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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Nearly everything kills Rex in just a few strikes. It's absolutely awful.

So, your around the average, which is fine. I personally prefer to be a tad over, but that's me of course. I actually found playing as Jin not a bad choice at that point, since Heavenly Disrupt in the players hands is just amazing. Also, is Dimitri the guy that "absorbs" your element and makes himself resistant to said element?

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

So, your around the average, which is fine. I personally prefer to be a tad over, but that's me of course. I actually found playing as Jin not a bad choice at that point, since Heavenly Disrupt in the players hands is just amazing.

I would've liked to be over that, too, but EXP gain has been slow lately and I have been a little hesitant to fight things.
Now that I don't have any effective healing available, staying away from fights is all I can do for now, because Rex dies surprisingly quickly. I think I will switch over to Jin when I continue. Hopefully he's better.

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16 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

It's also the name of the trophy that you receive when you reach max bond with Sara in CS1.
Aside from that, I think it's just an idiom used to describe those who have a crush on their teacher.

Oh, lol.

As for Sara it makes way more sense.


Also soccer is back......... without public and any duels.

If you foul, then have fun for two weeks quarantine!

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

I would've liked to be over that, too, but EXP gain has been slow lately and I have been a little hesitant to fight things.
Now that I don't have any effective healing available, staying away from fights is all I can do for now, because Rex dies surprisingly quickly. I think I will switch over to Jin when I continue. Hopefully he's better.

I know you can't without a team, but do you use chain attacks to end battles? Jin is fun to play around with, his damage output is bonkers too.


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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

I know you can't without a team, but do you use chain attacks to end battles?

Ever since I got access to them, I've been using them in every battle I could. Though usually the battle doesn't end on one, because either my damage output is too low or it's a world of damage sponges.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Not only is Dimitri really strong on his own, there are plenty of other flunkies around as well, so running past him is pretty much my only option.

Or you could......lure the regulars away, deal with them, and then fight Dimitri.

Dimitri's route ends and begins at the upper-level and there are only two normal monsters there. Lure them away a bit, take them out and then you can fight Dimitri on his own. 

But again, you don't have to take that route.

21 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Now that I don't have any effective healing available, staying away from fights is all I can do for now, because Rex dies surprisingly quickly.

Is Rex taking in too much aggro because he shouldn't be dying that quickly unless that's the case.

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ever since I got access to them, I've been using them in every battle I could. Though usually the battle doesn't end on one, because either my damage output is too low or it's a world of damage sponges.

Looks like you aren't using them properly. A properly-used Chain Attack can bring down hellfire upon enemies. And bursting five Elemental Orbs results in a Full Burst, very powerful.

Tip: since you can brew some Coffee with Milk now, getting a Full Burst only requires four Elemental Orbs. And even having an extra fifth Orb can deal massive damage in a Full Burst. When I took on the final boss yesterday, a Full Burst with five Elemental Orbs took it from half HP to zero.

Of course, at your current point, using a Chain Attack is not actually a good thing since


Jin can't use Specials

so you're better off saving it for revives.


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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Although going by what I know of CS4, Musse's hands can hold Rean's bod. XD


Correction then:

I am the Teehee of my Musse

Teehee is my Body and Teehee is my Blood

Have uttered over a thousand Teehees

Unknown to Alisa, nor known to Laura

Have withstood rivals to seduce Rean many times

So, those hands will soon hold Rean's bod


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@Armagon @lightcosmo
Thanks for your help, guys! I found the other path and got past the part I was stuck on. Turns out I was too dumb to just look to the right. What else is new?
I switched to Mr. Final Fantasy and now the enemies are a piece of cake (can we replace Rex with him for the rest of the game?), because his damage output is, as you told me, insane.

25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
Correction then:

I am the Teehee of my Musse

Teehee is my Body and Teehee is my Blood

Have uttered over a thousand Teehees

Unknown to Alisa, nor known to Laura

Have withstood rivals to seduce Rean many times

So, those hands will soon hold Rean's bod


Perfect! XD
Though it was awesome before this, too.

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

@Armagon @lightcosmo
Thanks for your help, guys! I found the other path and got past the part I was stuck on. Turns out I was too dumb to just look to the right. What else is new?
I switched to Mr. Final Fantasy and now the enemies are a piece of cake (can we replace Rex with him for the rest of the game?), because his damage output is, as you told me, insane.

