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13 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Null Follow Up could be really useful indeed, but QR is also something to consider with how slow they both are.

Since QR is a seal, I've of them could equip both. 

13 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Just looking at the royals, I expect Leo, Azura and Hinoka to be dropping for sure. Ryouma and Elise might also be considered, since none of their skills are that exclusive and sought after. Takumi does have a chance too though, since CC is in far less demand than DC. But we'll have to wait and see.

Ryoma got a DC sword, I don't see him demoted soon. A Takumi demotion would be cool though, also Hinoka. 

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21 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Since QR is a seal, I've of them could equip both. 

Ryoma got a DC sword, I don't see him demoted soon. A Takumi demotion would be cool though, also Hinoka. 

but i mean. it would only cost 20K in feathers. so that's not too bad? 

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23 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

but i mean. it would only cost 20K in feathers. so that's not too bad? 

What skill do you mean?

QR? If they have null follow-up, the B-slot is occupied. 

Or CC? It's still 5* exclusive (apart from the free 4*  Takumi copy). 

/Edit: Correction: CC would cost 20k feathers after Takumis demotion, which would be cool. 

Btw: I don't promote to give QR3, in most cases QR2 is enough. 

Edited by mampfoid
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5 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

What skill do you mean?

QR? If they have null follow-up, the B-slot is occupied. 

Or CC? It's still 5* exclusive (apart from the free 4*  Takumi copy). 

well in re: to Ryoma - his sword. yah it has DC. but if you get him as a 3-4 star, you still have to spend feathers

Ditto Takumi.
I mean. they give us Xander and Camus for free (basically) and we have to feather them up, so I don't get why Ryoma couldn't be demoted for the same reasons. :) 

(this is why i think the best way to solve the Seasonal issue - is have like 3-4 star versions of the 5* units. replace them with say 1/2 of the current ones (for that banner). then that way if you want a Winter Tharja - poof, you can get a 5* or you can get a 3* and spend the feathers etc. it still cost you orbs :) )

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Just now, daisy jane said:

well in re: to Ryoma - his sword. yah it has DC. but if you get him as a 3-4 star, you still have to spend feathers

Ditto Takumi.
I mean. they give us Xander and Camus for free (basically) and we have to feather them up, so I don't get why Ryoma couldn't be demoted for the same reasons. :) 

(this is why i think the best way to solve the Seasonal issue - is have like 3-4 star versions of the 5* units. replace them with say 1/2 of the current ones (for that banner). then that way if you want a Winter Tharja - poof, you can get a 5* or you can get a 3* and spend the feathers etc. it still cost you orbs :) )

Feathers aren't as rare as they used to be in the beginning of the game. 

There is no summonable unit at 4* with DC yet. After Xander and Camus there was no free unit with DC either. It's still considered a premium skill. 

I don't think 3*/4* seasonals will happen. Their whole purpose is to make players spend more orbs, therefore they are very limited. 

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16 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Feathers aren't as rare as they used to be in the beginning of the game. 

There is no summonable unit at 4* with DC yet. After Xander and Camus there was no free unit with DC either. It's still considered a premium skill. 

I don't think 3*/4* seasonals will happen. Their whole purpose is to make players spend more orbs, therefore they are very limited. 

a girl can hope though yah? LOL

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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Ryoma got a DC sword, I don't see him demoted soon. A Takumi demotion would be cool though, also Hinoka. 

DC isn't nearly as coveted as it used to be, not only that, but OG Ike, who Ryoma in particular is in direct competition with, is made largely irrelevant by his Legendary Counterpart who is free to everyone. Not only that, neither Ryoma nor Ike have any valuable skills for SI that aren't otherwise easily attainable.

Being honest, there's no real reason for them not to demote barring skill refines to reinvent them and increase their usefulness. As they are they're utterly outdated units without premium SI.

  • Lyn
  • Luke
  • Ike
  • Ryoma
  • Lucina
  • Gray
  • Eldigan
  • Karel
  • Saber

Not a single one of these reds deserves to be *5 at this point in the game. An argument can be made for Saber after his refine and maybe Gray because of Sword Valor, but it's honestly not that coveted of a skill since not only so many people have it but Blessings already increase SP gain and they're handed out like candy.

As far as everyone else, Lucina is already free in the form of M!Marth and every other unit on the list has been completely and utterly powercreeped. Lyn being the worst case of all. Even Luke has Panic Ploy which you have to sacrifice Garon for (when you could give him DD3 which is an equally valuable skill) or spend grails. Lyn has an outdated statline, no skills for SI and has been powercreeped by nearly every offensive 2nd gen sword unit since Ayra's debut. There might not be a single unit in the entire game less deserving of a *5 spot than her. She is completely and utterly obsolete, and that's after her refine.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

DC isn't nearly as coveted as it used to be, not only that, but OG Ike, who Ryoma in particular is in direct competition with, is made largely irrelevant by his Legendary Counterpart who is free to everyone. Not only that, neither Ryoma nor Ike have any valuable skills for SI that aren't otherwise easily attainable.

