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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ugh, if we get two summer banners again I really hope they're not going to be a full-game themed banner. Or the same couple of characters don't keep getting alts over an over again. I don't care how well Lyn in a bikini will sell -- they should've thought of that before they made both Valentine's Lyn and legendary Lyn this year.

I think we both know what the reality is. It seems more a matter of when they'll do it rather than if. I'd expect all the most popular girls to eventually get a summer alt at some point. Lucina, Camilla, Lyn, Celica, Tharja, etc. would all be silly to skip for it, business-wise. It makes sense to spread them out though, so they could have them planned for other summers down the road. They already covered the female Robin and Corrin last year.

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I'm guessing we'll get two summer banners like last year, just moved up about a week to account for the new schedule.

I think they'll either be miscellaneous or focused on games that haven't gotten as much seasonal attention, like what Love Abounds did. Two miscellaneous summer banners in a row would seem a bit silly, so maybe one of each? Say, a Tellius banner and a miscellaneous one. Tellius is pretty underrepresented in seasonals at the moment, and has probably the best male summer banner option in the series. Also a Tellius seasonal banner in general could be a way to add laguz even before adding weapon types for them.

I think they'll fit some OCs in somewhere. Maybe Fjorm and Gunnthra?

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I still really want Fjorm and Gunnthra on (one of) this year's Summer banner(s). Partially because I like the Nifl sisters, and partially because of the irony of characters from a kingdom of ice being put into swimsuits. Although if they decide to do game focused instead of miscellaneous, I guess it wouldn't really work, since we haven't seen enough characters for a Niflese Summer yet.

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If people are unhappy with the way Canas is in Heroes, I recommend going to the feedback page and suggesting a buff or personal weapon. He isn't available yet, so it isn't impossible that they could make him a little bit better if they get enough complaints.

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I don't think there's any way they'd improve Canas at this stage before he's made available. Feedback could potentially net him a prf or something later on, at least. (not sure if really anything could salvage those stats, though)

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I’m pretty sure seasonals will be mixed from here on out, but I think Magvel and Tellius (I know, we got Sanaki, but...) might be due for some reps. 

Canas is probably doomed until he’s able to be summoned someday, and even then he’ll be meh at best. A prf weapon likely won’t save him either unless it’s utterly broken because of those lamesauce stats he has.

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30 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

I still really want Fjorm and Gunnthra on (one of) this year's Summer banner(s). Partially because I like the Nifl sisters, and partially because of the irony of characters from a kingdom of ice being put into swimsuits. Although if they decide to do game focused instead of miscellaneous, I guess it wouldn't really work, since we haven't seen enough characters for a Niflese Summer yet.

Yeah, the irony seems great. They could also put the Musspell sisters on the next winter banner, if they want to keep going that route.

The Embla siblings don't really have an inverse, but could be fun on the next Halloween banner. That would also put all four pairs nicely spaced out throughout the year.

4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I don't think there's any way they'd improve Canas at this stage before he's made available. Feedback could potentially net him a prf or something later on, at least. (not sure if really anything could salvage those stats, though)

It's worth noting that so far, all retroactively added prfs have been for summonable units, never any GHB or TT units.

They could certainly change that, but I think they'd only do it when rerunning the unit in question. Which is particularly a problem for Canas, since they still haven't rerun any TT units other than Masked Marth.

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21 minutes ago, Beadger said:

If people are unhappy with the way Canas is in Heroes, I recommend going to the feedback page and suggesting a buff or personal weapon. He isn't available yet, so it isn't impossible that they could make him a little bit better if they get enough complaints.

prf Luna, Refine: FE7!Luna

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4 minutes ago, Othin said:

It's worth noting that so far, all retroactively added prfs have been for summonable units, never any GHB or TT units.

They could certainly change that, but I think they'd only do it when rerunning the unit in question. Which is particularly a problem for Canas, since they still haven't rerun any TT units other than Masked Marth.

Yeah, I personally think he's probably boned, just it's not completely beyond possibility he might get some form of help later. Hoping he'll get buffed before he gets released now (when he's already in the data) seems completely unrealistic, though. It's pretty amazing in the new age of power creep units we still manage to get a real Odin-tier unit added as well.

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@SatsumaFSoysoy Not a fan of the accessories really, but it does look nice. 

