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40 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

That’s because you’re disrupting my luck, obviously.

I said I gave you a 5* Athena, not a Katarina.

10 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Isn't Genny like 15?

Which Tiki? Adult Tiki has Bonfire and Lightning Breath apparently wants to go to young Tiki because of her higher speed and resistance. Young Tiki has Flametongue+ which apparently adult Tiki wants if you have a spare Hector to give Distant Counter to her from what I remember and er... Armored Blow and Breath of Life are cool?

Adult Tiki doesn't even come as a 5* anymore iirc.

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11 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

1) I said I gave you a 5* Athena, not a Katarina.

2) Adult Tiki doesn't even come as a 5* anymore iirc.

1) And you gave me neither. By Naga, stop hoarding waifus!

2) Yes, her last and only banner was Battling Robin 23rd to 27th February.

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24 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Adult Tiki doesn't even come as a 5* anymore iirc.

Oh, yeah. 3* and 4* summon for a sleepy adult dragon while 5* gets you a sleep kid dragon. There's two Tikis like there's two Corrins and it gets confusing sometimes if it's not specified which one. At least F!Robin is a GHB unit, so I can't get confused about that.

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2 hours ago, De Gea said:

I've pulled Roderick off the new banner. Are the others worth getting?

Katarina has the same offensive stat spread as Tharja and Celica and has Swift Sparrow and Attack Ploy.

Athena has Wo Dao.

Luke has Panic Ploy, which is one of the best debuffs in the game.

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11 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

For Genny, you need to get someone older like your dad to do the pulls, clearly.

I'm almost 31, I guess that explains my Gennys.

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6 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Don't you have red hair too? Are you Genny's long lost mom?

Yeah, my hair's reddish-blonde, can look pretty red depending on the lighting.  Hopefully, I'm not as bad as her mom, though.

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Couldn't sleep, decided to impulsively blow 30 Orbs in my quest for Katarina.




- Two *4 Sheedas? Not bad. Kind of like her, actually. I enjoy the Armourslayer peggiehorsie dynamic.

- Would've appreciated Tiki far more if she were on a Spd build...

- Eh, free Mooonbow.

- Why do you exist.

- Athena? Really wanted Katarina, but looking at her build, she looks badass. Keepers, no doubt.



Didn't get the 5 Orbs from the Roro stage. Fuck that. Regardless, I'll have to start building back up until the end of the month...

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10 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

- Why do you exist.



I only got just enough orbs for two stones, and of fucking course the pull gave me four reds and one blue. Naturally.

⋆⋆⋆ Sophia   +Spd −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Palla F +Def −Res

At least I have enough Moonbow fodder for everybody. Does anybody even want Dragon Fang instead of Draconic Aura (QP seal notwithstanding)?
Warding Blow is definitely meh, and Fortify Res is slightly less meh. @MrSmokestack, @MaskedAmpharos, @SatsumaFSoysoy, @Arcanite, I’m asking for your advice regarding my flock of Sophias.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:



I only got just enough orbs for two stones, and of fucking course the pull gave me four reds and one blue. Naturally.

⋆⋆⋆ Sophia   +Spd −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Palla F +Def −Res

At least I have enough Moonbow fodder for everybody. Does anybody even want Dragon Fang instead of Draconic Aura (QP seal notwithstanding)?
Warding Blow is definitely meh, and Fortify Res is slightly less meh. @MrSmokestack, @MaskedAmpharos, @SatsumaFSoysoy, @Arcanite, I’m asking for your advice regarding my flock of Sophias.

Bulky and fast units don't mind 4cd specials---Selena can tank a hit, double back, and have her Ignis ready for the next time she doubles someone.

Of course, bulky and fast units don't have Atk (barring weird cases like Ogma where they're only bulky on one side), so dragon fang is probably limited to people who can run Brash Assault properly---doubled during enemy phase, doubles and takes a counter during player phase to trigger dragon fang. That fight is a bit uncomfortable, though---if your Atk is high enough to use Dragon Fang, it's high enough to 2HKO if you just ran QR instead. And the one person who can run both QR and Brash is Hector, who has his own problems (armor movement) trying to kill people during player phase. Edit: A theoretical QR-1 seal would make Dragon Fang a lot more valuable---you wipe out someone with a QR double, and then brash another loser to death with Dragon Fang.

