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@Arcanite So? My Julia, Sonya, and S!Camilla do fine. If I get S!Elise, then I’ll basically have Summer Nino, but it’s a unit I like.

@Tybrosion I know, right? Hopefully the traps promote non-horse teams. But wouldn’t they hurt Leo as well?


Edit: @Vaximillian I promise not to be mean the robot 

Edited by Poimagic
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8 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

So? My Julia, Sonya, and S!Camilla do fine. If I get S!Elise, then I’ll basically have Summer Nino, but it’s a unit I like.

Julia Sonya and Scam all can't run Blade like Nino can, because of their stat line. Scam may have more raw power but she's a flier and has access to those buffs (but she also has low speed too so)

Summer Elise may """""basically""""" be Summer Nino but the thing with Nino that makes her a slight cut above the others is not only how strong she is, but also the fact that she is mergable so easily! Compared to the others on your same list ;):

@Vaximillian Thank you ~
some people!

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21 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Glennstavos: white knights where? No one said Poimagic can’t not like Nino.

I believe he's just referring to the whole debate of Nino, and other Est-type characters in general, actually being worth the effort they require and all the conflict said debates have caused over the years. Or to put it more simply, he isn't referring to anyone presently here.

21 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@Tybrosion I know, right? Hopefully the traps promote non-horse teams. But wouldn’t they hurt Leo as well?

Yeah, I suppose so though I have been using Armor Emblem for my Arena offense the last couple months and not Horse Emblem. It at least won't affect Summer Leo in any way thankfully since nerfs are the last things he needs.

Edited by Tybrosion
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23 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

@Arcanite so? They way your talking, it sounds like I should use Celicia instead. She has good mergeability, is free, and has a salvageable speed stat. The only difference is that Celicia has cavalry buffs. Actually, I might build a Celicia soon 

Cecilia has cav buffs but the inferior speed still hurts her. Specifically in arena she tanks score even more than Nino for being on a horse, too. I mean, when Cecilias run Green Tome Breaker it's literally for them to cheese through fast green mages, in particular Nino. 

Same reason why Julias use it

And Deirdres

And Spring Cams 

and Sonyas

Even DC Emerald Axes like Cam and Titania ran Green Tome Breaker lol 

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Admittedly, I think I'm finding myself softening up to Lyn a bit of late (she is rather fun to play in Warriors) but that being said, I always hate going up against Brave Lyn especially in AA after my ToD!Henry has been used up. Hopefully those new arena maps will actually put a noticeable damper on her and Horse Emblem in general. Also, I was simply joking when I brought those two up.

Just wondering, how did you build your Halloween Henry?

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6 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Just wondering, how did you build your Halloween Henry?

He runs: Gronnraven+, Pivot, Iceberg, Triangle Adept 3, Bowbreaker 3, Armor March 3, typically equipped with Distant Def 3 seal and also has a Water's Blessing
His boon/bane is +Atk/-HP.

He's built to be a dedicated Rein/BH!Lyn (provided she isn't running Cancel Affinity) counter, to put it simply.

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@Arcanite Okay, you’ve made your point. But I’m still not using Nino. Mostly because she is annoying, but also she requires an investment level to tedious for me to want to fulfill. The only reason why Nino is good is because of merges. Otherwise, she would be in maybe the A tier.

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Just now, Poimagic said:

@Arcanite Okay, you’ve made your point. But I’m still not using Nino. Mostly because she is annoying, but also she requires an investment level to tedious for me to want to fulfill. The only reason why Nino is good is because of merges. Otherwise, she would be in maybe the A tier.

Desperation and Fury? That doesn't seem like much compared to others. I won't say "use her she's great!" since I don't plan to either but she's almost ready to go without any sort of SI. And no it isn't because merges. 34/36 offense is great.

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1 minute ago, KongDude said:

Desperation and Fury? That doesn't seem like much compared to others. I won't say "use her she's great!" since I don't plan to either but she's almost ready to go without any sort of SI. And no it isn't because merges. 34/36 offense is great.

Fine. I know when I’ve lost. The only thing is that people forget that Nino will get powercreeped. It’s inevitable. They’ll probably release a green mage with offensives of 37/39 or something insane like that.

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Just now, Poimagic said:

The only thing is that people forget that Nino will get powercreeped. It’s inevitable. They’ll probably release a green mage with offensives of 37/39 or something insane like that.

You can say that for almost every hero though. We're not forgetting we're just waiting.

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10 minutes ago, KongDude said:

You can say that for almost every hero though. We're not forgetting we're just waiting.

I guess...

