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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Maaaybe we should have taken this here long ago.

Poor Robin. I remember feeding one of her to Camus for Arvis’ infernal. Absolutely agreed. Add Blárwolf to the mix too, as available only on Ursula as of now. They are finally relaxing the locks a little bit with Rauðrowl and Canas… but only a little bit because you can only have no more than two Canases ever until he gets rerun, which, as Tobin and Clive show, is probably never. They even gave up on rerunning Masked Marth, for Naga’s sake!

Non-red Triangle Adept! Blue Swap! Breakers on more sources! The more diverse the pool, the more enjoyable the pulling.

xD Yes, probably. Whoops >.< I forgot which thread we were on. 

Fully agreed. I'd love to see a lot of the stance skills, too, because I tend to play enemy phase for most of my units, so the blow skills just aren't as useful to me. I think they are doing it, with Shigure, but not all of them. Besides, there are far too many 5* exclusive skills that just shouldn't be.

Kaze was a good start, but I'd like them to just do a mass injection - particularly from the games that have huge casts and weren't there at the start (mainly Jugdral and Tellius, although I wouldn't complain about Magvel - since they hate any guy that isn't Ephraim and maybe Innes from there - and Archanea, since it has an enormous playable cast with a lot of characters I find interested but more wouldn't - like the Sable Knights I mentioned. I'd love to know more about them but they're never getting into this game).

Huh, I didn't even realise Bluewolf wasn't in the summoning pool >.< Agreed, add that too. 

And by now, QR really should be available at 4*. It's a good skill and very fun to use. I don't want to have to spend 20k just for my units to look more finished - it's not like QR3 is even that much better than QR2, except for BST and looks purposes. 

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@Vaximillian You know colourless hell would be a lot more interesting if they injected Reposition in that pool. It would have to be an archer or dagger unit though.

Speaking of Kaze, they should really release the old TT units like Tobin in the regular pool. It's not like they're that premium (except BK and maybe Joshua and Arden) and it would help those who started later than the relevant TT.

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6 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Death Blow is inferior to Swift Sparrow in most cases.


Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies.

Well; there is a reasons why Swift Sparrow it's a premium skill and pretty much the skill associated with premium units, even if their kit don't have 3 ABC skills (like Katarina).

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35 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

@Vaximillian You know colourless hell would be a lot more interesting if they injected Reposition in that pool. It would have to be an archer or dagger unit though.

Speaking of Kaze, they should really release the old TT units like Tobin in the regular pool. It's not like they're that premium (except BK and maybe Joshua and Arden) and it would help those who started later than the relevant TT.

Even more draw back would be nice in the colourless pool, since I need it for pretty much any of my ranged units. I tend to prefer it to repo on them, although there are exceptions. 

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@mcsilas: Colourless hell would be a lot more bearable if the healers actually had skills to inherit without having to promote them all the way up to 5★. Even those humble fortifies and spurs would raise my excitement for getting a healer from a grey stone, not even talking about stuff like Renewal or Live to Serve, which are great skills in their own right.

@Cute Chao: Exactly. Stances are an interesting alternative to breaths for non-walking units, and from these, only Swift Stance (from Shigure) and technically Steady Stance (from the Black Knight) isn’t 5★-locked. Why? Because Intsys wants us to suffer, apparently.

And finally add bloody Knoll in the game. If Raven and Linus share Basilikos, Knoll can share Gleipnir with Eirika. Raven is even available at 3★ now, so nothing stops Knoll from being the same.

And Thoron+, heh. Even though silver weapons are completely useless (unless they buff them considerably, which isn’t going to happen), sense of completeness demands Thoron+ to become playable.

As for QR3, absolutely. A pity that our QR additions to the pool all only have QR3 locked at 5★, and Deirdre and Dorcas are even locked themselves. Maybe they can introduce some kind of a way to upgrade currently learnt skills? QR2 to QR3, DB2 to DB3, this kind of things. Then again, it might be too generous if it’s cheaper than the equivalent of 20k feathers.

