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Huh, I never got to the point where I got Tiki in Awakening, but wasn't adult Tiki supposed to be decently fast? Just realized that while checking her wiki entry again and Tiki apparently has 30% personal speed growth which as a Manakete, she has 50%, and she also has a +1 speed modifier. Meanwhile, sleepy slug Tiki in Heroes.

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1 minute ago, Kaden said:

Huh, I never got to the point where I got Tiki in Awakening, but wasn't adult Tiki supposed to be decently fast? Just realized that while checking her wiki entry again and Tiki apparently has 30% personal speed growth which as a Manakete, she has 50%, and she also has a +1 speed modifier. Meanwhile, sleepy slug Tiki in Heroes.

I mean, not a lot of units in this game is really that accurate.

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9 minutes ago, KongDude said:

I mean, not a lot of units in this game is really that accurate.

I know that, but it just dawned on me that Tiki in Awakening was much faster than in Heroes. I guess she really was awake in Awakening. :p

Part of me is also wondering about this since if the developers pull a bride Cordelia and Lyn with swimsuit Gaius, Tiki, and maybe Frederick and F!Robin, then swimsuit Tiki would be a less bulkier Bartre with slightly less attack and lower speed. This is all before Fury 3 is taken into account. Bartre's HP is massive and it makes up for his lower resistance than Tiki that. If they do something weird like they did with Spring Camilla and Xander, then Tiki could end up being a weirder unit except there's also the problem of Anna and Hawkeye existing. Well, whatever, we'll just see when the banner is up and people post their max stats.

Edited by Kaden
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Awakening has higher growth rates overall to match the increased stat caps, so Tiki's Spd growth doesn't give the whole story. In addition, her bases are pretty poor for how late you get her--and having very similar growths to Nowi who arrived much earlier--not to mention how much higher Young Tiki's growths are across the board in Mystery Book 2 by comparison. Even so, Heroes stat spreads are only vaguely accurate at best, and that's mostly due to the gacha nature of the game itself.

Here's hoping Bitiki is something other than a slow infantry axe, regardless. I personally am more excited for Frederick if he retains his base 35 Atk for a Poison Dagger set.

Double EDIT: Have mercy resident Frost Lizard

Edited by MrSmokestack
Mobile y u do dis
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41 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Huh, I never got to the point where I got Tiki in Awakening, but wasn't adult Tiki supposed to be decently fast? Just realized that while checking her wiki entry again and Tiki apparently has 30% personal speed growth which as a Manakete, she has 50%, and she also has a +1 speed modifier. Meanwhile, sleepy slug Tiki in Heroes.


Even Chrom is actually pretty fast in Awakening


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24 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Here's hoping Bitiki is something other than a slow infantry axe, regardless. I personally am more excited for Frederick if he retains his base 35 Atk for a Poison Dagger set.

Tikini showing up as a weird jack of all trades unit with higher resistance than defense would be cool. She'd fit right between Anna and Hawkeye. Also hoping that F!Robin ends up with high resistance since none of the current lance infantry have high resistance yet. It's all physical mostly.

I'm worried about HOT!Frederick's speed. 35 attack wouldn't be that great if he still has his 25 speed.

12 minutes ago, JSND said:

Even Chrom is actually pretty fast in Awakening

Well, he got his chance to be fast when he became a bunny. Quite fitting, don't you think? :p

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I'm curious with the new units stats spread because I wonder if it will follow the Spring banner pattern or the bride banner one. In the Spring banner, the stats of the units were quite different from their regular self while they were pretty close to their regular version in the bride banner.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Huh, I never got to the point where I got Tiki in Awakening, but wasn't adult Tiki supposed to be decently fast? Just realized that while checking her wiki entry again and Tiki apparently has 30% personal speed growth which as a Manakete, she has 50%, and she also has a +1 speed modifier. Meanwhile, sleepy slug Tiki in Heroes.

Tiki's growths in Awakening are 130/60/45/55/50/80/60/60 (130/60/50/60/60 for Heroes-relevant stats). Note that in Awakening, HP growths are typically higher than growths for other stats.

Her growths in Heroes are 50/65/40/60/40. Note that in Heroes, HP growths are typically on par with growths for other stats.


@MrSmokestack @Kaden Datamined stuff in spoiler tags please.

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I got curious about how the amount of new content on main banners has changed over time, particularly in terms of the number of new top-level skills per character.

  • Sibling Bonds: 1

Each character has exactly one new skill, in the form of an ultimate weapon.

