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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:


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Audulma gives 5 res, not 3

He can actually run Ploy skills if he wants to, and with great effect. Fury would be very nasty on him especially with speed seal


Oh, that's interesting. The other weapons that had stat boosts were lower than their home game counterparts. Granted, some of them definitely needed to be toned down such as the Holy War weapons.

Well, in that case and because Joshua's page is up on gamepedia, he'd have 40/30/33 bulk normally which get boosted to 40/36/39 when attacked by melee units because of his default Close Def. With Fury 3, he'd have 40/33/36 bulk with 50/38 offenses and with L&D3, 40/25/28 bulk and 52/40 offenses. That's really good.

Looking at his stats again, Joshua might be closer to Minerva and Saber who both have 40 HP, 31 Atk, 33 Spd, 32 Def, and 22 Res. Joshua essentially trades 2 defense for 2 speed 35 and because of his boosted stats, has 6 more resistance before Audhulma which makes it +11 resistance over Minerva and Saber. The funny thing is Saber's sword in his artwork resembles Audhulma while Joshua's art shows him with Killing Edge. Also, both of them have unique idle animations.

Joshua with Shield Pulse... He'd be able to abuse Escutcheon like Saber, but Saber has the edge in having higher defense and access to a defense or speed boon for better tanking.

Y'know, even if Joshua was basically Minerva/Saber with 2 more speed and 2 less defense, Audhulma would have given him 27 resistance which is still good, but definitely not as good as 33 resistance. 40 HP, 47 Atk, 35 Spd, 30 Def, and 27 Res with Audhulma would have been fine. Characters really don't need extra stats to be good...

Edit: Also, Marth is comparable. 41 HP, 31 Atk, 34 Spd, 29 Def, and 23 Res. 1 less HP for 1 more speed and boosted stats for 1 more defense and 5 more resistance.

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So out of this super duper hero fest banner, assuming it's going to be a mega banner and not split up into 2/3, I'm going to give my personal standpoints on each unit.


  • Ayra : Must have. Didn't get her on the tempest banner and this is the perfect chance to get her!
  • Celica : Already have her. Would be nice to get a better nature like +ATK or +SPD but I'm good with what I have.
  • Ike : Already pulled him twice both on and off-focus. First was +DEF/-HP, 2nd was +ATK/-HP. Don't really need any more of him.

It's a fantastic pool but it hurts that Ike and Celica could spook me going for Ayra, and that's saying a lot because they're fantastic units but I that's where I am. With a limited supply of orbs it's a scary thought.


  • Fjorm : We're getting her free and I don't care to merge her really, but depending on her stats or skills, maybe SI?
  • B!Caeda : Once upon a time I would have loved another chance at a +ATK or +SPD/NOT -ATK variant of her, but since she's gotten Blarblade+ I don't really need another one of her.
  • S!Xander : He's a terrible unit... why they picked him over S!Lucina is beyond me. Worst unit in the entire banner.

I could really just forgo pulling blue altogether honestly. But the prospect of leaving *5's on the table with such a ridiculously high rate is silly even for F2P. So I'll take whatever I can get and merge if necessary.


  • Deirdre : I don't really care about her or her daughter. A new green mage is always nice, but unfortunately she's just a chance to spook me going for S!Camilla.
  • S!Camilla : The biggest reason for me to pull from this banner. I joined FEH a month after she was gone and this is a chance to get her, I'm forgoing Nowi for this. Hope it's worth it...
  • Hector : I could do with a better natured one, or even Distant Counter fodder, I don't mind if he spooks me.

Pretty nice pool of characters. Not much to say. Going for S!Camilla even if ToD!Nowi is probably a better unit. Just can't pass up how good of a banner this is.


  • Brave Lyn : Already have her. Anything not +ATK or +SPD is simply a merge or Swift Sparrow/ATK Smoke fodder. Pulling her and NOT a healer guaranteed is great tho.
  • B!Cordelia : Already have a +ATK one at +1, but I can't say no to more merges. It's a great opportunity that I didn't think would come around again.
  • Genny : Already have one but hey Wrathful staff fodder or a better nature.

The whole pool is a win here. I'm going to hate to see more Bridelias running around in arena but if it means I'm strengthening mine that's fine.

