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1 hour ago, Fei Mao said:

A bit late, I was told to post this for posterity.

@Rezzy Thank you for the tip on my -ATK Ike, I'll equip ann ATK +3 on him since I don't have Hinata for fury fodder.


You're welcome.  I've come to make due with working around my -Atk weaknesses.

19 hours ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Tried to get Hector and...



I swear, Arthur will not leave me alone. Every time I pull green, pulling him is inevitable. Every time I pull him I want to punch him in the face.

Maybe all my -Atk luck was caused by Arthur.

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I had $20 saved in my iTunes account so I decided to use them to buy 35 more orbs. I ended up with 39 orbs, so one full pull now and the other tomorrow... unless I get a fiver in this one. Will I?

Pull #49:




Tomorrow will be my last shot at the Battling Xander banner. Will the game finally be kind enough to give me Linde? Find out in the next post: "Shiny Orb Madness" or "The Perils of Pulling"


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6 minutes ago, Jave said:

I had $20 saved in my iTunes account so I decided to use them to buy 35 more orbs. I ended up with 39 orbs, so one full pull now and the other tomorrow... unless I get a fiver in this one. Will I?

Pull #49:

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Tomorrow will be my last shot at the Battling Xander banner. Will the game finally be kind enough to give me Linde? Find out in the next post: "Shiny Orb Madness" or "The Perils of Pulling"


Linde's going to be in the Mage Gauntlet, so she'll be available again I think.

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@Fleece Hah, that was a great YOLO pull.

Meanwhile, my last pull for a while, since I'm out of orbs and money for now.

Pull #50:



Welp, that's that. At least I got Seliph out of it, so that's a plus. And a good nature, too! (+Atk/-Res)


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1 hour ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Decided to pull one last time before the Hero banner ends. No green orbs so I picked a blue orb.

4* Nowi

The 5% chance was a lie


I must say that I had expected much more from that banner. But it seems at least some people got lucky

1 hour ago, Levin's Scarf said:



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Just got 20 orbs, and it's the last chance to have Ryoma or Takumi (got a Ryoma +Atk -HP on my second account, great luck there).


Three reds, two blues...


Got Draug, Hinata and a 4* +HP -Def Caeda. Bad. Bad. Really bad.

So I've tried the two blues, saying to myself "Okay, so if the 5* it comes for this pull is Azur..."




..........OK, she's here. +Def -Res. At last, I've an other dancer/singer who isn't Olivia.

And the last blue is a neutral 4* Clair. Blues are decent, at least.




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Yep. Pulled three times on this inflated probabilities focus heroes banners and I got like 12 3* and 3 4*.

It was a disaster. Any of the 4 focuses would have greatly helped me.


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Spending nearly 100 orbs on this banner gets me +Atk -HP Minerva...and my 2nd 5* Rebecca. Only pulled Green and Gray, so getting neither of the focuses is a bit disappointing.

I'm at 19 orbs at the moment, but I'm trying to keep from scratching the itch and just put my bets on the Battling Mages banner for Linde. I need Desperation and Quick Riposte fodder anyway so pulling blue seems ideal.

@Gustavos Did you see the screenshot of some guy hitting an 8% 5* focus rate? Between you and him, that gives me that extra bit of fortitude I needed.


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After having worked my way up to about 6% Focus Appearance on the Hero Fest banner, I decided to try my luck again with 15 orbs. The results were a 3* Niles (I HAVE EIGHT OF YOU NOW LEAVE ME ALONE), 3* Frederick (again, a dupe) and lastly... 5* Tharja. I mean she's one of the best red mages and all so that's good, but I guess my chances at ever getting Hector or Ryoma are basically down the drain now...

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On 4/28/2017 at 5:11 PM, unique said:
On 4/26/2017 at 8:30 AM, unique said:

i was pretty happy to see soren was in, so I finished all the new chapters and did all the quests so I could try to summon him. tried right when I hit 20 orbs, although I still had 5 more I could get after that

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a bit unfortunate, but I tried again after getting back up to 20 

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i don't even know if I put these in the right order

i did try again after this but there were no greens so I just got a 3 star henry

i hit 14 orbs today, so I decided to try again

  Reveal hidden contents


i think this is proof that life is meaningless

so ever since this one, i've continued to try green orbs on the world of radiance banner, while picking red when there are no greens, since I'd be cool with getting ike too



hm. only one green this time, but at least it was someone new?



no greens this time. I could give reposition to someone though, so it's not a complete loss!



two greens this time... still haven't gotten more than one different green unit in a single summon, but at least for once, there was more than one green?? i already have nino, but I like her so I'm not too disappointed. maybe I could give her weapon or draw back to someone

i don't seem to have a screenshot, but after this, I finally got three greens!

it was 3 star nino, cecilia, and gunter. of course.

but hey, after this, I tried the same focus again, and I finally got my first tellius character!




at least it's someone I like?

somehow I'm always able to get at least one 5 star unit during a focus but never an actual focus unit. haven't gotten one since the first focus.

after this, i tried another summon that had one green orb



of course.

but one thing i've noticed

my single gunter summons have all been like, cycling around the summoning screen

if I have to get another one, I hope he shows up in the bottom left orb

so this morning, I hit 9 orbs after finally finishing the armor quest. one green. it was a slim chance, but I hoped that maybe training those knights and doing all those training stratum battles might've paid off, and that I'd finally get soren.



god damn it.