@Oz ♠ Taking 0 damage from Vector of all things is impressive!@silveraura25 @mampfoid @mcsilas @Rafiel's Aria Really glad they went with Matthew instead of Eliwood as Hector and Matthew are literally the first 2 units you use in Hector's route. They should use "Friendship and Adventure" as the theme as well. It's sad that I'm more excited at the prospect of pulling a *5 Matthew than the possibility of a 3rd DC fodder. I knew this was coming though. Finally I get the chance to use this theme in a clear~



Ok I'm late but I'm going to tackle everything starting with the units.

  • Karla - Ridiculous. I know they wanted to make her appealing but this is just overkill. 40 SPD and 35 ATK is just nonsense. I remember everyone jumping on me when I pitched a unit with 36 ATK and 38 SPD and fast forward and we have this. If not for Regnal Astra she would be equal or superior to Ayra as a unit, as least as a player phase unit. Her bulk is nothing to write home about but she's fantastic. In all honestly there are more relevant FE7 units and she's only in the game because she's a waifu, but at the very least Fir's family is complete and that's worth mentioning. Now... where's Lugh?
  • Legault - The fastest Dagger unit in the game and with a respectable ATK stat. Crazy. His dagger while unique I don't see be used over some of the other choices, but it's a decent choice. His true value is in his inevitable drop to *4 if anyone drops. It'd do wonders for the colorless pool if he did. As a unit on his own though he's pretty good.
  • Nino - As broken as you'd expect. It's Nino. Funny how the only perma-green flier turns out to be the best one. If you already have a green flier she's still nice to have but if you don't she's a must. I'd pull for her but I just got Sanaki (albeit +SPD/-ATK) and I'm pretty content honestly after S!Camilla evading me for a year. As a unit though Nino is top notch. And oh yeah Swift Sparrow cause reasons. I love Nino but she really didn't need an alt, nor was an alt needed to sell a banner from this game of all games.
  • Linus - He's freaking amazing. His art is fantastic (and great for thirsty folk if you know what I mean) and as a unit he's impeccable. He's on par with Raven but he's free and comes with BRAZEN ATK/SPD 3 OF ALL THINGS (MY GOD OF ALL SKILLS TO GIVE FOR FREE). He's got a similar spread but trading out SPD for some ATK and DEF which is perfectly fine. He's also got Basillikos, had he had a Tomahawk that would have been perfect but that would have just been overkill. I can't believe they released a unit like this for free.
  • Canas - If I expected him to be good I'd have been disappointed. He's was pretty much used as a sacrifice so that units could get Rauorowl for free. Unfortunately. He had a lot of potential for a Luna tome but oh well. Maybe he'll get access to an FE6-7 legendary when Raigh eventually gets his, eh? They stopped flooding us with free swords and decided to flood us with Red mages all with the same statline, that's better, right?

It's an overall odd choice of units from FE7 but decent aside from of course more alts. As for the update.

  • Merric Refine - Finally Merric gets to be a decent unit! This is just what he needed. I likely still won't use him but I'm glad to have the option now.
  • Linde Refine - She has a pseudo-Dark Excalibur for magic units now and she's buffed up with other magic users or a healer so that's cool. She didn't really need a buff but it's welcome.
  • A/Y!Tiki Refine - She didn't really need one but it's neat, likely won't phase out SB Lightning Breath+ outside the very highest of the arena but it's a nice option. Falchion breath is cool also.
  • Kaze *3-4 - They're really doing wonders for the colorless pool. Now a Slaying Dagger+ and ATK Smoke in the general pool? Plus Kaze with natures! It's sad that this means it's yet another unit I can pull instead of Matthew now though...
  • Four Heroes Quests - Free TA, Drive SPD 2, ATK Smoke and Reposition? Yes please. Less orbs though, but the fodder is great and the units are good if you're interested.

Don't care about Accessories and the UI changes were arbitrary and cluttery at best, but idiots exist and I guess some people really need those lines of text underneath the mail nest to let you know it's for mail... 

Compensation for Tap Battle is cool I guess, Squad Assault is Squad Assault, the Book II conclusion was underwhelming, but I'm interested in Fjorm's brother at least. All in all it's a 5/10 for me. Most interesting thing is the upcoming BHB, GHB and Linus as a unit. I have Brazen fodder for Lyn if I want now...

