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Poll Results Update - Current Top 20 of each gender


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I decided the rest of my votes are going to both Ikes. :P I voted PoR Ike today and I'll vote RD Ike again tomorrow and continue the pattern like that until the end.

I wanted to give Elincia one or two more votes too, but...I don't think it'll help her any at this point. People have poor taste in female characters, imo. Lyn, Camilla, Tharja, Micaiah, and Mia all suck to me.

Edited by Anacybele
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I've been spamming Saizo since the start... but I had no idea The Man...The Myth... The Legend Dorcas was busting ass, that makes me really happy that he's made it this far lol

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Haven't voted for any of the dudes in the top 20 despite liking some of them, but I did vote for Nowi and Elise and I'm okay with where they are.

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11 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

It would be quite a sight if Micaiah and Eirika (or any female character from an older title) stage an upset to join Lyn in the upper listed rankings.

Lyn 1'st, Micaiah or Eirika 2'nd, and Lucina or Micaiah or Eirika 3'rd......I'd be happy with that(besides, I REALLY want some one to represent the ladies of Tellius and Micaiah is here to represent)! :D:

3 minutes ago, Sophie said:


I-I am not in the cool kids Micaiah group t-too? :[

I'm throwing the rest of my votes at Roy and Miccy.

Hey, all are invited to join! :Joshua:

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57 minutes ago, tailfin said:

I'm not surprised at these results at all ( fandom must have really poor taste in men looking at that top 5 sans Roy ). Literally no-one save for my random Takumi vote is in the top 20. Since I tend to dislike popular characters in general.

Lyn is an ex-favourite of mine. Used to be one of my favs, but her fanboys killed her for me.


Overall, I tend to like a lot of 'underdogs' more than main characters aswell. Still, I wonder why you wouldn't like Lyn as much anymore. It's not Lyn's fault that she has fanboys you don't like ;_;.

25 minutes ago, Tuvy said:

Has anyone here shown any love for Tharja? Also, who are you talking to?

Hmm, I believe @BANRYU likes her (correct me if I'm wrong). She's not my favorite, but I quite like her and definitly don't hate her as much as I heard some people do here.

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7 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Uhm... how did DORCAS get above CORRIN?

Don't know, kinda don't care...DORCAS IS IN THE HOUSE!!! :P:

(There are people who voted for him because they actually like him...but it was also partly to vote for a joke character as well...I'll take it...Dorcas is getting some spotlight!)

Although...I have a better question...how did Dorcas beat Owain of all people?

Edited by Busterman64
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Why do people criticize Camilla then let Tharja slide because her character is "better"? Unlike Tharja, sexuality is an actual part of Camilla's personality; she's not a flirt, but she embraces it. You can see this in the dialogue very clearly. On the other hand, Tharja actually gets bothered by sexual matters, like how she got embarrassed about her swimsuit in the Summer Scramble DLC. However, her regular outfit is probably even lewder than that swimsuit. Unlike Camilla, Tharja's design had zero reason to be sexy, aside from "IS wanted it to be so".

I don't know if it's a cultural difference or a personal problem, but I don't think sexuality is ever a pointless dimension in a character.

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Tharja doesn't have a blatant panty window or a cutscene that shoves her boobs, ass and crotch in your face. And I dislike Tharja more for her creepy stalker personality than her design, even though I don't exactly LIKE her design either. Camilla is just awful on both to me.

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1 hour ago, Tuvy said:

Has anyone here shown any love for Tharja? Also, who are you talking to?

37 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Overall, I tend to like a lot of 'underdogs' more than main characters aswell. Still, I wonder why you wouldn't like Lyn as much anymore. It's not Lyn's fault that she has fanboys you don't like ;_;.

Hmm, I believe @BANRYU likes her (correct me if I'm wrong). She's not my favorite, but I quite like her and definitly don't hate her as much as I heard some people do here.

I like Tharja, but I didn't vote for her nor do I plan to lol. She's doing fine without me, and I'd prefer Lyn win the female vote outright. 