Anyways, I still hate Nino. Yet I love Corrin even more after the Oliver GHB. And I like M!Corrin more than F!Corrin which appreantly is the minority of Corrin fans, I guess

Edit: Who would power creep Nino? Imagine if it was Lugh who power crept Nino. That would be both ironic and hilarious

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16 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

My only merges (at 5*) are Deridre +2 (could be +4, since she appears to me in every banner as much as possible, and 2 of them were foddered to Michalis and Beruka for QR3), Lucina +1, Masked Marth +1 (missed the first TT 5* one), Sheena +1 (before SI) and F!Robin (each 5* F!Robin grinded and learned half of the set and then I merged them together). I have things like 4*+10 Cherche, but I think it doesn't has near as much merit as a 5*+ unit. Since I only have one more project in mind (a 5* Clarisse as the @DefaultBeep's one), I'm going to start using feather for merging the heroes I really like of my army, even if they can't be +10 yet:







And if I run out of copies of them:




Since I don't plan to focus my efforts in making a +10 unit, I'll be merging them just in the order that the copies appear in my barracks.

Also, the top priority would be 5*ing a Reinhardt if he finally decides to appear (I've been playing actively since launch and never got it, even while he was a focus unit)

Ah, I missed this earlier, but I'm honored that I was thought of in connection to Clarisse! I'm also always happy to see someone interested in 5-starring her, even if she may not be one of the best archers out there. I'm very excited for whenever her next rerun starts, so she can get another point in Atk and Spd at +4.

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25 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Edit: Who would power creep Nino? Imagine if it was Lugh who power crept Nino. That would be both ironic and hilarious

Lewyn and/or Ced would be pretty good candidates in my opinion, depending on what the devs decide to go with for Forseti. I'd imagine both would at least match Nino's Spd due to both having ridiculous Spd growths in FE4 due to their Forseti blood (95% for Lewyn, 105% for Lewyn!Ced). Or they could troll us and make it Ricken or Hayato instead.

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38 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

According to the datamine we'll be getting Valter GHB starting on the second of February.

There's this giant gap in the schedule. I smell a Zephiel Grand Hero Battle rerun somewhere in there.

Reruns happen too slowly. It'll take a literal forever to get Zephiel to +10 considering at the current rate, we'll get maybe 2 new copies a year excluding the addition of a new difficulty. They're going to have to start doubling and tripling up eventually (like the one time we got Navarre and Robin at the same time).

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7 hours ago, Poimagic said:

@Arcanite Okay, you’ve made your point. But I’m still not using Nino. Mostly because she is annoying, but also she requires an investment level to tedious for me to want to fulfill. The only reason why Nino is good is because of merges. Otherwise, she would be in maybe the A tier.

Kong Dude basically said it even though Nino has 33 Atk at base and not 34

Tier lists only take merging into account if it's harder to merge someone, specifically free units like GHBs. Even if someone is seasonal they don't really rank based on that (the only green mage a tier higher than Nino is Halloween Henry)

The merges help but that's not the only thing that makes her good. Do you even calc? You should do your research before you say stuff like this :p

Edit: nothing shall power creep Nino! There are few units that maintained their power from the start, and even some that suddenly become OP (like all the dragons, Effie was always great, so as Cordelia etc.)

Edited by Arcanite
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7 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

There's this giant gap in the schedule. I smell a Zephiel Grand Hero Battle rerun somewhere in there.

Reruns happen too slowly. It'll take a literal forever to get Zephiel to +10 considering at the current rate, we'll get maybe 2 new copies a year excluding the addition of a new difficulty. They're going to have to start doubling and tripling up eventually (like the one time we got Navarre and Robin at the same time).

I'm surprised they haven't just started having them be temporarily available to summon through special banners. Seems like free money.

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So here I am trying to clean my barracks up so that have some space. Figure I would do so via merging.

Man my Dagger -ATK plague was worse than I thought. 5 Candy Stealer's, 4 of which are Attack Bane. Couldn't completely wipe him out since he is my only source of Rogue Dagger at the moment.

Anyways doing this has made me feel like the app is very unwieldy when it comes to hero management.

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12 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

That and I find using Pent to be the better and easier option in FE7.

Pent is great, but he still comes pretty late, and you're going over half the game without a mage if you only wait for him.  I try to always use Erk if I can.  Last time, he got Magic screwed, but he usually turns out pretty well.

8 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

According to the datamine we'll be getting Valter GHB starting on the second of February.


8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

There's this giant gap in the schedule. I smell a Zephiel Grand Hero Battle rerun somewhere in there.

Reruns happen too slowly. It'll take a literal forever to get Zephiel to +10 considering at the current rate, we'll get maybe 2 new copies a year excluding the addition of a new difficulty. They're going to have to start doubling and tripling up eventually (like the one time we got Navarre and Robin at the same time).

Still no Xander or Camus?  I know we got those two before Valter came.


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