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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Face reality, Arcanite.

At +10 your Nino caps out at 58 Atk / 45 Spd (46 with Lv. 3 seal) with all the boosts you have there, which is neat. At +10 mine hits 55 Atk / 46 Spd but I can Spd seal for 49 or Atk seal for 58 ;)

Youll be sorry when you have trouble one shotting those Berkut Lance Effies

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As a someone who constantly second-guesses himself on resource usage, I agonized over what to use my refining stones on. I ended up doing this:



+Spd -Res base with the Spd variant Melon Crusher.  I don’t use her nearly enough to justify this level of investment, but she’s been solid for me since I got her and the kit all works well together. 55/41 on initiation, and the combined recoil damage drops her 2Hp from Vantage range, so almost any damage on the counter will activate it. I’m toying with double Savage Blow skill/seal to make those Vantage counters into killing attacks. 

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10 minutes ago, Eridras said:

As a someone who constantly second-guesses himself on resource usage, I agonized over what to use my refining stones on. I ended up doing this:

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+Spd -Res base with the Spd variant Melon Crusher.  I don’t use her nearly enough to justify this level of investment, but she’s been solid for me since I got her and the kit all works well together. 55/41 on initiation, and the combined recoil damage drops her 2Hp from Vantage range, so almost any damage on the counter will activate it. I’m toying with double Savage Blow skill/seal to make those Vantage counters into killing attacks. 

Very nice. I have the same IVs on mine, and I'm thinking of doing the same forge option for her. She's still running CC and QR for mainly enemy phase use right now, but I might give her Fury when I get more HInatas. She's done really well for me too, so I'm happy to upgrade her.

8 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:


She's looking pretty big for a middle sister. :^)

Edited by Alkaid
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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

It is silly, because Reinhardt can’t be buffed with a Tactic skill, if I’m reading the description correctly.

Reinhardt can buff his allies with Atk/Def Tactic, but not the other way around.

Tactic skills work only on allies where there are 2 or fewer units of that movement type on your team.

So a team with 3 infantry and 1 cavalry would only allow the cavalry unit to be buffed, but a team with 2 infantry and 2 cavalry would allow any unit to be buffed.


7 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:


Wait. How the hell do you have dual-language credits with your language set to Japanese? Mine display only the Japanese names.

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4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:


Name a target.

I still gotta target that QR3 tho

@GuiltyLove @Vaximillian @Frenzify


Beautiful stuff. So much so that I'm not even salty yours has more def than mine. I'm just happy when people use her.

Funnily enough, I was just debating which A skill to switch on to mine, between Steady Breath and Close Def, and was leaning more towards Close Def.

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10 minutes ago, Frenzify said:


Beautiful stuff. So much so that I'm not even salty yours has more def than mine. I'm just happy when people use her.

Funnily enough, I was just debating which A skill to switch on to mine, between Steady Breath and Close Def, and was leaning more towards Close Def.

Remember she can't get Steady Breath, since it's infantry/armor-only. Unless you meant Stance. I went with CD since since even with Stance she can't really tank the archers that matter. Maybe roided out with fortify fliers/wards on a def tile, but that's too specific for my taste. There may not be a lot of dragons, but staying higher on hp dealing with Fae, Nowi or even the new generic manakete enemies seemed pretty nice to me. She's the ultimate melee bully this way.

I've been prioritizing Cordelia, but I hope to merge this cutie up some day too, like your beautiful specimen.

Edited by Alkaid
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3 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Remember she can't get Steady Breath, since it's infantry/armor-only. Unless you meant Stance. I went with CD since since even with Stance she can't really tank the archers that matter. Maybe roided out with fortify fliers/wards on a def tile, but that's too specific for my taste. There may not be a lot of dragons, but staying higher on hp dealing with Fae, Nowi or even the new generic manakete enemies seemed pretty nice to me. She's the ultimate melee bully this way.

I remember typing out Steady Stance... twice... Huh... Anyway, yeah. I had Iote's Shield on her before, and it really feels like a slot that could be put to better use, and like you pretty much say, it makes more sense to make her shine in one aspect than make her passable in many... Although, if I ever pull a Hector, I'll still feed him to her, just because.