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4 hours ago, Vince777 said:

Yep. Pulled three times on this inflated probabilities focus heroes banners and I got like 12 3* and 3 4*.

It was a disaster. Any of the 4 focuses would have greatly helped me.

The probability of pulling zero 5-star characters in 15 pulls is still 26%.


1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

Did you see the screenshot of some guy hitting an 8% 5* focus rate? Between you and him, that gives me that extra bit of fortitude I needed.


0.446% chance or 1 in 224. Still not unheard of.

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24 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The probability of pulling zero 5-star characters in 15 pulls is still 26%.


0.446% chance or 1 in 224. Still not unheard of.

Out of curiosity, what are the odds of 19 out of 35 5*s being -Atk?

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Azura became my 15th 5* unit. Bye-bye Olivia. It was nice knowing you. Azura and Rein are going to wreck face together. Hector will most likely eat up Cain for WoM 3.

That makes all the Hero Fest units save for Pineapple Man. How amusing that the one unit I share my birthday with doesn't want to pop up. xD

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15 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Out of curiosity, what are the odds of 19 out of 35 5*s being -Atk?

0.000287% or about 1 in 349,007.

But you probably want the probability of getting at least 19 out of 35 5-stars being -Atk, which is 0.000351% or about 1 in 284,829.

Which basically means out of every 284,829 people playing this game 284,828 of them have better luck than you with their Atk rolls.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

0.000287% or about 1 in 349,007.

But you probably want the probability of getting at least 19 out of 35 5-stars being -Atk, which is 0.000351% or about 1 in 284,829.

Yeah, though I've merged a few of my -Atks, so I guess it's somewhere in between those odds.

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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Yeah, though I've merged a few of my -Atks, so I guess it's somewhere in between those odds.

The reason I gave the probability for "at least" as bad as your situation is because once you have a lot of "trials" (in this case, 5-star pulls), the probability of any single result becomes really small.

For an exaggerated example, the probability of getting 5,000 heads when flipping 10,000 coins is only 0.798% (1 in 125) because there are so many similar results nearby (5,001 heads, 5,002 heads, etc.), but the probability of getting at least 5,000 heads (or at most 5,000 heads) is pretty much 50%.

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That 8% on the Xander banner was taunting me way too much, so I decided to give it one last go before it expired. I went only for Blues, but the game decided to troll me badly by giving me two sessions without any Blues, so at that point I didn't even care, just give me a Fiver so I can reset that percentage and sleep peacefully tonight.

So what happened first? Did I get a 5* or did I run out of orbs? I'm referring to this as Pull #51:


3* Frederick in the first session.

3* Laslow in the second.

4* Effie and 3* Oboro in the third.

3* Donnell in the fourth.

And the fifth...


Well, I finally got me my Linde, with some extra Orbs and my money to spare in my account, and a good nature to boot, +Res/-Def. I can finally rest easy from this set of banners.


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Yeah, I decided to do another full pull on the golden banner this morning and got five 3-star duplicates. For the second time. Did three pulls on the golden banner just because the probability to get a 5-star was higher overall and the only new character I really got out of all three pulls was a 4-star Lachesis. My luck has been really bad lately.

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Had 21 orbs for today for a final try for Hector (or, if not greens, Azura), and got nothing ;_;

Another 3* Atk Nino (seriously, all the ones I pull are -Atk or -Spd), a 4* Fae (didn't have her, so from a collector's point of view, good), a 4* Peri (I hate Peri, and already had her -_-), and another Barst.

Well, I was lucky enough to get Ike, Soren and Titania with around 100 orbs, so this is just the law of great numbers normalising things.


But I really wanted Hector ;_;

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Did 1 last full pull for Hero Fest banner:

5* +HP/-Def Ryoma (Ouch, -4 Def when compared to a neutral Def one)

3* +HP/-Def Nino (not ideal for Desperation + Life and Death nukes)

4* +Spd/-Def Olivia (not sure how good this one is compared to a neutral one)

4* +Atk/-Spd Hawkeye (gets outsped by Hector)

4* +Def/-HP Cain (Wings of Mercy, yes!)

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Yeah, I decided to do another full pull on the golden banner this morning and got five 3-star duplicates. For the second time. 


I can taste the salt

15 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Did 1 last full pull for Hero Fest banner:

5* +HP/-Def Ryoma (Ouch, -4 Def when compared to a neutral Def one)

3* +HP/-Def Nino (not ideal for Desperation + Life and Death nukes)

4* +Spd/-Def Olivia (not sure how good this one is compared to a neutral one)

4* +Atk/-Spd Hawkeye (gets outsped by Hector)

4* +Def/-HP Cain (Wings of Mercy, yes!)

How many orbs do you have left mkv?

I feel like you always get something good whenever you spend your orbs because of the whole "999 ceiling" thing XD

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