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School of Hard NOCs (take 2) - Game over!


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Yeah I should probably read things in context shouldn't I. Not gonna lie, sorta grasping cause I know there are 5 anti-town people yet I can't seem to get 5 scum reads. Even after associative reads.

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this probably isn't one kill multiball considering this is probably rolemadness and not being able to kill the cop as they sweep your team is dumb

if 10/3/2 is a thing its probably SK lovers or something

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I don't even care what the setup is. I just want a cult we could even have no mafia faction just five individual cult leaders and I'd be happy.

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Larsa what are your non-mancer reads looking like atm

I have you as town atm cause the cases on you reek of "trying to get rid of Prims" which reinforces my thoughts.

Randa idk at the mo'. I'm gonna read him more.

Cool with SB and Gorf.

J looks townie imo.

I don't see the full Elie hate, but there's some aspects I find intriguing and want to see how play develops. So null here for now.

BT...here's an interesting one. This is a longshot read here, but there's somethign about his play that seems highly off to me. It feels like safe play. He stays well inside certain boundaries, also noting a bit of defense of mancer then backpedaling to mancer accusation. This is another slot I wanna see develop, but he feels so off to me.

Rapier looks okay to me too rn, thought process was easy to follow so I can see where he was coming from. Townlean.

Trying to discern what sort of Refa we have this game. Lol.

BBM is a null too for now, not seeign anything town telling really, but nothing necessarily full on scummy.

Scum team rn looking like Mancer, inactive, BT?

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Trying to discern what sort of Refa we have this game. Lol.

The awesome sort (also the easily distracted sort, I guess). You can trust me on that one.

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Yeah I wouldn't really oppose a hammer anymore. I've said all i wanted too. But since I like assigning meaningless numbers to things lets give mancer 1 hour 31 minutes to claim. Sound fair.

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Today was a miserable day and I am not in the mood to give any fucks about this game for the time being. I apologize for that, and for any insults that come out on this. Being honest, I haven't even read the thread since my last post and did a search for Elie to see what would come up.

The last thing I even remember feeling was strongest about prims being scummy. He's playing to his scum meta (something I've noticed from hosting a bunch of games with him in it) of just kinda being overly abrasive with little actual effort for genuine sarcasm-y humor...kinda like the typical passive-aggressive case that people often find me scummy for. I should probably check the votals but i'm honestly so frustrated at lots of things and i just don't have it in me to even effort that much at this particular moment. Maybe after I vent/destress in an hour or something idk

##Vote prims

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I'm going to sleep so when I was up I hope to see a dead mancer or a claim good enough to convince people to go with a random turbo instead. And by good I mean it better be damn good.

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