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I'm on Palla's team, somehow. I'm fine with this although I'm not super big on the Whitewings in general so I wouldn't care too much either way. Palla's just the one I'm most okay with.

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On Team Est~ The girls are clearly colorblind~

In other news, went in for one last go for some Elise merges~


Picked up 2 more for a satisfying +7~ I went in last week expecting a +2 at best by the end of the Banner so I'd say this was a great turnaround~

Downside is I'm now poor AF for Sothis next month but she'll always come back so it's worth it~

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I don't even bother checking whose team I'm on or even what color I am. I just check all of the highlighted nodes for a not-bullshit map, spam it, and leave.


Oh, and Catria's clearly best Whitewing. Anyone who thinks otherwise can meet me behind the gym after school.

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3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Picked up 2 more for a satisfying +7~ I went in last week expecting a +2 at best by the end of the Banner so I'd say this was a great turnaround~

Looking great! Was totally worth it, I'd say.

On 10/25/2019 at 6:57 AM, XRay said:


The grand total on spending would be about $287,800/$312,900/$338,000, assuming my estimates are accurate.
$212,500 + $75,300 = $287,800
$212,500 + $100,400 = $312,900
$212,500 + $125,500 = $338,000

So basically, fully buying the game is about the same as buying a house.

Assuming you only want one copy per unit. I saw people with multiple +10 of the same unit. 

Interesting calculation, guess some people have too many houses. 


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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Assuming you only want one copy per unit. I saw people with multiple +10 of the same unit. 

Interesting calculation, guess some people have too many houses. 


Yeah. The cost could go even higher. I also forgot to factor in building units from the 3*-4* pool and Grail units, so the cost would be higher.

439 Total - 251 5*s = 188

188 * $300 = $56,400
188 * $400 = $75,200
188 * $500 = $94,000

$212,500 + $75,300 + $56,400 = $344,200
$212,500 + $100,400 + $75,200 = $388,100
$212,500 + $125,500 + $94,000 = $432,000

So the grand total would probably be something close to half a million dollars if we factor in duplicates and additional skills on certain units.

Edited by XRay
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@XRay Speaking as someone who obtained every unit up until the second Three Houses banner, +10ed like 50 units (most of which were 5* exclusive or limited banner units), and also bought a house (well co-bought, me mum had a wish and I wanted to help)... that's overkill.

I mean, I don't even use most of my +10 units that often (Innes was used maybe like twice since his initial +10ing), and most units don't need that heavy a skillset. Fury Desperation and Moonbow on a Slaying weapon, Reposition and a Hone for support, that can get a unit miles. Hell, most 5* units can get by just fine off their base skillset.

Though I fully admit that perhaps I'm underestimating or flat-out not understanding the needs of a whale...
I can't claim to call myself a whale despite my history, just a guy who really likes some characters (Selkie, Witchy Nowi), wants to do odd things with other characters (Walhart, Wrys), and then got kinda unlucky trying to do those other two things (Nyofai Fjorm, Flora) while most of the rest of my army were on a slow boil for banners and banners until oh wait I can +10 them now (Mia, Brave Celica, Innes). Then there were just those units I wanted to do because POWER is the BLOOMING FLOWER (Soleil, Brave Ike and Lucina) and those that wound up +10 because honestly? Fuck assets and flaws. (Elincia, Santa Ephraim, Spring Palla)

Edited by Xenomata
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7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I mean, I don't even use most of my +10 units that often (Innes was used maybe like twice since his initial +10ing), and most units don't need that heavy a skillset. Fury Desperation and Moonbow on a Slaying weapon, Reposition and a Hone for support, that can get a unit miles. Hell, most 5* units can get by just fine off their base skillset.

Yeah, a unit can get a ton of miles with a basic, cheap kit, but assuming you want the best performance build out there, you will have to spend quite a bit. It might not be cost effective, but it is the most powerful.

