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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Bugged green numbers for certain boon stats for certain characters including HP for vanilla Tharja and Valentine’s Hector hints that they might have considered doing that at least in the very beginning.

Perhaps there is an hidden Easter egg to activate expert mode? 

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

 We still have Larum! She shows belly as a dancer and with some artistic license trimmings and gratuitous injured artwork, she might collect enough tips.

And Igrene was inexplicably no. 52 on the FE6 poll, why????

And if you're looking for nearly naked characters, FE6 is not the game one should turn to. The official artwork for the game is very conservative, befitting its kid-friendly aesthetic with bright bold colors and cartoony details on characters. They weren't blatantly aiming for hormonal audience, they aiming more for innocent kids like Roy.

In the old official artwork, the only major cases of leg exposure are on two characters: Fir and Lugh, both of whom are already in. The only woman with any emphasis on their breasts is Brunnya with the chest window of her otherwise fully-covering dress. Dieck is the lone other character with a way-too exposed top half.

The era FE used to be in, we lived in shame of our true selves.


Actually, Juno is one too.

FE6 and 5 were tamer games, but FE4 first gen had beauties and 7 produced the first player waifu, Lyn

I don't really care about girls or no girls, but I'm pretty sure IS has data on where the money is being spent on, and the hot chicks are the gold mine. Which is why Lyn replaced the generic Sacaen in FE6 in that Legendary Hero banner.

Shame too, since I wouldn’t mind Rutger, Saul, or Hugh' level 40 coversation. Or a Murdock GHB.

Lalum happens to be in a class with other more popular characters. Characters so popular, that some got alts. Especially one blue-haired one. As far as dancers not yet released, Tethys got the better look. Lalum is like a teenager while Tethys got actual sexy vibes.

They don't need need to be naked. Cecilia was hot clothed and had Saul pursuing her in-game. Hell, I even have headcanon that the Paralogue convo was Ephraim's roundabout way of asking her out, because he's already too self-aware that he's a fighter with no talent for magic.

Idunn is attractive but her eyes might unnerve some people. But she's GHB waiting to happen, so there is no point hoping or speculating what she'd be like on a banner.

Raigh is in. Lugh is not. Their personalities and magic type deviate far too much. Their mom has been getting the love. Rather have Hugh though, because he's totally not generic.

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1 hour ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

They don't need need to be naked. Cecilia was hot clothed and had Saul pursuing her in-game. Hell, I even have headcanon that the Paralogue convo was Ephraim's roundabout way of asking her out, because he's already too self-aware that he's a fighter with no talent for magic.

True dat. It seems a bit hypocritical coming from me, but that's kind of why TT Cecilia miffed me a little. Nothing in her character makes her seem like the type of person who'd put together an outfit that makes her bust the focal point, but IS went and did it. Then again, you could probably say the same for other characters like Robin and Corrin, but I guess I'm just not as fond of them? Like I said, feel a bit like a hypocrite because I whole-heartedly love Loki, half for her design, half because I think she's hilarious.


1 hour ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

Idunn is attractive but her eyes might unnerve some people. But she's GHB waiting to happen, so there is no point hoping or speculating what she'd be like on a banner.

Eh, we already got Tailtiu and Rebecca for terrifying eyes covered, so I don't think we have to worry too much.


4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I don't think they'll do anything about it. It seems they don't even visualize boons and banes, we'll still have to check external sources to be sure about natures.

True. I'd be amazed if they did anything more than a token gesture, especially since this won't affect whales at all, but I figure the worst that happens in me bringing it up is nothing. So nothing to lose is my thinking. And yeah, as Vax said, it would've been really nice for them to do some visualization. I kinda get why they did it, more like regular FE, but it feels like much more of a thing in Heroes than the main series.

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@Sunwoo Whoops! Slip of the mind, combined with a desire to see him come in FEH.

Character-wise, I read all his supports, he is an okay shota. Rolf, Tormod, and perhaps Nils comprise the gold standard of them for me. But Lugh, while quite basic, I appreciate the cute cheeriness of, and his Melady support I found to be good, plus he does have Raigh a twin brother, a unique personal relation among shotas.