If I could avoid blue and colorless I would, but as a F2P I want to get the most bang and that probably means pulling everything so that's what I'm going to do. I only really "need" Ayra and S!Camilla from this banner though.

What do the rest of you need/want from this upcoming mega-banner?


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I'm definitely going for greens first. I need Hector (to make Sheena better), I need Camilla (to make flier emblem better), and I need Deirdre (to make my heart feel better...). The other three colors are a lot harder to decide from, though. I've been hoping for Celica and Genny to come back for a while, and Bride Caeda was my most wanted seasonal unit that I never got. Ike and Ayra would be cool too, more merges for Bride Cordelia and CYL Lyn would be nice, and at least Xander has a very nice B skill. I might just pull on all of them and see what I end up with.

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Since the four new heroes were the ones who, with the exception of Micaiah, ranked highest in CYL out of units not yet playable, I got curious about who's behind them in that distinction to see who might be a candidate for future events like this.

  • 46: Morgan (female)
  • 47: Severa
  • 53: Marisa
  • 59: Selkie
  • 68: Soleil
  • 70: Kaze

Lot of 3DS kids.

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30 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Fjorm : We're getting her free and I don't care to merge her really, but depending on her stats or skills, maybe SI?

The livestream made it seem like she's going to be summonable, but that doesn't make sense when she's a story character. It would still be weird if she had a summoning scene too since Alfonse, Anna, Sharena and technically starter Matthew and Raigh don't. This does ignore the TT units not having summonable scenes when you get them, but you can still view them. If she were summonable, then a lot of people would have liked it if Alfonse was summonable too; Death Blow fodder! :p

Also, there's the implication of a summonable Fjorm being even deadlier if she were +Atk, +Spd, or whatever which goes in line with the Askr trio having access to boons and banes.

I don't know, the livestream introduced her weirdly. And personally, I would have preferred it if she joined as a 4* unit and not as a 5* unit. That's just me, though.

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22 minutes ago, Othin said:

Since the four new heroes were the ones who, with the exception of Micaiah, ranked highest in CYL out of units not yet playable, I got curious about who's behind them in that distinction to see who might be a candidate for future events like this.

  • 46: Morgan (female)
  • 47: Severa
  • 53: Marisa
  • 59: Selkie
  • 68: Soleil
  • 70: Kaze

Lot of 3DS kids.

So an infantry mage of whatever color the developers desire. Selena's original, which should be better than current one when it gets added. Marisa is yet another sword infantry (looks take you far). Selkie can't happen yet b/c she couldn't use breath or any other weapon. Soleil- another female infantry swordie? Kaze- surprised he wasn't in the base game, hopefully he could enliven the Dagger pool.

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Super conflicted right now...

I really want a better natured Sakura, but that hero banner on the 27th is definitely worth saving for. Fjorm, Celica, Caeda, Hector, Bridelia, possible merges for BLyn SCami, Genny, and Ike. I can hold off of Farfetched Banner since Joshua will be TT reward. Please RNG, be on my side in these next few days.

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Something I'm considering is whether evolved weapons retain their default passive skill. Like, what if Eliwood's Durandal keeps its Death Blow 2 passive and adds Blazing Durandal's Str+3 and its CD effect? It'd be pretty powerful, even on par or better than BRoy. Add Fury or Sparrow or LnD and he'll be terrifying.

Same with Seliph, he might be able to keep his def increase at hp equal to or below to 50% plus Divine Tyrfing's +3 Res and half magic dmg effect. It won't make him Sigurd levels of good but at least more competent.

I'm hyped the most because of Refinery.

Today's pulls have been terrible, just enough fodder for my Donnel project: Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Drive Atk 2, Reposition and Bonfire. I just need 10K extra feathers. Won't spend money on it. My main objective is Dorcas, given the case I pull.

Also, I'm not that hyped for the Legendary Banners, the options there for me are basically to complete units, Deirdre's and Celica's case, or dupes, like BLyn. I'm not that hyped for Fjorm, I don't dig her design at all, her cape just doesn't have form, it looks like lotus petals, her lance is so triangular, her design is so triangular that it isn't harmonious to my eyes, although the winged details on her armor give her some celestial vibes <3. But err nope. I'll just try to do full pulls and receive gratefully whatever St. Elimine has for me ~

= EDIT =

Also, new update has cool additions, like the armor tink when unit deals 0 dmg, color for weapon, assist and special skill slots. I'll work on Priscilla and Lucius in order to + their skills. It'll be fantastic.