Regular Desperation units only need 3 slots to be pimped out, so they are the cheapest, 5* exclusive skills in bold underline:
Ruptured Sky
FurySwift SparrowBrazen Atk/Spd
Def SmokeRes Smoke
Brazen Atk/Spd

Braves are more expensive:
Ruptured Sky
Death Blow

Lull Atk/Def — Lull Atk/Res
Def SmokeRes Smoke
Sturdy Blow — Heavy Blade

The most expensive Player Phase units to pimp out are Firesweep archers:
Firesweep Bow
Ruptured Sky
Swift SparrowDeath Blow (armor)
Chill DefLull Spd/Def — Special Spiral — Bold Fighter
Def Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk, Spd, or Atk/Spd) — Flashing Blade — Armored Boots

I think most Enemy Phase units are expensive to build by default:
Ruptured Sky — Bonfire — Ignis — Iceberg — Glacies — Aether
Distant Counter — StancesBreathsBonds
 — Vengeful FighterSpecial Fighter — Quick Riposte
Pulse Smoke — Atk Smoke
(Any Sacred Seal that boosts stats) — Quick Riposte
Enemy Phase units can run as little as one expensive A skill if they are specialized against a specific type of enemy and assuming other skills they need are not 5* exclusives (lance Def tank who just want to pump Def and do nothing else: [Vanguard [Def], Swap, Bonfire, Steady Stance, Quick Riposte, Atk Smoke, Steady Stance]), but most Enemy Phase units generally want at least 2 expensive A skills, with super tanks wanting 4 or 5 for best all round performance.

7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Though I fully admit that perhaps I'm underestimating or flat-out not understanding the needs of a whale...

Cargo ship or aircraft carrier would be a more suitable term for those who spend half a million on Heroes.

Edited by XRay
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Hearing whales and their anecdotes concerning their ludicrous spendings just makes me want to tear down capitalism.

Of course, I'll be judging and it isn't my place to do it, I suppose, but I can't think of anything more wasted than money spent on predatory gacha.

I once bought the BK 5* deal and I felt like I was stepping on my principles and regretted it instantly. 

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49 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Hearing whales and their anecdotes concerning their ludicrous spendings just makes me want to tear down capitalism.

Of course, I'll be judging and it isn't my place to do it, I suppose, but I can't think of anything more wasted than money spent on predatory gacha.

I once bought the BK 5* deal and I felt like I was stepping on my principles and regretted it instantly. 

Waste is subjective. I do not think spending money on gacha is a waste if you enjoy it, which many paying players do derive enjoyment from. If you do not enjoy it, then do not spend the money. It is no different from people spending money on so much meat and restauarants when people could eat just a minimal amount of meat and cook everything at home.

I would argue that gacha games are far less harmful compared to clothing and fashion. Participating in spending on gacha games is completely optional while clothing is mandatory and forced upon you. I would gladly walk around butt naked and spend only absolute minimum on clothing for warmth if I could.

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We're talking about spending several thousands here so it's not just about spending money. Sure you might "enjoy it" but the prize for that is ridiculous. You're trading thousands of dollars for a virtual currency in a game using a predatory model that makes it so that what you spent on will quickly become obsolete when compared to the next new shiny things they'll release.

Gacha games are unethical and to me they are a stain on Nintendo's reputation. 

I still play Heroes though. I'm a pretty big Fire Emblem fan. I just won't spend on it.



Edited by Vince777
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Halloween's around the corner, so here's my built up Rolf!


I think this'll work real well. Rolf's weapon and stats just ask for him to have stuff like a Brazen seal or skill.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

It is no different from people spending money on so much meat and restauarants when people could eat just a minimal amount of meat and cook everything at home.

Well, the business model is different. With a restaurant, you're paying a set amount of money to get a meal, and it's quite easy to decide if it's worth the cost. Heroes gives you ~300 orbs a month free, charges you a dollar an orb, and rolls dice to decide how much you pay. I believe Heroes gets a lot of its income from tricking or emotionally manipulating people into spending more than they normally would.

I use my own experience as a source. I often spend orbs for little to no reason, usually due to emotion, yet I recently managed to max out my feathers even though there's so many units I want to promote/merge (and when I do spend feathers, I'm always in a rational mood).

Edited by Baldrick
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I only buy Orbs from packs precisely to avoid over spending.


I need to have some real value of the purchase even if the rest are pretty much random rewards.

Edited by Troykv
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55 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

We're talking about spending several thousands here so it's not just about spending money. Sure you might "enjoy it" but the prize for that is ridiculous. You're trading thousands of dollars for a virtual currency in a game using a predatory model that makes it so that what you spent on will quickly become obsolete when compared to the next new shiny things they'll release.

Gacha games are unethical and to me they are a stain on Nintendo's reputation. 

