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Finally picked up Ishtar Thunder's Waltz, which is a pretty big achievement for me as it means I've finally completed a full page of units in the Catalog. I don't tend to go for seasonals (nor do I spend money on this game) so there's usually someone silhouettes on any given 5*8 point of the catalog.

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We have the version update info now, and we have a random OG Marianne Manual showing up.

The Ephemera Manuals selected each time feature Heroes released 2 and 3 years ago in that same month. So for the Ephemera batch of August 2024, we would get heroes released in August 2022 and August 2021.

Thief Festival Cath is the 2022 Manual, but... instead of getting an August 2021 Hero, we have... Marianne, who released in March 2021. They should have done Brave Eirika instead, but...

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

We have the version update info now, and we have a random OG Marianne Manual showing up.

The Ephemera Manuals selected each time feature Heroes released 2 and 3 years ago in that same month. So for the Ephemera batch of August 2024, we would get heroes released in August 2022 and August 2021.

Thief Festival Cath is the 2022 Manual, but... instead of getting an August 2021 Hero, we have... Marianne, who released in March 2021. They should have done Brave Eirika instead, but...

I almost wonder if they made a mistake and meant to say CYL Marianne. I don’t think she had previously been offered as a combat manual.

As a side note: it’s almost been two years yet I still can’t believe Cath got an alt. I also can’t believe how trash her skill set (Draw Back, Atk/Spd Push 4, Atk/Res Snag 3, Blue Feud 3) is these days.

Edited by Tybrosion
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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

"Fun" fact: this month's ultimate limited battle (Friday's map) is against Emblem Ike with Archanean roster. Good luck!

Ah, so this is the real reason I pulled Ascended Merric recently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

PSA regarding Panette: apparently her Prf weapon and Reopening (one of CYL Alfonse’s inheritable skills) do not play nice with each other. And by that, I mean they crash the game if their conditions (unit’s HP is greater or equal to 25% for Reopening, foe initiates or their HP is greater or equal to 75% for the Prf weapon) are both active.

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2 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

PSA regarding Panette: apparently her Prf weapon and Reopening (one of CYL Alfonse’s inheritable skills) do not play nice with each other. And by that, I mean they crash the game if their conditions (unit’s HP is greater or equal to 25% for Reopening, foe initiates or their HP is greater or equal to 75% for the Prf weapon) are both active.

Wow, this game continues to collapse upon itself with the overload of weapon conditions

It's like a sign

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There's something I'd like to share with the class, hoping for some advice.


Mira is getting Really Damn Big now, but her refined Flower of Ease screwing with Reopening (because it's making her follow-up); the offensive and defensive aspect using the same formula irks me. Is this still okay, or should I look for an inheritable sword that messes with it less (and if so, which one)?


9 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The story chapters with the CYL 8 batch are some of the most objectively bullcrap chapters they've ever put out and I kind of want to kick Feh in the face for it.

That map is indeed bullshit. Ironically I had an easier time on it without trying to cheese things with Emblem Ike; I forgot that my B!Larum is a shreddinator.

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2 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

Mira is getting Really Damn Big now, but her refined Flower of Ease screwing with Reopening (because it's making her follow-up); the offensive and defensive aspect using the same formula irks me. Is this still okay, or should I look for an inheritable sword that messes with it less (and if so, which one)?

Mirabilis looking good!

You could go with Farmer's Tool. It grants visible Atk/Def+6 to her and allies, and has Bonus Doubler 4 built into the weapon.

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7 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

Mira is getting Really Damn Big now, but her refined Flower of Ease screwing with Reopening (because it's making her follow-up); the offensive and defensive aspect using the same formula irks me. Is this still okay, or should I look for an inheritable sword that messes with it less (and if so, which one)?

Offensively, the additional damage from Reopening is halved per hit when you can perform a follow-up, but you're landing two hits instead of one, so in the context of Reopening's effect, it's the same either way. However, not getting a follow-up attack means you're not getting a follow-up attack. Additionally, because the most common condition for damage reduction is still on first attack or on non-follow-up attacks, it's generally beneficial to split additional damage across multiple attacks instead of stacking it all on a single attack when the unit has no source of percentage damage reduction nullification.

Defensively, you lose 5~6 flat damage reduction in exchange for the difference in weapon effects. It's up to you to determine if that trade is worth it for how you use the unit.

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Personally, I'd just like for axe valor to be on more than one unit. (A unit I never pulled, at that.)