Edited by Quintessence
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Watching a reviewing video about the farfetched heroes banner, when at the end PM1 was talking about the new features that will be added to the game, I noticed 2 things: first of all, when the mage attacks Fjorn, (the cooldown isn't still charged) it appears the damage that se deals to the opponent below the life indicator, in the same way as if the mage was attacking, for example, Camus. However, when she counterattack, the damage dealt wasn't the same as indicated where I say. Maybe she both have DC built-in and a DC type special?

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3 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Watching a reviewing video about the farfetched heroes banner, when at the end PM1 was talking about the new features that will be added to the game, I noticed 2 things: first of all, when the mage attacks Fjorn, (the cooldown isn't still charged) it appears the damage that se deals to the opponent below the life indicator, in the same way as if the mage was attacking, for example, Camus. However, when she counterattack, the damage dealt wasn't the same as indicated where I say. Maybe she both have DC built-in and a DC type special?

Oh damn... My guess is that it turns any magic damage taken into zero, and gets added to HER damage output.

Red mage was supposed to deal 2 damage, Ice mirror activates,she took zero.

Fjorm counterattacks, supposed to deal 35 but did 37 instead.

Sounds really cool.

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16 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Something I'm considering is whether evolved weapons retain their default passive skill. Like, what if Eliwood's Durandal keeps its Death Blow 2 passive and adds Blazing Durandal's Str+3 and its CD effect? It'd be pretty powerful, even on par or better than BRoy. Add Fury or Sparrow or LnD and he'll be terrifying.

Same with Seliph, he might be able to keep his def increase at hp equal to or below to 50% plus Divine Tyrfing's +3 Res and half magic dmg effect. It won't make him Sigurd levels of good but at least more competent.

No, they don't. Seliph's Divine Tyrfing will have the same effect as Sigurd's, Merric's Dark Excalibur will be the same as Sonya's, and so on.

The real question is whether the upgrade is permanent, but I don't think it would be. Similar to how you can equip a lower-level weapon (i.e. Iron or Steel Sword), it might be possible to equip the "unrefined" version of the weapon after upgrading. Now why anyone would use Tyrfing over its Divine counterpart is beyond me, but Durandal and Excalibur have unique effects that would be lost after refinement.

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3 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

No, they don't. Seliph's Divine Tyrfing will have the same effect as Sigurd's, Merric's Dark Excalibur will be the same as Sonya's, and so on.

The real question is whether the upgrade is permanent, but I don't think it would be. Similar to how you can equip a lower-level weapon (i.e. Iron or Steel Sword), it might be possible to equip the "unrefined" version of the weapon after upgrading. Now why anyone would use Tyrfing over its Divine counterpart is beyond me, but Durandal and Excalibur have unique effects that would be lost after refinement.

But that's dumb, and this is where I agree with you. Losing Durandal and Excalibur's effect would be pretty lame. Like, why the heck? Siegmund gets Hone Atk 3 upon upgrade plus its mixed Brash Assault Quick Riposte effect, why would the others be a copy of Divine Weapons? Merric would have the neat ability of sniping fliers and having Wo Dao effect, Linde would become an excellent support/buffer with Breath of Life 2 effect and Delthea's +6 atk on melee units, heck she can even get Hone Spd 3 and one capped def/res Seal and be a multi buffer. RAEG 0/10

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11 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

But that's dumb, and this is where I agree with you. Losing Durandal and Excalibur's effect would be pretty lame. Like, why the heck? Siegmund gets Hone Atk 3 upon upgrade plus its mixed Brash Assault Quick Riposte effect, why would the others be a copy of Divine Weapons? Merric would have the neat ability of sniping fliers and having Wo Dao effect, Linde would become an excellent support/buffer with Breath of Life 2 effect and Delthea's +6 atk on melee units, heck she can even get Hone Spd 3 and one capped def/res Seal and be a multi buffer. RAEG 0/10

Technically, Ephraim's refined Siegmund isn't a new weapon. The channel makes a point to differentiate between "evolving" weapons as opposed to "refining" them. I think the most likely scenario is that refined weapons are permanent while evolved weapons can still have the base weapon equipped instead.

