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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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The hack has been officially renamed! I've made some updates to the first post to reflect this and have also updated the links to the official blog and the official information site. Not that there are any unofficial ones! XD

Note that signature banners will still work (though if the links could be updated, that'd be great) but you'll have to reload/refresh the image (or shift+refresh the page to reload the images on that page) for it to show up properly.

Please let me know if I forgot to update anything.


- Luffy

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked

Anyways, I spent some time looking over the previous posts, and I'm interested in seeing what you have in store with these revamps; all power to ya.

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now I want to watch The Last Airbender :(

I'm interested in seeing what I have to

I just hope people don't have super high expectations >_>' sure I'm revamping but I'm just one inexperienced dreamer XD

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I like the graphics changes, they really add a ton of depth to an already quite expansive game. I'll probably LP this eventually in the future now that my new youtube channel is set up, is that all right?

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I might kindfully and respectfully request that all LP's and playthroughs are withheld until my own is put up

as well I kinda want to be the one to spoil stuff like the final chapters and bosses that I worked hundreds of hours making ._.

but yeah you can go ahead afterwards.

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WELP. I'ma say a few things.

First, well done with them graphics yo. VEEEERY nice. Secondly, as I'm sure has been said, I'm very impressed that you were able to just pretty much shove the old title out, and be able to say, "You know what, this could be better. Let's make it so." That takes a LOT of maturity Blazer. Finally, I can't wait to see this. I played all the way through the original one(missing a few gaiden chapters mind you, but that's cause I suck sooo...shut up), and can't wait for this. Blazer! YOU MUST BLAZE(ahahahah get it?)A NEW PATH.

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Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked

now I want to watch The Last Airbender :(

*is assuming you're referring to the movie*

Unless you're watching that horrendous movie for the sake of LAUGHING at how bad it is, do yourself a favor and stick to the animated renditions of that world. Especially the Legend of Korra. (spin off sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender)

I see you are doing some very nice graphical revamping.

The Linkin Park music on the title screen from the trailer... IMHO isn't really a fitting design choice.

"Finish the Promise" from Tales of the Abyss *shot*

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So, came back from Youtube... did you really set Linkin Park music as the title theme? Please tell me this is a joke. That's the least fitting thing ever for a game like this.

I mean, it probably isn't a joke, but I can hope.

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@Kisume yup, I get it, thanks

*is assuming you're referring to the movie*

nope, I actually called it what I did out of fear that if I said "Avatar" people might think of the other Avatar... you know, the one that caused a little drama with the naming of The Legend of Korra.

Unless you're watching that horrendous movie for the sake of LAUGHING at how bad it is, do yourself a favor and stick to the animated renditions of that world. Especially the Legend of Korra. (spin off sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender)

I did watch it two times (neither time in theaters, because I knew it was bad), but I watched the original animation at least twice as well--some episodes even more times. I used to be a HUGE fan... like, I would literally stalk the avatar fan sites back when it first aired to find out as SOON as it leaked, because I could not wait to watch it on TV (many of the episodes got leaked, and those that didn't I watched normally, of course). Of course, now there's the Legend of Korra (yes, I know what it is, but thanks for being nice and mentioning anyway in case I didn't!), and I love that as well. It's the only show that I can remember since Dragonball Z, which I used to watch when I was like... 4 or 5... that I ACTUALLY WOKE UP IN THE MORNINGS TO WATCH. Like I normally don't wake up on Saturday mornings at 11AM, but damn I was up even if I skipped brushing my teeth or whatever.

Once TLP is done I'll probably rewatch the first season of Korra and rewatch some of A:TLA as well, but right now this is my priority. As an added note of my adoration for those shows, yes, I do occasionally study the martial arts that bending is based off of just because I turn into a little kid when it comes to stuff like this... and I read the wikis WAY too much.

I see you are doing some very nice graphical revamping.

I'm no Astra or MageKnight404 or anyone else known for their graphical prowess or whatever, but I'm trying to do whatever I can to give the game a new, simplistic, yet welcoming feel. So thanks.

"Finish the Promise" from Tales of the Abyss *shot*

You know, I won't deny that I'm a Tales fan, but I'm not that crazy over it... lol. I didn't even really like that song, or Tales of the Abyss in general. It was, IMO, one of the weaker games in the series, that tried to pride itself on a plot whose only intriguing points were how yucky they were. >_>' I mostly like the Tales games for their battle systems (Yuri and Asbel are soooo much fun to play as) and their music (Motoi Sakuraba makes awesome music, IMO, even if people claim he only has 5 melodies, I claim that they should check for an auditory disorder...).

But yeah silliness aside that had nothing to do with the title. In fact, it'd probably be one of the arguments against the title >_>'

So, came back from Youtube... did you really set Linkin Park music as the title theme? Please tell me this is a joke. That's the least fitting thing ever for a game like this.

I mean, it probably isn't a joke, but I can hope.

I'm sure I could find hundreds of less fitting things than an eight second repeating clip of a Linkin Park beat XD

But ignoring the rather... not-so-nice way you pointed out the problem Shadowofchaos made the same point but without making me look like an idiot, but w/e, yes, I really set it as the title theme music. There are a couple of reasons; first of all, I was testing to see how WAV clips would sound looped. Essentially, WAV's are very big, but I thought that if done right, I could create a very short song that repeated and essentially worked how newer video games do, with the song just being recorded audio, and not using a MIDI-style format. I had a little trouble, but it worked quite well, and I'm happy with the result.

