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Just now, DehNutCase said:

Yeah... I seriously hope they dump speed and put those points in Def and Atk. Middle of the road stats is a one-way ticket to inheritance fodder tier. And RD Ike at least has the excuse of a crappy Spd growth to justify it, his bases carry him so hard in RD. (PoR Ike is probably destined to have middle of the road stats, though.)

Yeah, RD!Ike has absurd bases (in everything except magic stats... he sucks here) but otherwise his speed has a bad growth and pretty much every other Ike appearance with this design shows his lack of speed compared with other characters, so, I expect something like 25-27 speed.

PoR!Ike is a more balanced one, I'm have already posted how he would look.

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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Yeah... I seriously hope they dump speed and put those points in Def and Atk. Middle of the road stats is a one-way ticket to inheritance fodder tier. And RD Ike at least has the excuse of a crappy Spd growth to justify it, his bases carry him so hard in RD. (PoR Ike is probably destined to have middle of the road stats, though.)


4 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Yeah, RD!Ike has absurd bases (in everything except magic stats... he sucks here) but otherwise his speed has a bad growth and pretty much every other Ike appearance with this design shows his lack of speed compared with other characters, so, I expect something like 25-27 speed.

PoR!Ike is a more balanced one, I'm have already posted how he would look.

RD Ike has more Speed than Defense, though. Although this is because it caps at 32.


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10 minutes ago, Suichimo said:

Hector couldn't become FE Kamina, then. He has to avenge his own death at the hands of Zephiel.

My memory's a bit shaky, but I'm fairly certain Kamina did not avenge his own death, instead passing the torch to a new generation (well...technically Simon was the same generation, but he was young enough that I'm willing to give this a pass). 


Also put this kind of stuff in spoilers, my dude. 

EDIT: So I just went back and rewatched the scene, and you're right he's technically the one that defeats his killer. It's been a few years, mbad.

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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Im pretty sure Simmon actually isnt that much younger than Kamina to begin with


He did avenge his own death to his own killer though. So it fits the Hector Zephiel comparison



Hey speaking of Zephiel....

Am i remembering wrong or doesnt Roys group never got hold of Eksesach at all despite the fact that Legendary Weapons of Elibe is important for the true ending?

Edited by JSND
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24 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

My memory's a bit shaky, but I'm fairly certain Kamina did not avenge his own death, instead passing the torch to a new generation (well...technically Simon was the same generation, but he was young enough that I'm willing to give this a pass). 

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Also put this kind of stuff in spoilers, my dude. 



Ok, though TTGL is 10 years old now and extremely memetic and Hector is killed in Chapter 4 of FE6.

If you pay attention to Leeron's Gurren Lagann status screen when Kamina punches Simon and combines with him to defeat Thymilph, Kamina's outline is black instead of green. Kamina is dead in that segment and Spiral Power is letting him do what he needs to do.


I can't manage to edit my current post, on my phone, so sorry about the double post.

20 minutes ago, JSND said:

Im pretty sure Simmon actually isnt that much younger than Kamina to begin with


He did avenge his own death to his own killer though. So it fits the Hector Zephiel comparison



Hey speaking of Zephiel....

Am i remembering wrong or doesnt Roys group never got hold of Eksesach at all despite the fact that Legendary Weapons of Elibe is important for the true ending?

Simon is 14 and Kamina is 17. Though Word of God says ages are wonky because everyone lived underground and humanity couldn't actually track the day/night cycle. This is especially true with Yoko, who is, also, supposed to be 14.

As for if the FE6 crew ever acquired Exkesachs, I imagine so because the only legendary weapon that wasn't a divine weapon was the Binding Blade, it is actually above the divine weapons. You never get it in game, though.

MOD EDIT: Thanks for the heads up.  However, what does TTGL have to do with Fire Emblem?

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Oh, my bad. I guess I just haven't faced enough Sanakis.

EDIT: With her low attack? I just don't think so. Remember, Hector is an armor, which means he has defense. Selena has low attack. She wouldn't do enough damage, even with an armorslayer. She's basically Caeda without a mount in this sense.