EDIT: Actually, it looks like neither is permanent. At the 8:18 mark of the video it shows the prompt "Equip this skill now?" similar to learning other skills.

One really contrived scenario is that you can upgrade all the possible refinement options for a weapon, seeing as how Ephraim has multiple upgrade options available for his Prf lance in addition to the one with the unique ability. Or you need to inherit the same weapon multiple times to get all the upgrades.

@mcsilas I doubt it. Only Sol Katti, Mystletainn, Siegmund, Hauteclere, Fujin Yumi, and Deathly Dagger gain unique effects when refined.

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8 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

But that's dumb, and this is where I agree with you. Losing Durandal and Excalibur's effect would be pretty lame. Like, why the heck? Siegmund gets Hone Atk 3 upon upgrade plus its mixed Brash Assault Quick Riposte effect, why would the others be a copy of Divine Weapons? Merric would have the neat ability of sniping fliers and having Wo Dao effect, Linde would become an excellent support/buffer with Breath of Life 2 effect and Delthea's +6 atk on melee units, heck she can even get Hone Spd 3 and one capped def/res Seal and be a multi buffer. RAEG 0/10

Unless, you evolve something like Excalibur to Dark Excalibur, but then you can add effects to Dark Excalibur- like Atk+4 or a special legendary skill like Effectiveness to fliers.

So Blazing Durandal can have the Death Blow 2 effect or something.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So an infantry mage of whatever color the developers desire. Selena's original, which should be better than current one when it gets added. Marisa is yet another sword infantry (looks take you far). Selkie can't happen yet b/c she couldn't use breath or any other weapon. Soleil- another female infantry swordie? Kaze- surprised he wasn't in the base game, hopefully he could enliven the Dagger pool.

I could see them putting some of these in different classes if they really wanted to. Like Bow Knight Severa, or Axe Soleil(see also, Raven).

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16 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Unless, you evolve something like Excalibur to Dark Excalibur, but then you can add effects to Dark Excalibur- like Atk+4 or a special legendary skill like Effectiveness to fliers.

So Blazing Durandal can have the Death Blow 2 effect or something.

That sounds possible but it harms the player. Why would I use materials and SP to upgrade Durandal to Blazing Durandal, and spend another considerable amount of materials and SP to recover an effect lost? It makes no sense.

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16 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Seems you will get a chance to pull Camilla then, good luck!

Why would your team be the discount version? I don't even have merges or anything fancy.

Thanks! I'm hoping that if I pull her, she is either +atk/+def/-spd/-res.

I will admit, I am confused as to why I said that. If you compare your flier emblem team to what mine would be with S!Camilla, then only noticeable difference would be some skills, weapons, and nature.

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1 minute ago, Poimagic said:

Thanks! I'm hoping that if I pull her, she is either +atk/+def/-spd/-res.

I will admit, I am confused as to why I said that. If you compare your flier emblem team to what mine would be with S!Camilla, then only noticeable difference would be some skills, weapons, and nature.

Yeah, the team for sure is fun. I hope we'll get a colorless flier on the Christmas banner (ideally with hone fliers) to substitute Hinoka. 

I'll pull for all colors on the coming mega-banner. If I get another Camilla, I'll give her a TA/Raven set like you. 

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7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, the team for sure is fun. I hope we'll get a colorless flier on the Christmas banner (ideally with hone fliers) to substitute Hinoka. 

I'll pull for all colors on the coming mega-banner. If I get another Camilla, I'll give her a TA/Raven set like you. 

It is fun. The only problem with it is the weakness to arrows, but Michallis is coming back, so more Iote's Shield. Seriously, it seems like Beruka, Gronnraven S!Camilla, and Michallis are the only fliers who can tank arrows.

Also, the Gronnraven Build I had in mind was Gronnraven+, TA, QR/Vantage/Green Tome Breaker, and then a c slot skill of my choosing 

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I really don’t mind losing Durandal’s Death Blow 2 effect since I mostly use Eliwood as mage bait. Blazing Durandal would be much better for my DC Eliwood build anyway.