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Another Hall of Forms without a Grail unit. Bleh. Anyways, we're getting Legendary Sigurd, Legendary Seliph, Legendary Deirdre, and Arthur. Basically the 3 Genealogy Legendary Heroes that haven't shown up here yet and Arthur.

Skills are updated through Emblem Celica, which means we're getting the skills from the Radiant Dawn banner and the first summer banner. Here are the most relevant ones:

  • Tropical Conch+: Grants Tempo with a Def comparison, a lot of Atk/Def, and even more Atk/Def on odd-numbered turns. Tempo is really nice on non-infantry units that have a harder time getting access to it, but it still has to compete with the extremely strong Axe of Devotion.
  • Potent Disarm: Same as Disarm Trap 4, but with Potent Follow instead of Null Follow-Up.
  • Resonance 4: Pure damage skill that faces stiff competition from Occultist's Strike.
  • Breath of Life 4
  • Atk/Res Crux
  • Beast Threaten
  • Odd Spd Wave 4: Source of conditional Null Follow-Up with no inheritance restrictions.
  • Odd Def Wave 4: Source of conditional Tempo with no inheritance restrictions.


Legendary Sigurd:


Slow melee cavalry are still lacking in skill options, so his best skills aren't particularly original.

Legendary Sigurd [+Atk]
Hallowed Tyrfing [unique] / Bridal Blade+ [Def] / Farmer's Tool+ [Def] / Florid Cane+ [Def]
No Quarter
Atk/Def Prime 4 / Atk/Def Clash 4
Assassin's Strike / Flow Guard 4 / Flow Refresh 4
Breath of Life 4 / Incite Atk/Res / Fatal Smoke 4 / Odd Def Wave 4

Hallowed Tyrfing is obviously an option if you haven't already refined the weapon and want to save on Dew. Bridal Blade grants in-combat Panic. Farmer's Tool grants Bonus Doubler 4. Florid Cane grants Near Trace. Take you pick.

Atk/Def Excel isn't in the skill pool yet, and Flared Sturdy still doesn't exist, so Atk/Def Clash 4 is currently the best non-Distant-Counter skill available. The best Distant Counter skill is Atk/Def Prime 4, and Sigurd already provides himself with 2 stacks towards its effect by default from his remixed Special skill.

Reopening isn't in the skill pool yet, and A/D Near Trace 4 and Seal Atk/Def 3 still don't exist, so your next-best options are Assassin's Strike for offense and the tier-4 Flow skills for bulk.

Following the pattern of things not existing, Incite Atk/Def still doesn't exist yet, so you'll have to settle with a different pair of stats if you want the Incited effect. Fatal Smoke 4 is a generally good offensive skill, and Breath of Life 4 is a generally good defensive and supportive skill. Odd Def Wave 4 is probably a bit more niche, but the Tempo effect can be useful.

Legendary Seliph:


He has the same class as his dad and almost the same stat spread, so his skill options are going to be almost the same.

Legendary Seliph [+Atk]
Virtuous Tyrfing [unique] / Bridal Blade+ [Def] / Farmer's Tool+ [Def] / Florid Cane+ [Def]
No Quarter
Atk/Def Prime 4 / Atk/Def Clash 4
Brash Assault 4 / Quick Riposte 4 / Flow Guard 4 / Flow Refresh 4 / Gambit 4
Alarm Atk/Def / Breath of Life 4 / Incite Atk/Res / Fatal Smoke 4 / Odd Def Wave 4

Seliph doesn't have Canto on his exclusive skills, so the only difference between him and Sigurd in everything other than the B slot is that he can run Alarm Atk/Def to get Canto. Otherwise, see Sigurd's analysis for every slot except the B slot.

Seliph doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up on his weapon, and his remixed B skill is pretty good, so there's very little reason you'd ever want to actually replace it, but you might as well still get a skill for free. Brash Assault 4 and Quick Riposte 4 are the default choices for giving him a guaranteed follow-up. The tier-4 Flow skills are good for bulk if you can get the guaranteed follow-up from elsewhere, and Gambit 4 gives him both offense and defense if you can get the guaranteed follow-up from elsewhere, and it can be run with No Quarter as his weapon doesn't have the Slaying effect on it.

Legendary Deirdre:


Deirdre is a pretty typical Atk/Res infantry tome, which gives her some pretty good options, and having her exclusive skill be her Special means that you can grab skills for all of her passive slots.

