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41 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:


His title is even Dark Sky Singer.

But they don't like giving us male fliers, and when they do... well here, have an axe! Oh? Don't want an axe? Then have a lance! Want more than that? ...Tough.

seriously, where is the sky part on that Shigure? 

And then 3 months later, his role was taken by his own mom. 

Speakin about male refresh unit tho, I wish Nils is in the late april banner. He still could carry the banner because dancer utility will sell. 

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3 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Kaze, Silas, Rinkah, Flora, Reina, Yukimura, Forrest, Nina, Kiragi..

Fates has a pretty big cast that I want in Heroes. But because of all the 3DS seasonals and alts it's getting less likely we get them anytime soon because people are already sick of 3DS overrepresentation :(

Definitely want a Shigure Lost in the Waves map theme though


So I’m not the only ones who want some Fates characters. I think it funny though that there have been so many Fates alts, yet their has only been one regular banner for it. In fact, I had hoped once that we would get a spilt Fates banner, with Kaze, Rinkah, Orochi, and Hayato on one, with Silas, Charlotte, Benny, and Nyx on the other one. These hopes have been dashed ever since the banner number has been reduced to 3 and alts were added. I’d rather have Harrier Faye as an alt first

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17 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

So I’m not the only ones who want some Fates characters. I think it funny though that there have been so many Fates alts, yet their has only been one regular banner for it. In fact, I had hoped once that we would get a spilt Fates banner, with Kaze, Rinkah, Orochi, and Hayato on one, with Silas, Charlotte, Benny, and Nyx on the other one. These hopes have been dashed ever since the banner number has been reduced to 3 and alts were added. I’d rather have Harrier Faye as an alt first

Oh i forgot Scarlet as well!

yeah it's a shame. Fates had a lot of wasted potential and a lot of people don't like the story but i love the characters. Fates already gets a lot of negativity so seeing 3DS overexposure making more negativity is kind of sad

i just have to hope for at least some of the more popular characters being added at least. Being fans of unpopular characters is suffering lol

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@mcsilas I realized now that I would have loved 


A possessed Scarlet and Gunter on the Fallen Banner. On of those two are much better options than witch Celica. 

I’m actually very much sad as to what happens to Scarlet on any route besides Birthright. Especially on Conquest. What happens their is suprisingly dark

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23 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@mcsilas I realized now that I would have loved 

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A possessed Scarlet and Gunter on the Fallen Banner. On of those two are much better options than witch Celica. 

I’m actually very much sad as to what happens to Scarlet on any route besides Birthright. Especially on Conquest. What happens their is suprisingly dark


Rev Gunter would have been a really big surprise haha. But I suppose Takumi already filled the spot for a Fates rep (and makes more sense I guess)

Scarlet deserves better. Such a cool design, I felt she needed to have a bigger role. It'll be amazing if she even gets into Heroes.

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3 hours ago, Poimagic said:

So I’m not the only ones who want some Fates characters. I think it funny though that there have been so many Fates alts, yet their has only been one regular banner for it. In fact, I had hoped once that we would get a spilt Fates banner, with Kaze, Rinkah, Orochi, and Hayato on one, with Silas, Charlotte, Benny, and Nyx on the other one. These hopes have been dashed ever since the banner number has been reduced to 3 and alts were added. I’d rather have Harrier Faye as an alt first

Tome Cavalry Elise alt with Ginunngigap when? Though honestly if any Nohrian sibling gets a non-seasonal alt it will most likely be Camilla, to my dismay...

I am surprised that some of the aforementioned Fates characters like Kaze, Silas and Charlotte aren’t in the game yet. Saizo needs his brother, Silas was on all routes and was pretty close with Corrin, and Charlotte’s only appeared as a bride. I wouldn’t mind seeing Flora added either to go with Felicia. She could be the first dagger GHB unit or something. Funnily enough, this would mean the only retianer of Corrin’s that wouldn’t be available for free would be Jakob, and he’s only good in a Halloween costume.

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@mampfoid @mcsilas Ok I said I was going to do this in a day or so so here it is.

Getting that RES Smoke fodder got me really excited for M!Morgan, but it also made me lament the lack of CC fodder. Distant Counter is fantastic but I really wish I'd managed to snag a Takumi too. I already have a pretty great idea of what I would do with Morgan.


Dull Ranged means he doesn't care about Nino, Close DEF means he's in the upper 30s of bulk (for an offensive mage!) when attacked and RES Smoke means unlike Matthew, he's probably killing whatever attacks him. He has to run CC. Period. Although he's in direct competition with Sothe.


