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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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<Prims> would a CYOR2 where everything is off-site anonymafia like a choral game be a bad idea

<Prims> (probably a high playercount like the first too)

please respond

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<Prims> would a CYOR2 where everything is off-site anonymafia like a choral game be a bad idea

<Prims> (probably a high playercount like the first too)

possibly an idea, + you could crosstown with motgay

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<Prims> would a CYOR2 where everything is off-site anonymafia like a choral game be a bad idea

<Prims> (probably a high playercount like the first too)

please respond

Eh, sure, as long as I don't do something stupid and get sick.

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CYOR2 Anonmafia would be pretty cool. Although I feel like any characters I would pick would make it obvious that it's me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What does everyone think of neutrals? Wolves, lynchers, cults, let's talk about the most interesting roles in mafia (except survivors fuck them)

From games I hosted I remember

SFMM1: Psych the Naive Announcer

This role was pretty funny but I doubt I'd include it is in a future game, although I could see something in its vein as a non-neutral role in the future.

Agent: Cult

Bog standard, too swingy

Agent: SK

Also standard

MTG: Emrakul the Faction Slayer

I liked this role a lot, even if the rest of the game sucked. The mechanics of a neutral that needs to kill people but not everyone to win was cool, and having multiple accounts was also cool.

SFMM2: Proto+Kay

The only thing unexpected about this role was that Prims attempted to make himself village leader ASAP, which actually worked out perfectly because it both got the mafia to activate the role immediately and made StSS trusted by the town until endgame when eclipse figured out what was going on. I think that Psychotwins is an underused role on SF, although the variance on when (if) they activate can be problematic.

SSBU: Kirby the Gravedigger

I love backups/amnesiacs/gravediggers and all forms of them and I love wolves, I'm so fucking sad that this role died on N1. I would be so happy if someone reused the idea behind this (and preferably let me play it)

Void Mafia: Magus

The Magus was an experiment to show that you could make a neutral that wasn't anti-town and still be interesting and not dumb. I think it was a success, although I can't be sure since Helios sort of wrecked the cult. I liked the research/invention mechanic (even if I'm not totally satisfied with what items he actually made).

Void Mafia: Werewolf

I think that this role is a bit strong for a normal game of its size, but it worked for this game. If Void had been a more normal game and the Werewolves had legitimately been their own scumteam, they likely would have had all these abilities spread across 4-5 players. I think that this is what you should expect from a wolf--a kill, self protection, info, a good safeclaim.

Void Mafia: Void

This was balanced imo, although Rein got really unlucky in that Helios shot him because he thought it would be funny, his N0 recruit was basically worst case, and then they were eliminated N2. The League of Shadows in Badass was more or less an improved version of this, albeit balanced for an actual mafia existing and not just a wolf.

SFMM3: Blitz the Hidden

This role built off the Magus from Void in that it was even more disinterested in what was going on and just had its own goal to work towards. Unfortunately, it got even less time to shine than the Magus (THANKS ECLIPSE), but I still think it was a good idea

SFMM3: Levity role

In retrospect I think there was a couple mistakes with this role--you lacked control over who dies, and there's a decent chance that it's a townvig. It also should've killed the target if their kill failed. Unsure what I should have changed though... Perhaps added an extra ability.

Inception: Godfather/Usurper

I really did not expect this role to be used to obtain a pair of clears, that was pretty clever. I like Usurpers/Assassins but they can be problematic. This game went poorly although that was more due to bad play than anything wrong with the setup imo.

In the future:

I would like to host a Lynchpin setup at some point and have thrown around a couple ideas, but nothing is set in stone. I also have a few other ideas, but unlike the lynchpin, that won't be something that's common knowledge.

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I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

Every game needs a naive announcer, and it should always be given to a new player who has no idea what the fuck is going on.

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I quite liked the Shin role from Drafters mafia (the player who rolls it has to kill a specific player, but they only know their target's role name and the target knows that they are being hunted). A lot of people didn't seem to like it as much as I did, though.

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