  • Family Bonds: 0.83

This one is a bit complicated, because it's the only banner to introduce skills that had already appeared in the base game on future GHB characters but weren't available yet (Goad Cavalry and Blazing Thunder) and also the only one so far to introduce a new skill on multiple characters (Dime Thunder). Similarly, Reinhardt and Olwen are notable for being the first playable blue tome cavalry even though Ursula had already appeared as an enemy. (And Bruno, for that matter.) I also think it's worth noting that Dime Thunder is more unique than other ultimate weapons, still being the only one to break from the "Silver (or equivalent) with +1 Mt and a bonus effect" formula. (Sometimes two bonus effects if one is "kill dragons".) Between Dime Thunder, the two GHB skills, and the two other ultimate weapons, it works out to 5 skills for 6 characters.

  • Blazing Shadows: 0.5

Here's the low point, skill-wise: just 3 skills for 6 characters. Jaffar with his Deathly Dagger, Karel with his Wo Dao, and Ninian with Fortify Dragons. Still, there's a bit more to it than that. Ninian is a pretty big deal for being the first dancing dragon, and with both dancers and dragons being so few in number, a new one of either is pretty noteworthy. In addition, the Deathly Dagger is the first ultimate dagger, while the other two are the first inheritable skills added that were entirely absent from the base game, even from enemies.

  • Spring Festival: 2.25

At this point, the banners started guaranteeing at least one new skill per character, and being a seasonal banner, Spring Festival had a lot more than that. Each character got a new spring-themed weapon, as well as at least one new passive. The spring weapons all worked the same, and some of the passives were pretty useless, but still. In addition to the skills, Spring Camilla is particularly noteworthy as the first magic flier.

  • World of Shadows: 1.25
  • World of Radiance: 1.25

These two banners, the first regular ones following the switch to emphasizing inheritable skills a lot more (particularly passives), are strikingly similar. Both have exactly one new passive on every character, plus a new weapon on one character: Firesweep Bow on Faye and Ragnell on Ike. (Does Ragnell really count as a new weapon if it's functionally identical to Raijinto? And Siegfried, although that was still enemy-only at the time.) For each banner, one of the passive skills followed up on a new type of skills started in Spring Festival: weapon-based Exp and dual stat variants of existing skills.

  • Rite of Shadows: 1.75

Like the last two, one new passive per character, but this one also has new weapons on three of the four: all except Genny. Although Genny ended up making a big impact on the offensive capabilities of characters with her weapon type anyway through her passive.

  • Bridal Blessings: 2

Each character has a new wedding-themed weapon and one new passive, except Cordelia who has a new assist instead of a new passive. Like with Spring Festival, there's more new skills here than in the regular banners so far, although there are some differences. The weapons have a bit more variety than the spring ones: Lyn's in particular has a completely different effect, but even among the other three, none of them are just color-swapped pairs. In addition, all the non-weapon skills are ones that would seem well enough at home in a regular banner.

  • Echoes of Mystery: 2.25

The other regular banners so far have had fewer new skills than the seasonal ones, but Echoes of Mystery is right on par with them. All the characters have at least one new passive, half the characters have two new passives, the other half have new weapons, and Roderick even has a new assist. Also, while I didn't count it as a new skill, Katarina adds Swift Sparrow to the regular unit pool for the first time, since it had previously only been available through Spring Festival.

  • Ylissean Summer: 2.5

First banner to have even more new skills than Spring Festival. As always, there's a new seasonal weapon for each character, with not quite as much variety as Bridal Blessings but still more than Spring Festival. Also, each character has a new combat-related passive and half of them also have the new Valor skills for faster SP gain.

Overall, there's been quite an increase in the rate of introducing new skills. Seasonal banners haven't changed a whole lot since Spring Festival, but regular ones sure have. I hope they can keep this up for a while, because it helps a lot with staying excited for new banners.

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I got curious about how the amount of new content on main banners has changed over time, particularly in terms of the number of new top-level skills per character.

  • Sibling Bonds: 1

Each character has exactly one new skill, in the form of an ultimate weapon.

  • Family Bonds: 0.83

This one is a bit complicated, because it's the only banner to introduce skills that had already appeared in the base game on future GHB characters but weren't available yet (Goad Cavalry and Blazing Thunder) and also the only one so far to introduce a new skill on multiple characters (Dime Thunder). Similarly, Reinhardt and Olwen are notable for being the first playable blue tome cavalry even though Ursula had already appeared as an enemy. (And Bruno, for that matter.) I also think it's worth noting that Dime Thunder is more unique than other ultimate weapons, still being the only one to break from the "Silver (or equivalent) with +1 Mt and a bonus effect" formula. (Sometimes two bonus effects if one is "kill dragons".) Between Dime Thunder, the two GHB skills, and the two other ultimate weapons, it works out to 5 skills for 6 characters.

  • Blazing Shadows: 0.5

Here's the low point, skill-wise: just 3 skills for 6 characters. Jaffar with his Deathly Dagger, Karel with his Wo Dao, and Ninian with Fortify Dragons. Still, there's a bit more to it than that. Ninian is a pretty big deal for being the first dancing dragon, and with both dancers and dragons being so few in number, a new one of either is pretty noteworthy. In addition, the Deathly Dagger is the first ultimate dagger, while the other two are the first inheritable skills added that were entirely absent from the base game, even from enemies.