Perhaps they can bring back Himukai Yuji for Lugh's art, to match Raigh's. Toss in Cass or Chad drawn the same way, and I could have a little Binding Odyssey/Etrian Blade/Labyrinth of the Emblem/Fire of the World Tree team sans alts. They did Faelt recently right? So they should be willing to tackle another.

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7 minutes ago, Jingle Bells said:

I got another Winter Tharja but not in the game. I'm surprised that the Summoner gets a figurine too. I'm most happy for Tharja, Nina, Linde, and Slivia in this set.


Nice. Maybe I should just quit the game and collect the mini acrylic figures instead. There are no natures, merges, Abyssal difficulty, nor PvP to worry about and you can get the Heroes much cheaper too. I have thought about quitting Heroes lately, but quitting a game that I spent so much money on is kind of difficult.

Do the acrylic figures come with anything else? Like an art book or CD or something that features their artwork and voices from the game?

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18 hours ago, Rezzy said:

It's a bit baffling, since there's so many more popular guys yet to get in, yet they double and triple up on the alts, especially for females.  Non seasonal alts seem to be almost exclusively limited to females as well, there's Reinhardt, but I can't think of any other guys with "just because" alts.  Not even Marth or Roy have gotten that treatment yet.

Was Karla that popular?  I don't know where she placed on the CYL, but I've never really seen a hardcore Karla fan.  She seems to have gotten in because on two main reasons.

She was barely known. Even saying 'less popular' about her was being kind. 

Chrom also got a random alt. Olwen got an even more random alt with Reinhardt, despite not even being popular... I'd've honestly preferred all of these alts - the male and the female - to have no existed and for the characters to have got seasonal alts instead of the charries that already had them (exception being Chrom who has more than enough, although his could've been a legendary instead). 

I honestly like less popular characters getting in, but the idea that they get treated so favourably compared to actually popular male characters just because they're female is just annoying :/ Canas deserved much better. Then again, at least he got in. Last SS banner, the only male was the GHB because they just had to have a female alt as apparently L'Arachel and Myrrh were not enough to carry the banner -.- 

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46 minutes ago, XRay said:

Nice. Maybe I should just quit the game and collect the mini acrylic figures instead. There are no natures, merges, Abyssal difficulty, nor PvP to worry about and you can get the Heroes much cheaper too. I have thought about quitting Heroes lately, but quitting a game that I spent so much money on is kind of difficult.

Do the acrylic figures come with anything else? Like an art book or CD or something that features their artwork and voices from the game?

The acrylic figures come with a paper map of a level in Heroes. Nothing special like that sadly.




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1 minute ago, Jingle Bells said:

The acrylic figures come with a paper map of a level in Heroes.

Ooh! The maps are a nice touch.

2 minutes ago, Jingle Bells said:

Nothing special like that sadly.

Oh well, at least Gamepedia exists so players can check out the artwork and voice clips whenever they want.

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8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Its really quite strange that Heroes put in one but not the other. Twins usually go together. With his twin and and his adopted daddy already in the game Lugh must be feeling pretty lonely. 


7 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Felicia and Flora were separated by nineteen months.

Kaze and Saizo too, as well as Julius and Julia.

I guess Heroes really hates twins. Or something.

EDIT: @Interdimensional Observer I agree that Tormod and Rolf are really well-written young male characters. Nils is cool, too, I just tend to remember him less. Which is why I do slightly cringe whenever people compare Tormod to Ricken or Hayato as another shota who tries to act older than he really is.

Edited by Sunwoo
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21 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

EDIT: @Interdimensional Observer I agree that Tormod and Rolf are really well-written young male characters. Nils is cool, too, I just tend to remember him less. Which is why I do slightly cringe whenever people compare Tormod to Ricken or Hayato as another shota who tries to act older than he really is.

Yeah that can be really annoying. They all got red hair but Tormod actually doesn't really have much in common with them.

