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Datamined stats:




MCorrin looks pretty good (other than being himself) and FCorn just kinda looks like her Blue version. They both have trainee BST though, so I guess that seals it; FCorn has basically zero chance of dropping (she had maybe 5% before this).

Also datamined accessories:


We're gonna get Mikoto's headpiece and Azura's hat. So we'll finally be able to put Mikoto's headpiece on Sakura @Vaximillian


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I don't want to sound stupid, but I don't recognize the Red skill between Golden Daggers refine symbol and Atk/Res Link 1. Is that the Special Skill forge for Florina's new lance?




Corrin got MAD Bruno disease here.


Edited by Xenomata
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2 minutes ago, Xenomata said:
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I don't want to sound stupid, but I don't recognize the Red skill between Golden Daggers refine symbol and Atk/Res Link 1. Is that the Special Skill forge for Florina's new lance?




Yes, that's the icon for the special refine for Florina's Lance.


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29 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, it’s Florina’s Close Everything, I Guess, We Ran out of Ideas.

At least it makes use of her high HP and is more unique than Shanna's Lance (That's where the Minerva clone refine went). That said at least Shanna has the better base kit to make use of the refine compared to Florina. Gives her a different niche from the other blue fliers at least although I'll need to see more of it in action before thinking of using Florina since I don't really have a connection to her to build her up.

Also, wow so glad the Saber i have is +Res/-HP now, and that I gave him a meme build with Miracle. That might actually work with the Golden Dagger effect and the -HP is good for Infantry Pulse shenanigans while +Res means he can survive some mages. The only bad thing is I gave him Spd refine Slaying Edge during his arena bonus time, so I need to grind SP all the way back up from 0 :(


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29 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, it’s Florina’s Close Everything, I Guess, We Ran out of Ideas.

At least it makes use of her high HP and is more unique than Shanna's Lance (That's where the Minerva clone refine went). That said at least Shanna has the better base kit to make use of the refine compared to Florina. Gives her a different niche from the other blue fliers at least although I'll need to see more of it in action before thinking of using Florina since I don't really have a connection to her to build her up.

Also, wow so glad the Saber i have is +Res/-HP now, and that I gave him a meme build with Miracle. That might actually work with the Golden Dagger effect and the -HP is good for Infantry Pulse shenanigans while +Res means he can survive some mages. The only bad thing is I gave him Spd refine Slaying Edge during his arena bonus time, so I need to grind SP all the way back up from 0 :(


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I just grinded out the remaining bonds I needed for Forging Bonds, my god the AI is so dumb on auto-battle. Please stop walking directly into the path of armor slaying enemies, my Armors.

29 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Also, wow so glad the Saber i have is +Res/-HP now, and that I gave him a meme build with Miracle. That might actually work with the Golden Dagger effect and the -HP is good for Infantry Pulse shenanigans while +Res means he can survive some mages. The only bad thing is I gave him Spd refine Slaying Edge during his arena bonus time, so I need to grind SP all the way back up from 0 :(


Mine is +Atk -Res, which... might be decent for what I'd want him to do. At least he can take a hit or two from Bows, if not Magic.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Hmmm..I just remembered I have a spare Lewyn for Special Spiral...

I wonder if it's worth it for Saber?

Can't wait for a Special Spiral seal so I can stop being indecisive with premium fodder


It'll be a long time before we get a seal like that. We still don't even have a Renewal seal yet. I wouldn't waste it on Saber though. Fodder that premium should be saved for a unit you really love, and when they come along you already know what you want to do. There's nothing to decide, at least in my book.

Also speaking of books. Book III, calling it now, Anna dies. They've been phasing her out since Book II came in.

@kirauza343 and @DLNarshen You get to +10 your mains now! Looking forward to seeing that +10 Marisa and Narcian. I don't think there's a GHB I care enough to +10 yet. Maybe BK? Probably not.

Edited by Zeo
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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I just grinded out the remaining bonds I needed for Forging Bonds, my god the AI is so dumb on auto-battle. Please stop walking directly into the path of armor slaying enemies, my Armors.

Mine is +Atk -Res, which... might be decent for what I'd want him to do. At least he can take a hit or two from Bows, if not Magic.

