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Just popping in to say Gambit is a heck of a drug. I had my Ross with Arcane Downfall, Distant Stance, Spurn 3/QR4 and ATK/DEF Menace 3 and even at +10 with max investment he's been... realtively mediocre. I just pulled Gambit fodder and gave to him and swapped out the Arcane weapon for his PRF and oh my God... he's ridiculous now.

I just took down a +10 Fallen F!Byleth with Ross in a one on one fight. I shudder to think of how powerful this skill must be on Haar. I wish I had the orbs for more fodder. Gambit on Haar, Gambit on Cormag, Gambit on Guy, Gambit on all the things.

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Well, we have our FEH guest star for this month's New Heroes banner [SPOILERS]:



It's Rearmed Plumeria as a Blue Tome Flier. Naturally, she will also be the boss of the Nihility & Dream 3 Tempest Trials.

Fortunately, she will not have Sweet Dreams as a TT boss.

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On one hand, it's our first type of that weapon. On the other hand, if our next New Heroes banner is a Thracia one, it means the chances of Linoan having that color, or a good weapon/build with that color, are very low, which means if she's present then she'd likely be...a staffbot. Boo.

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52 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Well, we have our FEH guest star for this month's New Heroes banner [SPOILERS]:

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It's Rearmed Plumeria as a Blue Tome Flier. Naturally, she will also be the boss of the Nihility & Dream 3 Tempest Trials.

Fortunately, she will not have Sweet Dreams as a TT boss.

Peony was fucking robbed

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26 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

On one hand, it's our first type of that weapon. On the other hand, if our next New Heroes banner is a Thracia one, it means the chances of Linoan having that color, or a good weapon/build with that color, are very low, which means if she's present then she'd likely be...a staffbot. Boo.

I'm gonna guess it will be Genealogy this month with something like [SPOILERS regarding the new unit]:


Rearmed Plumeria (B Tome Fly)
Ascended Lachesis (Sword Cav)
Brigid (G Bow Inf)
Edain (Staff Inf; Banner Demote)
Dew (C Dagger Inf; Direct Demote)
Chulainn (Sword Inf; GHB)

I kinda want to see an all-blond FE4 lineup just for meme purposes. The GHB slot can also go to either Beowolf or Andrey.


1 minute ago, Sunwoo said:


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Peony was fucking robbed



Ascended Peony will probably be next in October.

We did also get Rearmed Lif in this slot last year, who was then followed by Ascended Eir.


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19 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I'm gonna guess it will be Genealogy this month with something like [SPOILERS regarding the new unit]:

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Rearmed Plumeria (B Tome Fly)
Ascended Lachesis (Sword Cav)
Brigid (G Bow Inf)
Edain (Staff Inf; Banner Demote)
Dew (C Dagger Inf; Direct Demote)
Chulainn (Sword Inf; GHB)

I kinda want to see an all-blond FE4 lineup just for meme purposes. The GHB slot can also go to either Beowolf or Andrey.

Oh jeez, that Genealogy banner would be awful ... and I could see it happening. Using up both Brigid and Edain on the banner and relegating the latter to demote just seems like such a bad call.

20 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


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Ascended Peony will probably be next in October.

We did also get Rearmed Lif in this slot last year, who was then followed by Ascended Eir.


Fair. I guess Peony still can end up with an Ascended/some other special new unit type before this story arc is over.

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I was hoping to see Eitr's boss this time around, at least in terms of species Eitr seems on the level of Freyja, I was curious who could order her around

although perhaps lack of will is tied to nothingness, and she's the true power


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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

On one hand, it's our first type of that weapon. On the other hand, if our next New Heroes banner is a Thracia one, it means the chances of Linoan having that color, or a good weapon/build with that color, are very low, which means if she's present then she'd likely be...a staffbot. Boo.

Unless they break traditional colouring and make her a green or grey tome or something.

1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

I'm gonna guess it will be Genealogy this month with something like [SPOILERS regarding the new unit]:

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Rearmed Plumeria (B Tome Fly)
Ascended Lachesis (Sword Cav)
Brigid (G Bow Inf)
Edain (Staff Inf; Banner Demote)
Dew (C Dagger Inf; Direct Demote)
Chulainn (Sword Inf; GHB)

I kinda want to see an all-blond FE4 lineup just for meme purposes. The GHB slot can also go to either Beowolf or Andrey.


