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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Your face is forgettable.

Priscilla fan? I like her design and of course I use her in FE7, but her personality a little too fair maiden for me. Serra can be annoying, but I'm a sucker for her Hector and Lucius supports. The former makes me wish HectorxSerra had a paired ending. And the latter makes me go "celibate opposite sex best buddies, yay!".


2 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

I'm down for this part, but... am I alone in not really liking building supports for gameplay purposes? It honestly feels a bit too team-restrictive to me, on occasion.

Well there is RD. *Equips Mantle just in case*

Supports are nifty, but never really necessary. A little broken in Tellius with the EarthxEarth combo, but nothing so bad otherwise.


16 minutes ago, Kaden said:

was thinking of 44/32/24/34/24 or 46/32/24/34/22. While battleaxes would likely be used with two hands, the fact Greil cut his dominant arm's tendon and Greil being older -- not in his prime -- makes me feel like his attack shouldn't be high. Also, 38 base attack would make him the first infantry unit to have more than 37 attack which surpasses Chrom.

The stat spread idea itself comes from Urvan's original effect and trying to do something different for Greil where he's a tougher overall tank at the cost of being a weaker enemy phase unit and not having access to Beorc's Blessing.

If we get Greil, can we get Zelgius? Anyone know what his stat spread and skills would be? All I know is he'd have an Iron Sword+++++++


By the way, has anyone done RavenxSelena in Heroes? The edgelord redhead mercenary and the angry redhead mercenary. 

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If we get Greil, can we get Zelgius? Anyone know what his stat spread and skills would be? All I know is he'd have an Iron Sword+++++++

This would be the perfect time to introduce alternate character skins, instead of making new units.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

By the way, has anyone done RavenxSelena in Heroes? The edgelord redhead mercenary and the angry redhead mercenary. 

They’d cut each other on their edge.

Hana and Lukas I find makes for a cute pairing, as does Arvis and Deirdre

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Priscilla fan? I like her design and of course I use her in FE7, but her personality a little too fair maiden for me.

By the way, has anyone done RavenxSelena in Heroes? The edgelord redhead mercenary and the angry redhead mercenary. 

Priscilla fan. For some reason I’m a sucker for fair maidens, I can’t do anything with it. There also are those subtle incestual undertones with her and Raven, those done tastefully and not in-your-face. That adds spice to the stew. Also her paired endings with anyone not named Erk are rather tragic. Erk×Priscilla for life.

I’m still going to use Serra my next playthrough, just need to choose whom to drop for her. Hmm.

Selena can be angry too.

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Supports are nifty, but never really necessary. A little broken in Tellius with the EarthxEarth combo, but nothing so bad otherwise.

Well, I can hardly use Earth/Earth in PoR right now. Oscar's a little benched.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Priscilla fan. For some reason I’m a sucker for fair maidens, I can’t do anything with it. There also are those subtle incestual undertones with her and Raven, those done tastefully and not in-your-face. That adds spice to the stew. Also her paired endings with anyone not named Erk are rather tragic. Erk×Priscilla for life.

Alright, so I wasn't misremembering her and Raven's support. Good to know. I wonder how many FE games don't have any hints of incest...

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1 minute ago, DefaultBeep said:

Alright, so I wasn't misremembering her and Raven's support. Good to know. I wonder how many FE games don't have any hints of incest...

Tellius? I'm running through the sibling pairs, and nothing's coming to me...

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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Alright, so I wasn't misremembering her and Raven's support. Good to know. I wonder how many FE games don't have any hints of incest...

What hints are there in Archanea? Michalis×Minerva, maybe? Not that I was seriously looking into their relationship yet.

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2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Tellius? I'm running through the sibling pairs, and nothing's coming to me...

They avoided this by making siblings unable to support. Which is a questionable move.

Although it is saying something about FE that this beta profile of Mist had this in it:


Always smiling. Always takes over the conversation before anyone can do anything about it. Always thinking of her brother (not romantically).

5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Alright, so I wasn't misremembering her and Raven's support. Good to know. I wonder how many FE games don't have any hints of incest...