He touches something, it can't counter, then it attacks him and dies. Windsweep for melee, Watersweep for Dragons, Seal ATK for extra bulk or Sword Breaker for the pesky sword units he can't double even after the buffs. He could run basically any smoke but RES Smoke and if he's not running a sweep he could swap out his seal for additional bulk or even Heavy Blade to proc a skill like Dragon Fang if he's +ATK.

Then there's that mixed bulk Faye I was thinking about... a Close Counter Sophia would also be neat. Man... I need more Takumis...

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Oh yeah, since you're here. @Zeo, what do you think of M!Morgan running a Watersweep or Windsweep build? It's been something I've been thinking about since he has Grima's Truth.

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@Kaden Not a fan. I considered it, but M!Morgan is a mage. Despite Sothe being incredibly powerful, M!Morgan as a magic unit has more potential for player phase kills. On top of that, it's my likely biased opinion that while Sothe doesn't particularly need his Seal Slot, M!Morgan benefits greatly to the point that I feel like he's somewhat gimped running it. Sothe target's DEF which means he's far less likely to outright kill his opponent. That and Sothe's weapon's effect is a bit better as a support weapon.

I'm rambling. The point is M!Morgan can run it fine, but I think Sothe does it better and I don't think it's worth clogging his B/S Slots and virtually removing his ability to ORKO in player phase.

Edited by Zeo
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@Zeo Both look awesome! Dull Ranged is a great idea for Morgan. Depending on the map also Guard would help him to survive some nasty things. 

Who will have the dips on the first Takumi? I guess Morgan, since he differs more from Matthew than Sothe. 

I'm looking forward to the first video of your second CC unit and his team (any ideas here? Gunnthrá?). 

On another note, I checked Xanders infernal GHB (rotation for tomorrow) and I definitely need more units with Galeforce! For Xander I'll need at least 2 Cavs and perhaps even a dancer with GF for a one turn clear. First Oscar, then Titania and NY!Azura (all +SPD). 

It would be perfect to have Cordelia, Cherche and also Cain on the next 4* banner (I tend to repeat myself here, but at least Cain is new on that list, since I sacrificed my last spare copy recently). 

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@mampfoid I'm actually not sure... Morgan is fantastic but Sothe is potentially a reverse Matthew and the idea of that is really enticing. 

Gunnthra's got dibs on a *4 +10 Saizo I'm working on building. Sothe's partner will likely be Eirika since she'll reach a ceiling of 10+ to all stats with him as her partner. Nino will have to wait for Ephraim. If I could get Shigure that would be amazing. Then I could do something like a mirror team of Sothe/Shigure/Eirika/Serra.

Matthew/Nino/Lukas/Chrom is a cool endgame team but it's far off and I'd definitely like to build a secondary team in the meantime. Maybe I could build one around my +ATK/-RES F!Grima. I'd like another Dagger leader though. Sothe would be a strong contender for another *5 +10 if there weren't so many units already in the queue.

Good luck with your 1-turn clear!


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Forblaze just being tossed into a monthly refinery update like it's nothing is just :(

I expected a big debut like a new Legendary banner with Athos as the lead, but this reveal leaves me underwhelmed.

Edited by Titamon
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42 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Sothe's partner will likely be Eirika since she'll reach a ceiling of 10+ to all stats with him as her partner.

How does this work? I didn't think the buffs of multiple allies would add up. Peshkatz gives only 4/4/4/4 and refined Sieglinde copies the highest bonus on allies in range. 

45 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Then I could do something like a mirror team of Sothe/Shigure/Eirika/Serra.

I think I remember you mentioned this already, sorry for my slow memory. Will you try to merge also Eirika and Serra at some point? 

48 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Good luck with your 1-turn clear!

Thanks! Won't get Xander (missing GF Cavs) and Ursula (missing Omni-counter) done soon, but perhaps Narcian and Navarre. I'm not sure about Robin yet. 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

How does this work? I didn't think the buffs of multiple allies would add up. Peshkatz gives only 4/4/4/4 and refined Sieglinde copies the highest bonus on allies in range. 

Eirika copies the highest field buffs of any ally within 2 spaces and takes them as a spur, that however stacks with any buffs or spurs she herself gets. So...

Peshkatz (Sothe) + Peshkatz (Eirika) + Peshkatz Debuff + Spur ATK/SPD + Ally S Support = +17 ATK/SPD, +14 DEF/RES. She's basically ridiculous. This is why she's a big potential candidate for Distant Counter and why I refuse to delegate her to Nino's buffbot.