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Ascended Peony will probably be next in October.

We did also get Rearmed Lif in this slot last year, who was then followed by Ascended Eir.


Brigid isn't my most wanted character for the game, but I think she's the most deserving to get in of all the ones that aren't. It's still bloody ridiculous they gave us Ullhr before her or Faval.

Edited by Jotari
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Glad to see a new Arcane weapon type, even if it's not particularly relevant for me. My only +10 blue mage is Reinhardt and I'm not getting this just for him. Not a fan of the new art either. Guess that puts it in the same category as all of the new Wind Festival art, I consider all of it to be inferior to the originals.

Think I'm sticking around for the TT but with both banners this month being a hard sell, the prospect of any more is feeling really flat at the moment.

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New unit’s datamined stat line [SPOILERS]:



Yeah, that’s a Plumeria stat line alright.

CYL Gullveig’s BST is 178, so Rearmed Plumeria definitely seems set to be a dancer with that BST.


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Just thinking about something nonsensical. How could you make a unit like Odin viable in today's meta and I thought of something hilarious that would probably break any other unit.

  • At start of combat, if foes special is ready, inflicts special cooldown +1 on foe before their first attack, and unit can counterattack regardless of foes range.
  •  If Unit's HP > 25%, reduces damage from foes attacks by 30%, and also, if unit can counterattack, swaps unit and foe's ATK stat and unit heals 7 HP both per attack and after combat.

Stack Fortress DEF/RES 3 and the Fortress DEF/RES 2 Seal on him, give him DEF/RES Oath 4 and Mystic Boost 4 and he's effectively immortal. Theoretically speaking, all of the DR Piercing and special effects would still apply for other units (attacking with +15 of their ATK or SPD stat, etc), but they would be applying all of those stats to Odin's base ATK stat which at max investment is 43 without an ATK boon. For reference, he's got 51/51 defenses if he's +DEF/RES.

Then there's the bonuses from DEF/RES Oath and the -5 to ATK from Mystic Boost. You'd be relying purely on the damage for specials combined with DR piercing in order to kill him which would get shut down by the scowl effect on his weapon. There's basically no way to kill him. And depending on his opponent's ATK stat, he could be fighting people with upwards of 70 ATK, meaning he's effectively oneshotting people. It's insane to think about.

Don't mind me, just having some fun in my head, I wonder how I could break Matthew...

Edited by Zeo
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You know how people started to hate Three Houses because it gets too much favoritism in FEH? I am started to have a similar feeling, but with the Fairy Resplendent Attires. There was no need for Dokkalfr Ursula to be right after Dokkalfr Rhajat.

No, IS, the Resplendent Ursula will not tempt me to summon for Rearmed Plumeria to give her Arcane Euphoria because I don't care about Ursula at all.

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*Next Resplendent is yet another FE7 character who isn’t Rebecca or Lloyd. They also happen to be a second straight Dokkalfheimr Resplendent.*

Lol, lmao even.

You know, I actually forget to consider if I wanted to drop FEH Pass for this month. And now, here’s IS really punishing me for that.

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I was hoping Llyod would have gotten one of these, he and dagger Camilla were grail units that needed an art touch up the most.

I accept full responsibility for the upcoming fairy hotsprings Camilla.



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3 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

I was hoping Llyod would have gotten one of these, he and dagger Camilla were grail units that needed an art touch up the most.

I accept full responsibility for the upcoming fairy hotsprings Camilla.


Hot Spring Camilla will never get a Resplendent, because she is a seasonal unit and not a normal hero. Fairy OG Camilla is still possible though.

She is also Book 3 unit, which IS still insists in not giving Resplendents for but I will keep that to myself or else it will make people come here saying that we don't need Book 3 Resplendents, that we have so many Book 1 & 2 units that need it, and will mention like 50 names that should get resplendent before any Book 3 gets.

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I'm fine with more Dokkalfheimr outfits only because they've been trailing behind Ljosalfheimr outfits for a while. At the start of the year, they had the second least number of outfits, and despite now having 4 new outfits this year, they're still only tied for third least number of outfits with Nifl. But that doesn't excuse the fact that we have gotten zero Nidavellir outfits this year.