Legendary Deirdre [+Atk / +Res]
Magical Lantern [Res] / Seashell Bowl [Res]
Crystalline Water
Atk/Res Tempo 4 / Sabotage A/R 3 / Mag. Null Follow / Resonance 4 / Occultist's Strike / Seal Spd/Res 3
Atk/Res Ploy 4 / Atk/Res Oath 4 / Incite Atk/Res / Breath of Life 4 / Fatal Smoke 4

Because Deirdre's weapon's effect is based on her visible Res, Crystalline Water is the best option for her A slot.

Sabotage + Ploy is a pretty standard build that works well for her stat spread, but if you don't need the skills, she has other options.

While Deirdre is currently unable to max out Resonance 4's effect without Summoner Support (which I assume counts since it isn't a game-mode-specific mechanic), falling 1 point short with maximum merges, Dragonflowers, and an Asset, her exclusive Special has the Miracle effect that reduces the risk of taking self-damage, and she runs Crystalline Water instead of Finish 4, which means she won't run into issues with self-healing reducing its effect. Resonance 4 is also active on both phases, unlike Occultist's Strike, which is notable because Deirdre has the bulk to function on enemy phase.

The other skill options are pretty self-explanatory.



Arthur is a fast infantry tome with no exclusive skills. Unfortunately, a Null Follow-Up Arcane green tome doesn't exist yet, so he'll have to settle for Arcane Caliburnus until we get one. Unlike most tome units, he has noticeably more Def than Res, though it's not lopsided enough to actually be usable.

Arthur [+Spd]
Teacake Tower+ [Spd] / Teatime Set+ [Spd]
Atk/Spd Finish 4 / Remote Sparrow / Bonus Doubler 4 / C Bonus Doubler
Mag. Null Follow / Occultist's Strike / Resonance 4 / Seal Spd/Res 3 / Special Spiral 4
Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Atk/Spd Pledge / Incite Atk/Spd / Pulse Up: Blades / Inf. Null Follow 4 / Breath of Life 4 / Fatal Smoke 4 / Odd Spd Wave 4

Somehow, Spd/Res Tempo 4 doesn't exist yet, so you unfortunately don't have that as an alternative to Mag. Null Follow. Everything else should be pretty straightforward. 

If you aren't planning on using Arcane Caliburnus, Laguz Friend 4 and Magic Gambit 4 are technically options that can be run with Flare, but you won't see me arguing that they're good options.

As usual, let me know if I missed a skill somewhere.

Edited by Ice Dragon
Seliph doesn't have Canto.
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Finally got a Katarina on an arena ticket. 

Looking at the L/M/E calendar, I want R!Sothe to end up on the October banner. Could have sworn Arlen and F!Veyle were rerun recently but the wiki says they haven't so I guess I'm misremembering things. Also want Clanne and Leo to share the colorless focus whenever it's their turn on a DSH banner. Looks like I'll be pulling on colorless for a little bit. Hopefully that gets me some merges for my merge projects. 

Edited by Flying Shogi
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Here's the list of Legendary Heroes that can appear as bonus legendaries in Arena (starting on September 10th) and Aether Raids (starting on September 17th).


Once we get a new Legendary Hero, Robin: Exalt's Other Half will be removed from this list.

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Even if its characters took the backseat, last month's seasonal was still a Fates based banner.

As such, I won't be surprised if the Ice Tribe gets skipped for something else. Perhaps the Ballroom theme or the Scion theme gets brought back instead? Jugdral (or Valentia if the Ballroom theme returns) is always in need of more seasonal heroes. 

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Last month's seasonal banner being Fates-based is exactly why I'm curious about this month's. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did a second Fates seasonal in a row...but I also wouldn't be surprised if they decided not to and saved the Ice Tribe for later.

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As much as I'd potentially like new Felicia and/or Flora content, I also want Emblem Celica when she returns at the end of the month. So, I won't be too upset if Ice Tribe gets skipped.

Oh, and potential new Flora content might lead to new Edelgard content since they have the same JP voice actress. It still hasn't been long enough since Edelgard's last alt.

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Considering I want to summon on Legendary Byleth's Remix banner, I may skip the seasonan... whatever units or the theme is.

Byleth's share on the remix should be Attuned Caeda, and I would like to get a copy or two of her so I can refresh her fodder. And since I still don't have Legendary Female Byleth then the same will be quite nice for me. The green color in that banner is very meh, though... with Thrasir and Gunnthrá. Red and Colorless I can't say what will have.

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