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1 minute ago, Momentai~ said:

It's probably just Virion being a big disappointment again.

I once again point out this is a silver bow we have on the screenshot. Grayish hair and silver bow? Yep, the archest of archers.

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3 minutes ago, Momentai~ said:

It's probably just Virion being a big disappointment again.

Yes, I've been comparing the image with the default Silver Bow users (including George, since he has it at 4*) and it seems to be Virion. Also, if it was a new hero, wouldn't have been datamined? 

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37 minutes ago, Momentai~ said:

I'm guessing the bow user just attacked Xander (the HP bar doesn't look full for the bow user and Xander lost some HP too) and Seth is in the process of swapping spaces with said bow user. It's probably just Virion being a big disappointment again.

Hey, yeah, that fits.

31 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yes, I've been comparing the image with the default Silver Bow users (including George, since he has it at 4*) and it seems to be Virion. Also, if it was a new hero, wouldn't have been datamined? 

I think the idea was that it'd be a future one, like how we know we're getting a colorless dragon in some future update. But it'd raise the question of what they were doing on this map, which should expire before then. But yeah, at this point the Virion Swap explanation seems solid.

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1 hour ago, Momentai~ said:

I'm guessing the bow user just attacked Xander (the HP bar doesn't look full for the bow user and Xander lost some HP too) and Seth is in the process of swapping spaces with said bow user. It's probably just Virion being a big disappointment again.

Good Job. I think we can safely say that the mystery is solved.

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1 hour ago, Momentai~ said:

I'm guessing the bow user just attacked Xander (the HP bar doesn't look full for the bow user and Xander lost some HP too) and Seth is in the process of swapping spaces with said bow user. It's probably just Virion being a big disappointment again.

Xander also has a debuff, and what is one of Virion’s innate passives? Seal Spd. So yeah, that’s probably Virion.

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I hope they add some more team slots, the Blessed Gardens gives me way more teams I use than I have room for now.

1: Arena Team

2: Arena Defense Team

3: Water Team

4: Wind Team

5: Earth Team

6: Fire Team

7: Grinding Team

8: Tempest Team

9: Horse Emblem Team x6

10: Flier Emblem Team x2

11: Armor Emblem Team x2

12: Dragon Emblem Team

13: Infantry Emblem Team

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49 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I hope they add some more team slots, the Blessed Gardens gives me way more teams I use than I have room for now.

1: Arena Team

2: Arena Defense Team

3: Water Team

4: Wind Team

5: Earth Team

6: Fire Team

7: Grinding Team

8: Tempest Team

9: Horse Emblem Team x6

10: Flier Emblem Team x2

11: Armor Emblem Team x2

12: Dragon Emblem Team

13: Infantry Emblem Team

14. Beginner/Leveling team

15. Arena Assault starter team (team #2 in my order)

16. SWAT (special maps, GHB, BHB, etc)

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2 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

Yes, I've been comparing the image with the default Silver Bow users (including George, since he has it at 4*) and it seems to be Virion. Also, if it was a new hero, wouldn't have been datamined? 

Not if the screenshot were taken from a not-yet-released development build. Anyone else remember the screenshot of Navarre with a Sacred Seal slot?

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I thought that was covered with Arena Defense. 

Arena Defence is actual Arena Defence which you field until you get a defence win, upon which moment you switch onto your meme team.

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Arena Defence is actual Arena Defence which you field until you get a defence win, upon which moment you switch onto your meme team.

My first slot is (Arena offense == Arena Defense == Meme Defense) all the time. 

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13 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

My first slot is (Arena offense == Arena Defense == Meme Defense) all the time. 

My slots are currently in dire need of rehaul, and their organisational system is already falling apart, but this is what I’ve got now:

