of changed my mind about it. It still doesn't feel very Zelda-like, but I thought the trailers and online footage showed a good amount of interesting ways to use the multiple Links and their weapon combinations. It probably won't be a game that blows me away, but it should be a fun little game.
  3. I do like the idea of base conversations returning, but I don't want think Supports are all that flawed. Base conversations gives less important characters a chance to react to whats happening in the story and thats great, but I don't think focus on either backstory or more mundane things such as hobbies is a bad thing for supports. Its an oppurtinity to show what the characters are like when they aren't thinking on duty.
  4. Times sure have changed. I still remember everyone making fun of RD Ike for being a "steroid abusing meathead."
  5. I liked her well enough in the first games. She started an archetype, had slightly more personality then most of the cast and she could become a powerhouse. I wanted to use her in Awakening, but she felt very tacked on and her being in the almost no support group made her unapealing to use.
  6. I don't mind the children as individual units and I like a fair deal of them this time around, but they do feel very out of place in Fates. Their spots could be used to create characters actually relevent to the Hoshido/Nohr plot, since the kids have nothing to do with the conflict and have no experiences about it that makes them relevent to the story. I also don't really like what it does to the roster. Almost everyone's young or at least of marriageable age. Characters like Niime or Yodel are pretty much impossible and even if they weren't they'd be reduced to "Avatarsexual" characters who are lucky to get more then one support. Character ages tend to make everyone more varried since both fates and awakening lack in the older, more experienced general/retainer/mage/mercenary department. I guess we have Gunther, but thats still one character in two fire emblem games. There is a bit of a problem with removing the child mechanic though. Its in two games now so people have grown acustomed to the pairing and optimisation thing. Its true that more limited supports or a better story are good directions to take, but it will probably still lead to complaints about the game having less features then the previous one.
  7. I have no doubt shadow dragon sold badly in Europe, but I think that Vgchartz picture still paints a picture that doesn't quite hold up. I've visited it a while ago for Fire emblem related sales and Europe figures where missing entire years of sales data. I believe it only counted two years and those did't include its release year.
  8. My biggest problem with Fire Emblem from a gameplay perspective is just how much better horses are in comparison to other classes. The cavalier line tends to have above avarage baes with no weakness that actually matters, better weapon triangle control in tier 1 and sometimes tier two as well, better movement and their caps are either very good or still good enough for them to stay at the top. I believe Fe10 is the only game I played where they weren't amazing and even then they where still good. My solution would be an anti cavalier class like Hoplites or something. Early game archers could also stand to get some extra bases. I know the theory behind it. Archers can safely chip so others can finish the enemy of without facing a counter, but it usually isn't all that important since enemies are either weak, the chip damage itself just isn't all that good or mages just do the things archers do, but better. The games either need to be harder like fe12 or archers need some better stats to compensate them not having an enemy phase.
  9. Yeah the whole marriage everyone option was really not a good idea for this game. The little sisters are off the table from the get go. Sister or not simply because of their age. The entire Hoshido side is a big no for me either. I know they're not related, but at this point I would actually prefer the incest over a cowardly twist in the story just so you can sleep with them. With incest I can just say "yuck" and ignore it completely, but them not even being half siblings is just a constant reminder that "waifu's" and "husbando's" are more important then the theme of the story. The fact that they still go through with the "brother/sister" thing (They do in facerubbing time right?)after marriage just makes it both gross and cowardly, so we now have the worst of two worlds. Camilla is actually on my no list as well. From what i've read her backstory makes her look emotionally damaged and it would feel a bit wrong if Corrin took advantage of that.
  10. He seems to have a lot of experience under his belt and perhaps his time as CEO of Nintendo of America gives him a good view of both the western and the eastern market. I won't exactly hold him against it and its far too early to judge anyway, but seeing his picture I don't really get the same pleasant old man vibe that Iwata gave of though. Anyway I wish him good luck and I hope he'll do a good job.
  11. Most bosses from final fantasy 4 ds probably count. It was the first rpg I played that basisically said "Use those buffs and debuffs or die!" Special mention goes to two bosses though. The CPU who is already quite hard, but who becomes downright impossible if you decide to follow the advice the game gives you, since that triggers a counterattack that will wipe out your party. The other one is the demon wall with its massive hp and the ability to instant kill after a while.