C Support

Priscilla: Lord Brother…
Raven: Ah, Priscilla…
Priscilla: It is I– Might I be with you a moment?
Raven: …Certainly.
Priscilla: Thank you. … …
Raven: Something wrong?
Priscilla: I…am very happy. To be next to my lord brother like this… I have dreamed often of this day.
Raven: … …
Priscilla: Um…Lord Brother? …Do you remember this ring?
Raven: Hmm, what’s that?
Priscilla: You have forgotten… That is too bad. When I was young… When I was with you in Cornwell… You made a promise to me, brother. You said: When I grew larger, you’d take me as your bride.
Raven: Yes, but, surely… Priscilla… ?
Priscilla: Yes, I know. It was a child’s game. So you said to me as I cried and cried… And then you gave me this ring.
Raven: And…And you still…
Priscilla: I am still a child  — So allow me one more childish wish of you. Please, let me stand here, by your side. Don’t make me suffer in loneliness again.
Raven: … …

B Support

Raven: Priscilla.
Priscilla: Yes, Lord Brother?
Raven: You…should return to Etruria. You should not stay here any longer.
Priscilla: What? B-But why?
Raven: … …
Priscilla: Please, don’t make me leave! Not after I came all this way to see you again…
Raven: But, there are things I must do. And I don’t want you getting involved!
Priscilla: Lord Brother! You are not planning something dangerous?
Raven: … … It’s nothing you need know of.
Priscilla: It is something dangerous! Then, now more than ever, I cannot be made to leave! If you are to face danger, then let me face it by your side!
Raven: You’re not listening, Priscilla. You were sent to Etruria for adoption– You are no longer of House Cornwell. And…I am no longer your brother.
Priscilla: Lord Brother! How could…Lord Brother!

A Support

Priscilla: Lord Brother.
Raven: Priscilla… I am through speaking with you. I am your brother no longer. Please, return to Etruria…
Priscilla: No. I cannot. No matter what you say… I cannot go home.
Raven: Priscilla!
Priscilla: I cannot bear to be somewhere where you are not! I love you, Lord Brother. I want to be with you, together. I…cannot leave your side.
Raven: … …
Priscilla: … …
Raven: I see. You…were always like this, though, weren’t you? So gentle at most times, until you got an idea in your head — then you wouldn’t budge, no matter what people said.
Priscilla: Yes… I’m afraid I caused you much trouble.
Raven: Priscilla…
Priscilla: Brother… Say what you will, I shall not leave. As long as you are here, lord Brother, so, too, must I remain.
Raven: …Understood. You win, Priscilla.
Priscilla: What…?
Raven: I planned to get revenge on Ostia for the destruction of House Cornwell. Since I cast aside the name Raymond and took the name Raven, revenge is all I have lived for. But…now, I have given that up. …It is not right to abandon my little sister.
Priscilla: Bro– Lord Brother!
Raven: That is all I have to say. Let’s be off, Priscilla. You were going to stay by my side, were you not?
Priscilla: Yes… And, Lord Brother?
Raven: What?
Priscilla: Thank you, Lord Brother.
Raven: … …


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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

What hints are there in Archanea? Michalis×Minerva, maybe? Not that I was seriously looking into their relationship yet.

Have you forgotten about our Lord and Savior Hardin x Nyna Kappa

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They avoided this by making siblings unable to support. Which is a questionable move.

Although it is saying something about FE that this beta profile of Mist had this in it:


Always smiling. Always takes over the conversation before anyone can do anything about it. Always thinking of her brother (not romantica

Well, they also have Bonds, which are kinda Supports but pre-established.

And I don't recall the other two things being part of Mist's character in the final product...

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3 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Have you forgotten about our Lord and Savior Hardin x Nyna Kappa

Contain your dragon boner, Hardin and Nyna aren’t siblings. Yet. Cue another remake of Archanea which makes them such.

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Just now, phineas81707 said:

And I don't recall the other two things being part of Mist's character in the final product...

This was from the real early days of PoR, when Elincia might not have mattered/existed, Sephiran executed Greil and adopted Elena, Ike's family was from Begnion, Stefan came running to Sanaki's aid, Tibarn was Leanne's fiancee and she was voiceless, Mist was going to be a magic using lord for at least part of the game, and the world map looked like this:



1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Contain your dragon boner, Hardin and Nyna aren’t siblings.

I for some reason recall, maybe I'm wrong, some level of relatedness between Aurelis and Archanea? It'd be distant incest though.

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Just now, phineas81707 said:

Tellius? I'm running through the sibling pairs, and nothing's coming to me...

I can't speak for RD, but I don't remember anything off the top of my head at least. Nothing comes to mind immediately for Archanea either.

2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

What hints are there in Archanea? Michalis×Minerva, maybe? Not that I was seriously looking into their relationship yet.

See above; you posted as I was typing this response. There almost seem to just be very few siblings in general in Archanea, and most of them are related to Macedon. Although, I guess one could technically see Matthis's over-protectiveness as romantic, but that seems like a stretch. 