8 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Why do people criticize Camilla then let Tharja slide because her character is "better"? Unlike Tharja, sexuality is an actual part of Camilla's personality; she's not a flirt, but she embraces it. You can see this in the dialogue very clearly. On the other hand, Tharja actually gets bothered by sexual matters, like how she got embarrassed about her swimsuit in the Summer Scramble DLC. However, her regular outfit is probably even lewder than that swimsuit. Unlike Camilla, Tharja's design had zero reason to be sexy, aside from "IS wanted it to be so".

I don't know if it's a cultural difference or a personal problem, but I don't think sexuality is ever a pointless dimension in a character.

I have a hard time justifying her outfit, and her approach to her own sexuality given that she acts pretty introverted about it most of the time (even her body language in her Awakening portrait kinda suggests this), but there's SOME stuff in her supports IIRC that shows that she's fairly confident in her body at least? IDK....

Mainly I just agree with that last statement haha.

Edited by BANRYU
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2 hours ago, Quintessence said:

Holy shit these posts.


@Jave @Troykv @Busterman64 @Glaceon Mage #VoteMicaiah

= EDIT =

clearly, Mia is in the top 20 because she's right next to Micaiah and people just carelessly voted for her instead of the Queen of Dawn

ooh, ooh, I voted Micaiah too!!!!

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2 hours ago, Quintessence said:

Holy shit these posts.


@Jave @Troykv @Busterman64 @Glaceon Mage #VoteMicaiah

= EDIT =

clearly, Mia is in the top 20 because she's right next to Micaiah and people just carelessly voted for her instead of the Queen of Dawn

Micaiah fans unite!!! #VoteMicaiah #RallyMicaiah

I need to start using this hashtags too XD 

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Why do people criticize Camilla then let Tharja slide because her character is "better"? Unlike Tharja, sexuality is an actual part of Camilla's personality; she's not a flirt, but she embraces it. You can see this in the dialogue very clearly. On the other hand, Tharja actually gets bothered by sexual matters, like how she got embarrassed about her swimsuit in the Summer Scramble DLC. However, her regular outfit is probably even lewder than that swimsuit. Unlike Camilla, Tharja's design had zero reason to be sexy, aside from "IS wanted it to be so".

I don't know if it's a cultural difference or a personal problem, but I don't think sexuality is ever a pointless dimension in a character.

I'm not a particularly big fan of Tharja, but she does have vastly superior supports to Camilla. Whereas Camilla has a warm exterior, she's shown to be incredibly selfish at the end of the day, often trying to sate her own needs at the expense of others', not caring how much she bothers them. 

Tharja, on the other hand, has a cold exterior but a warm interior, actively trying to help Nowi find her parents in their support, helping villagers in Virion's and mourns not being able to do more to save people after a battle in Vaike's. 

As for the designs themselves, I agree that Tharja has no reason to dress in such a manner, but neither does Camilla - in fact, I find that it's even worse in Camilla's case because she's royalty and wears such clothes even around her own family. In half of the cutscenes she's in, the entire focus is on how she looks, shoving it down your throat in a more aggressive way than they ever did with Tharja, who only had an optional, fan service DLC drawing dedicated to her. 

Ultimately, however, this is not just a question of designs, I hope. I'm rather indifferent to Tharja, but she's got her moments. Camilla, on the other hand, makes my skin crawl. 

Edited by Thane
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2 hours ago, Quintessence said:


D-don't feel hurt about it! All are welcome! I just forgot about you, kill me, whoops

I'll just sulk about being forgotten, instead.

I'm surprised the Wrys didn't get elevated by his meme status.  I hear about his more than I did Dorcas's until now.

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Why do people criticize Camilla then let Tharja slide because her character is "better"? Unlike Tharja, sexuality is an actual part of Camilla's personality; she's not a flirt, but she embraces it. You can see this in the dialogue very clearly. On the other hand, Tharja actually gets bothered by sexual matters, like how she got embarrassed about her swimsuit in the Summer Scramble DLC. However, her regular outfit is probably even lewder than that swimsuit. Unlike Camilla, Tharja's design had zero reason to be sexy, aside from "IS wanted it to be so".

I don't know if it's a cultural difference or a personal problem, but I don't think sexuality is ever a pointless dimension in a character.


