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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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The role stood proudly, his back straight, looking angrily at the mountain looming up over him. The crowd of dead roles stood behind him, whispering among themselves.

"It's not OUR fault we lost..."

"I mean, half the time our players were just stupid!"

Finally, the role turned around, the anger still radiating from him. "My brethren, my fellow failed fakeclaims! For too long have we played second fiddle to these claims that succeeded! Is it fair that they get to live on that mountain just because their players won?"

"No!" the crowd chorused.

"Is it fair that just because our players lost, we have to work almost as slaves for them!?"

"No!" the crowd yelled again.

"Then fight!" The claims in front of the leader erupted into raucous cheers as they streamed past him. Little did they know, not all were loyal to their noble revolution...




1. Every role is a fakeclaim from a past game. There may be multiple claims from the same game, or multiple claims by the same player.

2. Fakeclaims may be altered from what they were originally.

3. There are a non-zero amount of Vanillas in this game.


0. This game is NOC. This means that talking must be done inside of the game thread, unless you are told otherwise.

1. If you are dead, please do not speak about the game to anyone living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with some flavor, a role, and a win condition. You may paraphrase your own role, but do not quote any mod communication. You may or may not have a name, depending on how detailed the fakeclaim was.

3. Anyone is free to ask me to help them find a fake fakeclaim, within reason.

4. Don't screenshot or edit your posts.

5. This game begins on D1, so have fun. Night-talking is not allowed.

6. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. The hashtags are most important, and keep votes outside of spoiler tags or anything else that might prevent me from finding them through ctrl+f.

7. In case of a lynch tie, there will be no lynch.

8. Each day phase will be roughly 72 hours, and each night phase will be roughly 24 hours. I'll post phase end times in both GMT and EST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day.

9. It takes at least ⅓ of all living players (rounded up) voting someone to achieve a lynch at phase end. If this number is not achieved, the game will end in a universal loss. If at any point during the phase more than ½ of all living players are voting someone, the phase will end instantly with that person’s lynch. If this happens, stop talking. No Lynch is a valid lynch option.

10. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - ##Idling.

11. No items.

12. If you go for 24 hours without posting, you receive a prod. If you go for more than 72 hours without any posting or receive three prods, you will be either auto-subbed out or heavily reprimanded in postgame if I can’t get a sub.

13. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

14. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important! If your role PM contradicts the rules, FOLLOW YOUR ROLE PM.

15. If you have been modkilled, depending on the reason behind it, your win condition will change to "You win by being the last one alive".

16. If you ask a question, and I don’t answer, it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this. HOWEVER, if you want to know whether something will get you modkilled, I will most likely give you a straight answer... but don't ask me stupidly convoluted questions for the sake of getting on my nerves.

17. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM. Dead players are free to bitch about whatever they want in their role PMs, and only their role PMs. You can also whine on IRC, and I'll do my best to humor you.

18. Tactical modkills, or even modkill threats, will end badly. I suggest you not try them.

19. The only players that can affect the game are on the player list. Talking to people not playing in this game is highly discouraged, especially those on the sub list.

20. You may be an informed observer upon death. If you choose to do this, do not speak about the game to anybody other than me or other IOs.

21. If I think of anything else, it'll go here.


2. Scorri (might be slightly high from victory) - Town Backup, Survived

16. Kay (sucks for not posting) Marth (the saviour of the game) - Town Safeguard, Survived


1. Manix (should have listened to his better judgement) SB (I have to piss as I'm typing this) - Mafia Hooker, Lynched Day 1