Oh +Atk is really good so I'd rather have that as a boon haha. I'm just trying to make mine work since Saber is pretty rare, I think the New Power banner will be his first banner since his debut. I wonder if this new refine will warrant him being in a legendary banner in the future now?

@Zeo Yeah fair point. Shield Pulse is his gimmick so I think I'll play with that to make him unique. The only other unit I have that might make good use of it is Lilina but again, I don't have the favourite bias for me to use it on her yet, and she's mainly an AA unit.

If only Matthew suddenly becomes a GHB unit you can get your final copy

I think I'm pretty much mainly using the new feature for fodder like Berkut's Lance or Brazen Atk/Spd I think. If I had to merge, maybe to complete Masked Marth since that's not too long to complete. It's the closest thing we have to a skill shop right now.

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I’ll stick around a while longer to see if I find aether raids fun. Also nice to know that I’m no longer screwed over by going overboard on sacrificing limited units.

Not pulling past my free roll on the next banner, fuck that trainee BST nonsense.

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24 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m going to call this banner Cosplaying Arts because there are all unnecessary alts and a dancer. And green Azura. And they all are dressed as Azura.

But they're dressed in Vallan clothing

This banner is really just fan fiction though. So much for being actually new heroes and introducing something that  actually exists in the franchise. Mikoto the only salvageable thing from this banner. Oh and also


The Corrins have trainee BST because reasons. I'll send feedback as soon as the banner releases officially

This banner beats out Thracia for the worst new heroes banner. At least we get Yazura for free who looks to be a good unit

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The only salvagable thing from this banner doesn’t even technically come with this banner. Yes, I’m talking abou smol Azura. It shows that there is still a pinch of creative effort left in the team, that they are willing to experiment and slide along the timeline instead of just pumping out version of the same character in the same point in time. Can I expect older Sanaki soon™? There is even concept art for that; they don’t even need to think any harder than they usually do. Older Nino? Delthea, Lachesis, Fae? Young axe cavalier Titania, as a reference to her Cipher card feat. Greil? And so on and so forth.

17 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

> dressed in Vallan clothing

> introducing something that  actually exists in the franchise


They are dressed in Azura’s clothing. There is no such thing and has never been such thing as Vallite clothing thanks to Fates’ worldbuilding of infinite depth.

Show me Arete, Mikoto, fucking Anankos wearing this stuff. Show me literally any other Vallite wearing this stuff. Show me a fucking generic wearing this stuff; show me a Naga-damned CG of anyone wearing this stuff. It has never existed. The only person who’s ever worn it has been Azura. It’s Azura’s clothing first and foremost, and most likely even her stage outfit, being a performer. Were it a distinctly Vallite clothing she just wears casually instead of stuff she puts on to dance and sing in, she would have been round-up immediately even before Cyrkensia.

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7 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

There's Cipher art of Arete in what can be considered Vallan clothing


Hm. So this is a thing. Okay, I retract my previous statement about them cosplaying Azura.
still I like my name and will stand by it

Why couldn’t they have put Arete on the banner then, instead of Camilla? Dual busted Corrins would already have carried the banner into cloud nine.
Arete could have been the staff user and Mikoto could have taken up the bow.
Also it would have made perfect sense that smol Azura would dream ABOUT HER MOTHER.

Edited by Vaximillian
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My guess is that they had all this concept art ready for Valla, but pushed it aside when they cut 90% of the plot. It's probably being kept around for references if IS is ever kind enough to show us something about inhabitants of Valla. I'm curious if the upcoming Fates art book has this

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


Hm. So this is a thing. Okay, I retract my previous statement about them cosplaying Azura.
still I like my name and will stand by it

Why couldn’t they have put Arete on the banner then, instead of Camilla? Dual busted Corrins would already have carried the banner into cloud nine.
Arete could have been the staff user and Mikoto could have taken up the bow.
Also it would have made perfect sense that smol Azura would dream ABOUT HER MOTHER.


Wow, she looks really different without the makeup. Quite refreshing with the blue and white colour scheme.

...Horse singer? Unless it's just a staff and she's a valkyrie  strategist healer.

So is Anthony going to wear Azura's dress as well?

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