Not trying to be nosy, I should be reading some articles for uni, and I hope this doesn't come off like I'm lecturing you, but Selena can do damage against Hector with Armorslayer and Triangle Adept. Factor in her natural bulkiness too. She's pretty much designed to countered (non-blue) knights unlike Caeda, Est, and Florina who have anti-armor weapons despite their low defense.

Details in spoiler.


Using the damage calculation page on FE Heroes' wiki and hoping I did the math right, a neutral stats 4* Selena will do 33 damage per hit against a 5* neutral stats Hector. She will double him, so that's 66 damage total without any attack buffs. A 5* one will deal 40 damage per hit, but unless someone really likes Selena or summoned one from the recent focus, it's unlikely she'll be a 5*. Anyway, in return as a 4*, she's taking 12 damage per hit from Hector -- not sure if gem weapons and Triangle Adept affects enemy damage.

Effective against type weapons are powerful. Without Armorslayer, Selena would only be doing 4 damage -- this is also factoring in her Triangle Adept 2 -- against Hector which is not uncommon for any unit without an anti-whatever weapon or is hitting their low defense or resistance.

Laslow would be a better Hector counter, though. He just needs Armorslayer since he comes with Axebreaker by default letting him double Hector. Hinata can work too, but you'd need to give him Armorslayer and Axebreaker which isn't ideal. Laslow packs 33 neutral attack as a 4*, but a 3* one works too; 31 attack which is still 6 above a 5* Selena's. Assuming a 3*, he'd be doing 32 per hit; 4* would do 37 per hit. Both are without Triangle Adept which would be overkill honestly.

Frederick is still a solid choice -- I just wished he had his "Pick a god and pray!" quote. So are Cherche, Selena, and Oboro for knight slaying because they have actual bulk and/or hit hard even without an anti-armor weapon. I really have no idea why Caeda, Est, Florina, and Hana have anti-armor weapons. Est starts out with one in Shadow Dragon, but still. Caeda especially when her high defensive stat is resistance. Why? Why not a Silver Sword? Also, there are no Silver Lance flyers at the moment, but there are 2 with a Heavy Lance. Really?

Welp, back to doing homework.

Edited by Kaden
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The problem with Hector isn't so much that he doesn't have counters because there are plenty of units that completely shit on Hector (you can ORKO neutral Hector with a +Atk Olivia for Naga's sake, provided she has Triangle Adept). The problem is that you absolutely need to take him into consideration when building a team because if you didn't bring anything to handle him, he can stop your entire Arena run by himself. This isn't helped by how ridiculously prevalent he is in higher Arena (9 teams out of 10 are going to have a Hector or two) since he currently has the highest stat total in the game (until the Arena update no longer takes weapons into account for BST calcs. Then he'll have the second highest behind Draug, Gwendolyn, and Sheena). 

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2 hours ago, JSND said:

Hey speaking of Zephiel....

Am i remembering wrong or doesnt Roys group never got hold of Eksesach at all despite the fact that Legendary Weapons of Elibe is important for the true ending?

Eckesachs is never obtained in-game.

Gathering the eight legendary weapons in one place was what was important. There isn't a need to have Eckesachs in your inventory because you had all of the other weapons and Eckesachs lying on the floor with Zephiel's dead body, which is in-one-place enough to count for story purposes.

Also, I'm pretty sure no one would have been able to pick the thing up off the ground anyways, considering its size. I also wouldn't be surprised if Hartmut locked the thing to the Bern royal family or any similar shenanigans like that.

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2 minutes ago, Symphonica said:


Looks like the update is happening tomorrow

Dat 5 hour downtime, though. R.I.P staying up late to get the 1st minute patch experience. (Actually it's just because I have insomnia.)

Edited by DehNutCase
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..."Tomorrow"? The maintenance is going to take place from nine hours before the daily update time on April 12th until four hours before the daily update on April 12th. Just to clarify.

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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4 hours ago, JSND said:

Hey speaking of Zephiel....

Am i remembering wrong or doesnt Roys group never got hold of Eksesach at all despite the fact that Legendary Weapons of Elibe is important for the true ending?