As for the Legendary Hero banner...meh.  Nothing there really interests me. Either I already have the unit or I simply don’t care about the ones I don’t have. 

I just want one or two Dorcas for Fierce Stance fodder. 

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

Something I'm considering is whether evolved weapons retain their default passive skill. Like, what if Eliwood's Durandal keeps its Death Blow 2 passive and adds Blazing Durandal's Str+3 and its CD effect? It'd be pretty powerful, even on par or better than BRoy. Add Fury or Sparrow or LnD and he'll be terrifying.

Same with Seliph, he might be able to keep his def increase at hp equal to or below to 50% plus Divine Tyrfing's +3 Res and half magic dmg effect. It won't make him Sigurd levels of good but at least more competent.

I'm hyped the most because of Refinery.

Today's pulls have been terrible, just enough fodder for my Donnel project: Death Blow 3, Lancebreaker 3, Drive Atk 2, Reposition and Bonfire. I just need 10K extra feathers. Won't spend money on it. My main objective is Dorcas, given the case I pull.

Also, I'm not that hyped for the Legendary Banners, the options there for me are basically to complete units, Deirdre's and Celica's case, or dupes, like BLyn. I'm not that hyped for Fjorm, I don't dig her design at all, her cape just doesn't have form, it looks like lotus petals, her lance is so triangular, her design is so triangular that it isn't harmonious to my eyes, although the winged details on her armor give her some celestial vibes <3. But err nope. I'll just try to do full pulls and receive gratefully whatever St. Elimine has for me ~

= EDIT =

Also, new update has cool additions, like the armor tink when unit deals 0 dmg, color for weapon, assist and special skill slots. I'll work on Priscilla and Lucius in order to + their skills. It'll be fantastic.


Thats what im somewhat sad about. Granted Eliwood with blazing durandal, db2, and atk+3 and speed lean would simply have 38/34 specs while Spd Lean Brave Roy had 35/37 so its probably not as much of an advantage for Eliwood as it seems


My guess is it would just give him vanilla Blazing Durandal.... which is silly because a lot of the older weapons would got their effect shafted for new ones instead of the Siegmund treatment but thats probably their solution for Folksvangr issue


Eliwood also had Res for ploy i guess

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

If I could avoid blue and colorless I would, but as a F2P I want to get the most bang and that probably means pulling everything so that's what I'm going to do. I only really "need" Ayra and S!Camilla from this banner though.

What do the rest of you need/want from this upcoming mega-banner?

I'm very tempted on all the colors but blue.

Red: I already have Ike and Ayra, but I've never gotten Celica and this would be a great chance to get her, and getting spooked for merges on my Ike and a possible +atk/spd Ayra would still be really nice. 

Blue: I already have Xander and only use him to farm materials for seal crafting. He's terrible and definitely the last thing I want to summon on this banner. Fjorn's cool (heh) but I'm fine with just using the free neutral one. While a +spd/atk Caeda would be cool (Mine's +res -def), I really don't use her that much so I can do without. 

Green: I'm only missing Deirdre here, but I wouldn't mind getting her, and getting Camilla or Hector is nice too. Camilla for more merges since she's one of my favorites, and Hector for more DC fodder. 

Colorless: This is the main color for me. My B Cordelia's +res -def and I'd love if I could pull a +atk one to really maximize her. I don't have the money to spend whaling, but if I could I'd love merges on her in general since she's my favorite character and one of my favorite units in the game. I'm fine with my neutral Lyn, so I don't really care about getting more of her as much, but at least she's not a bad pull still. Genny would be nice to have, since I both like her and if I ever get an Elise I can have Wrathful Staff for her. 

Hopefully I can get the +atk Cordelia I'm looking for, though I won't get my hopes up. At least nothing but Xander is really a bad summon her, so that's still great. If they'd picked Charlotte instead of Caeda for the blue pull I'd be pulling those for sure. It's a shame since she's the 1 bride I missed. My biggest problem with this banner is that I already know I really want to get Christmas Tharja, so my orbs are being split between both banners and I can't just focus on this crazy one. The suffering of not being able to whale. 

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