Tormod might be cocky and wants to be seen as the best mage around but he's not opposed to being seen as a kid either. Unlike Ricken and Hayato he reacts to Reyson adressing his youth with ''Yeah I'm a kid, deal with it'' 

But more importantly Tormod isn't defined by his age or by being shota. He's a freedom fighter with a close bond to his adoptive daddy who just happens to be a shota, while Ricken and Hayato's whole identities are defined by being your typical shota boy. Unfortunately for them going back to that trope is a downgrade when Tormod and Nils already showed how a shota is actually done. 

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Character-wise, I read all his supports, he is an okay shota. Rolf, Tormod, and perhaps Nils comprise the gold standard of them for me. But Lugh, while quite basic, I appreciate the cute cheeriness of, and his Melady support I found to be good, plus he does have Raigh a twin brother, a unique personal relation among shotas.

On his own Lugh is indeed a little basic but he's got Raigh and Chad to help balance him out a bit. I'd name the three you mentioned as the best shota's too which like I said made me look down a little bit on Ricken and Hayato in comparison, even if I do somewhat like them. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Yeah that can be really annoying. They all got red hair but Tormod actually doesn't really have much in common with them.

Tormod might be cocky and wants to be seen as the best mage around but he's not opposed to being seen as a kid either. Unlike Ricken and Hayato he reacts to Reyson adressing his youth with ''Yeah I'm a kid, deal with it'' 

But more importantly Tormod isn't defined by his age or by being shota. He's a freedom fighter with a close bond to his adoptive daddy who just happens to be a shota, while Ricken and Hayato's whole identities are defined by being your typical shota boy. Unfortunately for them going back to that trope is a downgrade when Tormod and Nils already showed how a shota is actually done.

Right, that's a big thing with Tormod. He's fine with being a kid, he just doesn't seem to like it when people dismiss the work that he's done because he's a kid. That's another thing -- Tormod has a lot more accomplishments under his belt than Ricken or Hayato. Ricken may be a Shepherd and from a noble family that's down on their luck, but he is still a noble and a kid. Ricken's the wind tribe chieftain's son, and I don't remember him getting a lot of outside experience on matters. Tormod's literally been fighting against the nobility on behalf of an oppressed race, which means he knows more about how hard reality can be.

Even though Ricken and Hayato's gimmicks are mostly "don't treat me like a kid," perhaps that would've been more acceptable if they'd actually done something before we recruit them.

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3 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

She was barely known. Even saying 'less popular' about her was being kind. 


Yeah @Rezzy the requirements for her recruitment almost make her worthy of "easter egg" status, even when compared with bonkers stuff like Cath or Stefan. 

Basically you need to be playing Hector mode, then pick up Bartre and train him up, but not too much. You need to promote him at level 15 and then make him a level 5 Warrior, one level more and it doesn't work. Then you keep him like this until chapter 31 were your units shouldn't be level 5 anymore. Then acess the paralogue 31x. Karla will then show up at the Arena. You make Bartre go talk to her and they will fight, both need to survive one turn for her to be recruited. Mind you that you are using a axe-unit to fight a Swordmaster who's using a Wo Dao, a weapon with a 40% crit rate. 

And you know the funniest thing about this? Even with all this crazy stuff she's still the worst sword unit in the game. Also you get her two chapters before Endgame at level 5 and she doesn't even have est-like growths, that's Nino's archetype.. 

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1 hour ago, RexBolt said:

Yeah @Rezzy the requirements for her recruitment almost make her worthy of "easter egg" status, even when compared with bonkers stuff like Cath or Stefan. 

Basically you need to be playing Hector mode, then pick up Bartre and train him up, but not too much. You need to promote him at level 15 and then make him a level 5 Warrior, one level more and it doesn't work. Then you keep him like this until chapter 31 were your units shouldn't be level 5 anymore. Then acess the paralogue 31x. Karla will then show up at the Arena. You make Bartre go talk to her and they will fight, both need to survive one turn for her to be recruited. Mind you that you are using a axe-unit to fight a Swordmaster who's using a Wo Dao, a weapon with a 40% crit rate. 