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Yes. Knoll could have some lame tome up until he promotes to 5*. It happens with many units, so why not him? 

Yeah, agreed there. Find some more generic unit and give them Thoron. Why not? It's no more generic than the many silver weapons they've handed out. At least they're refinable, if nothing else XD 

We need more units with Dazzle and Wrathful Staff if we're going to make Healers a bigger threat... but at the same time, I also don't want that because they are the biggest pain in the arena. If we could get a staffbreaker or something, at least... or a skill that counters dazzle (niche, I know, but I'm thinking more for AA when a healer on the wrong map can screw me over no matter who I use >.< )

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Adding new units straight into the 3-4* pool likely won't happen as they take about as much effort to add into the game as 5* units but wouldn't generate any direct profit. There's just no incentive for IS to do it. Hoping for more aggressive demotions continues to be the most likely path to better fodder, plus a continuation of adding former reward-exclusive units to the summoning pool.

I would also support simply making all passive skills learnable at 4* instead of having some of them locked to 5-star. Subaki would have QR3 at 4-star, Hana would have LnD3, Jagen and Bartre would have Fury 3, Lucius would have HP+5, etc. Weapons can stay at 5-star, whatever.

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51 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

I'm surprised they didn't go with a swift sparrow banner from the start, considering that death blow isn't exactly premium fodder anymore, and this is our third DB banner already

Yeah, and the upcoming Luna banner is something we've never had either. And it's going to be running along with Summer Freddy's banner, so both Fredericks will be on banners at the same time! I might have to mostly ignore the Luna banner so I can get more Summer Freddy merges because he's obviously the rarer version. :( But I still want a +Def, -Res regular Freddy too!

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

And finally add bloody Knoll in the game. If Raven and Linus share Basilikos, Knoll can share Gleipnir with Eirika. Raven is even available at 3★ now, so nothing stops Knoll from being the same.

As long as we're sharing personal weapons, can we get Stout Tomahawk on everybody? A generic 1-2 range lance for some of these Res-drunk low tier lance units wouldn't go to waste either.

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I still hold that my top candidate for introducing the Blarwolf tome to the pool would be Ilyana, given that she’ll most definitely be a blue mage. It would fit her pretty well too, considering wolfs are ravenous eaters much like her. Kinda worried that she’ll just be given Rexbolt, and aside from her I can’t think of any other noteworthy/familiar potential blue mages that would make sense (Pent should have his own thing, Orochi likely won’t be added anytime soon, same with Artur, and from here I’m kinda stuck).

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1 hour ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I still hold that my top candidate for introducing the Blarwolf tome to the pool would be Ilyana, given that she’ll most definitely be a blue mage. It would fit her pretty well too, considering wolfs are ravenous eaters much like her. Kinda worried that she’ll just be given Rexbolt, and aside from her I can’t think of any other noteworthy/familiar potential blue mages that would make sense (Pent should have his own thing, Orochi likely won’t be added anytime soon, same with Artur, and from here I’m kinda stuck).

I have a good compromise: Thoron+. Someone has to get stuck with it as punishment for Oliver getting Shine+ instead of Nosferatu.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

I have a good compromise: Thoron+. Someone has to get stuck with it as punishment for Oliver getting Shine+ instead of Nosferatu.

Valtome with Valaura when? Poison Strike 2 and Dazzling effect?

Also whoa, got Siegbert after using my free summon, that's great! And I got a Hinata as well yay. He's +spd -atk

My summer picks were Innes and Tana, and got Innes right after 3.25 rate, he's +atk -spd. Whoo!

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

Valtome with Valaura when? Poison Strike 2 and Dazzling effect?

Also whoa, got Siegbert after using my free summon, that's great! And I got a Hinata as well yay. He's +spd -atk

My summer picks were Innes and Tana, and got Innes right after 3.25 rate, he's +atk -spd. Whoo!