1. Lady Sharena: Sharena, Celica, Reinhardt, Soren; my original go-to team for everything. Now strictly ceremonial to keep Sharena leader.
2. Equestria: Xander, Cecilia, Reinhardt, Brave Lyn; self-explanatory, my horse team. All members interchangeable with reserve horses (Camus, Ursulam or even Olwen).
3. Sharena&Wrys: Sharena, Wrys, Wrys, Wrys; the current meme defence team. Used to be Actual Defence Team until I got lazy and merged offence and defence.
4. RAWRblade: Eirika, Katarina, Mae, Azura; my infantry blade tome team. Non-Eirika members interchangeable with other blade mages and dancers. Used for infantry quests in the tower.
5. Cav Training: currently empty but was self-explanatory; horse trainee and three carries.
6. Tempest: Sharena, Micaiah, Marth, Myrrh: formerly self-explanatory, now misleading name. This actually is my arena offence team.
7. Alf Our Boy: Alfonse, Micaiah, Fjorm, Myrrh: my previous arena offence team during the weeks Sharena wasn’t a bonus. Will fall back to this tomorrow, with Marth as the sword.
8. Redhead Axes: Anna, Michalis, Minerva, Cherche: self-explanatory meme team with no reason to exist other than to look pretty.
9. Leigh Emblem: Caeda, Cecilia, Mae, Gwendolyn: self-explanatory meme team with equal representation of all four movement types.
10. 4 Whitewings: currently empty but was self-explanatory and contained Minerva, Palla, Catria, and Est whom I used for flier quests in the tower. Michalis used to fill in for Minerva.

Edited by Vaximillian
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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My slots are currently in dire need of rehaul, and their organisational system is already falling apart, but this is what I’ve got now:

It's easier to just do something simple and flexible:

  1. お嫁さん (Wife): Ninian, unless there is a Voting Gauntlet
  2. 防御部隊 (Defense team): Arena defense team
  3. 特訓中 (In training): Whoever I'm currently training
  4. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): Things, usually used for events
  5. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): More things
  6. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): Still more things
  7. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): Even more things
  8. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): Arena Assault lead team
  9. 不信者に死を (Death to non-believers): Arena offense team
  10. ニニアン先生の竜幼稚園 (Ninian's Dragon Kindergarten): Ninian's Dragon Kindergarten
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If that mystery archer is Virion, then... well it kinda matches, but also the head space looks very wide for a normal infantry unit. Like, you can see the back of the units hair, but also there is something popping out from behind the front of Seths face.

It can't be the other side of Virions hair, because it's not the same color as the back part of the hair, and it's shape doesn't match the front of Virions hair, so...???

Edited by Xenomata
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3 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

No Fae after the team name starts like this is disappointing. 

You sure have many meme teams, did you post them in the project topic? 

Rawrblade became Rawrblade before I started investing into my Fae.

The only one that I’m kinda sorta working on is Leigh Emblem, and it doesn’t warrant a special post in the topic. I have too many projects to list anyway.

2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's easier to just do something simple and flexible:

It helps that Japanese is more economical. Being limited to only 12 characters isn’t very convenient. Thankfully, my name fits, at the very least.

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6 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

If that mystery archer is Virion, then... well it kinda matches, but also the head space looks very wide for a normal infantry unit. Like, you can see the back of the units hair, but also there is something popping out from behind the front of Seths face.

It can't be the other side of Virions hair, because it's not the same color as the back part of the hair, and it's shape doesn't match the front of Virions hair, so...???

What are you guys talking about?  I'm thinking I missed something.

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9 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The only one that I’m kinda sorta working on is Leigh Emblem, and it doesn’t warrant a special post in the topic. I have too many projects to list anyway.

I'll tag you the next time I'll give my projects an update if you don't mind. There can't be too many projects. 

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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

I'll tag you the next time I'll give my projects an update if you don't mind. There can't be too many projects. 

Sure, why not. I just yesterday pulled the trigger and promoted my Nowi for Zephiel Infernal. Showed him dragon superiority he’s always dreamt of.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Sure, why not. I just yesterday pulled the trigger and promoted my Nowi for Zephiel Infernal. Showed him dragon superiority he’s always dreamt of.

Somehow I want to build a Niles that works, too bad all the nice A-Skills for him are so expensive. 

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This is scary. A neutral unmerged Leo with is refinement can kill +10 Tailtiu with fury, hone cavalry, dull ranged and QR. He won't be killing Vlyns, but he sure does pack a painful punch into bladetomes




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19 hours ago, mcsilas said:

@Cute Chao i'd say Exalt Chrom is on par with Summer Xander in terms of goofy lines. And hey they both have multiple seasonals and Spring versions, coincidentally (?)

but yeah hopefully you have enough orbs for Finn! Stay strong!

I'm pretty sure I have enough for Finn (I already have 159 with a trial on the way). It's whether I have enough for Ephraim, too...

And if there are any super interesting banners between now and then >.< 

At least Finn won't be limited :) 

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