Second of all, I am the kind of guy that likes a distinction between when something is finished and something isn't. I kept it for now because the game is not done, and I am going to hear that music a LOT as I play through the game and test things. Normally, graphics are one of the last things I hack, but I hacked them earlier--before I started the main revamp--because I want to make sure they all look right in-game and that there is some sort of theme/graphical consistency throughout the game, which I feel can only be accomplished through a natural play-through of the game. Anyway, to the point, when I am near-complete with the game (but likely before I make the trailers and stuff), I am going to insert a new, original theme song that I made and my awesome friend is MIDI-fying for me, that is actually a legitimate attempt to be fitting. When I do this, I will reload the game in a very slow and dramatic fashion and be like "dang, the game is (pretty much) finished", and the new music will, hopefully, truly give me that feeling because it will distinguish the game from its incomplete itself and its complete self. Yes, it's silly, but I think about the way I think... a lot. And to me, that feeling of completeness is a great feeling, and that feeling itself is incomplete unless I do something to associate it with, or whatever. XD

I mean, it probably isn't a joke, but I can hope.

It's neither a joke nor a "final decision", in the end. While you may not like the song I thought up on my own, at the very least I picked instruments that are more fitting towards the nature of the game (and its title), so hopefully you won't be as disgusted (or whatever the appropriate word is) when you hear it.

I apologize for making you read such a long response (if you even read it), but I don't feel that a short explanation would have adequately detailed my choice of song. I wasn't going to mention it at all in hopes that people wouldn't care, but I got a few complaints so I feel that it's worth clearing up now, before people go spreading jokes about how a new Linkin Park single called "The Last Promise" is coming out. Too late... XD

Um, I can't remember whatever else I had on my mind... so I'll just leave it at that...

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Love the new title. I did freak out a little at first when I checked the rom hacking section and saw a topic with 29 pages and didn't recognize the name, anyone else have these thoughts?

Anyway I'm really looking forward to the release; thanks for all your hard work, keep it up, finish strong and it will be amazing :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh no even more I have to cover in my LP why Blazer why D:

Kidding. Nice to see some new blood among the Universe Rebellion(if it's still going by that name please don't change it if it is)~ E:

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Nice design, and is it just me or is the... more text arrow thing not usually gold? The music does seem a bit calm for a skirmish, though...

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@Celice yes

and I don't have that kind of graphical skill; I did import several FE8 tilesets but my ability to recolor existing tilesets is very... limited, to say the least (and naturally, it's not like I have someone to help me there)

@MK404 depending on how thorough you are, this could be a pain in the ass for you >_>'

and as I wanted to break ties with the old name, I... enough said ._. (I won't lie though, the "Universe Rebellion" isn't a terrible name)

@ALS yeaaah I played with it and well the MIDI uses a non-constant volume (i.e. it has volume changers every like 2 notes) so I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I was actually hoping someone would comment because it does get a little screechy there due to the fact that high-pitched sounds in GBA games = bad

tl;dr I'll do my best to make it not too... annoying in the actual thing also, the actual song from Heroes of Mana suddenly gets loud like that too

@Dig Bick that isn't a half bad idea

minus the fact that Kelik has no love interests and doesn't treat people like bitches.........

@Furet no I "hacked" it during my graphical revamp as I didn't like the blue one I based it off of the FE12's orange icon

As for the song, it's the only time in the game it plays.

I stand by my choice because the skirmish is very lax and it is the only battle in which Anakin is alone in leading it. The song is very lax and calm, much like Anakin himself. Furthermore, the song title is called "A Moment's Rest", and Anakin is well-known for taking naps and being asleep a lot early on in the story, always asking for "a moment's rest".

It's also symbolic as it's a moment's rest from the normal slightly-more-intense chapter. Chapter 11 is rather basic, much like a prologue chapter would be, as it is the first chapter in part 2 of the game.

The rest of the game's music rather upbeat or dark (depending on the situation) on the contrary~

thank you for your comments, all...

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@MK404 depending on how thorough you are, this could be a pain in the ass for you >_>'

and as I wanted to break ties with the old name, I... enough said ._. (I won't lie though, the "Universe Rebellion" isn't a terrible name)



I'll probably cover anything major even if it ends up being its own big video. I can be pretty thorough with changes unless there are a lot of small, subtle ones.

(but the Universe Rebellion had a nice ring and everything...! ;-; )

Kidding again. I can understand.

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Don't worry, I'll likely end up covering all the silly details myself at some point...

So if you don't feel like it's worth the trouble, I'd just go ahead and enjoy yourself and try to solo the game with two characters. I'd looooove to see it done because being proven wrong has a kind of awesome feel to it (well, at the very least, you'd be a badass given that the difficulty of TLP means it's not meant to be solo'd, I myself need like at LEAST 10 characters, and I give you the option to use up to like 14 on average XD).

Anyhow speaking of LP's I have a small request for those of you doing them or who plan on sneaking to the end real fast and uploading final boss footage (because I know that there are always people who find it amusing to do so >_>' dem trolls).


I'd like to make a quick announcement regarding all videos of The Last Promise.

While I (obviously) cannot enforce anyone to do anything, I'd like to be the first one to upload a Let's Play of the game, or at the very least, a playthrough of the game. The main sensitive material is of videos of the final chapters, final boss, and endings.

Thus I would like to kindly request that all Let's Plays, playthroughs, or other videos uploaded on video hosts or streams such as Youtube, Justin.tv, etc. wait until the Let's Play is done.

This should take until approximately the 20th, give or take a couple of days, so hopefully there should be little issue with this. After this is done, everyone is free to bash the hack, do their LP's, whatever, and I won't lose all respect for you as a human being. Naturally, you could do it regardless, but since this is a hack both made by and played by Fire Emblem fans, I figured we could find some common ground and throw in a nice gesture to the guy who spent over a thousand hours working on the project...

Thank you and have a great day.

- Blazer

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