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I gave Sigurd a Fire blessing and while I didn't see the "joke" there at the time I did so, I don't regret it. He was a valuable part of my main horse team until Hrid took his place and I still use Siggy on that horse team for when I need the team to all have Fire blessings (the other three of course have Fire as well). So yeah, no regrets here, he goes great with Freddy, Reinhardt, and Ephraim. Especially since Sigurd can tank magic for me when those other guys aren't as good at doing so. Frederick can only handle blue mages and a few green ones. Reinhardt and Ephraim can only really handle red ones.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I gave Sigurd a Fire blessing and while I didn't see the "joke" there at the time I did so, I don't regret it. He was a valuable part of my main horse team until Hrid took his place and I still use Siggy on that horse team for when I need the team to all have Fire blessings (the other three of course have Fire as well). So yeah, no regrets here, he goes great with Freddy, Reinhardt, and Ephraim. Especially since Sigurd can tank magic for me when those other guys aren't as good at doing so. Frederick can only handle blue mages and a few green ones. Reinhardt and Ephraim can only really handle red ones.

It's an age old joke on

how he dies: burned alive by Arvis, which in this case makes for irony


Also, today was interesting in how my free pulls from the new banners were 5 star Saizo and another Celica. Team Ryoma is now complete! Though I still need to properly build the retainers....

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16 minutes ago, Motendra said:

It's an age old joke on

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how he dies: burned alive by Arvis, which in this case makes for irony


Yes, I know what the joke is. xP

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On 6/15/2019 at 12:11 PM, Tree said:

Honestly, I think the sunglasses look great on everyone (except the Black Knight).

they do. I have mine on Velouria though I might plop them on Ophelia  as well.

they probably would work on Keaton but he is not long for this world. just HM grinding him up, waiting for double SP day, and giving velouria a tonne of SP - and then he dies. 

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@mampfoid @mcsilas @Alexmender

So it's pretty funny. I just happen to load up Serenes by misclick typing for another site with an s and what do I see? Saizo, Kagero, Elincia and Oscar have refines. Oscars and Elincias seem pretty good for them, Kageros is iffy. I quit quite a while ago so I dont know what kind of ATK stat the units are running around with now.

Saizo's weapon triggered me though.

It's exactly what Matthew's should be as far as the refine. Give him a personal Rogue Dagger with +7 DEF/RES reduction on enemies and a +7 buff on himself and give him Saizo's refine. With that and ATK Smoke 3 he'd have a nonsensical 21 point damage reduction against anyone affected by it. I have to admit, Saizo getting his prf before Matt annoyed me even though I'm not playing anymore, but the refinement itself is what really got me. I'll be checking in periodically I think just to see when he gets his and what it is.

So aside from that, what's new guys? What's the meta these days? What are the premium skills now? What premiums have they given out for free? And oh yeah, who's left that doesn't have a refine/prf?

Edited by Zeo
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19 minutes ago, Zeo said:

And oh yeah, who's left that doesn't have a refine/prf?

Well, we are now at the point where Luke is literally the only sword cavalier in the game without a Prf on the plus side, he's finally getting a second banner this year. As for the full list of no Prfs / refines (Book I only, seasonals excluded):


No Prf

Female Corrin

No Refine

CYL Lucina


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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

So aside from that, what's new guys? What's the meta these days? What are the premium skills now? What premiums have they given out for free? And oh yeah, who's left that doesn't have a refine/prf? 

I don't know when you quit, so...

>Invasion of the furries- I mean beasts.
>Armors, Dragons, and also Armor Dragons. Oh, and Legendary Alm is bullshit.
>Sudden Panic can be hell to get around if you don't expect it, but then so is Aversa.
>Louise has Atk/Spd Bond and a Swift Sparrow 2 bow... I guess.
>Ty got ya covered.

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I doubt Ike will ever get a refine. Because it would mean RD Ike, a legendary hero, would also get one since they both literally have the same weapon and IS has shown no interest in giving legendaries and mythics refines. They're already really really good units and RD Ike is like the best FTP unit out there. Not to mention that because RD Ike would automatically get access to any refine PoR Ike does, it won't really benefit the latter at all. RD Ike will still be a powercrept version.

It's the same case for Ryoma and legendary Ryoma with both having Raijinto.

Frederick, of course, is who I'm desperately wanting a prf and refine for. PLEASE DO IT SOON IS!

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29 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I doubt Ike will ever get a refine. Because it would mean RD Ike, a legendary hero, would also get one since they both literally have the same weapon and IS has shown no interest in giving legendaries and mythics refines. They're already really really good units and RD Ike is like the best FTP unit out there. Not to mention that because RD Ike would automatically get access to any refine PoR Ike does, it won't really benefit the latter at all. RD Ike will still be a powercrept version.

It's the same case for Ryoma and legendary Ryoma with both having Raijinto.

Frederick, of course, is who I'm desperately wanting a prf and refine for. PLEASE DO IT SOON IS!

There's also the matter of sheer number of DC weapons that people would expect to get refines if any of them did. Ragnell, Alondite, Raijinto, Siegfried, Gradivus, Leiptir, Stout Tomahawk, and Expiration are all essentially clones of each other, just in different weapon types. Meanwhile, Dragonbind, Divine Mist, and Razing Breath are all the same thing but with "effective against dragons" added on, which is generally a lot more minor than the additions from refines. (Regular Roy, for example, got it tacked on to refined Binding Blade for free.) Put all those together and that'd be a lot of refines for already high-power characters that don't need them, including six legendary heroes.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

and IS has shown no interest in giving legendaries and mythics refines.

That's because the only Legendary and Mythic Heroes with weapons that aren't "current gen" weapons are the ones with Distant Counter (Fjorm, Ike, and Ryoma), and they haven't crossed that bridge yet. It's only a matter of time, though, considering they now have several conditional Distant Counter weapons with strong secondary effects.