Being honest, there's no real reason for them not to demote barring skill refines to reinvent them and increase their usefulness. As they are they're utterly outdated units without premium SI.

  • Lyn
  • Luke
  • Ike
  • Ryoma
  • Lucina
  • Gray
  • Eldigan
  • Karel
  • Saber

Not a single one of these reds deserves to be *5 at this point in the game. An argument can be made for Saber after his refine and maybe Gray because of Sword Valor, but it's honestly not that coveted of a skill since not only so many people have it but Blessings already increase SP gain and they're handed out like candy.

As far as everyone else, Lucina is already free in the form of M!Marth and every other unit on the list has been completely and utterly powercreeped. Lyn being the worst case of all. Even Luke has Panic Ploy which you have to sacrifice Garon for (when you could give him DD3 which is an equally valuable skill) or spend grails. Lyn has an outdated statline, no skills for SI and has been powercreeped by nearly every offensive 2nd gen sword unit since Ayra's debut. There might not be a single unit in the entire game less deserving of a *5 spot than her. She is completely and utterly obsolete, and that's after her refine.

that's really sad. (coz i really like Lyn). 

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

DC isn't nearly as coveted as it used to be, not only that, but OG Ike, who Ryoma in particular is in direct competition with, is made largely irrelevant by his Legendary Counterpart who is free to everyone. Not only that, neither Ryoma nor Ike have any valuable skills for SI that aren't otherwise easily attainable.

Being honest, there's no real reason for them not to demote barring skill refines to reinvent them and increase their usefulness. As they are they're utterly outdated units without premium SI.

  • Lyn
  • Luke
  • Ike
  • Ryoma
  • Lucina
  • Gray
  • Eldigan
  • Karel
  • Saber

Not a single one of these reds deserves to be *5 at this point in the game. An argument can be made for Saber after his refine and maybe Gray because of Sword Valor, but it's honestly not that coveted of a skill since not only so many people have it but Blessings already increase SP gain and they're handed out like candy.

As far as everyone else, Lucina is already free in the form of M!Marth and every other unit on the list has been completely and utterly powercreeped. Lyn being the worst case of all. Even Luke has Panic Ploy which you have to sacrifice Garon for (when you could give him DD3 which is an equally valuable skill) or spend grails. Lyn has an outdated statline, no skills for SI and has been powercreeped by nearly every offensive 2nd gen sword unit since Ayra's debut. There might not be a single unit in the entire game less deserving of a *5 spot than her. She is completely and utterly obsolete, and that's after her refine.

And the only reason she is 5 Star is most likely because she is very popular; stat and weapon wise she isn't that different from people that used to be in the 4-5 Star Pool.

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@daisy jane She's quite literally my favorite character in the entire Fire Emblem universe, and the one unit above all I'd like to +10 regardless of her statline. Doesn't make me blind to the facts. Functionally, she's horrible. That may be an exaggeration, but realistically, Desperation weapons were already introduced back during one of the banners this summer. Which means eventually, there will be a sword variant of it.

Then all you'll need to do is refine it and slap it on a unit with a better statline and it's literally a better Lyn. Built in Brash Assault doesn't mean anything when you just have enough speed to double everyone naturally anyway. Even if that weapon never sees the light of day, there are player phase units that don't have to get into the desperation range in order to perform, unlike Lyn, and are still better than her when she gets there. It's pretty sad. I don't think she's salvageable. She can merely become decent if you can slap Wrath on her. 

@Troykv I know it's biased and I'm probably the only one in the world that wants a 6th Lyn, but honestly? Release a sword Lyn with a better statline and give her the Mani Katti. Then demote the current Lyn. 

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1 hour ago, Troykv said:

And the only reason she is 5 Star is most likely because she is very popular; stat and weapon wise she isn't that different from people that used to be in the 4-5 Star Pool.

I doubt popularity means that much at this point considering we can easily access the likes of Camilla, Roy, Tharja, and Marth. 

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1 hour ago, Troykv said:

And the only reason she is 5 Star is most likely because she is very popular; stat and weapon wise she isn't that different from people that used to be in the 4-5 Star Pool.

There was legit a time when Bartre with his Brave build have quite identical performance with Lyn with Mani katti optimized build


3 hours ago, Zeo said:

DC isn't nearly as coveted as it used to be, not only that, but OG Ike, who Ryoma in particular is in direct competition with, is made largely irrelevant by his Legendary Counterpart who is free to everyone. Not only that, neither Ryoma nor Ike have any valuable skills for SI that aren't otherwise easily attainable.