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

I think I remember you mentioned this already, sorry for my slow memory. Will you try to merge also Eirika and Serra at some point? 

Serra is being merged, period. As for Eirika.. I'd actually forgotten about her, she's in direct competition with Chrom whom I've already decided on +10'ing. I'm committed to him but neither he or her are particularly common so I will say that whoever gets merged will depend on who decides to show up during summoning.

Currently my merge hierarchy is: Matthew (+7) > Nino (+3) > Lukas (0) > Chrom (+2) > Serra (0).

Then there's Sothe, Raven, Rebecca, M!Morgan and potentially Lillina/Reinhardt. Those units are far off though. 

1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Thanks! Won't get Xander (missing GF Cavs) and Ursula (missing Omni-counter) done soon, but perhaps Narcian and Navarre. I'm not sure about Robin yet. 

Well, they're every week, you'll get there! 1-Turning F!Robin will be tough though...

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15 hours ago, Poimagic said:

So I’m not the only ones who want some Fates characters. I think it funny though that there have been so many Fates alts, yet their has only been one regular banner for it. In fact, I had hoped once that we would get a spilt Fates banner, with Kaze, Rinkah, Orochi, and Hayato on one, with Silas, Charlotte, Benny, and Nyx on the other one. These hopes have been dashed ever since the banner number has been reduced to 3 and alts were added. I’d rather have Harrier Faye as an alt first

I want to see Kaze, Rinkah, Nyx and Scarlet... Please, it's the only people left that I actually like... and Mozume too xD


I support the idea, gimme that Harrier Faye IS!

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

Eirika copies the highest field buffs of any ally within 2 spaces and takes them as a spur, that however stacks with any buffs or spurs she herself gets. So...

Ah, I didn't know Sieglindes effect was like a spur. That's really strong indeed! 

3 hours ago, Zeo said:

Well, they're every week, you'll get there! 1-Turning F!Robin will be tough though...

At least on Robins map everything is not so far away like on Xanders and Ursulas map. 

While Xander can be reached by a Cav + Reposition/Dance, he has Guard equipped. I'll need at least one other GF Cav beside Roy. For Ursula I'll need a unit that can counter-kill almost everything or a skill that makes Roy walk through walls. 

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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

At least on Robins map everything is not so far away like on Xanders and Ursulas map. 

While Xander can be reached by a Cav + Reposition/Dance, he has Guard equipped. I'll need at least one other GF Cav beside Roy. For Ursula I'll need a unit that can counter-kill almost everything or a skill that makes Roy walk through walls. 

Omega Pass: If unit's HP > 50%, Unit passes through all terrain.

12 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ah, I didn't know Sieglindes effect was like a spur. That's really strong indeed! 

The idea most people have is putting her on Mixed teams to take advantage of tactics skills and emblem buffs. But for me why build an entire team around her when you can just pair her with Sothe and give her an easy +8 to all stats. Granted there is less flexibility there since Sothe has to attack, but for me it's easier to do that than to construct a mixed team. I'm just not very good at building those.

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Bracing Stance 2 + Dragon Bane sounds nice as the base skillset for Binding Blade.

Bracing Breath 2 + Dragon Bane sounds lovely for the special refinement... I hope so, I want to use my Roy again.

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5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Apparently Loki was our true hero according to Gamepedia. :p

April Fools is the worst time. No one can make a funny joke to save their lives.

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10 hours ago, Titamon said:

Forblaze just being tossed into a monthly refinery update like it's nothing is just :(

I expected a big debut like a new Legendary banner with Athos as the lead, but this reveal leaves me underwhelmed.

Lilina could potentially wield Forblaze so it's not that big of a deal as people say it is. Even Armads isn't that special since even Gonzales could potentially wield it given the right amount weapon experience. Legendary weapons require an S rank in a certain weapon category. Nothing would stop a player from having Dorothy use Mulagir or one of the three stooges wield Maltet

Expectations aren't going to be met. I learned that the hard way. Athos isn't the type of character who screams money as well as players taking the term "legendary hero" in Heroes out of hand and throwing every Gotoh character into the mix.


One orb short of 400. Feels good man

And 400. My new personal record

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Got a Spring Camilla with a +Def/-Res nature.  She has the weirdest stat spread for a mage; high defense, low speed and abysmal resistance.  I foddered off a collateral Takumi, Deirdre, and Nino and gave her Close Counter, QR3, and Bladetome.  It's worked well so far.  She is basically a QR dragon (high def, 1-2 range counter, low speed) but with the option of attacking at range with blade buffs.  She's pretty good.  (/endhumblebrag)

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