  • Spring Festival: 2.25

At this point, the banners started guaranteeing at least one new skill per character, and being a seasonal banner, Spring Festival had a lot more than that. Each character got a new spring-themed weapon, as well as at least one new passive. The spring weapons all worked the same, and some of the passives were pretty useless, but still. In addition to the skills, Spring Camilla is particularly noteworthy as the first magic flier.

  • World of Shadows: 1.25
  • World of Radiance: 1.25

These two banners, the first regular ones following the switch to emphasizing inheritable skills a lot more (particularly passives), are strikingly similar. Both have exactly one new passive on every character, plus a new weapon on one character: Firesweep Bow on Faye and Ragnell on Ike. (Does Ragnell really count as a new weapon if it's functionally identical to Raijinto? And Siegfried, although that was still enemy-only at the time.) For each banner, one of the passive skills followed up on a new type of skills started in Spring Festival: weapon-based Exp and dual stat variants of existing skills.

  • Rite of Shadows: 1.75

Like the last two, one new passive per character, but this one also has new weapons on three of the four: all except Genny. Although Genny ended up making a big impact on the offensive capabilities of characters with her weapon type anyway through her passive.

  • Bridal Blessings: 2

Each character has a new wedding-themed weapon and one new passive, except Cordelia who has a new assist instead of a new passive. Like with Spring Festival, there's more new skills here than in the regular banners so far, although there are some differences. The weapons have a bit more variety than the spring ones: Lyn's in particular has a completely different effect, but even among the other three, none of them are just color-swapped pairs. In addition, all the non-weapon skills are ones that would seem well enough at home in a regular banner.

  • Echoes of Mystery: 2.25

The other regular banners so far have had fewer new skills than the seasonal ones, but Echoes of Mystery is right on par with them. All the characters have at least one new passive, half the characters have two new passives, the other half have new weapons, and Roderick even has a new assist. Also, while I didn't count it as a new skill, Katarina adds Swift Sparrow to the regular unit pool for the first time, since it had previously only been available through Spring Festival.

  • Ylissean Summer: 2.5

First banner to have even more new skills than Spring Festival. As always, there's a new seasonal weapon for each character, with not quite as much variety as Bridal Blessings but still more than Spring Festival. Also, each character has a new combat-related passive and half of them also have the new Valor skills for faster SP gain.

Overall, there's been quite an increase in the rate of introducing new skills. Seasonal banners haven't changed a whole lot since Spring Festival, but regular ones sure have. I hope they can keep this up for a while, because it helps a lot with staying excited for new banners.

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

Here's hoping Bitiki is something other than a slow infantry axe, regardless. I personally am more excited for Frederick if he retains his base 35 Atk for a Poison Dagger set.

Going off logic, they should all be pretty fast.  Swimsuits don't really weigh you down and all of the new units seem very, erm, fit.

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16 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Going off logic, they should all be pretty fast.  Swimsuits don't really weigh you down and all of the new units seem very, erm, fit.

Dunno, Tiki's boobs will probably weigh her down

Edited by GuiltyLove
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Just now, JSND said:

Dude Camuses Gradivuses didn't even weight him down, and his Gradivus is supposed to be the strongest in the entire world

You make a good point, but having three legs just makes you faster at running. Holding two watermelons will slow one down though

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16 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

You make a good point, but having three legs just makes you faster at running. Holding two watermelons will slow one down though

Just eat the watermelon


Watermelon are delicious


On an unrelated note someone is trying to troll FE reddit right now lol

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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Really? Link?

Theres a post titled " Pretty soon, my Lucina will be auto-healing like mad... I think that'd shove her up on the tier list, right? " which is a dupe from last month or so and the same account spammed posts on several board at once. I remember the Lucina thread specifically so i noticed from the get go



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Just now, JSND said:

Theres a post titled " Pretty soon, my Lucina will be auto-healing like mad... I think that'd shove her up on the tier list, right? " which is a dupe from last month or so and the same account spammed posts on several board at once. I remember the Lucina thread specifically so i noticed from the get go



I feel like reddit is specifically made for trolling. It's such an awful site. The only good things are the datamining from FE Heroes and random story threads, even if the stories are all made up

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2 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I feel like reddit is specifically made for trolling. It's such an awful site. The only good things are the datamining from FE Heroes and random story threads, even if the stories are all made up

>implying that isn't literally SF

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

i got the weirdest dragon boner right now



is what i would say if its an actual dragon riding another dragon

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29 minutes ago, JSND said:

Just eat the watermelon


Watermelon are delicious

I'm imagining that one comic of Nowi with Swordbreaker eating Lucina's Falchion, but with young Tiki with Axebreaker chomping on adult Tiki's watermelon axe... hammer... thing.

Edited by Kaden
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