I still play Heroes though. I'm a pretty big Fire Emblem fan. I just won't spend on it.


you can say that about anything though. 
some people spend thousands of dollars on eating out
others spend it on make up and clothes
most spend it on hobbies. 

then when you tire of it you find something else to spend their money on. 

honestly, i'm thankful for those who do want to drop as much as they want to/can into the game. it makes it so a lot of people can play without having to spend a penny and honestly if more people decided not to spend then this game would die out and quite frankly that would make me sad because even with its flaws - it's a great game, and it really cemented my love for the franchise. and i've had my ups and downs with many aspects of the game (not all of it "gatcha-esque" either) and i'd say that's a good chunk of people that are new to the franchise. 

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43 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

I use my own experience as a source. I often spend orbs for little to no reason, usually due to emotion, yet I recently managed to max out my feathers even though there's so many units I want to promote/merge (and when I do spend feathers, I'm always in a rational mood).

I'm the opposite, I spend feathers upon impulse but can save orbs for months. 

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

Waste is subjective. I do not think spending money on gacha is a waste if you enjoy it, which many paying players do derive enjoyment from. If you do not enjoy it, then do not spend the money. It is no different from people spending money on so much meat and restauarants when people could eat just a minimal amount of meat and cook everything at home.

I would argue that gacha games are far less harmful compared to clothing and fashion. Participating in spending on gacha games is completely optional while clothing is mandatory and forced upon you. I would gladly walk around butt naked and spend only absolute minimum on clothing for warmth if I could.

gonna have to disagree with you there. As someone who likes gacha games even I can admit these games are predatory. They prey on the exact same psychological principals that slot machines and other such means of gambling within a casino do. The pity rate, the special animations that plays for a four star or five star hero, etc. all of that is to sort of psychologically manipulate you into spending orbs. The "randomness" is rigged in a way so that you "win" a certain number of times within a given period so that you keep playing. It's very dangerous and psychologically manipulative if one does realize it sooner. Hell I've fallen into that trap of just going "I have to spend orbs" or "I need that character" or "Just one more pull". That's what the game wants me to think. It preys on those psychological principles. 

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Can I just say how happy I am that my boy Conrad is finally in the game? Ever since SOV dropped, I've wanted this cute, dorky ginger in Heroes; and, now, after what feels like 3000 years...He's finally home. My teams have been so empty without him! ❤️


(Especially on my favorite boys team. :lol:)

After Conrad's GHB released, I dropped all I was doing in order to immediately build him up. It took a little bit, but I'm extremely proud of the result:



(Conrad not only discovered a love of lion on that day, but also a love for google Chroms. 😈)

I'm a casual player, but I'm trying to make my heroes better and...I think this build is going to work out great. ❤️ So far, he's a absolute unit, and I couldn't be any more proud of my boy. ❤️ Can't wait to +10 him!!


Edited by Jenneta
Fixed a spelling error. :)
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2 hours ago, Baldrick said:

Well, the business model is different. With a restaurant, you're paying a set amount of money to get a meal, and it's quite easy to decide if it's worth the cost. Heroes gives you ~300 orbs a month free, charges you a dollar an orb, and rolls dice to decide how much you pay. I believe Heroes gets a lot of its income from tricking or emotionally manipulating people into spending more than they normally would.

You can say that about advertising too in that it manipulates people, but I think the business model is fine since it is still up to our choice to spend or not to spend. We have ultimate decision over our willingness to spend.

Unlike fashion and clothing where we are forced to spend, Heroes is totally optional. Gacha is a thousand times less evil than the fashion industry in my opinion.

1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

gonna have to disagree with you there. As someone who likes gacha games even I can admit these games are predatory. They prey on the exact same psychological principals that slot machines and other such means of gambling within a casino do. The pity rate, the special animations that plays for a four star or five star hero, etc. all of that is to sort of psychologically manipulate you into spending orbs. The "randomness" is rigged in a way so that you "win" a certain number of times within a given period so that you keep playing. It's very dangerous and psychologically manipulative if one does realize it sooner. Hell I've fallen into that trap of just going "I have to spend orbs" or "I need that character" or "Just one more pull". That's what the game wants me to think. It preys on those psychological principles. 

People know what they are getting into when they gamble, fall in love, join the military, have babies, etc. Playing gacha is no different. If a person is calling themselves an adult and do not know what they are getting into or are unable to control their own emotions, that is on the person and not the business.

Fastfood is unhealthy and their fries are super addictive, but I am not going support any measures that shut them down. Just because there are people who cannot control themselves and get fat does not mean it is right to shutdown the business that other people enjoy patronizing.

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