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IS has until October 6th before it becomes two whole years without a new Valentia seasonal.

Personally, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Emblem Celica ends up being the only new unit (and one they have to share with Engage, no less) Valentia gets this year. Since that last seasonal unit (Harvest Duma & Mila on 10/06/2022), Valentia has gotten a grand total of five new units.

Oh, and two of those units (Hestia and Marla) may as well be the same unit.

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IS really should put more SoV characters in as seasonals, but when have they done what they should do?  I mean they should put the cipher characters who were DLC in on future "new" heroes banners since there would be 3 more women, they probably won't though.   Who knows what the seasonal next week will be anyway since they seem to be making it a what ever they please seasonal lately, so I am not expecting teatime again even though I would be fine with it.  If they do put SoV on the banner I only really see them doing one unit on the banner and the TT unit.  Of course since CYL is the banner after this seasonal they might do something with SoV since it is doomed to flop because most people will save and spend on CYL instead.  All I hope is that Elphin isn't on the seasonal banner because I want Alphonse and Felix, though IS likes to pretend Elphin doesn't exist so I am probably safe.

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5 hours ago, EricaofRenais said:

IS really should put more SoV characters in as seasonals, but when have they done what they should do?  I mean they should put the cipher characters who were DLC in on future "new" heroes banners since there would be 3 more women, they probably won't though.   Who knows what the seasonal next week will be anyway since they seem to be making it a what ever they please seasonal lately, so I am not expecting teatime again even though I would be fine with it.  If they do put SoV on the banner I only really see them doing one unit on the banner and the TT unit.  Of course since CYL is the banner after this seasonal they might do something with SoV since it is doomed to flop because most people will save and spend on CYL instead.  All I hope is that Elphin isn't on the seasonal banner because I want Alphonse and Felix, though IS likes to pretend Elphin doesn't exist so I am probably safe.

At this point I'd be fine with all the other games following Valentina's lead and stop being in seasonals at all. Because I feel the seasonal thing has steadily grown obnoxious over the years. Including the duo and tempest trials unit we get six new seasonal units per month. That's the same as the number of non seasonals we get (four banner units+GHB+Mythic/Legend/Emblem). I can't help but think where the game could be now if literally half of all units weren't joke characters. Seasonals do very little to excite me. About the only positive I can say about them is that they save me orbs.

Edited by Jotari
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I stand by the sentiment that CYL shouldn't have been moved to being a main story chapter.

It's supposed to be "special" and "a celebration", so the four first-summon tickets we get from Forging Bonds could've been log-in bonuses associated with CYL, or we could have a special CYL TT+ that adds tickets to the earlier rewards or something.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about over half of the units in this game being locked to specific times and/or banners, but it's probably not a positive feeling.

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I also think we get way too many seasonal banners, and CYL shouldn't have been made a story chapter. They've staggered and delayed the release of actual new characters on the New Heroes banner to the point where even a snail has already made three laps around the entire earth.

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6 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

I stand by the sentiment that CYL shouldn't have been moved to being a main story chapter.

It's supposed to be "special" and "a celebration", so the four first-summon tickets we get from Forging Bonds could've been log-in bonuses associated with CYL, or we could have a special CYL TT+ that adds tickets to the earlier rewards or something.

Also, I'm not sure how I feel about over half of the units in this game being locked to specific times and/or banners, but it's probably not a positive feeling.


47 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I also think we get way too many seasonal banners, and CYL shouldn't have been made a story chapter. They've staggered and delayed the release of actual new characters on the New Heroes banner to the point where even a snail has already made three laps around the entire earth.

The Fallen Banner, which I actually love, probably shouldn't have been a story chapter either. Since the start the Fallen Banner should have been the October Seasonal, ie the Halloween banner only instead of silly costumes we get fallen heroes to be on theme.

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40 minutes ago, Jotari said:

The Fallen Banner, which I actually love, probably shouldn't have been a story chapter either.

But then we wouldn't have gotten Fallen Gustav randomly showing up during Book VI and the ensuing hilarity of Alfonse, Sharena and Anna not at all acknowledging that he somehow returned.

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In my opinion, Both Fallen Heroes and CYL banners should be Paralogue Chapters with a TT linked to them. Then not have a Seasonal banner on that month.

Also, I know characters in swimsuits sell well, but... I would also prefer not having 2 Summer banners.

January shouldn't also have another seasonal banner. The New Year banner should already count as that month's seasonal banner.

To me, 8 Seasonal Banners would be enough.
Like... New Year in January, Valentine in February, skip March and move Spring Banner to April, Brides in May, skip June, have Summer Heroes in July, skip August, have a random theme in September like Tribes or Dancers, Fall/Halloween in October, skip November, and Winter in December.

I would even consider keeping Spring in March and have a 2nd random theme in April like Youngs or Picnic, then remove Brides from the list.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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At this point, I can’t see any scenario where IS starts cutting seasonal banners. If any banner type gets rolled back, it’ll be New Heroes banners.

