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4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

So is Bartre's stache evil then?

I mean I guess he hijacks people's green orb pulls...

Bartre is most definitely not evil!

He's just a dad who adores his daughter who ignores his love! All he want is a hug :(

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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

But his brother in law is.

Honestly, I'm sure that rubbed off on the family somewhere along the way.

It rubbed off so hard that the aforementioned brother-in-law isn’t evil by the time of FE6 anymore.

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5 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

It rubbed off so hard that the aforementioned brother-in-law isn’t evil by the time of FE6 anymore.

Bartre is so not evil he makes fucking Karel into a nice guy

Let that sink in




Read FE7 properly to see how ridiculous of a feat that really is

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9 hours ago, Rezzy said:

A capitalized Fuck.  I'm annoyed at life in general right now, and this isn't helping.  Why is every other fucking Banner a holiday banner?  Can't we just get normal characters?  And we know December's going to have Christmas units.

Just your normal gacha game, nothing to see here.

Then again the free orb count per month has been going up quite a lot, so IS might use that as a reason to run multiple banners. Just gotta decide for yourself when to save and when to spend~

9 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:


It's not gonna happen, but I so hope that it somehow does.

The shield fits too...

I wouldn’t throw the idea out the window with how many other surprises IS has thrown at us as of late.

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I know some people really didn't want a Halloween banner, but I'm excited as heck. Halloween is the one banner I've been looking forward to since the Easter banner first dropped. While it probably won't beat the dancer banner for me, since that one was unexpected and finally gave us some male refresher units that I'd wanted to see have that capability since their actual games, I really can't wait to see the costumes :D

I do agree, though. The constant seasonals are getting a bit wearing. It would be different if they chose some different games but Awakening and Nohr have had too much of a run. Though I'm feeding in to the bad stats, because there's no way I'm not pulling on the limited banners, so they'll keep on seeing an uplift in profits during seasonal time from me...

Though, that being said, I do spend on non-seasonal banners too (namely Eldigan's and Innes' of late), so I put some stats into that...

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Well I am meh on the seasonal banners except NS! Corrin who's art I really like and I went out of my way to pull her since I skipped S! Camilla and the PA banner since I only had vanilla Olivia before it came.  The only way I will pull a lot from the Halloween banner is if they put an armor mage or have one of my favorite characters who is not in the game yet like Kaze or Priam.  I am happy about the orbs coming because of the banner though, more orbs are always great. 

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28 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

To me, the moustache makes him look like he has buck teeth xD It might be the resolution on my pc, though.

Well, I'm not exactly producing masterpieces drawing things with a PC mouse (or any other tool for that matter). 

After fat Xander (didn't work) and evil Sigurd, perhaps my next victim will be buck teeth Jeorge? (Buck teeth Black Knight would be easier though ...) It will be difficult to put a silly themed team around him. 


Edited by mampfoid
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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

After fat Xander (didn't work) and evil Sigurd, perhaps my next victim will be buck teeth Jeorge? (Buck teeth Black Knight would be easier though ...)

The only one fit for buck teeth is Abel. Respect the good old times, damn it!

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My first 2 Nino merges

^These are literally the only 3 Ninos I have ever pulled in the game^
Also, she is part of my new non-horse arena core: Lancina 4 star Olivia +10 and Nino (with bonus unit)
Who needs Eirika when you already do tons of damage :smug: I am hoping next merge is +1 Def/Res for 55 44 22 33 stat memes


So far the highest merges I have

She's so good it shouldn't even be legal

@MrSmokestack @GuiltyLove 

Feel the power of the Nino! Tanks Rein nice and easy too~

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


My first 2 Nino merges

^These are literally the only 3 Ninos I have ever pulled in the game^
Also, she is part of my new non-horse arena core: Lancina 4 star Olivia +10 and Nino (with bonus unit)
Who needs Eirika when you already do tons of damage :smug: I am hoping next merge is +1 Def/Res for 55 44 22 33 stat memes


So far the highest merges I have

She's so good it shouldn't even be legal

@MrSmokestack @GuiltyLove 

Feel the power of the Nino! Tanks Rein nice and easy too~


This is what I did today: hNe4uwo.jpg

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

The only one fit for buck teeth is Abel. Respect the good old times, damn it!

Don't know the old times (in sense of FE). Bet they have been respectable. 

1 hour ago, Arcanite said:


You look rather dashing

you single?

Seems I can't make an evil enough Sigurd. Would scars help? An earring?Otherwise I'd have to turn back to the eye patch. 

Evil Sigurd is married to his sword btw. and has few similarities with myself. 

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