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@Zeo dang i was excited for you when daggers got refined again but it’s a shame to see Saizo steal the spotlight from Matthew in your head; even if i did slightly have a soft spot for Saizo’s playstyle and was happy about it

i guess the longer you wait for a prf hopefully the better it is?

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@mcsilas It's great for him honestly. It helps him immensely I think, It's just the salt flowing through my veins. Objectively Saizo was already in a better place than Matt, being generally a better physical tank and superior ATK and on par SPD. Matt will have his day. Chances are I may even do a little something when that time comes. I just hope they do him up good. I doubt they even know what to do with him at this point. Bonus Doubler 3 would be a pretty nice refine.

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9 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's because the only Legendary and Mythic Heroes with weapons that aren't "current gen" weapons are the ones with Distant Counter (Fjorm, Ike, and Ryoma), and they haven't crossed that bridge yet. It's only a matter of time, though, considering they now have several conditional Distant Counter weapons with strong secondary effects.

Yeah, that's a fair point.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's because the only Legendary and Mythic Heroes with weapons that aren't "current gen" weapons are the ones with Distant Counter (Fjorm, Ike, and Ryoma), and they haven't crossed that bridge yet. It's only a matter of time, though, considering they now have several conditional Distant Counter weapons with strong secondary effects.

Since effectiveness is a valid effect on top of DC, I'd like to see Fjorm get armour effectiveness so that she can have her revenge against Surtr. 


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@Zeo I know, Matt getting that super debuff/buff dagger would've been pretty awesome but I guess IS decided to give Saizo priority this time. Still, Matt has the better Res stat and with all the dragons running around that's a lot more valuable than being 100% physical. Hopefully his refine will grant him some sort of conditional CC or BD. 

For the meta, Infantry has come back with a vengenance (aka Gen 3 BST) and when combined with trainee bonuses they basically have Gen 2 armor BST without the 1 mov penalty which is pretty bonkers. Beasts run rampant with their awesome prf weapons, except for maybe Ranulf.

For me Kaden is the biggest unit that's been released, thanks to his prf giving his bonuses to allies in a drive form he becomes the perfect partner for Eirika as she becomes able to get +18 to everything before factoring extra drives, it gets pretty ridiculous and now Eirika just breezes through Abyssal maps. 

In terms of premium skills, Sturdy Impact/Null Follow up/Null C-disrupt are the main game changers imo. There's stuff like Flashing Blade 4, Distant Defense 4, etc but they aren't all that great.

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Sturdy Impact is overrated IMO. If your opponent is doubling you on your PP then you're going at them with the wrong unit or color.

It will have it's uses, but it's not that amazing as some people think

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12 minutes ago, redlight said:

Sturdy Impact is overrated IMO. If your opponent is doubling you on your PP then you're going at them with the wrong unit or color.

It will have it's uses, but it's not that amazing as some people think

It's good for units controlled by the AI to make it harder to bait them and it's good for units that aren't required to kill in one round, such as debuffers and Galeforcers.

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59 minutes ago, redlight said:

If your opponent is doubling you on your PP

I giggled.

1 hour ago, redlight said:

Sturdy Impact is overrated IMO. If your opponent is doubling you on your PP then you're going at them with the wrong unit or color.

In players' hands, Sturdy Impact are more for units that can do guaranteed follow-up attacks (Tibarn, Yune, Ephraim, Flora, etc.), so they are not primarily using it for follow-up negation, but are rather using it for the Def+10 to make the unit more durable when taking counterattacks so they can keep going without a healer for longer.

Follow-up negation is more useful in AI hands', where I see Sturdy Impact being often used with Lunge so the Lunger is more likely to survive so the rest of the defense team can then chew through the broken formation.

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16 minutes ago, XRay said:

I giggled.

As in your opponent surviving after your second attack. Use the weapon triangle and/or effective damage whenever you can obviously. Colorless are annoying.

18 minutes ago, XRay said:

In players' hands, Sturdy Impact are more for units that can do guaranteed follow-up attacks (Tibarn, Yune, Ephraim, Flora, etc.), so they are not primarily using it for follow-up negation, but are rather using it for the Def+10 to make the unit more durable when taking counterattacks so they can keep going without a healer for longer.

True that, but at the end of the day it's for certain units with specific effects. However, some units want to fall into desperation range among units with guaranteed doubling. For something like Galeforce.

21 minutes ago, XRay said:

Follow-up negation is more useful in AI hands', where I see Sturdy Impact being often used with Lunge so the Lunger is more likely to survive so the rest of the defense team can then chew through the broken formation.

Definitely annoying there, but that really depends on how invested some are for AR defense. Maybe just me, but to me people are more invested in offense than defense. I'm willing to bite the bullet there if I'm that wrong

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3 minutes ago, redlight said:

Definitely annoying there, but that really depends on how invested some are for AR defense. Maybe just me, but to me people are more invested in offense than defense. I'm willing to bite the bullet there if I'm that wrong

If some players can afford 2 Dumas and 2 Yunes, they can afford an extra copy of Sturdy Impact for Lunge.

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19 hours ago, Zeo said:

So aside from that, what's new guys? What's the meta these days? What are the premium skills now? What premiums have they given out for free? And oh yeah, who's left that doesn't have a refine/prf?

HP and TA Astra meta are now a thing with the introduction of B!Fjorm's Isolation Skill preventing the use of Assist Skills and Rokkr Sieges, respectively. We also have Naga's Divine Fang able to make any unit have Dragon Effectiveness~ Nothing all the premium given for free lately~

As for who doesn't have refines yet~ Well STAVES AS USUAL~

2 hours ago, Beadger said:



Someone felt like rampaging today~

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