Yeah, not to mention Jin is very hard to take down, he tanks alot of hits which can make battles much easier to control. And as @Armagon said, using chain attacks effectively can wipe the enemy out no problem-o.

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@Interdimensional Observer @Lightchao42 @lightcosmo so GameXplain put up a XenoblaDE Q&A, most of it is clarification on stuff and whatnot but there were four key points i want to mention, though some of it is stuff we've speculated and we just got confirmation now.

  1. It's been confirmed that there is no bonus EXP system. That's really odd given all the improvements to the quest system they made. Looks like we're back to making sure we don't overlevel.
  2. There are no Unique Monster tombstones either so if you need to refight one for whatever reason, you're gonna have to pray it respawns. Though there are three save slots (plus an autosave slot) so maybe you could exploit that.
  3. Heart-to-Hearts are sadly not voiced. This was already implied by Reyn's JP voice actor mentioning he didn't record anything new but it's unfortunate regardless. 
  4. Turns out there's a save bonus transfer with Xenoblade 2. It's not much though. Having a Xenoblade 2 save file lets you start XenoblaDE with 100,000 gold (that's cute, it's the same amount of gold Rex was given when he started his journey, even if he did give away 90% of it almost immideatly after).

Honestly from what i gather, it seems they made a lot of improvements and additions to XenoblaDE but also kept a lot of stuff the same. Apart from the new indicators, combat is pretty much unchanged which means oh God no, not the level penalties. Whether the stuff that remained the same is a negative will be a personal opinion to you.

49 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Thanks for your help, guys!

No problem.

Once you reuinite with everyone, i already mentioned this but just in case you forgot, you can head to Tora's house in Torigoth to begin the quest to obtain Poppi's final form. Tora getting a full Blade setup will make him more useful than he already is. You don't need to but i recommend doing that before continuing the story.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Correction then:

I am the Teehee of my Musse

Teehee is my Body and Teehee is my Blood

Have uttered over a thousand Teehees

Unknown to Alisa, nor known to Laura

Have withstood rivals to seduce Rean many times

So, those hands will soon hold Rean's bod




Anyways I saw "that" scene.

Seriously this was hard as unexpected stuff.


I would have imagined Rean did it instead of Ash.


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Mr. Final Fantasy left again. NOOOOOO!!!
On the other hand, I finally figured out how to actually brew Coffee with Milk. Yaaaaay!

Xenoblade 2: Yo, story! Very serious.
Me: Haha, Rex goes splat!


Clarfication: I accidentally fell off the Star Wars death bridges in the World Tree dungeon once or twice.

I am liking the new battle theme, too.
What I am not liking is some enemy types. One can summon other enemies at will, making battles take way longer than I can tolerate, another can make itself straight up immune to every attack type there is while the thing itself hits like a freight train. If these two ever appear together, I'm out.


Also motorcycle mechs. Because why not? XD

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah, not to mention Jin is very hard to take down, he tanks alot of hits which can make battles much easier to control. And as @Armagon said, using chain attacks effectively can wipe the enemy out no problem-o.

He was certainly less squishy than old Rekt-Rex, that's for sure.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

No problem.

Once you reuinite with everyone, i already mentioned this but just in case you forgot, you can head to Tora's house in Torigoth to begin the quest to obtain Poppi's final form. Tora getting a full Blade setup will make him more useful than he already is. You don't need to but i recommend doing that before continuing the story.

Oh right! Thanks for the reminder, I nearly forgot about that!
Tora is already pulling his weight even without a third Poppi form. I do wanna get it for him, though.

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23 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Xenoblade 2: Yo, story! Very serious.
Me: Haha, Rex goes splat!

  Reveal hidden contents

It does feel like a Star Wars ship/station/etc, doesn't it? What with all the blatant saftey hazards. Though i had watched Wall-E like last week so some of the enemies in the World Tree felt like deadlier Wall-E robots.

On my first playthrough, i never would've guessed that the World Tree was actually a man-made tower and it wasn't until i got to the Land of Morytha that i was like "shiiiiiiit, this is where things are going now". One of my favorite areas in the game because of it, even if it is more of a dungeon than an open area. And of course, the music.