I personally find Camilla's design to fit the same old terrible female armour trend. And er after many years of that crap being thrown into your face it just gets old. Not bad per-se to display skin for female characters in my view but there's a point where it just doesn't really make sense, even in-universe the characters don't complain about what they're wearing themselves when it will cause physical harm. Like how can an entire game's cast go around not noticing that the female knights (with and without mounts) either don't wear pants like the men do or in Effie and Cam's case where they seem to have no groin protection despite being heavily armoured. I summed up my feelings about the so-called sexy armour design in this post (so that this forum entry doesn't get ridiculously long). 

Whereas mage designs have been traditionally been light so to speak and it's the same with men and women units. I mean the men armour awakening and beyond tends to look cooler to me just because they don't have random gaps in places.

I have no problem with female characters showing skin, it's just generally (unfortunately) I don't think those characters are well portrayed or written due to the fact that they put emphasis on their 'sexy' body parts rather than their character. Or they feel the need to make them evil and dark characters, like with Aversa, Tharja and Camilla. I love Tethys' character because she breaks this trope and actually seems to be comfortable in her sexuality and consensually wishing to show skin (like you know a lot of people in real life). It's when a character clearly doesn't even know that their panties are showing, walking around whilst the camera is focused on it, that's jarring and kinda creepy (to me especially for very personal reasons, the perv-gaze in media irkes me to no end). It's just not a very mature way to portrayal sexuality, just a cheap way to do it really so that they can sell more figurines. And I should probably stop there before going too of topic haha. 

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22 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

And looking at this...sigh...I will never understand the love for Tharja and Camilla. Seriously, both characters' most distinctive trait is an unhealthy obsession with the Avatar. It makes me question what kind of fanbase this is sometimes.

Surprisingly that Ike's votes have been split between 2 versions and they're both have more votes than Marth. Hector in 3rd is quite the surprise.

And my favorite female Lord, Eirika, ain't doing too shabby either. Very nice that she's got some fans.

Because Boobs matte emote than actual character personality. *sarcasm intensifies.

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@Thane Eh, I'd say selfishness is also a personality trait. It's no secret that Fates' supports generally suck, but a character being selfish isn't a bad thing. You may not like the character, but it still develops the character, so it says nothing about the quality of said support. Also, I don't personally remember Camilla being selfish, but I haven't read all of them, so you might be right.

Idk, ridiculous clothes have never bothered me. I just roll with most things in fantasy games. Fanservice is just "ayy lmao" and then I don't pay much attention to it.

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1 hour ago, dap005 said:

(tl;dr because I don't have anything specific to respond to here, just the whole post in general and don't want to stretch the page) 

I appreciate your sentiments on the matter and think you make some good points. Agreed that Tethys is a good representation of positive sexuality.

If there's anyone in the 3DS games who has a reason to dress as skimpily as she does, I think Charlotte justifies it pretty good. Not only is it appropriate for her class (relatively speaking), it's also relevant to her character because she's a gold-digger lol. The fact that she's a gold-digger for a good cause makes it make sense to me somehow.

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31 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

I appreciate your sentiments on the matter and think you make some good points. Agreed that Tethys is a good representation of positive sexuality.

If there's anyone in the 3DS games who has a reason to dress as skimpily as she does, I think Charlotte justifies it pretty good. Not only is it appropriate for her class (relatively speaking), it's also relevant to her character because she's a gold-digger lol. The fact that she's a gold-digger for a good cause makes it make sense to me somehow.

Charlotte's design is based on her character admittedly though I think it's not particularly appealing since she kinda looks like she's suffocating lol. But then again I'm not the biggest fan of the new armour designs so the bias is there. Either way I don't think people shouldn't enjoy the characters or story still, I mean you can like something and be critical of it after all :). Or you can find some stuff that is less of an issue to you than others, at the end of the day I was kinda just ranting from my point of view as well :P. Plus there are some really well written supports in the newer games as well (one of Forrest's quote really stood out to me, and I Vaike's and Tharja's was unexpectedly sweet which is why I paired them lol).

I love how fe has a ridiculously large cast and a lot of them really flesh out the games and make it stand out from other strategy games with generic units. Regardless of who tops the polls and what not and even regardless of character designs, as long as IS keep making interesting characters for people to discover than that part of the series' appeal will never be lost. 

Though I have to say Hidari's designs are looking niceeee so far. And fe16 will probably leave awakening's influence and be its own beast so I'm still very much hyped haha.

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