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1 hour ago, Othin said:

Finally remembered to actually start training Clarisse, like my other GHB units.

I remember hearing that her voice was higher than expected, and it certainly lives up to that.

For me, it sounds very similar to Julia's VA. Do they share the same voice actress?

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8 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Make that 5 with LaD.

Then put him in range of someone with Threathen Res 3 for a superb total of 0 Res.

I wonder if it could got to -2 if he was under the effect of Seal Res 3 or if it can't lower past 0.

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1 minute ago, LuxSpes said:

Then put him in range of someone with Threathen Res 3 for a superb total of 0 Res.

I wonder if it could got to -2 if he was under the effect of Seal Res 3 or if it can't lower past 0.

Stats can't be reduced lower than zero. Level 1 units with Brave weapons spell that one out (you don't even get visual confirmation that the stat went up from -1 to 0 on level up).

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43 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@LordFrigid, –Res Ogma. 10 Res at lvl 40.

I mean...at least he can avoid taking 2-range magical damage, to an extent, since he's not attacking/countering at that range. Saizo has no such luxury =P . I'll admit though that I haven't gotten around to training Ogma yet...I'm just working my way through the list atm...his turn won't be for a while.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

Stats can't be reduced lower than zero. Level 1 units with Brave weapons spell that one out (you don't even get visual confirmation that the stat went up from -1 to 0 on level up).

I had forgotten about that fact.

Still, having 0 Res on a level 40 5* is amusing to consider. And even then, poor Odin wouldn't be able to 1HKO Ogma without buffs or TA even with +Atk.

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13 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

also another download for 1 MB only? What is this for?

I just ran into Athena in the Training Tower. Maybe it's related (I ran into Boey in the Training Tower before the Rite of Shadows banner ended, but after the update).

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Ok I really need to go to sleep but... But this!!!

Here is the video I wanted to make about Oboro, made with BAD Photoshop and BAD edit-video skills (+ a lot of sleep)!

@Arcanite , @Anime27Arts I'm only posting here because both of you wanted to see it? Or something like that I remember... Idk, I can delete the post if I'm wrong

PS: I hope I don't get a copyright bc of the song D;

Edited by SniperGYS
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So I'm working on my backlog of Grand Hero Battle characters, just finished Camus, and am now starting on Clarisse. (Legion will be next, though my feather stock is running low.)

I don't know about her English lines, but holy shit she's adorable. Her 4-to-5-stat level-up quote is more or less, "OMG! Um... I mean... Of course, that's only natural." Damn, she tsuns hard.


@LordFrigid That's some serious Galeforce you're packing there.

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Between Takumi and B!Cordelia, I can't see Clarisse getting attention from me any time soon in the world of Archers. Camus on the other hand is a must raise after seeing how Xander cheesed the last GHB. I need more Distant Counter in my life.

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Itching to do some pulls, but none of the banners appeal to me right now.  :-_-:  I have 34 orbs saved up and will probably buy some more as well once a new banner hits.  Do you guys think the new one is likely coming on Friday?  

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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6 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

Ok I really need to go to sleep but... But this!!!

Here is the video I wanted to make about Oboro, made with BAD Photoshop and BAD edit-video skills (+ a lot of sleep)!

@Arcanite , @Anime27Arts I'm only posting here because both of you wanted to see it? Or something like that I remember... Idk, I can delete the post if I'm wrong

PS: I hope I don't get a copyright bc of the song D;


Even though it's not exactly the best in terms of quality I thought it was pretty great XD


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26 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


Even though it's not exactly the best in terms of quality I thought it was pretty great XD


We need a vid of spinning Oboro cutting down Flier Emblem while this plays


Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

@LordFrigid That's some serious Galeforce you're packing there.

Oh boy. I was kinda hoping that was just on my end...It took a while to put up the 1st comment, so I left the thread and came back later to check. After finding it did indeed double-post, I reported it, only to find that they just started multiplying. At that point I figured the best course of action was to leave it alone and hope it stopped.

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