  12. FF2: I don't know the excact name, but the rebel theme music FF3: I actually remember very little of this game's soundtrack FF4: Rosa's theme/theme of love (Surprised that i'm first with this one) FF5: Battle on the big bridge FF6: Terra's theme FF13: Blinded by light
  13. At the moment I don't have much thought out. There are only two parings i'm certain of. Marx x Charlotte since I liked their support a lot. Arthur x Pieri since bad luck is the only valid explanation I have for someone falling in love with a complete lunatic.
  14. The only reason why I sometimes avoid prepromotes is because I already have a working team when they come along. I have nothing against Pre-promotes by themselves and they're usually good enough for the job. The only exceptions are shadow dragon and Fe12 where the vast majority of pre promotes aren't all that good.
  15. I usually avoid the water types. I know its a good type gameplay-wise, but I just consider most water pokemon to be boring. I do like fire types and I would have picked that type often if they did't go with fire/fighting a lot. Grass is my most chosen type and my favourite of the 3. I just think its a shame that they started to get really stingy with the powder moves, which makes me like them a little less.
  16. For me its Chrono Trigger. Don't get me wrong I thought it was an awesome and charming game, but I never really felt "Wow this is the greatest rpg of all time!" like a lot of people seem to think of the game. Perhaps it might be because I only got this game much later on the Wii's virtual console thanks Europe being a shitty place for games during the snes era.
  17. I'm usually not very picky, but I refused to use Shinnon in Radiant Dawn because I thought he was a horrible character. Pieri would likely be the second person that I would refuse to use. I haven't used every character, but thats usually because my team is already full.
  18. I think the North Korean goverment is smarter then people give them credit for. Don't get me wrong they're still absolute monsters who deserve to be overthrown, but I doubt they could maintain their position this long if they really where bumbling idiots, While Anexation would be very nice for the north Korean people its also something very unlikely to happy. South Korea would have to pump such an amount of money into the dirt poor North Korea that it would be a huge drain on their recoursces. China also would't allow it since they're not in the mood of a lot of North Koreans actually crossing their borders when the regime does fall.
  19. I don't think they'll make those characters unmariable thanks to the classes they give to others and the fact that you would miss out on some second gens if some characters can't be married anymore. I do think they'll change the hyperbolic time chamber concept a little so they don't sleep with others while still being kids. I have no idea how, but I don't think them having children with the current situation will get past the cencors or that it will be very appreciated by the western fanbase.
  20. I just clicked on the link and clicked on the download icon below the screen. I do really want to continue reading the manga and perhaps my Virusscanner is just unnecesarily warry. I think i'll give it another try later. Edit: Now that you mention it my history did say I tried to download magaasyncsetup or something so perhaps Elder is right.
  21. I'm fond of Wolt, but he'll be second place since Louise is a character on the poll as well. I like her design, I thought she came across as very sweet in most of her supports and as far as pre promotes go you could do worse then Louis.
  22. I tried to download it, but my Norton antivirus gave the message that its not sure if the download was safe and recomended me to remove it.
  23. I really like Siegbert from what i've seen. A very nice, capable guy and although his insecurity issue regarding his dad is often brought up its treated tastefully and isn't some character devouring gimick. He also seemed slighty dorky with his grand way of speaking in his shinonome support. I also quite enjoyed Shinonome's support, which was a surprise since I considered him somewhat boring at first. Perhaps that was because his tvtropes page basically had one or two lines only. I'm really dissapointed in Eponine though. I really like her design and her profile described her as calm and cool headed, which are types I like. Sure she seemed to be a yaoi lover, but I could take that if it was handled tastefully and it did't dominate every conversation she had. Sadly from what i've heard her being a yaoi lover is basically her personality leaving very little room for a professional thief personality.
  24. There is this lovely rumour that spider love to crawl into wet and warn spaces. Hope you slept with your mouth closed the last few days.
  25. Well true, but I doubt "Garon" can go around telling people that. Does he really make no effort to sell the invasion as something Nohr needs to his kids or other non psycho's?
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