Obviously FE4 and FE5 have more than just hints, especially since that's the main thing that people seem to know about FE4 besides the huge maps. FE6 has Clarine who treats her brother very similarly to how Lachesis treats Eldigan, but that's the biggest hint there is between them, surprisingly. FE7 has Priscilla practically scream that she wants to be with Raven, and Raven seems to share those feelings as well, from what I can tell from the conversation that @Interdimensional Observer kindly provided. I've heard that the assumed relationship between Eirika and Ephraim was only brought in during the translation, so I'm hesitant to count FE8 for sure. FE13 lets certain characters marry together people of various degrees of closeness, including cousins and I think either uncle/niece or aunt/nephew pairings. And FE14... well, it's not the obvious incest, but incest is still there. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

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5 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

They are related though

We're related. Everything is incest if you don't give a damn about how far back you look.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This was from the real early days of PoR, when Elincia might not have mattered/existed, Sephiran executed Greil and adopted Elena, Ike's family was from Begnion, Stefan came running to Sanaki's aid, Tibarn was Leanne's fiancee and she was voiceless, Mist was going to be a magic using lord for at least part of the game, and the world map looked like this:

...What do you reckon the reaction would be if IS released this instead of remaking the PoR we got?

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

In Fates, there also is Azura, Corrin’s cousin. But again, cousins are fine.

Fair enough. Scratch out Fates, then. And I forgot to mention Gaiden/SoV, but I don't remember there being any hints there either.

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5 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

We're related. Everything is incest if you don't give a damn about how far back you look.

...What do you reckon the reaction would be if IS released this instead of remaking the PoR we got?

They arent too far back though. Cartas is 3 gen from Hardin

@DefaultBeep The only sibling relation in Archanea is like

Marth Elice


Michalis Minerva Maria

Hardin - King Aurelis

Yubello Yumina


And then for relations you have Marth and Sheena and thats about it

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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2 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

They arent too far back though. Cartas is 3 gen from Hardin

@DefaultBeep The only sibling relation in Archanea is like

Marth Elice


Michalis Minerva Maria

Hardin - King Aurelis

Yubello Yumina


And then for relations you have Marth and Sheena and thats about it

Don't forget good ol' Matthis and Lena, which adds more Macedon siblings. And Caesar has a sister, though she's never seen. I also forgot Gordin and Ryan, but in my defense, I really don't like Ryan.

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14 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

...What do you reckon the reaction would be if IS released this instead of remaking the PoR we got?

Well that would be very different, reviving an old idea instead of just using the current one. In a sense, it'd be a conservative remake, since it'd only be giving us what the game was originally going to be. But it would cause an uproar, particularly if the game really didn't have Elincia in it. Then again, this was found in TearRing Saga's data:


Which looks like:



TearRing was released in 2001, PoR 2005. Who knows? Maybe Elincia was destined for importance, we just don't know from the notes.


I'd play it for sure. Sephiran would get a nice big role again, he is more or less a favorite of mine.

1 fe10-sephiran.png
2 fe10-jill.png
3 fe10-dheginsea.png
4 Shinon
4 Soren
6 Reyson
6 Naesala
6 Stefan
9 Ranulf
10 Rolf
11 Skrimir
11 Bastian
13 Calill
14 Hector
15 Matthew
15 Nils
15 Lucius
15 Canas
15 Pent
14 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

In Fates, there also is Azura, Corrin’s cousin. But again, cousins are fine.

1st cousins though? 2nd, maybe once in a while, but 1st? PattyxLester is pretty close to incest.

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22 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

...What do you reckon the reaction would be if IS released this instead of remaking the PoR we got?

Well that would be very different, reviving an old idea instead of just using the current one. In a sense, it'd be a conservative remake, since it'd only be giving us what the game was originally going to be. But it would cause an uproar, particularly if the game really didn't have Elincia in it. Then again, this was found in TearRing Saga's data:


Which looks like:



TearRing was released in 2001, PoR 2005. Who knows? Maybe Elincia was destined for importance, we just don't know from the notes.


I'd play it for sure. Sephiran would get a nice big role again, he is more or less a favorite of mine. Edit: These aren't in perfect order.

1 fe10-sephiran.png
2 fe10-jill.png
3 fe10-dheginsea.png
4 Shinon
4 Soren
6 Reyson
6 Naesala
6 Stefan
9 Ranulf
10 Rolf
11 Skrimir
11 Bastian
13 Calill
14 Hector
15 Matthew
15 Nils
15 Lucius
15 Canas
15 Pent
22 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

In Fates, there also is Azura, Corrin’s cousin. But again, cousins are fine.

1st cousins though? 2nd, maybe once in a while, but 1st? PattyxLester is pretty close to incest.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Don't forget good ol' Matthis and Lena, which adds more Macedon siblings. And Caesar has a sister, though she's never seen. I also forgot Gordin and Ryan, but in my defense, I really don't like Ryan.

Oh yeah i forgot those two are siblings because i mainly remember Julian as Lenas relation dynamic lol


I like Ryan :(

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