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Rate the Unit, Day 17: Dalsin


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Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument.

- Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.

- Scrolls do have impact on a unit's rating. Though they are counted as a seperate point, but no more than +/-1. So that means one point for bias and one for scrolls!

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Ronan: 2.42

Marty: 2.89

Tanya: 3.82

Evayl: 5.02

Brighton: 6.90

Machua: 7.03

Halvan: 7.35

Dagda: 7.54

Rifis: 7.70

Leaf: 8.18

Karin: 8.50

Felgus: 8.79

Othin: 8.86

Lara: 8.92

Fin: 9.06

Safy: 9.48

The Iron Wall of this game…

mostly. Think of him as Marty, but useable and has slightly better skill in speed. So he’s good for being a capturebot early on, but once your units get better Def and Bld he’ll be outclass.

6/10(5.5 with +.5 bias because I love armour knights)

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Pretty much the same; I give him a 6/10 with bias. I would have added an extra point for scrolls, but 7 points seems like overkill. I like this guy. I recently restarted on Elite Mode, but before that, he turned out pretty awesome as a general. I have a soft spot for big, clumsy axe wielders, hence the bias.

As for his gameplay performance, he makes an awesome capture bot in Manster if you give him the Brave Axe. In my current playthrough, I ended up with almost more stuff than I could carry. I earned a ton of gold by selling it, and put a bunch of stuff in storage as well. If you give him the Sety scroll, you can fix his horrendous speed, and he gets pretty good skill even on his own. If you can spare a Mov ring, you can also make him able to keep up with the rest of the army.

As for his downsides:

--Without scrolls, his speed is horrific.

--He's weak against armor-slaying weapons.

--He can't cross mountains (which is kind of a big problem).

--No special skills

--Once promoted, he'll take forever to get any kind of weapon levels besides axes.

In all, a pretty solid unit. If you need an armored guy or a capturebot, he fulfills the requirements admirably. However, there are plenty of units that could fill his shoes.

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His growths aren't bad, Dalsin will max out STR, SKILL, DEF, BLD, and get high HP very easily In the prison. Dalsin very be useful for capturing in the prison chapters and acting as muscle to help Brighton fight Armor Knights. Upon Promotion,

HIs downsides are many terrain difficulties in outdoor chapters, low speed, and lack of skills. Dalsin also takes forever to increase his weapon ranks when promoted to General as all start at E, unlike say Axe Fighters promoting to Hero who immediately gain a D RANK in swords.

Due to this Dalsin is not recommended for outdoor chapters with alot of mountains. Dalsin has some of the highest promotion gains and after promotion should completely switch to Lances to raise his weapon.

He and Xavier is notable will the ONLY characters capable of really using Lances in the later chapters. As Xavier comes in near the end of the game and requires immense grinding to increase his Lance skill, Dalsin is really your own option though he will need to be promoted and use Lances constantly.

6/10+1 bias = 7/10

If Only Dalsin had some skills and started out with Lances.

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Being the only armor you get for most of the game, he's very unique; no one else during that time will ever have a performance quite like his. 10/10

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When he joins, he's quite good, essentially being a better Marty. Despite being an Armorknight, since the action is indoors for the next two chapters, he can actually keep up with the team. He's also more durable than everyone else, with a massive 11 base Defense and a very good 29 HP. 9 base Strength is great, while the Hero Axe can take care of his Speed issues, and even then the Sety scroll is right around the corner. A starting rank of B in axes is also very good at this point. However, fun times end when chapter 6 comes in.

After Manster, he's little more than a liability thanks to his low mobility and massive build, making him hard to impossible to carry. He does show some potential in terms of growths, but then you realize that enemies in this game often use Hammers, which means his high Defense is negated by their 36 might, massively limiting his utility, even indoors. He doesn't have any skill to make himself especially useful, his PCC is a lowly 1 and even a promotion brings little to the table since he gets a trio of E ranks. Why bother with lance indoors when you start by being able to use all axes anyway. It's not like they offer anything interesting over axes either other than 5-10 bonus accuracy.

Good for two chapters, more of a liability for the rest of the game. There's way better tanks out there.


Edited by Dio
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When he joins, he's quite good, essentially being a better Marty. Despite being an Armorknight, since the action is indoors for the next two chapters, he can actually keep up with the team. He's also more durable than everyone else, with a massive 11 base Defense and a very good 29 HP. 9 base Strength is great, while the Hero Axe can take care of his Speed issues, and even then the Sety scroll is right around the corner. A starting rank of B in axes is also very good at this point. However, fun times end when chapter 6 comes in.

After Manster, he's little more than a liability thanks to his low mobility and massive build, making him hard to impossible to carry. He does show some potential in terms of growths, but then you realize that enemies in this game often use Hammers, which means his high Defense is negated by their 36 might, massively limiting his utility, even indoors. He doesn't have any skill to make himself especially useful, his PCC is a lowly 1 and even a promotion brings little to the table since he gets a trio of E ranks. Why bother with lance indoors when you start by being able to use all axes anyway. It's not like they offer anything interesting over axes either other than 5-10 bonus accuracy.