They obtain it, they just can't use it since it only works for the King of Bern (according to the description).  It does join in the "point to Dragon Temple" thing with the other 7 weapons and the Binding Blade.

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6 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I mean, she's an incredibly rare pull, so that's not too surprising. 

I'm actually quite sad because I spent a fair number of orbs trying to get her but instead got Eldigan for my troubles. In hindsight, I'm perfectly happy with that because Eldigan has turned out to be a much better unit than I first thought, but I still wish I pulled Sanaki :/

I really wanted both Sanaki and Eldigan and I got neither :(

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Well that's a good time for a maintenance, I'm spending that time tucked safely in my bed. No Heroes downtime for me since I can just dream about it

Certainly better than Granblue maintenances happening during my main gaming hours lol.

1 hour ago, JSND said:



Does this update include Hero Merits because im hype for that lol


It should. Unless it's a huge troll and not actually the April Update.

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2 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

Well that's a good time for a maintenance, I'm spending that time tucked safely in my bed.

5 AM to 10 AM in my time zone. I'm… sort of fine with that.

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6-11 a.m. for me. Conveniently enough, I have a break in between my lessons starting at 11. I wonder if we're getting a story mode update alongside the April changes (likely not, but let me hope)

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7 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I wonder if Hector will be in the Fighting Zephiel Focus, not because he'd be good against him, but because it would be apt storywise.

Hopefully. I mean we had Caeda for battling Navarre for funsies, but that's not evident enough.

Linde focus would be nice too.

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Looks like the update will happen from 6pm to 11pm for people living in EST

6 hours ago, Kaden said:


Just a small correction, but Triangle Adept and gem weapons do affect the enemies damage so a neutral 4* Selena would take 4 damage from a neutral Hector and fail to 1RKO him, leaving him at 2 HP (though she takes 0 damage and 1RKO him when 5*).

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The update's from 6-11 PM for me.

Hopefully we'll get new Main Story chapters with this update, or at least a Paralogue or Xenologue (preferably with more than one chapter this time, if it's the latter).

31 minutes ago, pianime94 said:

Hopefully. I mean we had Caeda for battling Navarre for funsies, but that's not evident enough.

Linde focus would be nice too.

I doubt we'll get Hector for Battling Zephiel. He'll probably get on the Battling Lloyd or Camus (whenever he gets one) banners instead.

I think we'll get Lilina (Mage to fry Zephiel from afar), Azura or Linde (admittedly this is just wishful thinking on my part, but they would both be pretty effective against Zephiel, and neither has been on a banner yet, so why not?), or maybe Oboro (Heavy Spear against an armor, plus she gets WTA and Seal DEF, so I think she would do decently against Zeph) and two others who deal with the map's other enemies well (dunno who that would be, since I dunno what the map looks like or what enemies are on it).

And yeah, I would also be alright with a Linde focus.

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9 hours ago, Suichimo said:


Going back to the Ike issue, here is my attempt at RD Ike stats. I'm being completely serious, too, so please don't think I'm coming at you again.

HP 56.09 > 56
ATK 31.758 >32
SPD 29.86 > 30
DEF 27.334 > 27
RES 12.95 >13

All I did to get this was take Ike's average, relevant 20/20/20 stats, added them together, and then divided out each stat as a percentage. Here are the percentages, if you're wondering:

hp 35.5%
Atk 20.1%
Spd 18.9%
Def 17.3%
Res 8.2%

Multiply those by 158 and you get my prospective stats for FEH RD Ike.

I hope so, I really do. I want a Hector to feed to Roy and a Hector for my team.

Don't worry, you're fine here. I'm no good at calculations and stuff though, so I'll just have to take your word for it.

As for the maintenance, it's 6PM to 11PM for me, argh... I guess I'll have to hope the Penguins have an NHL playoff game at that time or play Zelda or something. xP I certainly hope it's the arena and exp updates and stuff though!

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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I certainly hope it's the arena and exp updates and stuff though!

That's exactly what it is!

The one we've all been waiting for!

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