Unless if you’re Engage or (to a certain extent) Three Houses / Hopes, you’re either running out of notable characters to add or running out of any characters at all to add. Sure, Archanea, Jugdral and Tellius still have quantity, but quality? 

That’s highly debatable.

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You know, if half of the banners in this game were going to end up as seasonal banners anyway, I wish they would've waited until finishing at least one or two games' main rosters. Awakening and Echoes are both so ridiculously close to being done, and had they made better banner decisions Magvel could also be close to being done.

Can you imagine a world where they'd chilled the fuck out on spamming us with seasonal banners for another year or two, and we were able to finish the main rosters for Awakening and Echoes? In which case, we might as well replace those banners with seasonal banners, right?

And yeah, I agree with Diovani that Fallen should've just been a paralogue to begin with (although they like to put brides in May so you'd have to move Fallen to April or something). I also agree that January shouldn't have three banners, it should just be New Years and a main story banner. It's not like they give us any more orbs for the extra banner ...

Edited by Sunwoo
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Another strat they are now doing is "oh, we are running out of characters, or at least running out of liked characters? lets just release 2 alts on the same banner".

This year we already had 3 cases, with Caeda & Merric, Micaiah & Sothe, and Eirika & Amelia. And more of this should be on the way. Surprised they didn't do a 2nd alt for the Fates banner.

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11 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Another strat they are now doing is "oh, we are running out of characters, or at least running out of liked characters? lets just release 2 alts on the same banner".

This year we already had 3 cases, with Caeda & Merric, Micaiah & Sothe, and Eirika & Amelia. And more of this should be on the way. Surprised they didn't do a 2nd alt for the Fates banner.

Hilariously enough, they also didn't put a second alt on the Thracia banner. Although wasting three female characters in one go was also pretty unintelligent.

But yeah, like, I'm really over this onslaught of alts. It's like Heroes is afraid to let any character who isn't known to be popular potentially carry a banner and be a breakout favorite. Which is funny when considering who was the one alt on the recent Thracia banner, because Reinhardt would never have been popular if IS released him today. And as far as I'm concerned, it'll never actually happen again because of most of their demote units are being treated nowadays.

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Awakening and Echoes are both so ridiculously close to being done, and had they made better banner decisions Magvel could also be close to being done.

If you're willing to accept that the seasonal alts of Vaike, Kellam and Noire count on at least some level, then Awakening's playable roster is already complete.

There's literally only one Awakening character left on the CYL ballot who isn't in FEH at all: Excellus.

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45 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

If you're willing to accept that the seasonal alts of Vaike, Kellam and Noire count on at least some level, then Awakening's playable roster is already complete.

There's literally only one Awakening character left on the CYL ballot who isn't in FEH at all: Excellus.

I suppose counting the seasonal units Awakening is technically complete, but I'm kinda picky and I'm really only considering a character's base version.

Technically, the last Awakening banner could be the last one, if they're willing to put some combination of Kellam, Vaike, and Noire on it (or as the freebie) and make Excellus the GHB. Now, whether IS will actually do that is a question that's left to be answered.

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New Year in January, Valentine in February, Spring in March, Anniversary/Young in April, Brides & Grooms in May, Fallen in June, Summer in July, CYL in August, Miscellaneous in September and November, Halloween in October, and Christmas in December. Boom, done, 10 seasonal banners and 2 specialty ones (Fallen and CYL). That would be totally fine with me.

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Let's see what I'm missing.

  • Red 9/32: Leo, Camilla, Ike, Palla, Sigrun, Liliana, Oboro, Joshua, Brigid
  • Blue 12/37: Xander, Caeda, Shigure, Soren, Pent, Laegjarn, Nino, Alfonse, Est, Quan, Navarre, Katarina
  • Green 14/43: Tiki A, Elise, Alfonse, Mist, Veronica, Laevatein, Reinhardt, L'Arachel, Sothis, Lethe, Fir, Selena, Veronica, Bernadetta
  • Colorless 12/36: Takumi, Roy, Kagero, Noire, Takumi, Xander, Genny, Ursula, Faye, Dorothea, Tibarn, Ethlin

So everything except red is about 1/3.

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The smartest thing for me to do would be to pull on the blue stones.

It kinda sucks that I have most of the red heroes but a lot of the ones I really want are also in red.

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My first ticket got me NY Alfonse & Sharena (who I didn't have), so I'm off to a good start. Otherwise, I'm still missing: 

Reds (8/32; 25%): Hrid, Sigrun, Helbindi, Anna, Idunn & Fae, Oboro, Brigid, Sigurd & Deirdre

Blues (9/37; 24.32%): Charlotte, Ninian, Pent, Berkut, Rudolf, Est, Quan, Navarre, Katarina

Greens (7/43; 16.28%): Sharena, Hinoka, Spring Veronica, Summer Laevatein, Wolt, Alm & Celica, Ninja Laevatein

Colorless (5/36; 13.89%): Gaius, Laevatein, Bruno, Faye, Plumeria

Fun fact: my free pull on this year's re-run of Bridal Blessings was Bride Caeda. Coincidently, Bride Charlotte is the oldest unit I have still never pulled.

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