TA builds deserve an honorable mention as one of those builds where you just sit there and charge your Hawaiian King before wiping someone off the face of the earth with it. (Sophia actually runs that set better than most, thanks to her excellent mixed bulk and being a tomer---having access to -raven.)

Edit: Brave weapon, breaker sets also use Dragon Fang (and other 4cd specials) very well---if your breaker is against a melee unit, and you're melee, dragon fang will always secure the kill because you hit 4 times and tank a counter inbetween. Brave weapons also means that a 4cd skill is more or less guaranteed after only 2 rounds of combat, making them about as reliable as 3cd skills.

Double-edit: People who are viable candidates for Aether/Galeforce (that is, people who don't need specials to wipe out 90% of the cast) are also candidates for Dragon Fang, since it does so much damage that you can often force past your 'checks' with it. Lucina, for example, has a decent shot at OHKOing TA3 Nowi. (That's more due to the fact that being a dragon is suffering than Lucina being amazing, however---TA3 Lukas or Donnel would just laugh before wiping Lucina off the face of the earth---but Dragon Fang usually gives a unit near perfect coverage when it's up, so it lets you replace a 'coverage' unit with a dancer---the dancer's extra turn will charge Dragon Fang, turning your primary DPS into its own coverage unit.)

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26 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@DehNutCase That’s quite a narrow window of usefulness for Dragon Fang if it’s basically brave melees breaking other melees.

It does have a niche in killing TA3 units, however---which are 'usually' hard counters. +Spd, Fury 3 Lucina, with Wo Dao+, Dragon Fang with 1 charge left has 19 out of 34 wins against TA3 blues. Pretty good considering she's running face first into TA3 units.

I have no idea why you would do this rather than bringing in an archer for coverage, though.


Dragon Fang, -blade, and heavy blade also have high synergy: -blade goes straight into Atk, triggering heavy blade, and amplifying Dragon Fang to ridiculous degrees.

With Dragon Fang up, =Cecilia with +6/6/4/2 (possible with Hone, Res seal, and Rally def) one-shots every TA-3 red except Zephiel. (Even with heavy blade and pulse, it takes 2 hits to charge dragon fang, though.)

Edit: Olwen (+Atk) is probably the best user of this build, she has the speed to get Dragon Fang up from one round of combat if she hits someone that needs to be 2HKOd (with Pulse seal), and with Dragon Fang up she literally ORKOs every single member of the cast, including TA3 greens.

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6 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Edit: Olwen is probably the best user of this build, she has the speed to get Dragon Fang up from one round of combat if she hits someone that needs to be 2HKOd (with Pulse seal), and with Dragon Fang up she literally ORKOs every single member of the cast, including TA3 greens.

So it seems to be fine keeping one Sophia for a future inevitable Olwen and sacking the rest right now?

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

So it seems to be fine keeping one Sophia for a future inevitable Olwen and sacking the rest right now?

It's basically Moonbow---Dragon Fang will never be the worst special, sure, it's up less often than Moonbow, but when it is up, it has a higher change of actually affecting matchups compared to Moonbow.

The situations where it's optimal is few and inbetween, but it's always better than no special at all.

If you have lots of Ignis/Glacies etc. as well as a good amount of Fury fodder (as opposed to L&D, which shifts up DF's value relative to defense stat based specials), Sophia is mostly a 'filler' SI choice, yeah.


tl;dr You won't lose much from sacrificing most of your Sophias, unless you have a very large shortage of decent specials in your box.

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@Vaximillian Off the top of my head, some really slow and bulky units (like Sophia herself) may appreciate Dragon Fang, but Draconic Aura is usually the superior choice in most cases. 

That said, why not build Sophia up yourself? She really is not as bad of a unit as people seem to think, with people like @Ice Dragon using her to great success in high level Arena. If upper tier players are using her intentionally over units like Tharja, Celica, Ryoma, or Lucina, and for reasons unrelated to favoritism, it should be a sign that she's been pretty overlooked by much of the community.

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