12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

One can summon other enemies at will, making battles take way longer than I can tolerate, another can make itself straight up immune to every attack type there is while the thing itself hits like a freight train.

Yeah, they can be pretty annoying. They were one of the more annoying enemies in the no-Blade summon run because my lack of Dark Blades meant i couldn't seal their reinforcements. It doesn't help that they can also restrict your Blade abilities. Some Blade Shackle and Affinity Down Resist Aux Cores will help.

17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also motorcycle mechs. Because why not? XD

They look pretty cool but they are the reason why i said to look into some Topple Resist stuff. They will Topple you and it can get pretty annoying when there's several of them spamming their Topple Arts.



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On 5/14/2020 at 1:00 PM, Falcom Knight said:


Confirmed, Rean is officially fired.

Oh my god

She's actually making a move on him

Reminds me of one scene with Aria and Takt, except it was the former trying to use the latter as a pillow. Needless to say, they get in trouble once someone discovers them (though the scene ends before that).

Edited by Shadow Mir
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King Kong 1976 is not very good. There are some very obvious greenscreen moments but the biggest sin of the movie imo is just how lifeless Skull Island felt. King Kong 1976 ended up getting a sequel and i've heard bad things. I'll be watching it probably tomorow.

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So because Son of Kong was only 69 minutes long nice, i decided to watch it today. I actually like it more than King Kong 1933. Even though Son of Kong was very rushed because it only came out in the same year it's predeccesor, i felt that the technical aspect had been improved. The stop-motion on Little Kong and the other stop-motion models felt a lot smoother.

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It was a warm day for my neck of the woods, yet not harsh and humid like yesterday was, the nice weather at last is here to stay.☀️ Early-mid Spring was too wet and cold, mid-May is the sunny turnaround. from mid-50 to low-60s at best, to high 60s now (for ye of Celsius, a jump from 12 to 20 roughly). 

And since I've family back with us for a time, we went into the backyard, started a bonfire, and toasted some marshmallows for smores.🔥😋 Cherish life's little moments.



12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Honestly from what i gather, it seems they made a lot of improvements and additions to XenoblaDE but also kept a lot of stuff the same. Apart from the new indicators, combat is pretty much unchanged which means oh God no, not the level penalties. Whether the stuff that remained the same is a negative will be a personal opinion to you.


Of all the things not to correct- this. They must know how terrible it is, the level curve is the worst thing about the combat. It's waaay too easy to get overleveled and turn everything into a missfest on you. Though, I did do a second run of XC1 once and I minimized the questing and exploring I did to conserve the EXP and SP for the later recruits. From what I remember, Prison Island's boss fight stayed challenging this way. And Sword Valley is always a difficulty spike, partly due to the absence of quests for once.


12 hours ago, Armagon said:

There are no Unique Monster tombstones either so if you need to refight one for whatever reason, you're gonna have to pray it respawns. Though there are three save slots (plus an autosave slot) so maybe you could exploit that.

Getting Arts manuals for unlocking the last couple of levels for investment do require killing certain UMs until they drop it. Though the contents of chests are determined at the moment when you open it, and the chests can endure upon reset. I remember killing a UM for a gold chest, saving, opening the chest, and resetting to reopen the chest if I didn't get the desired manual;  refighting the UM beforehand if have to.


12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Turns out there's a save bonus transfer with Xenoblade 2. It's not much though. Having a Xenoblade 2 save file lets you start XenoblaDE with 100,000 gold (that's cute, it's the same amount of gold Rex was given when he started his journey, even if he did give away 90% of it almost immideatly after).

So what you're saying is that there is no bonus? 😉 Money in XC1 is worth about as much as air conditioning in the winters of Antartica. It isn't overly important in any Xenoblade game, but XC2 gave you Pouch Items (and Sheba's crystal) for something to continually dump it on. As for XCX and money, store bought gear in XCX is perfectly usable and not so readily obsoleted like the XC1 stuff is. Skells are very expensive as well and they give you a very crappy Urban 20 as your only freebie Skell not the optional Dozer/Police/Excavator.

Rex-recolored Shulk armor will be in the Land of Challenge then. Not sure what else they could've included as a save bonus.

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