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12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Yeah, I personally think he's probably boned, just it's not completely beyond possibility he might get some form of help later. Hoping he'll get buffed before he gets released now (when he's already in the data) seems completely unrealistic, though. It's pretty amazing in the new age of power creep units we still manage to get a real Odin-tier unit added as well.

Oh, I know he almost definitely won't get a direct buff. But considering the amount of attention IS has given other TT heroes, I'd say its unlikely he'll ever even get a prf unless a lot of people make it quite clear that we want it. Saying it could happen before release was definitely too optimistic but I still say it's worth trying.

Edited by Beadger
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@Zeo So what you're saying is, Linus is impeccable? :P

@Vaximillian @Kaden I love how flying assassin Beruka is great for making an Assassin Emblem team in terms of unit variety. She'd use Guidance for her fellow assassins a Clarisse/Jaffar suddenly swoops in to chip/debuff. Flying tank Axe-sassin best assassin.

If anything flying dagger alt suits Beruka more than flying archer. Flying tank that offers mass debuffs would be pretty interesting, and would not interfere with Spring Kagero's niche. Maybe she supported Saizo- I know I made her a Master Ninja in my first Rev playthrough.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@Oz ♠ Taking 0 damage from Vector of all things is impressive.

Trying to get more views in...I saw a guy with a boring L&D Moonbow Charlotte get far far better feedback off of that.

A friend was, like, "oneshotting people at Triangle Disadvantage? It's been done, already". And I'm, like. "Bitch, where they on a cover tile?". I even had a Triangle Adept Charlotte oneshot a Hector.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

It's worth noting that so far, all retroactively added prfs have been for summonable units, never any GHB or TT units.

Well, Zephiel didn’t get a prf but he did get a refine. I think that shows that IS is at least somewhat interested in improving GHB and TT units. It’s just not top priority I guess.

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I just hope RD Ike and Elincia are two of the next summer alts. I really need to see Ike's muscles! <3

On another note, I finally built up Jeorge after I'd had him sitting in my barracks for quite some time.


I'm not sure what exactly, but something about him always screamed cool to me, so I decided to eventually build him. He's +Spd, -HP, I think. I know he's +Spd. I slapped a res seal on him to make his weapon's effect at least a little useful. And I must say, the new SP increase from level ups is super nice. Dat extra SP. lol I did train him from a 4 star, but still. And I also used some crystals and shards once he was 5 star. I now wonder if I might want to give him a different special or B skill or both. :P

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

That's the same Jeorge as mine, who is also +spd -HP.

Desperation might be good on him.

Oh wow. lol

Yeah, I do run Darting Blow and Desperation on Nino, so it is a decent combination. I'll consider that. Though I'm not sure if I have any Desperation fodder left right now...

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Depending on whether you get any desperation fodder anytime soon or not (or if you're willing to wait for it), I put bowbreaker on mine. I suppose swordbreaker could also work as a placeholder because there are a lot of fast swords that 35+6 speed will fail to double.

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Which characters do you expect to be used in the June/July and July/August Summer Banners?


I'm surprised we still don't have Summer Camilla

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39 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Depending on whether you get any desperation fodder anytime soon or not (or if you're willing to wait for it), I put bowbreaker on mine. I suppose swordbreaker could also work as a placeholder because there are a lot of fast swords that 35+6 speed will fail to double.

Yeah, that's an idea too.

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to see Tellius and SoV summer banners.

For Tellius, I see: Ike, Elincia, Micaiah, Soren

SoV: Alm, Celica, and any of their male and female allies. Maybe Mae and Gray. Or Clair and Boey.

Oh yeah, also, can Elincia's alt be flying healer plz?

Edited by Anacybele
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9 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Which characters do you expect to be used in the June/July and July/August Summer Banners?


I'm surprised we still don't have Summer Camilla

Summer Anna because dang it, she's gotta get those photos no matter what. If they stick with 2 themed summer banners isntead of like, changing things up and having one summer and one not maybe we can get Tellius summer with Ike, Mist, Sothe, Michaiah and...mmmm. Magvelian summer? Actually a jurgdal themed seasonal would be kind of nice, get those serious kids in some goofy clothes. And the excuse for more reinhardts with double weaponry 

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