And you know the funniest thing about this? Even with all this crazy stuff she's still the worst sword unit in the game. Also you get her two chapters before Endgame at level 5 and she doesn't even have est-like growths, that's Nino's archetype.. 

Yeah, she's the reason I always use Bartre on my FE7 playthroughs.

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41 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Yeah, she's the reason I always use Bartre on my FE7 playthroughs.

Wait, you already played 7? Then i wrote all that for nothing? I thought if you were asking about her then you hadn't played yet.

Sorry Rezzy. Since you seem to like her and stuff.

By Naga, this is awkward.

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Does anyone know what movement type is after Infantry for the Grand Conquests? Waiting on Cavalry bonus to use my lances, I hope it's not Armours.

@Sunwoo @Etrurian emperor Another thing that I like about Tormod and sets him apart from the other mage shotas is we get to see him grow in RD. He still has elements of the kiddiness like the height thing but you can also see how much he matured. I hope older Tormod gets in even as a TT unit or something.

And hey since L!Azura introduces 3 move infantry, then we can have 3 move Tormod as a personal skill? :D

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

Does anyone know what movement type is after Infantry for the Grand Conquests? Waiting on Cavalry bonus to use my lances, I hope it's not Armours.

@Sunwoo @Etrurian emperor Another thing that I like about Tormod and sets him apart from the other mage shotas is we get to see him grow in RD. He still has elements of the kiddiness like the height thing but you can also see how much he matured. I hope older Tormod gets in even as a TT unit or something.

And hey since L!Azura introduces 3 move infantry, then we can have 3 move Tormod as a personal skill? :D

Fuck, at this point I will take Tempest Trial reward Tormod whose stat spread is literally the same as Canas's, except the resistance value is Tormod's speed, the speed is defense, and the defense is resistance. Even if he's Henry-tier bad, I will make him usable. (I do have a built 5-star Henry, after all.) I just want him in the game XD

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3 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Fuck, at this point I will take Tempest Trial reward Tormod whose stat spread is literally the same as Canas's, except the resistance value is Tormod's speed, the speed is defense, and the defense is resistance. Even if he's Henry-tier bad, I will make him usable. (I do have a built 5-star Henry, after all.) I just want him in the game XD

I hope we also get a free TT beast unit or something just to celebrate the new weapon type and give everyone the chance to get a feel for Beast units.

but then Tormod would also be really nice to have in the Laguz intro banner. Ranulf could be a nice freebie since he doesn't seem premium enough like a royal, but he is also popular and people would spend for him so either way is fine for me as long as he is in the game somehow.

Too many Tellius units that need to be in already 

Also NY banner video is out. Refreshing to not have the silhouettes for once, well it would've been pointless anyway heh

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I know how it will end for some. 

Buy Fjorm bundle and Orbs to have a better chance grabbing Gunnthra -> pull for Gunnthra -> get pity Broken by Fjorm.

Btw 110 + 30 orbs is the same as the most expensive orb bundle? I guess it will fall in the same price class. 

Edited by Stroud
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... They're actually letting us purchase Fjorm and Laevatein and extra stuff directly???

Fuck. This might actually be worth spending money on as long as it's not super pricey, since I'd rather get a guaranteed hero than fighting with the stupid gacha system.

10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I hope we also get a free TT beast unit or something just to celebrate the new weapon type and give everyone the chance to get a feel for Beast units.

but then Tormod would also be really nice to have in the Laguz intro banner. Ranulf could be a nice freebie since he doesn't seem premium enough like a royal, but he is also popular and people would spend for him so either way is fine for me as long as he is in the game somehow.

Too many Tellius units that need to be in already

Tormod would be a good addition alongside the Laguz Liberation Army, even if he is a beorc. He's just too iconic alongside Muarim (and Vika) at this point. Tormod is actually one of the few (if only) beorc who actually makes sense being added alongside laguz.

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