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Furetchen will judge the gently caress out of you


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(As an aside, the actual order/power/type of the card is meaningless. I'm just calling 'em as I see 'em.)

(Also because I might get more than 40 people I'm introducing 8-10 into the sets because why not)

You are the THREE OF COINS

Really open-hearted and kind and trusting and nice and such. Pleasant enough that I'm arbitrarily leaving this in your colour of choice. Oddly, where in other people these qualities might get annoying after a while, it never really seems to with you.

Wins award for Best Avatar Ever with the Flareon gif.

You are the FOUR OF SWORDS

you are also the THREE OF MOUSTACHES

but mostly you are the FOUR OF SWORDS

I have no idea why this is. But yeah, similar to Integrity, only more moderate: you range from occasionally and inexplicably annoying (possibly because you're typing from a mobile? IDK) through 'pretty great' (the default state) to flashes of brilliance.

You are the SEVEN OF CUPS

You're a decent guy, overall, and I have no real troubles with you. Just keep the damn Tiltyu thing under wraps, and stay out of the cesspool that is Other Games. You are better than that. Also you're pretty decent-looking, which is better than IIRC you think you are.

You are the KING OF CLUBS

Among the most socially well-adjusted of the SF crew, and also the most Welsh. This is a good thing. You've always been there, have been consistently great at everything, and... yeah. No real complaints, plus consistent manliness with the honour that implies.

You are the THREE OF CUPS


You annoy me. A lot. You aren't a terrible person, but you're a terrible joker and you think you're entertaining. There are probably rare instances where you actually might be. On the upside, you have a nationstate which doesn't completely blow and you aren't to my knowledge a reprehensible person. Append a couple points to this invisible score if your native language isn't English, because your wording gets on my nerves.

Find a name and stick with it. Best advice I can possibly give.

You are the KING OF SWORDS

and I am running out of face cards

You are really good at everything you put your hand to. Almost frighteningly so. Hacking, art, spritework, administration, probably Minecraft as well. Your LPing commentary provides a solid base for me to vomit words at when we co-commentate, which brings back some good memories. Never stop doing things.

Wins award for 'Will probably become Overlord of the Illuminati someday'

You are the FIVE OF SWORDS

Just kinda... there. You've posted a lot without really getting a reputation. Again, the namechanges aren't helping: I didn't even know you were Holmes at first. You ditched an annoying gimmick after a while: all is well, there.

You are the TEN OF CLUBS

You started pretty shit, but you've become more aware. Your period of grace is well over now, but you no longer stumble. You're average, but in a good way: the IDEAL average, not the actual average. Solid, dependable, and ... whatever other qualities you have that generic SFers should have.

You are the ONE OF SWORDS

You're hypercompetent and also fairly jocular. And besides, I like Archanean Horace. I subscribe to you on YouTube, although I can't actually remember why. If I need help in the field of not losing at FE, it'll probably be you I turn to.

You are the FIVE OF CUPS

You give me a positive impression overall, although I cannot trace exactly why. Your 'Group' sounds kinda hellish, though. Not much else to say, but you show promise, at least.

You are the TWO OF SWORDS

You're so adorably intense

Also you're like the age I was when I joined

only so much more not an idiot than I was

Cam will forever win at that kind of contest, though.


Somehow became the last guy I ended up doing. I first saw you just before you were banned, and then... life continued without you. And you came back, and I realised I should've been praying for your release or something. I dunno, you're just a cool guy, and you know how to get shit done.


shut up peanut gallery I'd totally give her a queen even if she wasn't my girlfriend

Well, what is there to say that hasn't been said already? I love you, enough to want to spend the rest of my days with you.


You know how to get a reaction out of someone, I'll say that much. Often you've done so to me, but it goes both ways. Often you've played diplomat, as much as you've- well, occasionally. You talk tough, but you can back it up by actually knowing what you're doing, and of late you've been more aware of where your boundaries are. When you intentionally test them, fun things usually happen.

You are the EIGHT OF CUPS

At the start, I thought we were creepily parallel. You were also kind of a twerp, but so was I, so... there it is, I guess. You've suddenly become disturbingly pretty great, though I couldn't pinpoint exactly when. You change your name too often, though.

You are the FOUR OF COINS

You're an intelligent, wise young woman, at least partially because this forum is really young and stupid. You don't use this for evil, though, being the softer and more SF-tested voice to my torrent of violent hatred for the entire genre of fanfiction. This serves you well when critiquing things that aren't incredibly awful; fortunately for my niche there, most things in Written Works ARE incredibly awful.

You are the SIX OF CUPS

probably because... idk, chalis, chalice, chalices...

You've been here since I can remember, but we really haven't interacted much at all. Still, my impressions are staunchly positive.

You are the- fuck, who are you?

Did you disappear for a while?

I constantly confuse you with a guy; you're either Scandinavian or you're that tryhard or- OKAY I GOTCHA

You are the THREE OF CLUBS

You get on my nerves passively. You meme too much, you wolf too much, and you're just... trying too hard. I'm sure you're an alright guy, but for now you're just the benchmark for new meat to not be utterly forgettable and/or terrible and merely bad.

Massive Clump #2 will be done tomorrow.

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Yay you like my blue! =3

Thanks! =o

Yes that Flareon was adorable <3 I almost might start using it again temporarily now that you reminded me of it! Especially since I just bred a whole bunch of Eevee and am currently training my soon-to-be Flareon!

And now I've convinced myself that I will go back to it XD

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A gentleman would have gone into detail instead of asking lame rhetorical questions like "[...]what is there to say that hasn't been said already?".

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The level of hatred Furet has for me has gone down dramatically. I am pleased.

Probably do wolf too much on here though, don't even wolf at all irl. I'm gonna go get a new avatar while I have free time tonight.

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