*Rubs for luck*

Congrats :D 

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Hm, I forgot about the Death Blow banner starting today. Reinhardt is tempting, but I don't really feel like pulling for him. I'll take the +Def/-Spd Sophia I got from the free pull though; exactly the nature I was looking for.

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47 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:


*Rubs for luck*

Congrats :D 

Haha thanks! The past few banners were a bit rash to me, natures didn't help with Bride Sanaki, Nino, etc.

Speaking of fliers, I'm currently doing Rival Domains with fliers and they're plain ridic, Camilla is plain ridic with her axe refinement. I clustered a bunch of them: Elincia (goad), Camilla (axe and goad), Sanaki (ward), Ryoma/Cherche (fortify), Azura (hone), Florina (ploy master with 50+ res) and Innes (goad and banner bonus), and it's stupid how Cherche (a fucking turtle) quad'd almost everyone. LMAO. Innes alone with Camilla and Sanaki had +9/9/6/6, disregarding rally bonuses. Dafaq

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13 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Haha thanks! The past few banners were a bit rash to me, natures didn't help with Bride Sanaki, Nino, etc.

Speaking of fliers, I'm currently doing Rival Domains with fliers and they're plain ridic, Camilla is plain ridic with her axe refinement. I clustered a bunch of them: Elincia (goad), Camilla (axe and goad), Sanaki (ward), Ryoma/Cherche (fortify), Azura (hone), Florina (ploy master with 50+ res) and Innes (goad and banner bonus), and it's stupid how Cherche (a fucking turtle) quad'd almost everyone. LMAO. Innes alone with Camilla and Sanaki had +9/9/6/6, disregarding rally bonuses. Dafaq

It's odd. Fliers is normally my worst one, since I don't tend to bother with the female fliers and rely on whatever my friends have up (I have an amazing friend with a DC Michalis that I still want to steal). 

This time round, I did it all first time :D The units included all my unmerged male fliers (unless there were better ones from my friends) and pretty much all the summer and common pool flying tome users (no bride ones, oddly) plus a DC Caeda and maybe a few others... and they just destroyed the map. That was pretty fun :) 

I do rather love goads and wards :D All my fliers get them, along with hones/fortifys, depending on what fodder I have available. 

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8 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I do rather love goads and wards :D All my fliers get them, along with hones/fortifys, depending on what fodder I have available. 

Goad and ward stack is the best thing ever. I prefer goad/ward on fliers due to Flier Formation, while I give hone/forts to cavs because these skills are more accessible (Hinoka and Azura are my only hone options), and Sigurd can tank anything, being a good option to group horses together.

Holy shit I just got a pity breaker Katarina on Beach banner, sweet delicious Swift Sparrow, it went off to Ursula. I'm slowly refining my Black Fangs: Linus is ready with skills and merges (+2), Lloyd has Swift Sparrow as well but is the next one to get the unique refinement. I need Ursula to get a better weapon because she's being pretty eh with those stats.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

I have a good compromise: Thoron+. Someone has to get stuck with it as punishment for Oliver getting Shine+ instead of Nosferatu.

Arlen is the best hope for Thoron. Why?


Shut your mouth, traitor!! I won't listen to your lies any longer! Your Excalibur and my Thoron; we'll put them to the test! 
I won't lose to someone like Merric. Anyone who sides with him is my enemy. Thunder, strike them down! Thoron!!

And yes, Arlen has a tome of it in his inventory of course.

And mentioning Excalibur, here are its stats in FE11/12 alongside Excalibur's:

Thoron Thoron C 13 100 10 1~2 21


Excalibur Excalibur B 13 100 20 1~2 33

 And Excalibur does have flier effectiveness of course.

Thoron is essentially a nerfed Excalibur. An inferior rival of sorts to it, which is what Arlen is to Merric.


And while we're at it, why not give Mobin a forge to "Tactical Thoron"?