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10 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

I remember typing out Steady Stance... twice... Huh... Anyway, yeah. I had Iote's Shield on her before, and it really feels like a slot that could be put to better use, and like you pretty much say, it makes more sense to make her shine in one aspect than make her passable in many... Although, if I ever pull a Hector, I'll still feed him to her, just because.

Can't knock that. DC was my original pick for her before gravitating to CD instead. I still think it's nice on her, but I've got a single spare Hector and I'm more inclined to use it for Camilla who really needs it to be more usable.

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51 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Tactic skills work only on allies where there are 2 or fewer units of that movement type on your team.

So a team with 3 infantry and 1 cavalry would only allow the cavalry unit to be buffed, but a team with 2 infantry and 2 cavalry would allow any unit to be buffed.

Waitwaitwait. That’s how it works? I thought it only meant that armor, infantry, and flier units could get buffed from it from how weirdly the skill was worded.

That’s actually really good yeah

@Alkaid I’ve seen 54 Def Beruka unbuffed kreygasm

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

She's looking pretty big for a middle sister. :^)

For you :^)

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Wait. How the hell do you have dual-language credits with your language set to Japanese? Mine display only the Japanese names.

I just set my language to Traditional Master Race language Chinese

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24 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Waitwaitwait. That’s how it works? I thought it only meant that armor, infantry, and flier units could get buffed from it from how weirdly the skill was worded.

That’s actually really good yeah

Yeah. You can confirm on Story 2-2-3 where Siegbert will buff both enemy infantry units and the enemy cavalry with Atk Tactic.


13 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I just set my language to Traditional Master Race language Chinese

Ah. It must be too early in the morning for me to have picked up the differences. Not quite sure how I missed the fact that her name was not in Japanese. And no wonder 必殺槍鍛+ confused the utter hell out of me.

I forget traditional Chinese exists sometimes since my family hails from the northern mainland.

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So someone pointed out to me that Mia's white robed archrival whom she never finds in PoR (Ilyana and Rhys are too sickly, Largo might be it) is probably this:



When she gets in, I'd definitely consider supporting the two. By the way, while each version represents a different side to her, I think the wardrobe differences of the PoR design are better than the RD ones.

Now who in the all the Outrealms is clad in white and could therefore be Mia's otherworldly archrival? Hmm...

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

So someone pointed out to me that Mia's white robed archrival whom she never finds in PoR (Ilyana and Rhys are too sickly, Largo might be it) is probably this:

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When she gets in, I'd definitely consider supporting the two. By the way, while each version represents a different side to her, I think the wardrobe differences of the PoR design are better than the RD ones.

Now who in the all the Outrealms is clad in white and could therefore be Mia's otherworldly archrival? Hmm...

I like Lucia's concept design the most, with the dragon Laguz on her clothes, and unkept hair.




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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

That’s what Spur Atk and S Ephraim is for ;)

Also why you attacking them on defense tiles

Be prepared for all situations!

I run drive sp33d at least, and since that is +3 that makes my speed even with yours! HA HA!

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

Be prepared for all situations!

I run drive sp33d at least, and since that is +3 that makes my speed even with yours! HA HA!

I run Drive Spd because Tailtiu is on my team too. Dat arena score.

You’re hopeless aren’t you

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7 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

It is silly, because Reinhardt can’t be buffed with a Tactic skill, if I’m reading the description correctly.

Reinhardt can buff his allies with Atk/Def Tactic, but not the other way around.

The description says: Reinhardt can be buffed if there are 2 or less horses on the team, from: Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2.


It's not saying: Only granted if movement ≤ 2. It's saying: The buff is granted if the unit shares its movement type with 1 or less other people on the team.


12 hours ago, Hilda said:

i dont see the issue. In a Defense Team, plucking away single or only double horse units mixed with infantery/armored units is alot easier then plucking them away if 4 horsies are running. For offense it doesnt matter, because the AI is horrible and therefor it doesnt matter if you run 4 horsies or 2 horsies and 2 infanterys, you are in control

Fighting a CC Rein---who doesn't lose his offenses---who also has dancer support isn't an issue? Fully buffed CC mages are difficult enough to deal with without dancers---and currently no fully buffed mages can run with dancers, because they need Type Buffs.