Good for two chapters, more of a liability for the rest of the game. There's way better tanks out there.


Dio pretty much has the ranking I want, though the only difference is to adjust the score to a flat 3. I probably should make it a 0/10 to counterbalance Othin's rating, but I digress.

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Good for two maps. But his awful move, generally bad stats, and the fact that everything slows him down (to the point he can't go through mountains), make him quite the liability to have around. Bench after Manster.


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His performance in Manster is useful, but not critical. And once you get outside, he's more of a liability than anything. (Luckily he won't have capped Build yet; once he does, he cannot be rescued, which kills what little use he has on outside maps.) He gains four weapon usage at promotion, but E ranks in anything not axes sucks. He's not as terminal as Marty base-wise, but he also lacks potential, especially with no notable skills. Chapter 14 might have been his time to shine, but it's Hammerland, so he can't do much there. He's not terrible, but there are many better options.


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Really shines in Murder Hollace (forgot the number) if you just chuck him in with a hammer and the armours and he'll level up there, but that's about it. His performance in Manster is decent, but I always find him such a bitch to recruit so that cancels out any bias I have for him. Oh, but he can use lances indoors. That's something a lot of people can't say. Not that it really matters. 4/10

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After Manster, he's little more than a liability thanks to his low mobility and massive build, making him hard to impossible to carry. He does show some potential in terms of growths, but then you realize that enemies in this game often use Hammers, which means his high Defense is negated by their 36 might, massively limiting his utility, even indoors. He doesn't have any skill to make himself especially useful, his PCC is a lowly 1 and even a promotion brings little to the table since he gets a trio of E ranks. Why bother with lance indoors when you start by being able to use all axes anyway. It's not like they offer anything interesting over axes either other than 5-10 bonus accuracy.

So special lances like the Master Lance won't go to waste.

Man Thracia 776 really needed a playable Soldier. The class was playable in FE2 and had unused playable data in FE3, so why just make it a Worthless Enemy Class in FE5?

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So special lances like the Master Lance won't go to waste.

Glade already has an A, while Carrion has a very workable C+30 base, among others.

No lance indoors isn't much of a problem when swords have versatility and axes have power over them.

Edited by Dio
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No lance indoors isn't much of a problem when swords have versatility and axes have power over them.

It is when you run out of Master Axes, Master Swords, and other awesome weapon types to give to units in the final chapter. Not a huge problem, but annoying none the less.

EDIT: Also Dalsin would've been worth it if he got a C Rank in every weapon upon promotion.

Edited by Emperor Hardin
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In Manster, he's a pain to to recruit.

Since Leaf has to dodge alot of shit.

Alright in Mansters INdoors stuff, then is shit out doors.

2/10 for being able to help a little bit in Manster, but not by much.

And, Master Lance goes to ANYone but this mediocre unit.

Fin, Kein, Alva, Dean, Maybe Karin, Glade, Carrion, Fred, Conomore?, Amalda?, since they can all catch up, and won't require turtling.

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In Manster, he's a pain to to recruit.

Since Leaf has to dodge alot of shit.

Alright in Mansters INdoors stuff, then is shit out doors.

2/10 for being able to help a little bit in Manster, but not by much.

And, Master Lance goes to ANYone but this mediocre unit.

Fin, Kein, Alva, Dean, Maybe Karin, Glade, Carrion, Fred, Conomore?, Amalda?, since they can all catch up, and won't require turtling.

Dalshin's the only unit who can use Lances at all indoors.

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Dalshin's the only unit who can use Lances at all indoors.

Who cares about using them indoors, when we have Othin, Fergus, 1-2 Range swords for better units like SHiva, and maybe Machua, Wrath!Brighton, Asvel, Staffbots, Dagda, Lifis/Pahn, etc.

I'd have to train a low move unit that needs the Sety scroll, doesn't recieve h4z promo gains, and is overall overhsadowed by almost every unit midgame?

Just to use lances?

WTF is this, and why is it relevent at all?

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Dalshin's the only unit who can use Lances at all indoors.

Just because Xavier's a bitch to recruit doesn't mean he doesn't exist, you know. He also has E lances, but still.

EDIT: Rating. He's ok in Manster and practically useless once you leave. 3.5/10, plenty of other units can outclass him easily and aren't armours.

Edited by Epic Fail
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Dalshin's the only unit who can use Lances at all indoors.

Yes, Dashin's E rank on promotion is simply astounding to all.

Xavier also exists, and I believe also has an E rank. So... yeah.

Gonna go with 4/10, +1 for 5 with bias. He's slow as fuck, hammers maul him, magic mauls him, terrains maul him... that said, anything physical that isn't effective will tink him, and then he gets to hit back, and then you get to laugh as he... misses. Yeah, he's really only good for Munster... but he really is that good in Munster.

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