6 hours ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I still hold that my top candidate for introducing the Blarwolf tome to the pool would be Ilyana, given that she’ll most definitely be a blue mage. It would fit her pretty well too, considering wolfs are ravenous eaters much like her. Kinda worried that she’ll just be given Rexbolt, and aside from her I can’t think of any other noteworthy/familiar potential blue mages that would make sense (Pent should have his own thing, Orochi likely won’t be added anytime soon, same with Artur, and from here I’m kinda stuck).

The only character in RD able to use Rexbolt is Ilyana, and even in PoR, it is pretty clear each mage/sage has a particular affinity, and again Ilyana is the only Thunder one. Though they could always add Rexbolt to the forge later- might as well make some characters intentionally gimped at the start so you'll always have something to do with your Dew later. However, they could just leave out Rexbolt, since Rexcalibur, unless it got a forge version called Radiant Rexcalibur, is just the Silver of Green Tomes. And it annoys me Awakening nerfed Rexcal from legendary to silver status, the proper tome for that is Tor-na-do you IS dopes!


8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Speaking of Kaze, they should really release the old TT units like Tobin in the regular pool. It's not like they're that premium (except BK and maybe Joshua and Arden) and it would help those who started later than the relevant TT.

And there is no financial incentive to keeping them as old TTs, since you don't need to spend Orbs to get them.

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8 hours ago, Humanoid said:

Adding new units straight into the 3-4* pool likely won't happen as they take about as much effort to add into the game as 5* units but wouldn't generate any direct profit. There's just no incentive for IS to do it. Hoping for more aggressive demotions continues to be the most likely path to better fodder, plus a continuation of adding former reward-exclusive units to the summoning pool.

Kaze is a thing.


7 hours ago, Korath88 said:

I'm surprised they didn't go with a swift sparrow banner from the start, considering that death blow isn't exactly premium fodder anymore, and this is our third DB banner already

Because this isn't functionally a Death Blow banner. No one is pulling from this banner to get Death Blow fodder. This is a banner for Reinhardt, Siegbert, and Delthea.

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@Interdimensional Observer That’s assuming they’ll even do another Archanea banner after the bust that was Echoes of Mystery (I assume there has to be a reason why Athena, Luke and Roderick all still haven’t been seen on a single banner since).

Though if they do then yeah, Arlen is certainly unremarkable enough to get stuck with a generic weapon.

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There's still top Archanean characters to be released (which Luke and Roderick weren't). Althena either but I'm giving her a pass because I really wanted to hear her voiced. Arlen is not amongst those characters though.

Characters like Kris, Julian and Lena will be making it into the game at some point, I'd assume. Julian I feel is a weird omission. 

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5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Kaze is a thing.

But he did serve another purpose first. A minor one to be sure, but not a million miles away from the other free units who will hopefully get the same treatment in time.

I do think about whether low profile characters might not get their opportunity to get added as a 5-star but then I see Ares and wonder, is he any higher in the pecking order than say, Kent or Franz? I don't have any real idea because Ares is an absolute nobody to me.

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@Rafiel's Aria If I had any artistic talent, then I would've had quite the treat for you or maybe more so for Raven.


1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

I do think about whether low profile characters might not get their opportunity to get added as a 5-star but then I see Ares and wonder, is he any higher in the pecking order than say, Kent or Franz? I don't have any real idea because Ares is an absolute nobody to me.

Ares did get more votes than either of those two in CYL2 despite those two being from localized titles, for whatever that's worth.

Ares: 705 votes (20th out of the 87 FE4 characters)
Kent: 627 votes (33rd out of the 53 FE7 characters; Sain, by comparison, had 1,555 votes)
Franz: 430 votes (29th out of the 43 FE8 characters; just for the record, Forde and Kyle did even worse)

If you're looking for those with low profiles, then Lene would be the one that you'd want (127 votes in CYL2; only two more than her stand-in Laylea). Though I suppose her status as dancer (there isn't exactly a lot of them to pick from across the entire series) and her assets were what got her a banner spot.

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

@Rafiel's Aria If I had any artistic talent, then I would've had quite the treat for you or maybe more so for Raven.



Summer Lucius needs to happen.

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