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Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia - Game Over


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See, I think we can get enough people for a quickie filler until the other regs can get back into the mafia swing when schedules clear up. Then again, I'm in a mafia state of mind right now, so maybe I'm a bit bias in that regard.

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Shin legitimately made a typo. I'm sorry about that, that was rather lucky. Come to think of it, Elie's lynch was also rather lucky... Considering some of the situations I've been in, I'll take it.

Sorry to anyone who I was abrasive to (like poly)

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I think this is my first town game that I've actually helped town with my role. By myself! Makes me feel good. :3

Also Fleur and GP were pretty good yeah. Props to SB too. These were the people who stood out the most to me, anyways.

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OK I'm at work but skimming what's going on now?

We're lynching you.

Best part of the game IMHOTEP.

I'm still surprised that Town let Elie live as long as they did; if Bearclaw had been faking info on Elie he would've just gotten himself lynched the next day.

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I really owe the entire game an apology. This situation of mine has been hell, and I wanted so badly to be more involved and more active. I just couldn't, I've been so busy with stabilizing my life and all.

On the plus side, today, my ex moved into her apartment, and she has the kiddos this evening, so I actually have time to participate in stuff (lol like it matters now). I've just been so overwhelmed up until now that functioning and reading and paying attention and backtracking and all that stuff had been just too much for me. Hell I couldn't even properly copypaste my own scumbuddy's role into the thread as my "Results".

Manix, I owe you a better game.

Shin, Eury, I'm sorry I completely blew our team out of the water by screwing up everything so darn badly.

Everyone else, I apologize for not being a really player-ly player.

Bear though, I'm not sorry. You tried to recruit me. WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO RECRUIT ME!?!

but I guess it's true. I'm the most ProTown player alive. I even throw my own team under the bus by whatever means necessary, to help town get their win.


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re: filler: I think a 9p filler game would be fine since it's not like the entire playerbase is done with mafia right now and it could give the newer players like Poet and Fleur more practice for the next "real" game, assuming they still want to/can play.

I mean I probably wouldn't join, but yeah.

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Elieson calls out the not-so-bad looking Shin for having an evil looking role.

Shin brings into light that, Woah, Elie smells pretty bad, and is probably scum

Elie gets lynched (because with the whole Bearclaw thing, I was doomed anyway)

Shin looks good enough by surviving a 1v1 to nail out a few townie players over the next few phases

Eury...does Eury stuff. I wasn't really sure about that at the time.

Elie instead publicizes Eury's role, after declaring that it's Shin's role, realizing that with the influx of Shin votes, Elie will look pretty awful if Shin flips with a role that Elie didn't say

Elie (who didn't keep up with Inception Mafia one single bit) panics, and tries to drop slips, for Eury to call out, like the Jan thing

Eury gets scolded for calling out my slips upon slips, and Shin somehow doesn't look any better, despite me not looking good to begin with

Shin gets lynched, and Elie realizes that he didn't even use the correct role for Eury when he announced his results in the first place

Scumteam falls apart

Mod Error Gambit (Alternative was to make up some BS thing like Shinori!Drafters, but the PoE was still there, and Eury was dead, with a role eerily similar to what I had claimed anyway, sooooo that one seemed out, OR to claim that I was supposed to be informed that it was 2x hooker after dying, and come up with some bogus story that even I am too dense to follow)

Edited by Elieson
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SB, your cases were "ok", but more or less spazzy and flimsy. Actually, you at growing into a mini-Manix. It's pretty cute. Just work on assembling your cases more firmly and one thing at a time, and keep a broader view on those you are not focused on. You were too blinded by your assumptions of who was scum that you didn't even look at Scorri most of the game, for instance.

Been saying it for almost a year.


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I dunno why you guys are talking about other people obviously being Manix since Manix's playstyle fluctuates, I mean compare his recent games to when he was Bear_Knight.

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Not sure if I'd call my former slot's role an SK. I thought that "cult" was a better definition for it.

My only regrets in subbing out is that I'll never roll something that cool again ;_; But I was gonna try to recruit Shin so we could win together so whatever

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and yeah RD sorry for getting on your case. On the bright side I didn't lynch the cop XD

also I'm lol'ing right now because if I had driven BBM with GP we'd have gotten a guilty N1. :3

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[02/22/14 20:05] <clipseykitty> Also. . .got a request to host my game NOW.

[02/22/14 20:05] <clipseykitty> Any objections?

Since I trust the person who's asking me, I'll re-open sign-ups in two hours, unless I hear otherwise.

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