Being honest, there's no real reason for them not to demote barring skill refines to reinvent them and increase their usefulness. As they are they're utterly outdated units without premium SI.

  • Lyn
  • Luke
  • Ike
  • Ryoma
  • Lucina
  • Gray
  • Eldigan
  • Karel
  • Saber

Not a single one of these reds deserves to be *5 at this point in the game. An argument can be made for Saber after his refine and maybe Gray because of Sword Valor, but it's honestly not that coveted of a skill since not only so many people have it but Blessings already increase SP gain and they're handed out like candy.

As far as everyone else, Lucina is already free in the form of M!Marth and every other unit on the list has been completely and utterly powercreeped. Lyn being the worst case of all. Even Luke has Panic Ploy which you have to sacrifice Garon for (when you could give him DD3 which is an equally valuable skill) or spend grails. Lyn has an outdated statline, no skills for SI and has been powercreeped by nearly every offensive 2nd gen sword unit since Ayra's debut. There might not be a single unit in the entire game less deserving of a *5 spot than her. She is completely and utterly obsolete, and that's after her refine.

Funny enough the one i would consider the strongest in that pool is Eldigan and Karel

We all know the problem with Eldigan - both of his batshit weapon and batshit successor is alvailable as a 4* for whatever reason whereas the moment one makes argument against Karel, a bunch of Red sword position become questionable.

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

DC isn't nearly as coveted as it used to be, not only that, but OG Ike, who Ryoma in particular is in direct competition with, is made largely irrelevant by his Legendary Counterpart who is free to everyone. Not only that, neither Ryoma nor Ike have any valuable skills for SI that aren't otherwise easily attainable.

Yeah, DC isn't anymore as outstanding as it was, but it's still limited. 

I agree to your list of demotions and would like to see a 4* Lyn, Saber and Ryoma (I don't have them), but I doubt IS will follow that path. 

3 hours ago, Zeo said:

As far as everyone else, Lucina is already free in the form of M!Marth and every other unit on the list has been completely and utterly powercreeped. Lyn being the worst case of all. Even Luke has Panic Ploy which you have to sacrifice Garon for (when you could give him DD3 which is an equally valuable skill) or spend grails. Lyn has an outdated statline, no skills for SI and has been powercreeped by nearly every offensive 2nd gen sword unit since Ayra's debut. There might not be a single unit in the entire game less deserving of a *5 spot than her. She is completely and utterly obsolete, and that's after her refine.

They are outdated gameplay-wise, but it's also a collectors game. 

1 hour ago, Zeo said:

@Troykv I know it's biased and I'm probably the only one in the world that wants a 6th Lyn, but honestly? Release a sword Lyn with a better statline and give her the Mani Katti. Then demote the current Lyn. 

That would be cool, Lyn with a special version of Galeforce perhaps? 


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11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Yeah, DC isn't anymore as outstanding as it was, but it's still limited. 

I agree to your list of demotions and would like to see a 4* Lyn, Saber and Ryoma (I don't have them), but I doubt IS will follow that path. 


Just summon for Brave Roy, you will get Ryoma

it still hurts

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3 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Just summon for Brave Roy, you will get Ryoma

it still hurts

Ouch. Summoned for him and got him 2 times ... plus 4 times when I did not summon for him. 

Will you go for merges once he appears on a legendary banner? 

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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Ouch. Summoned for him and got him 2 times ... plus 4 times when I did not summon for him. 

Will you go for merges once he appears on a legendary banner? 

Sadly Hardin's a priority, but yeah Hardin and Brave Roy and maybe Leif is the only one i'm deliberately mergin on



Contrary to barracks suggestion i never actually summoned for Sigurd

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1 hour ago, Silverly said:

I doubt popularity means that much at this point considering we can easily access the likes of Camilla, Roy, Tharja, and Marth. 

Surprisingly enough barely anyone uses normal Tharja despite Camilla being a decently popular unit to use on defense teams.

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31 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Surprisingly enough barely anyone uses normal Tharja despite Camilla being a decently popular unit to use on defense teams.

Perhaps because of her art? 

I must say there was a time when I saw OG Tharja +10 on every arena team I met. 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Perhaps because of her art? 

I must say there was a time when I saw OG Tharja +10 on every arena team I met. 

Hmm. Guess they moved on to other units then

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Okay, this week's Tactics Drill has a flatout misleading tip. The solution I found involved Erika doing all of 0 draw backs.

(Also, it's a bit embarrassing but the only reason it took me so long to clear was that I forgot Innes could counter-kill people, since he has a 2 range bow. Haha.)

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