Mind, you might not have seen them much because people have no idea how to value units. The vast majority seem to think DC is better than CC for some god forsaken reason, because I guess the fact that -blade gives about 40 Atk in a slot that usually gives around 13 doesn't occur to them---being ranged is only 2 (weapon) + 10 = 12 BST penalty, being horse is only 4 BST, for a total of 16 BST for ranged horses. -blade adds 24 extra BST (all into attack) when fully buffed, which has so much extra stats to spare that even a +9 from a +Hp/+Def forge barely cancels it out, and all stats into Atk generally leads to more min-maxed builds.


In an offense team, you're falling into the trap of: 'The game is easy, therefore nothing can make it easier.'

That's... not how it works. Rating units isn't a pass/fail of 'this unit is usable'/'this unit isn't,' it's a scale of how usable a unit is at any given time. Yes, you can stuff your team with all melee armors and have it work, but that doesn't mean you can't built teams that work better, or work easier.


Even if everything were rated on a strictly pass/fail sense, horses are still better than everyone else because mobility matters. Mobility lets you run away, mobility lets you choose the place of engagement, mobility makes AI manipulation easier (because you can redeploy faster than the AI). This is the same reason dancers are good, they pay their action turn (assist/attack) to give a unit their action turn and their movement turn, which is the exact same advantage horses get---you get the same amount of action turns, since the dancer traded theirs away, but you get more movement turns, and thus more mobility. A lot of skills become better once running away is an option: Renewal, Wrath, Sacae's Blessing, Sweeps, etc. Any skill that needs time to work needs mobility---or for the enemy team to have really shitty mobility, like all armors.


And, past that, we can rate units in a 'ease of use sense,' not whether they can pass, but how easily they pass. That is, 'How many gamestates leads to a victorious conclusion,' rather than 'is there a gamestate that leads to a victorious conclusion.' Horses rate very high on this because they're exceedingly forgiving (again thanks to mobility). Fucked up placement for your player turn? That's okay, just run around the map to reset. Moreover, you can get away with more sloppy positioning in general because their threat range is about 50% to 100% more than everyone else's, meaning they can stand further back, in safer squares (if you can't perfectly AI predict vs. a dancer, you have to stand a bit further back than normal), and still get to the front lines to contribute. Perfect play negates some of this advantage, of course---perfect AI manipulation devalues mobility because you never need to use all of your unit-turns, meaning horses getting better unit-turns than everyone else doesn't matter as much---but: A, not everyone can play perfectly all the time and B, sometimes even perfect play doesn't help because your team simply didn't have the tools. 4 Reinhardts, for example, is exceedingly difficult to split up (not impossible, AI does slightly priority distance, so maps with a left and right side, or a top and bottom side, can have you split the team into halves), it's just that Rein also gives you less time to AI manipulate (mobility again), so if you didn't get it in one you flat out can't try again. (Once the Rein deathball rides to the center of the map, it's over. He covers the entire map from that location, so there's no more space to AI manipulate. Being on horses means it only takes the deathball one turn to do that.)

I said Rein, but it doesn't have to be, it could be Bow Lyns, it could be -blade Leos, it could even be Ursula, or Cecilia. All of them have Rein's reach, most of Rein's offenses, if not his hilariously good bulk. (Barring Leo.)

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I went and gave the water blessing to Lucina alongside an ally support with Fjorm. I don't know how well those two compliment each other but having Lucina with 42 Spd at base is pretty nice while the 3 extra HP allows her to take a few more hits. I might use them as my arena offense team for a while if dragons become super popular on defense teams They won't, Horses will never die, after all Fjorm has great Res to tank dragons while Lucina kills them thanks to Falchion (except for like Nowi and F!Corrin but I can always bring Hector or Deirdre for them). 

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1 hour ago, DehNutCase said:

Wall of Text

I still dont see the issue with Tactic skills. Reinhardt + Dancer is nothing new and a Close Counter Vantage Reinhardt is just beging to get killed more easy. Again no issue in Tactic skills.

I actually welcome those new Skills because it makes mixed Teams better. and considering -Blades. We got enough of options to deal with them, and by now people have learned how to handle -blades.

Edited by Hilda
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