7. Shinori (via Skype, so he got no funny blurb) - Town 1x Sensor, Killed Night 1

10. Bearclaw (impersonated a pokemon) - Mafia TrackerWatcher, Killed Night 1

12. Objection (already subbed out) Kirsche (once the most eager walrus ever) - Town Vanilla, Killed Night 1

14. Polydeuces (whose play, unfortunately, Shinji never got to see) - Town Vanilla, Lynched Day 2

6. Bizz (no longer competing against Kirsche for drunkposting) - Town 3x Hooker, Killed Night 2

3. Grassbridger (is now not posting from anywhere at all) - Town Doctor, Killed Night 2

5. Paperblade (with all da disenthusiasm of the dead) - Mafia Shrouded, Lynched Day 3

17. Eclipse (WITTY COMMENT EDITED IN) - Town Vanilla, Killed Night 3

15. Boron (so under the radar you didn't even see her die!) - Town Driver, Killed Day 4

9. Weapons (his TEMPORARY SWAN SONG ended badly) - Town 1x Dayvig, Lynched Day 4

13. Psych (tragically low on life) - Town Jack-of-all-Trades, Killed Night 4

8. Elieson (as representative of the worst fakeclaims that people somehow still believe) - Independent Rogue SK, Lynched Day 5

11. Euklyd (got killed in his first game) - Town Delayed PGO, Killed Night 5

4. Refa (with all da PRO SKILLZ.. not) - Mafia BPV Martyr, Lynched Day 6


1. Camtech


1. Kaoz

2. Tables

3. Prims

4. Rein


Day 1 Start

Day 1 End

Day 2 Start

Day 2 End

Day 3 Start

Day 3 End

Day 4 Start

Day 4 End

Day 5 Start

Day 5 End

Day 6 Start

Day 6 End

Regardless of when the signups are filled, I won't start the game until after AM/PM draws to a close. Just posted them early because it's a large game and I wanted to give time for the slots to fill.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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honestly i really really want to play but as i am in school i would probably be really inactive and play badly but manix you said you were taking a break wtf. you're making me want to play. why do you do this to me

also i would probably not play very seriously at all and might get tipsy a couple of nights. i wonder how that would affect my play quality. but manix would frown upon this impulse decision

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honestly i really really want to play but as i am in school i would probably be really inactive and play badly but manix you said you were taking a break wtf. you're making me want to play. why do you do this to me

there is the potential that i might change my mind; it depends on whether my workload ramps up or not
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honestly i really really want to play but as i am in school i would probably be really inactive and play badly but manix you said you were taking a break wtf. you're making me want to play. why do you do this to me

also i would probably not play very seriously at all and might get tipsy a couple of nights. i wonder how that would affect my play quality. but manix would frown upon this impulse decision

Do you want to be put up as a sub?

@Tables- I figure I might get another IO request or two, so I'll fulfill them all at once, if you don't mind.

Also I will take alignment requests into consideration (though not role or claim requests, so don't ask about those).

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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Do you want to be put up as a sub?

Just sign me up tbh. If a crisis comes up for whatever reason, I'll let you know.
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Fake claim mafia is nothing without Self-Aligned Weak Watcher. Being as I'm the only one capable of creating such an amazing fakeclaim, I /guess/ I should represent.

Edited by Elieson
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I think it should be fine Euklyd. The roles aren't really experimental or anything, so it should be fine for a new player if you've seen past mafia games. That being said, you probably won't get as much of a kick from this game in particular as some of the more experienced players will simply because you won't remember the origin of the roles or get the (extremely funny!!!) jokes in the PMs as much.

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(extremely funny!!!)

gotta hype it up somehow (because we all know your sense of humor is objectively flawed) 8)

in other news: if my uni workload gets too much, a advance warning that I will sub out should that happen

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for people who don't have signatures enabled: refer to me by male pronouns, if you forget it's ok. also for new players try not to emotionally provoke me, I won't yell at you or act like a baby if you do (I might ask you to stop though) but it can fuck me up irl if I'm in a mentally vulnerable spot at the time. guilt tripping is actually probably the worst thing in this regard

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for people who don't have signatures enabled: refer to me by male pronouns, if you forget it's ok. also for new players try not to emotionally provoke me, I won't yell at you or act like a baby if you do (I might ask you to stop though) but it can fuck me up irl if I'm in a mentally vulnerable spot at the time. guilt tripping is actually probably the worst thing in this regard

I'll just refer to you as "He who mmphs"

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