And now that we've gotten 4 Dokkalfheimr outfits this year, they're now tied with Muspell for the most outfits this year.

Anyways, since no one's posted it yet, here's the art for Dokkalfheimr Ursula:









As far as stats go, Ursula is pretty solidly outclassed. With the Resplendent boosts and max Dragonflowers, she only has 35/38 offenses, which is behind Valentine Veronica's 39/41, with both units being Grail units and with Veronica having made a relatively recent appearance in Hall of Forms. And the recently released Summer Tharja has massive 46/45 offenses.

Her exclusive weapon is also wildly outclassed, having only effective damage against cavalry and the Dominance effect (boosting Atk instead of additional damage).

That said, it's rather fitting that our next Arcane weapon will be a blue tome with a Dokkalfr flower weapon sprite to boot.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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42 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm fine with more Dokkalfheimr outfits only because they've been trailing behind Ljosalfheimr outfits for a while. At the start of the year, they had the second least number of outfits, and despite now having 4 new outfits this year, they're still only tied for third least number of outfits with Nifl.

The problem with that is that a lot of people don't care about the distinction between Ljosalf and Dokkalf. If they see either one, they're just gonna call it a "Fairy Resplendent" and that isn't without merit, imo. They basically are the same outfits, just with different colors.

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5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The problem with that is that a lot of people don't care about the distinction between Ljosalf and Dokkalf. If they see either one, they're just gonna call it a "Fairy Resplendent" and that isn't without merit, imo. They basically are the same outfits, just with different colors.

If they don't make that distinction, then they should expect twice as many fairy-themed outfits as any other theme because there are twice as many fairy themes as there are any other theme. Pretending the distinction doesn't exist doesn't make it not exist.

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Don't let the back-to-back Dokklalfheimr Resplendents distract you from the fact that the last Valentian Resplendent (Faye) was added on May 10th..........of 2022.

In fact with only three months and the remainder of September to go, Shadows of Valentia has gotten absolutely nothing in 2023 so far. While the lack of a Valentian New Heroes banner is understandable, the lack of Valentian seasonal units or Valentian Resplendents absolutely isn't.

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45 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Don't let the back-to-back Dokklalfheimr Resplendents distract you from the fact that the last Valentian Resplendent (Faye) was added on May 10th..........of 2022.

In fact with only three months and the remainder of September to go, Shadows of Valentia has gotten absolutely nothing in 2023 so far. While the lack of a Valentian New Heroes banner is understandable, the lack of Valentian seasonal units or Valentian Resplendents absolutely isn't.

Something funny about this, to me, was when we got the Wind Tribe Festival banner when they showed Catria, for a moment I thought it was her Valentian version because of the hair and I was about to say "good, IS wants to cheat again in giving us a Valentian unit by using an Archanean unit that appears in Valentia, like how they cheated in the Bride Catria alt for Harmonized Heroes".

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So I'm guessing Ice Dragon's walk to the other side of the Pacific didn't have any affect? 😛

Not only am I sick of fairy resplendent outfits in particular, but I don't get what the obsession with Ursula is. Of all the FE7 characters and villains to get two alts and a resplendent ... she wasn't the one I had in mind who should've gotten those

Meanwhile, Lloyd is still ugly with his one outdated GHB base version.

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If they were going to go with an FE7 character, why in the heck was it not Rebecca? Or if it had to be a GHB unit, why not Lloyd? Why are the developers so fixated on Ursula, of all characters? Yes, yes, breasts and all that, but there's other characters with those assets that are far more popular.

I'm not opposed to Ursula, but...why?

And still not one single thing for Valentia at all this year. It's getting silly.

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Lloyd in CYL7: 148th
Rebecca in CYL7: 185th
Ursula in CYL7: 247th

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's an Ursula dev in addition to Kagero dev. That's almost a 100 place difference between Lloyd and Ursula.

However, it is worth noting that Ursula shares her Japanese VA with Eirika which might explain some of this. And, we've notably not had any Eirika content yet this year not that she really needs another alt or a Resplendent for her mage alt.

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